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statutory instruments
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
In order to ensure the necessary phasing out of the pre-accession financial instruments referred to in paragraph 1 as well as the ISPA programme, and a smooth transition from the rules applicable before and after 1 May 2004, the Commission may take all appropriate measures to ensure that the necessary statutory staff is maintained in the new Member States for a maximum of fifteen months following that date.
(4) Da bi se zagotovilo potrebno postopno ukinjanje predpristopnih finančnih instrumentov iz prvega odstavka tega člena in programa ISPA ter gladek prehod od pravil, ki so se uporabljala pred 1. majem 2004, k tistim, ki se uporabljajo po tem dnevu, lahko Komisija sprejme vse ustrezne ukrepe, da se v obdobju največ petnajst mesecev po 1. maju 2004 zagotovi ohranitev potrebnih statutarnih uslužbencev v novih državah članicah.
2 Končna redakcija
There is a further danger . the inclusion of statutory bodies, which are instruments of the state, tarnishes by association the concept of the truly independent press council.
Nevarno pa je tudi to, da vključevanje zakonitih teles, ki so instrumenti države, zamegljuje koncept resnično neodvisnega tiskovnega sveta.
3 Končna redakcija
These reports shall include an assessment of the progress towards convergence in the Community, and cover in particular the adaptation of monetary policy instruments and the preparation of the procedures necessary for carrying out a single monetary policy in the third stage, as well as the statutory requirements to be fulfilled for national central banks to become an integral part of the ESCB.
Ta poročila vključujejo oceno napredka pri doseganju konvergence v Skupnosti, zlasti glede prilagajanja instrumentov monetarne politike in priprave potrebnih postopkov za izvajanje enotne monetarne politike v tretji fazi, pa tudi glede normativnih zahtev, ki jih morajo nacionalne centralne banke izpolnjevati, da postanejo sestavni del ESCB.
4 Končna redakcija
In order to ensure the necessary phasing out of the pre accession financial instruments referred to in paragraph 1 as well as the ISPA programme fn, and a smooth transition from the rules applicable before and after accession, the Commission may take all appropriate measures to ensure that the necessary statutory staff is maintained in the new Member States for a maximum of fifteen months following accession.
Da bi se zagotovilo potrebno postopno ukinjanje predpristopnih finančnih instrumentov iz odstavka 1 in programa ISPA fn ter gladek prehod od pravil, ki so se uporabljala pred pristopom, k tistim, ki se uporabljajo po pristopu, lahko Komisija sprejme vse ustrezne ukrepe, da se v obdobju najmanj petnajst mesecev po pristopu zagotovi ohranitev potrebnih statutarnih uslužbencev v novih državah članicah.
5 Končna redakcija
In dealing with these issues everybody seems to have forgotten much more important questions: one is whether such statutory regulations conform with the modern understanding of journalistic freedom at all; the other is whether this instrument perhaps leads towards a general restriction of the media on the one hand and the general right of access to the media on the other. The latter would mean that every member of society would have the right of access to the media whenever he/she estimates that the information which he/she wants to communicate to the public contributes to the diversity and objectivity of public information.
Pri tem pa se pozablja na dosti bolj pomembno vprašanje, in sicer, ali bi bila takšna zakonska ureditev sploh v skladu s sodobnim pojmovanjem novinarske svobode in ali morda takšno sredstvo ne teži k temu, da bi to postala splošna omejitev medijev in na drugi strani splošna pravica dostopa do medijev vsakega pripadnika družbe, kadarkoli bi menil, da informacija, ki jo želi posredovati javnosti, prispeva k vsestranskemu in objektivnemu informiranju javnosti.
6 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0821
(8) Sixteen statutory instruments (orders) have also been adopted in Guernsey in 2002, laying down specific rules concerning issues such as subject access, processing of sensitive data and notification to the data protection authority.
(8) V Guernseyju je bilo leta 2002 sprejetih tudi šestnajst zakonskih instrumentov (odredb), ki določajo specifična pravila v zvezi z zadevami, kot so dostopnost, obdelava občutljivih podatkov in obveščanje organa za varstvo podatkov.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0821
Sixteen statutory instruments (orders) have also been adopted in Guernsey in 2002, laying down specific rules concerning issues such as subject access, processing of sensitive data and notification to the data protection authority.
V Guernseyju je bilo leta 2002 sprejetih tudi šestnajst zakonskih instrumentov (odredb), ki določajo specifična pravila v zvezi z zadevami, kot so dostopnost, obdelava občutljivih podatkov in obveščanje organa za varstvo podatkov.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0384
Instruments shall be designed to permit ready execution of the statutory controls laid down by this Directive.
Tehtnice morajo biti načrtovane tako, da bo možno enostavno izvajanje zakonskega nadzora, določenega s to direktivo.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R1103
'legal instruments` shall mean legislative and statutory provisions, acts of administration, judicial decisions, contracts, unilateral legal acts, payment instruments other than banknotes and coins, and other instruments with legal effect,
"pravni instrumenti" pomenijo vsa zakonodajna in statutarna določila, upravne akte, sodne odločbe, pogodbe, enostranske pravne akte, plačilne instrumente razen bankovcev in kovancev ter druga sredstva s pravnim učinkom,
10 Prevajalska redakcija
The following list reflects wine names established and protected in the United Kingdom under the Statutory Instrument 2003, No 114 The Common Agricultural Policy (Wine) (England and Northern Ireland) (Amendment) Regulations 2003 and the Statutory Instrument 1998, No 453 Agriculture, The Common Agricultural Policy (Wine) (Amendment) Regulations 1998.
Naslednji seznam odraža imena vin, pridelanih in zaščitenih v Združenem kraljestvu na podlagi Statutory Instrument 2003, No 114 The Common Agricultural Policy (Wine) (England and Northern Ireland) (Amendment) Regulations 2003 in Statutory Instrument 1998, No 453 Agriculture, The Common Agricultural Policy (Wine) (Amendment) Regulations 1998.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2343
In view of the statutory requirements arising from the instruments setting up Community bodies, the procedure for presenting the accounts should be adapted and provision made for the management board to give its opinion on the accounts.
Glede na predpisane zahteve, ki izhajajo iz ustanovnih aktov organov Skupnosti, je treba postopek za pripravo zaključnega računa prilagoditi in predvideti, da uprava da mnenje o zaključnem računu.
12 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
The court shall permit execution upon an application by a person who is not stated as the creditor in the executive instrument, provided he proves by means of a public or statutorily authenticated document that the claim has been transferred on him.
Izvršbo dovoli sodišče tudi na predlog nekoga, ki v izvršilnem naslovu ni označen kot upnik, če z javno ali s po zakonu overjeno listino dokaže, da je bila terjatev prenesena ali je na drug način prešla nanj.
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statutory instruments