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statutory power
1 Končna redakcija
statutory power
zakonsko pooblastilo
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Whoever purports to be a statutory representative shall have to prove upon a court order that his power is that of a statutory representative.
Kdor nastopi kot zakoniti zastopnik, mora na zahtevo sodišča dokazati, da je zakoniti zastopnik.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
upon the death or cessation of power of a statutory representative of the party who does not have an attorney;
če zakoniti zastopnik stranke umre ali preneha njegova pravica za zastopanje, pa stranka nima pooblaščenca v pravdi;
4 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
"Customs law" means the statutory and regulatory provisions relating to the importation, exportation, movement or storage of goods, the administration and enforcement of which are specifically charged to the Customs, and any regulations made by the Customs under their statutory powers;
"carinska zakonodaja" pomeni zakonske in podzakonske določbe, ki se nanašajo na uvoz, izvoz, gibanje ali hrambo blaga ter katerih izvajanje in uveljavljanje sta posebej naloženi carini, ter katere koli predpise, ki jih izda carina v skladu s svojimi zakonskimi pooblastili;
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Upon the death or incapacitation of a party who has granted the attorney a general power to perform all acts of procedure, or upon the recall of their statutory representative, the attorney shall remain empowered to perform all acts on behalf of the party, unless and until his power is revoked by a heir of or a new statutory representative of the party.
Če je pooblaščencu dana pravica, da opravlja vsa pravdna dejanja, pa stranka oziroma njen zakoniti zastopnik umre ali postane poslovno nesposoben, ali če je zakoniti zastopnik razrešen, ima pooblaščenec še naprej pravico opravljati pravdna dejanja, vendar pa lahko dedič oziroma novi zakoniti zastopnik prekliče pooblastilo.
6 Objavljeno
WTO: Ustanovitev WTO
"Governmental and non-governmental enterprises, including marketing boards, which have been granted exclusive or special rights or privileges, including statutory or constitutional powers, in the exercise of which they influence through their purchases or sales the level or direction of imports or exports."
` Vladna ali nevladna podjetja, vključno s tržnimi odbori, ki so jim bile priznane ekskluzivne ali posebne pravice ali privilegiji, vključno z zakonskimi ali ustavnimi pooblastili, z izvajanjem katerih pri nabavah in prodajah vplivajo na raven ali smer uvoza ali izvoza.`
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
if the court settlement has been concluded with participation of a person incapable to sue, or if as a party to the proceedings a legal person has not been represented by a person authorised to represent it under the statute, or if a person incapable to litigate has not been represented by a statutory representative or if the latter has not been in possession of a permit necessary for litigation or a particular act of procedure, or if a party has not been represented by an attorney in accordance with the provisions of the present Act or if the attorney has not been in possession of power, save when the litigation or particular acts of procedure has been approved subsequently.
če je pri sklenitvi sodne poravnave sodeloval nekdo, ki ne more biti pravdna stranka, ali če stranke, ki je pravna oseba, ni zastopal tisti, ki jo je po zakonu upravičen zastopati, ali če pravdno nesposobne stranke ni zastopal zakoniti zastopnik ali če zakoniti zastopnik ni imel potrebnega dovoljenja za pravdo ali za posamezna pravdna dejanja ali če pooblaščenec stranke ni imel pooblastila, razen če je bila pravda oziroma če so bila posamezna pravdna dejanja pozneje odobrena.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
in cases referred in clause 4 of Article 394 of the present Act, if a person incapable to sue has participated in the proceedings as a plaintiff or defendant, or if as a party to the proceedings a legal person has not been represented by a person authorised to represent it under the statute, or if a person incapable to litigate has not been represented by a statutory representative or if the latter has not been in possession of a permit necessary for litigation or a particular act of procedure, or if a party has not been represented by an attorney in accordance with the provisions of the present Act or if the attorney has not been in possession of power to start litigation or perform a particular act of procedure, on the day when a party learns of the ground for reopening of the proceedings;
v primerih iz 4. t očke 394. člena tega zakona, če se je postopka kot tožnik ali kot toženec udeležil nekdo, ki ne more biti stranka v postopku, od dneva, ko je bila temu vročena odločba;
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The representative trade unions and staff associations which are signatories shall operate in each institution subject to the statutory powers of the staff committee.";
Reprezentativni sindikati in združenja uslužbencev, ki so podpisniki, delujejo v vsaki instituciji v skladu s pristojnostmi odbora uslužbencev.";
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The trade unions and staff associations referred to in Article 24b shall act in the general interest of the staff, without prejudice to the statutory powers of the staff committees.
Sindikati in združenja uslužbencev iz člena 24b delujejo v splošnem interesu uslužbencev in brez poseganja v pristojnosti odborov uslužbencev.
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The representative trade unions and staff associations which are signatories shall operate in each institution subject to the statutory powers of the staff committee.';
Reprezentativni sindikati in združenja uslužbencev, ki so podpisniki, delujejo v vsaki instituciji v skladu s pristojnostmi odbora uslužbencev.";
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The trade unions and staff associations referred to in Article 24b shall act in the general interest of the staff, without prejudice to the statutory powers of the staff committees.
Sindikati in združenja uslužbencev iz člena 24b delujejo v splošnem interesu uslužbencev in brez poseganja v pristojnosti odborov uslužbencev.
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0041
(25) To fulfil their statutory function, the competent authorities should be provided with adequate rights to information and powers of intervention with respect to institutions and the persons who effectively run them.
(25) Da bi lahko izpolnjevali svoje zakonsko predpisane funkcije, bi morale biti pristojnim organom zagotovljene ustrezne pravice dostopa do informacij in pooblastila za posredovanje, ki se nanašajo na institucije in osebe, ki jih dejansko vodijo.
14 Pravna redakcija
the statutory and regulatory provisions concerning the importation, exportation, transit of goods, and their placing under any customs procedure, including measures of prohibition, restriction and control, the administration and enforcement of which are specifically charged to the customs authority, and any regulations made by the customs authority under its statutory powers;
zakone in druge predpise glede uvoza, izvoza in tranzita blaga ter dajanja blaga v kateri koli carinski postopek, vključno z ukrepi o prepovedi, omejitvah in nadzoru, za katerih izvajanje in uveljavljanje je posebej zadolžen carinski organ, ter katere koli predpise, ki jih izda carinski organ v okviru svojih pristojnosti;
15 Pravna redakcija
the organisation is subject to the statutory powers of a government body in the United States listed in Annex VII to this Decision which is empowered to investigate complaints and to obtain relief against unfair or deceptive practices as well as redress for individuals, irrespective of their country of residence or nationality, in case of non-compliance with the Principles implemented in accordance with the FAQs.
organizacija je podvržena zakonskim pooblastilom vladnega organa v Združenih državah, naštetega v Prilogi VII k tej odločbi, ki je pooblaščen za preiskave pritožb ter za pridobitev pomoči v primeru nepoštenih ali goljufivih praks, pa tudi odškodnine za posameznike, ne glede na njihovo državo stalnega prebivališča ali državljanstvo, kadar organizacije ne spoštujejo načel, uveljavljenih v skladu s FAQ.
16 Pravna redakcija
I would point out that the failure by a carrier to maintain the privacy of information obtained from passengers would not be a per se violation of section 41712. However, once a carrier formally and publicly commits to the 'safe harbor' principle of providing privacy to the consumer information it obtains, then the Department would be empowered to use the statutory powers of section 41712 to ensure compliance with those principles.
Rad bi opozoril, da kršitev zasebnosti podatkov, ki jih letalski prevoznik pridobi od potnikov, ni sama po sebi kršitev iz oddelka 41712. Toda kadar se letalski prevoznik uradno in javno zaveže, da bo po načelih "varnega pristana" zagotavljal zasebnost osebnih podatkov, ki jih pridobi od potnikov, ima Ministrstvo pooblastilo, da uporabi zakonske pristojnosti iz oddelka 41712 in zagotovi ravnanje v skladu z navedenimi načeli.
17 Pravna redakcija
If an organization fails to comply within 25 days of the delivery of the advice and has offered no satisfactory explanation for the delay, the panel will give notice of its intention either to submit the matter to the Federal Trade Commission or other U. S. federal or state body with statutory powers to take enforcement action in cases of deception or misrepresentation, or to conclude that the agreement to cooperate has been seriously breached and must therefore be considered null and void.
Če organizacija tudi po 25 dneh po prejemu nasveta ne ravna v skladu z njim in če ne ponudi zadovoljive razlage za zamudo, forum sporoči svojo namero, da bo predložil zadevo Federal Trade Commission ali drugemu zveznemu ali državnemu organu ZDA, ki ima zakonska pooblastila za pregon v primeru goljufije ali zavajanja, ali da bo sklenil, da gre za resno kršitev sporazuma o sodelovanju, ki ga je zato treba šteti za ničnega in neveljavnega.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The representative trade unions and staff associations which are signatories shall operate in each institution subject to the statutory powers of the staff committee.";
Reprezentativni sindikati in združenja uslužbencev, ki so podpisniki, delujejo v vsaki instituciji v skladu s pristojnostmi odbora uslužbencev.";
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0041
To fulfil their statutory function, the competent authorities should be provided with adequate rights to information and powers of intervention with respect to institutions and the persons who effectively run them.
Da bi lahko izpolnjevali svoje zakonsko predpisane funkcije, bi morale biti pristojnim organom zagotovljene ustrezne pravice dostopa do informacij in pooblastila za posredovanje, ki se nanašajo na institucije in osebe, ki jih dejansko vodijo.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0520
However, once a carrier formally and publicly commits to the "safe harbor" principle of providing privacy to the consumer information it obtains, then the Department would be empowered to use the statutory powers of section 41712 to ensure compliance with those principles.
Toda kadar se letalski prevoznik uradno in javno zaveže, da bo po načelih "varnega pristana" zagotavljal zasebnost osebnih podatkov, ki jih pridobi od potnikov, ima Ministrstvo pooblastilo, da uporabi zakonske pristojnosti iz oddelka 41712 in zagotovi ravnanje v skladu z navedenimi načeli.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
'Governmental and non-governmental enterprises, including marketing boards, which have been granted exclusive or special rights or privileges, including statutory or constitutional powers, in the exercise of which they influence through their purchases or sales the level or direction of imports or exports.'
"Vladna ali nevladna podjetja, vključno s tržnimi odbori, ki so jim bile priznane ekskluzivne ali posebne pravice ali privilegiji, vključno z zakonskimi ali ustavnimi pooblastili, z izvajanjem katerih pri nabavah in prodajah vplivajo na raven ali smer uvoza ali izvoza."
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0520
If an organization fails to comply within 25 days of the delivery of the advice and has offered no satisfactory explanation for the delay, the panel will give notice of its intention either to submit the matter to the Federal Trade Commission or other U.S. federal or state body with statutory powers to take enforcement action in cases of deception or misrepresentation, or to conclude that the agreement to cooperate has been seriously breached and must therefore be considered null and void.
Če organizacija tudi po 25 dneh po prejemu nasveta ne ravna v skladu z njim in če ne ponudi zadovoljive razlage za zamudo, forum sporoči svojo namero, da bo predložil zadevo Federal Trade Commission ali drugemu zveznemu ali državnemu organu ZDA, ki ima zakonska pooblastila za pregon v primeru goljufije ali zavajanja, ali da bo sklenil, da gre za resno kršitev sporazuma o sodelovanju, ki ga je zato treba šteti za ničnega in neveljavnega.
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statutory power