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step of the scale
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0765
The stem must carry a scale marked on a cylindrical support rigidly fixed to the inside of the stem.
Cevka mora imeti skalo, označeno na valjasti podlagi, ki je togo pritrjena na notranji strani cevke.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0765
The cross-section of the stem must be uniform for at least 5 mm below the lowest scale mark.
Prerez cevke mora biti brez skokovitih sprememb še najmanj 5 mm pod najnižjo oznako skale.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
For steps under the old scale without correspondence in the scale in Article 66 of the Staff Regulations, the last step in the same grade shall be used as the reference for calculating the multiplication factor.
Za tiste stopnje iz stare lestvice, ki nimajo ustreznic v lestvici iz člena 66 Kadrovskih predpisov, se za izračun množitelja uporabi zadnja stopnja istega razreda.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
For steps under the old scale without correspondence in the scale in Article 66 of the Staff Regulations, the last step of the same grade shall be used as the reference for calculating the percentage referred to in the second subparagraph.
Za tiste stopnje iz stare lestvice, ki nimajo ustreznic v lestvici iz člena 66 Kadrovskih predpisov, se za izračun odstotka iz drugega pododstavka uporabi zadnja stopnja istega razreda.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0765
This support shall be held rigidly in place in the stem and reference marks shall be provided so that any displacement of the scale and its support relative to the stem is apparent.
Ta podlaga mora biti togo nameščena na svoje mesto v cevki in mora imeti referenčne oznake, tako da je očiten vsak premik skale in podlage glede na cevko.
6 Končna redakcija
drawings, on an appropriate scale and in sufficient detail, of the steering mechanism and of its attachment to the vehicle chassis and body; and
dovolj podrobne risbe krmilnega mehanizma in povezave s podvozjem in nadgradnjo v ustreznem merilu; in
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0765
The length of the short lines on the scale shall be at least one-fifth, that of the medium lines at least one-third and that of the long lines at least half of the circumference of the stem.
Dolžina kratkih črt na skali znaša najmanj eno petino, dolžina srednjih črt najmanj eno tretjino in dolžina dolgih črt najmanj polovico obsega cevke.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The basic salary taken into account for determining the recipient's pension shall be equivalent to the salary in the table in Article 66 of the Staff Regulations for the new grade thus determined, at the same step, weighted by a percentage equivalent to the ratio of basic salary under the old scale to that under the scale in Article 66 of the Staff Regulations for the same step.
Osnovna plača, ki se upošteva pri določitvi prejemnikove pokojnine, je enaka plači iz tabele v členu 66 Kadrovskih predpisov za tako določen novi razred, na isti stopnji, ponderirani z odstotkom, enakim razmerju med osnovno plačo po stari lestvici in po lestvici iz člena 66 Kadrovskih predpisov za isto stopnjo.
9 Končna redakcija
The damping of the electrical measuring circuit shall be such that the initial overswing beyond the final steady reading after any momentary variation in input (e.g. the calibration screen) does not exceed 4 per cent of that reading in linear scale units. 3.7.3. The response time of the opacimeter which is due to physical phenomena in the smoke chamber is the time between the entry of the gas into the measuring apparatus and the complete filling of the smoke chamber; it shall not exceed 0.4 second.
Dušenje električnega merilnega tokokroga mora biti tako, da začetni presežni nihaj, ki presega končni stalni odčitek po vsaki trenutni spremembi vhodnih vrednosti (na primer umeritveni filter), ne presega 4 odstotke tega odčitka v linearnih enotah lestvice. Odzivni čas merilnika motnosti na fizikalni pojav v dimni komori, to je čas med vstopom plina v merilno napravo in popolno napolnitvijo dimne komore, ne sme preseči 0,4 sekunde.
10 Pravna redakcija
A step-by-step approach will in many cases also need to take account of the scale of release.
Načelo postopnosti bo v številnih primerih moral upoštevati obseg sproščanja.
11 Pravna redakcija
Slag, dross, scalings and similar waste from the manufacture of iron or steel
Žlindra, škaja in drugi odpadki pri pridobivanju železa in jekla
12 Pravna redakcija
Slag, dross (other than granulated slag), scalings and other waste from the manufacture of iron or steel
Žlindra (razen granulirane žlindre), škaja in drugi odpadki pri pridobivanju železa ali jekla
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
For steps under the old scale without correspondence in the scale in Article 66 of the Staff Regulations, the last step in the same grade shall be used as the reference for calculating the multiplication factor.
Za tiste stopnje iz stare lestvice, ki nimajo ustreznic v lestvici iz člena 66 Kadrovskih predpisov, se za izračun množitelja uporabi zadnja stopnja istega razreda.
14 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
Net basic salary shall be the amount shown for the grade and step of a staff member in the scales approved each year by the Board.
Neto osnovna plača je znesek, ki je določen z razredom in stopnjo uslužbenca v tabeli, ki jo vsako leto potrdi upravni odbor.
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
Use a sufficient quantity of the mixture of methyl esters that the methyl stearate peak occupies about three-quarters of the full scale.
Uporabite tako količino mešanice metilnih estrov, da bo vrh metilnega stearata dosegel približno tri-četrtine celotne skale.
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
For steps under the old scale without correspondence in the scale in Article 66 of the Staff Regulations, the last step of the same grade shall be used as the reference for calculating the percentage referred to in the second subparagraph.
Za tiste stopnje iz stare lestvice, ki nimajo ustreznic v lestvici iz člena 66 Kadrovskih predpisov, se za izračun odstotka iz drugega pododstavka uporabi zadnja stopnja istega razreda.
17 Pravna redakcija
This means that the containment of GMOs is reduced and the scale of release increased gradually, step by step, but only if evaluation of the earlier steps in terms of protection of human health and the environment indicates that the next step can be taken.
To pomeni, da se zadrževanje GSO zmanjšuje, stopnja sproščanja pa se postopoma povečuje, vendar samo, če vrednotenje prejšnjih stopenj glede varstva zdravja ljudi in okolja kaže, da se lahko opravi naslednja stopnja.
18 Pravna redakcija
If a sample consisted of whole fish less than 4 cm long, these should be minced with sterile scissors or scalpel after removal of the body behind the gut opening.
Če vzorec sestavljajo cele ribe, krajše od 4 cm, se sesekljajo s sterilnimi škarjami ali skalpelom po odstranitvi telesa za zadnjično odprtino.
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
The basic salary taken into account for determining the recipient's pension shall be equivalent to the salary in the table in Article 66 of the Staff Regulations for the new grade thus determined, at the same step, weighted by a percentage equivalent to the ratio of basic salary under the old scale to that under the scale in Article 66 of the Staff Regulations for the same step.
Osnovna plača, ki se upošteva pri določitvi prejemnikove pokojnine, je enaka plači iz tabele v členu 66 Kadrovskih predpisov za tako določen novi razred, na isti stopnji, ponderirani z odstotkom, enakim razmerju med osnovno plačo po stari lestvici in po lestvici iz člena 66 Kadrovskih predpisov za isto stopnjo.
20 Pravna redakcija
If a sample consisted of whole fish more than 6 cm long, tissue specimens should be collected as described in Part I.I.3. The tissue specimens should be minced with sterile scissors or scalpel and homogenised as described above and suspended in transport medium.
Če vzorec sestavljajo cele ribe,daljše od 6 cm, se zberejo vzorci tkiva, kakor je opisano v delu I.I.3. Vzorce tkiva se seseklja s sterilnimi škarjami ali skalpelom in homogenizira, kakor je opisano zgoraj, ter suspendira v transportnem gojišču.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3290
The fifth step of the scale shall cover all cases where the import price is lower than that applied for the fourth step.
Peta stopnja lestvice velja za vse primere, ko je uvozna cena nižja od cene za četrto stopnjo.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3290
The difference between the minimum import price and each step of the scale shall be:
Razlika med minimalno uvozno ceno in vsako stopnjo na lestvici je:
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0259
Dross, scalings and other wastes from the manufacture of iron and steel
žlindra, škaja in drugi odpadki iz proizvodnje železa in jekla
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0025
9 Each ship shall have scales of draughts marked clearly at the bow and stern.
.9 Vsaka ladja ima ugrezne lestvice, ki so jasno označene na premcu in krmi.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0765
Sterile(2) blades, scalpels or similar tools are to be used for preparation of the meat sample.
Za pripravo vzorca mesa je treba uporabiti sterilna * rezila, skalpele ali podobno orodje.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0025
1 protective clothing of material to protect the skin from the heat radiating from the fire and from burns and scalding by steam.
.1 zaščitna obleka iz materiala, ki varuje kožo pred toploto, ki jo širi požar, pa tudi pred opeklinami in oparinami zaradi pare.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0662
drawings, on an appropriate scale and in sufficient detail, of the steering mechanism and of its attachment to the vehicle chassis and body;
risbe, v ustreznem merilu in dovolj podrobne, krmilne naprave in njene pritrditve na podvozje in nadgradnjo vozila;
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0662
drawings, on an appropriate scale and in sufficient detail, of the steering mechanism and of its attachment to the vehicle chassis and body.
risbe, v ustreznem merilu in dovolj podrobne, naprave za upravljanje krmilja in njene pritrditve na podvozje in nadgradnjo vozila.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0765
The sub-sample shall be dissected from a core part (inside) of the provided meat piece, by using a sterile(1) knife (scalpel or similar).
Podvzorec se izreže iz sredine (notranjost) danega kosa mesa s sterilnim * nožem (skalpelom ali podobnim).
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0085
Using a sterile scalpel, make a diagonal (at an angle of approximately 5°) slit, 1,0 cm long and approximately 2/3 of the stem thickness deep, starting the cut from the pellet drop.
S sterilnim skalpelom naredimo diagonalno (pod kotom približno 5 °) zarezo, dolgo 1,0 cm in globoko približno 2/3 debeline stebla, ki se začne pri kapljici pelete.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
In the management of spasmodic torticollis, Xeomin is usually injected into the sternocleidomastoid, levator scapulae, scalenus, splenius capitis, and/ or the trapezius muscle(s).
Pri obravnavanju spastičnega tortikolisa se zdravilo Xeomin po navadi injicira v sternokleidomastoidno mišico, mišico dvigalko lopatice, skalensko mišico, splenius capitis, in/ ali trapezasto mišico/ mišice.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0085
Using a scalpel, make a longitudinal or slightly diagonal cut 0,5 to 1,0 cm long and approximately three quarters of the stem diameter deep, between the cotyledons and the first leaf.
S skalpelom naredimo med kličnima listoma in prvim listom vzdolžno ali rahlo diagonalno zarezo, dolgo 0,5 do 1,0 cm in globoko približno tri četrtine premera stebla.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
Study drug was injected on a single occasion into 2 to 4 of the following muscles: splenius capitus, sternocleidomastoid, levator scapulae, trapezius, semispinalis capitus and scalene.
Zdravilo, uporabljeno v študiji, so ob enem obisku injicirali v dve do štiri od naslednjih mišic: splenius capitus, sternocleidomastoideus, levator scapulae, trapezius, semispinalis capitus in scalenus.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0537
The damping of the electrical measuring circuit shall be such that the initial overswing beyond the final steady reading after any momentary variation in input (e.g. the calibration screen) does not exceed 4 % of that reading in linear scale units.
Dušenje merilnega električnega tokokroga mora biti tako, da zanihaj preko kasneje konstantnega odčitka na linearnih enotah na skali ni večji od 4 odstotkov pri kateri koli spremembi na vhodu (npr. preizkusni filter).
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0200
In order to encourage the consumer to avoid using too much detergent and to follow the dosage instruction, a dosage device (cup) showing a scale of at least 10 ml steps shall be available on request if it is not included in the packaging.
Pripomoček za odmerjanje z vsaj 10-mililitrskimi razdelki mora biti na zahtevo dostopen, če ni vključena v embalažo, zaradi spodbujanja potrošnika, da ne bi uporabljal preveč detergenta in da bi upošteval navodila za odmerjanje.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
Effects of Lantus (once daily) on diabetic retinopathy were evaluated in an open-label 5-year NPH- controlled study (NPH given bid) in 1024 type 2 diabetic patients in which progression of retinopathy by 3 or more steps on the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) scale was investigated by fundus photography.
Učinke zdravila Lantus (enkrat na dan) na diabetično retinopatijo so raziskali v odprti, petletni, z NPH kontrolirani študiji (NPH apliciran dvakrat na dan) pri 1. 024 bolnikih z diabetesom tipa 2. V študijah so napredek retinopatije za tri ali več stopenj po lestvici ETDRS (Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study) preiskovali s slikanjem očesnega ozadja.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
Effects of Optisulin (once daily) on diabetic retinopathy were evaluated in an open-label 5-year NPH- controlled study (NPH given bid) in 1024 type 2 diabetic patients in which progression of retinopathy by 3 or more steps on the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) scale was investigated by fundus photography.
Učinke zdravila Optisulin (enkrat na dan) na diabetično retinopatijo so raziskali v odprti, petletni, z NPH kontrolirani študiji (NPH apliciran enkrat na dan) pri 1. 024 bolnikih z diabetesom tipa 2. V
38 Prevajalska redakcija
If the patient fails to respond, for example a steady progression in Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) for 6 months occurs or treatment with at least 3 courses of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) or corticosteroids during a one-year period is required despite Extavia therapy, treatment with Extavia should be stopped.
Zdravljenje z zdravilom Extavia je treba končati, če se bolnik ne odzove, npr. če kljub terapiji z zdravilom Extavia stanje po dopolnjeni lestvici statusa invalidnosti (EDSS - Expanded Disability Status Scale) 6 mesecev nenehno napreduje ali so v enoletnem obdobju kljub terapiji z zdravilom Extavia potrebni vsaj 3 ciklusi zdravljenja s kortikotropinom (ACTH) ali kortikosteroidi.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0471
sterilisation devices for knives, knives (junction of blade and handle), hollow blood draining knives, elastrators, scalding tanks, bung bagging machines, scraping/gambrelling table (pig), sawblades and cutters, cattle dehiding, other carcase dressing instruments, polishing machine, shackles and containers for transport, transport conveyor belts, aprons, cutting tables, flap doors if touched by passing carcases, chutes for food organs, parts of the line often touched by carcases, overhead structures which may drip moisture, etc.
sterilizacijske priprave za nože, noži (spoj med rezilom ter ročajem), votli noži za puščanje krvi, gumijasti deli strojev (elastratorji), kotli za parjenje živali,, mize za garanje prašičev, rezila žag in rezalnikov, odstranjevanje kož s trupov govedi, drugi instrumenti za obdelavo trupov, stroji za poliranje, obešala ter kontejnerji za transport živali, tekoči trakovi, predpasniki, razsekovalne mize; nihajna vrata, če se jih dotikajo trupi med transportom; evakuacijski kanali za organe živali, ustrezne za prehrano ljudi, deli klavnih linij, ki se jih trupi pogosto dotikajo, stropne napeljave, s katerih lahko kaplja, itd.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
DO NOT TAKE PIROXICAM: …. [ ]… • “ If you previously had a stomach or intestinal ulcer, bleeding or perforation. • If you currently have stomach or intestinal ulcer, bleeding or perforation. • If you have or have had a history of gastrointestinal disorders (inflammation of the stomach or intestines) that predispose to bleeding disorders such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn’ s disease, gastrointestinal cancers, diverticulitis (inflamed or infected pouches/ pockets in the colon). • If you are taking other NSAIDs, including COX-2 selective NSAIDs and acetyl-salicylic acid, a substance present in many medicines used to relieve pain and lower fever. • If you are taking anticoagulants, such as warfarin, to prevent blood clots. • If you previously had a serious allergic drug reaction to piroxicam, other NSAIDs and other medications, especially serious skin reactions (regardless of severity) such as exfoliative dermatitis (intense reddening of skin, with skin peeling off in scales or layers), vesiculo-bullous reactions (Stevens-Johnson syndrome, a condition with red blistered, eroded, bloody or crusted skin) and toxic epidermal necrolysis, (a disease with blistering and peeling of the top layer of skin).” …. [ ]… • “ If any of these applies to you, you should not be given piroxicam.
• če ste imeli v preteklosti želodčno ali črevesno razjedo, krvavitev ali predrtje; • če imate želodčno ali črevesno razjedo, krvavitev ali predrtje; • če imate ali ste imeli anamnezo o boleznih prebavil (želodčno ali črevesno vnetje), ki povečajo nevarnost krvavitve, kot so na primer ulcerozni kolitis, Crohnova bolezen, rak prebavil, divertikulitis (vnetje ali okužba žepastih mešičkov v kolonu); • če jemljete druge nesteroidne antirevmatike, vključno s takšnimi, ki delujejo selektivno na ciklooksigenazo 2 in acetilsalicilno kislino, učinkovino, ki jo vsebujejo številna zdravila za lajšanje bolečine in proti vročini; • če jemljete antikoagulanse, na primer varfarin, za preprečevanje nastajanja krvnih strdkov; • če ste v preteklosti imeli resno alergijsko reakcijo na piroksikam, kateri drugi nesteroidni antirevmatik ali druga zdravila, zlasti resne kožne reakcije (ne glede na to, kako hude so bile), na primer eksfoliativni dermatitis (izrazito kožno rdečico, pri kateri se koža lušči v obliki lusk ali plasti), vezikulo- bulozne reakcije (Stevens- Johnsonov sindrom, obolenje z rdečo, mehurjasto, razjedeno, krvavo ali krastavo kožo) in toksično epidermalno nekrolizo (bolezen, pri kateri nastajajo na koži mehurji in se lušči njen vrhnji sloj). ''
41 Prevod
Slag, dross (other than granulated slag), scalings and other waste from the manufacture of iron or steel:
Žlindra (razen granulirane žlindre), škaja in drugi odpadki iz proizvodnje ali jekla:
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step of the scale