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stock declaration
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-62
Recalling principle l of the Stockholm Declaration on the Human Environment,
se sklicujejo na 1. načelo Stockholmske deklaracije o človekovem okolju,
2 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-62
Recalling the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, adopted at Stockholm on 16 June 1972,
ob sklicevanju na Deklaracijo Konference Združenih narodov o človekovem okolju, sprejeto 16. junija 1972 v Stockholmu,
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-71
If an undertaking holds stocks on behalf of another undertaking in accordance with paragraphs 1(b) or 2(b) of this Article, then those stocks shall not be taken into account by the undertaking first mentioned in its own stocking declarations.
Če podjetje vzdržuje zaloge v imenu drugega podjetja v skladu s točko b prvega odstavka ali točko b drugega odstavka tega člena, prvo omenjeno podjetje teh zalog v svojih izjavah o zalogah ne upošteva.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-35
The Contracting Parties shall assume the obligation that the stored compulsory stocks shall fully be at the disposal of the said owners, or the beneficiary of the declaration of obligation even if there is any crises emerging in the crude oil or petroleum products supply.
Pogodbenici se zavezujeta, da bodo uskladiščene obvezne rezerve v celoti na voljo navedenima lastnikoma ali upravičencu, ki je dal izjavo o sprejetju obveznosti, in to tudi med krizo pri preskrbi z nafto in njenimi derivati.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-35
b) Other quantities held in the territory of the other Contracting Party, for which Undertaking or the other Contracting Party's Agency have the right of disposal as owners, part-owners or by other legal title and for which these entities have given a written commitment (declaration of acceptance of obligation) that they will hold those quantities as stocks for the Agency that established the compulsory stocks for a period of at least one quarter of one calendar year.
b) druge količine, ki so na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, s katerimi lahko podjetja ali agencija druge pogodbenice razpolaga kot lastnica, delna lastnica ali na podlagi drugega pravnega naslova, in v zvezi s katerimi so se te osebe pisno zavezale (izjava o sprejetju obveznosti), da bodo te količine uskladiščile za agencijo, ki je obvezne rezerve oblikovala, vsaj za tri mesece v enem koledarskem letu.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-85
Recognizing the importance of the implementation of the provisions of the Programme of Action for the Prevention of the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography and the Declaration and Agenda for Action adopted at the World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, held in Stockholm from 27 to 31 August 1996, and the other relevant decisions and recommendations of pertinent international bodies,
priznavajo pomembnost Programa ukrepanja za preprečevanje prodaje otrok, otroške prostitucije in otroške pornografije ter Deklaracije in načrta dela v zvezi z ukrepanjem, sprejetih na Svetovnem kongresu proti komercialnemu spolnemu izkoriščanju otrok, ki je potekal v Stockholmu od 27. do 31. avgusta 1996, in drugih ustreznih sklepov in priporočil pristojnih mednarodnih teles,
7 Končna redakcija
Hungary shall set up a computerised databank including the stock declarations and declare the available stocks at the time of accession."
Madžarska bo vzpostavila računalniško bazo, ki bo vključevala opis zalog in zaloge, ki so na razpolago v času pristopa.".
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
The declaration of verification of trackside assembly and on-board assembly shall contain the information upon which the content of the register of infrastructure/register of rolling stock is based.
Izjava o verifikaciji sestava ob progi in sestava na vozilu vsebuje informacije, na katerih temelji vsebina infrastrukturnega registra/registra železniškega voznega parka.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
The declaration of verification of on-board and trackside assemblies, together with the certificates of conformity, is sufficient to ensure that an on-board assembly will operate with a trackside assembly equipped with corresponding functions as defined in the register of rolling stock and in the register of infrastructure without an additional subsystem declaration of verification.
Izjava o verifikaciji sestavov na vozilu in ob progi skupaj z izjavami o skladnosti zadostuje za zagotovitev, da sestav na vozilu deluje s sestavom ob progi, opremljenim z ustreznimi funkcijami, kakor je določeno v registru železniškega voznega parka in infrastrukturnem registru, brez dodatne izjave o verifikaciji podsistema.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0579
proof that the applicant has lodged a security of EUR 50 per tonne of paddy rice, or EUR 20 per tonne of paddy rice for producers or producer groups who have met the requirements of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1709/2003 on crop and stock declarations for rice(6),
dokazilo, da je vlagatelj položil varščino v višini 50 EUR na tono neoluščenega riža ali 20 EUR na tono neoluščenega riža za proizvajalce ali skupine proizvajalcev, ki so izpolnili zahteve Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 1709/2003 o prijavi pridelka in zalog riža [6];
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2847
Whereas, in order to ensure the conservation and management of all the resources used, the provisions relating to the logbook, the landing and sales declarations and the information concerning transshipments and registration of catches may be extended to stocks which are not subject to a TAC or quota;
ker se za zagotovitev ohranitve in upravljanja vseh uporabljenih virov, določbe o ladijskem dnevniku, deklaracijah o iztovarjanju in prodaji ter informacije v zvezi s pretovorom in evidentiranjem ulova, lahko razširijo tudi na staleže, za katere ne velja postavka o celotnem dovoljenem ulovu (TAC) ali kvota;
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
verification of the quantities marketed as declared in the payment applications, checking in particular the stock and accounting records, the invoices and, where necessary, their veracity and ensuring that the declarations tally with the accounting and/or tax data of the producer organisations concerned;
preverjanje kolièin, danih v promet, kakor je navedeno v zahtevkih za plaèilo, pregledovanje zlasti evidence zalog in raèunovodske evidence, raèunov in, po potrebi, njihovo verodostojnost, s èimer se zagotovi, da se izjave ujemajo z raèunovodskimi in/ali davènimi podatki zadevnih organizacij proizvajalcev;
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2847
As from that date, it shall provisionally prohibit fishing for that stock or group of stocks by such vessels as well as the retention on board, the transshipment and the landing of fish taken after that date and shall decide on a date up to which transshipments and landings or final declarations of catches are permitted.
Od tega datuma začasno prepove ribolov staleža ali skupine staležev s takimi plovili, prav tako pa zadrževanje na krovu, pretovarjanje in iztovarjanje rib, ujetih po tem datumu. Država članica tudi odloči o datumu, do katerega se dovoli pretovarjanje in iztovarjanje ali končne deklaracije ulova.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0579
This security should however be modulated on the basis of the category of operators, taking account of any other guarantees provided, and distinguishing in particular those producers and producer groups who have met the requirements of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1709/2003 of 26 September 2003 on crop and stock declarations for rice(4).
Vendar pa je treba to varščino ob upoštevanju kakršnih koli drugih zagotovljenih varščin prilagoditi glede na kategorijo izvajalcev, predvsem pa razlikovati tiste proizvajalce ali skupine proizvajalcev, ki so izpolnili zahteve Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 1709/2003 z dne 26. septembra 2003 o prijavi pridelka in zalog riža [4].
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0595
at purchaser level, the accuracy of declarations referred to in Article 8 of this Regulation, in particular by cross-checks to documents referred to in Article 24(2) to (5) of this Regulation as well as the credibility of the records of stocks and deliveries referred to in Article 24(2) and (3) of this Regulation in the light of the commercial documents and other documents showing how the milk collected has been used.
na ravni odkupovalcev, točnost izjav iz člena 8 te uredbe, zlasti z navzkrižno primerjavo z dokumenti, navedenimi v členu 24(2) do (5) te uredbe, kot tudi verodostojnost evidenc zalog in oddaje iz člena 24(2) in (3) te uredbe glede na trgovske in druge dokumente, iz katerih je razvidna uporaba zbranega mleka.
16 Pravna redakcija
Stock declarations
Prijave zalog
17 Pravna redakcija
failure to present the harvest, production or stock declaration within the time allowed;
ker ni v predpisanem roku predložil izjave o trgatvi, proizvodnji ali zalogah;
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1709
on crop and stock declarations for rice
o izjavah o pridelku in zalogah riža
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1709
Declaration of stocks held by producers on 31 August 2...
Izjave o zalogah pridelovalcev z dne 31. avgusta 2...
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1709
Declaration of stocks held by rice mills on 31 August 2...
Izjave o zalogah rižarn z dne 31. avgusta 2...
21 Pravna redakcija
presentation of a harvest, production or stock declaration found by the competent authority of the Member State to be incomplete or inaccurate, where the missing or incorrect data are essential for application of the measure concerned;
ker pristojni organ države članice ugotovi, da je predložena izjava o trgatvi, proizvodnji ali zalogah nepopolna in nenatančna, kadar so manjkajoči ali napačni podatki bistvenega pomena za izvajanje zadevnega ukrepa;
22 Pravna redakcija
Production and stock declarations required under Article 28 of Regulation (EEC) No 337/79
Prijave proizvodnje in zalog, skladno s členom 28 Uredbe (EGS) št. 337/79
23 Pravna redakcija
Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2124/83 of 26 July 1983 on crop and stock declarations for rice
UREDBA KOMISIJE (EGS) št. 2124/83 z dne 26. julija 1983 o izjavah o pridelku in zalogah riža
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1709
(2) Under the third subparagraph of Article 6(5) of Regulation (EC) No 3072/95 crop and stock declarations are to be made by producers and stock declarations are also to be made by rice mills.
(2) Skladno s tretjim pododstavkom člena 6(5) Uredbe (ES) št. 3072/95, izjave o pridelku in zalogah izdelajo pridelovalci, izjave o zalogah pa tudi rižarne.
25 Pravna redakcija
RECALLING the pertinent provisions of the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, adopted at Stockholm on 16 June 1972;
SE SKLICUJEJO na ustrezne določbe Deklaracije Konference Združenih narodov o človekovem okolju, ki je bila sprejeta v Stockholmu 16. junija 1972;
26 Pravna redakcija
whereas, to the same end, the details to be included in aid applications, stock records and delivery declarations of processing undertakings should be specified;
ker je treba z istim namenom določiti podrobnosti, ki jih morajo vsebovati zahtevki za pridobitev pomoči, evidence zalog ter izjave o dostavi predelovalnih podjetij;
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1709
(1) Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2124/83 fn on crop and stock declarations for rice is no longer adapted to the classification of types of rice currently in force.
(1) Uredba Komisije (EGS) št. 2124/83 fn o izjavah o pridelku in zalogah riža ni več prilagojena klasifikaciji vrst riža, ki je trenutno v veljavi.
28 Pravna redakcija
at the premises of producers making direct sales, the credibility of the declaration referred to in Article 6(1), and of the stock records referred to in Article 14(5).
v prostorih proizvajalca, ki opravlja neposredno prodajo, verodostojnost izjave iz člena 6(1) in evidence blaga iz člena 14(5).
29 Pravna redakcija
a declaration by which the contracting party engages himself to place in storage and to stock products which fulfill the conditions as referred to in Article 2 (2) and (3);
izjavo, s katero se pogodbenica zaveže, da bo uskladiščila in skladiščila proizvode, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje, kot je določeno v členu 2(2) in 3;
30 Pravna redakcija
In the absence of the declaration of the quantities for each destination and the statement of the stock situation referred to in paragraph 1, the Member State concerned shall apply an appropriate penalty.
Če ni na voljo izjave o količini za vsako namembno območje in izjave o stanju zalog iz odstavka 1, zadevna država članica uporabi primerno sankcijo."
31 Pravna redakcija
the records kept by producers may take the form of annotations on the reverse side of the harvest, production or stock declarations provided for in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1294/96 of 4 July 1996(15).
evidenca pridelovalcev lahko sestoji iz opomb na hrbtni strani prijave pridelka ali proizvodnje ali zalog, določenih v Uredbi Komisije (ES) št. 1294/96 z dne 4. julija 1996 fn.
32 Pravna redakcija
Agreement on the implementation of the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the conservation and management of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks - Declaration concerning the competence of the European Community - Interpretative declarations
SPORAZUM o uporabi določb Konvencije Združenih narodov o pomorskem pravu z dne 10. decembra 1982 glede ohranjanja in upravljanja čezconskih staležev rib in izrazito selivskih staležev rib
33 Pravna redakcija
RECALLING the pertinent provisions and principles of the 1972 Declaration of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment and the 1975 Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE);
OB SKLICEVANJU na zadevne določbe in načela Deklaracije Stockholmske konference o človekovem okolju iz leta 1972 in Sklepne listine Konference o varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi (KVSE) iz leta 1975,
34 Pravna redakcija
Where intervention products are to be exported in the unaltered state, acceptance by the customs authorities of the export declaration shall take place in the Member State where the products were removed from stock.
Če se intervencijski proizvodi izvažajo v nespremenjenem stanju, carinski organi sprejmejo izvozno deklaracijo v državi članici, kjer so bili proizvodi odstranjeni iz zalog.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1709
(3) The Commission should be able to use the information provided in these declarations to draw up a picture of available rice stocks at the beginning of each marketing year that will enable it to manage the market more efficiently.
(3) Komisiji naj bi bila omogočena uporaba informacij iz izjav, da sestavijo sliko zalog riža, ki so na voljo na začetku vsakega tržnega leta, kar jim bo omogočilo bolj učinkovito upravljanje trga.
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1709
(a) before 15 October, a declaration of stocks held on 31 August, distinguishing between the types of rice defined in paragraph 2 of Annex A to Regulation (EC) No 3072/95 and specifying for each type the quantity held and the whole- grain yield;
(a) do 15. oktobra, izjavo o zalogah z dne 31. avgusta, ki razlikuje med vrstami riža, določenimi v odstavku 2 Priloge A k Uredbi (ES) št. 3072/95 in določa količine in pridelek v celih zrnih za vsako vrsto;
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2236
In the circumstances referred to in the first subparagraph when withdrawal from stock occurs before acceptance of the export declaration referred to in Article 12(1)(b), a proof shall be provided by the competent authorities of the Member State where storage took place.
V primeru iz prvega pododstavka pri izskladiščenju pred sprejemom izvozne deklaracije iz člena 12(1)(b), pristojni organi države članice, v kateri je bilo opravljeno skladiščenje, predložijo dokazilo.
38 Pravna redakcija
In this context, it should be laid down that the discovery of an infringement concerning the physico-chemical properties of the category of oil in the declaration may be viewed as a serious irregularity in the stock records of all virgin olive oils which may be eligible for
V tem kontekstu naj se predpiše, da se odkritje kršitve, ki se nanaša na fizikalno-kemične lastnosti kategorije olja v izjavi, lahko razume kot resno nepravilnost evidence zalog vseh deviških oljčnih olj, ki lahko izpolnjujejo pogoje za pridobitev pomoči.
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2236
When withdrawal from stock occurs after acceptance of the export declaration referred to in Article 12(1)(b), a proof within the meaning of Article 33(2)(a) of Regulation (EC) No 1291/2000 shall be provided by the customs authorities of the Member State where storage took place.
Pri izskladiščenju po sprejemu izvozne deklaracije iz člena 12(1)(b) carinski organi države članice, v kateri je bilo opravljeno skladiščenje, predložijo dokazilo v smislu člena 33(2)(a) Uredbe (ES) št. 1291/2000.
40 Pravna redakcija
Both manufacturers and buyers of the product falling within CN code 35051050 must have stock records of a type approved by the Member States so that compliance with the undertakings and information contained in the manufacturer's declaration referred to in paragraph 2 can be verified.
Izdelovalci in kupci proizvoda, ki sodi pod oznako KN 3505 10 50, morajo imeti skladiščno evidenco v obliki, ki so jo odobrile države članice, da se lahko preveri skladnost z obveznostmi in podatki v izdelovalčevi deklaraciji iz odstavka 2.
41 Pravna redakcija
at purchasers' premises, the statements and declarations referred to in Article 5(2), the credibility of the records of stocks and deliveries referred to in Article 14(2) and (3) in the light of the commercial documents and other documents showing how the collected milk and milk equivalent have been used;
v odkupovalčevih prostorih, poročila iz člena 5(2), verodostojnost evidenc blaga in oddaje iz člena 14(2) in (3) glede na trgovske dokumente ter druge dokumente, ki kažejo uporabo zbranega mleka in ekvivalenta mleka;
42 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
(b) verification of the quantities marketed as declared in the payment applications, checking in particular the stock and accounting records, the invoices and, where necessary, their veracity and ensuring that the declarations tally with the accounting and/or tax data of the producer organisations concerned;
(b) preverjanje količin, danih v promet, kakor je navedeno v zahtevkih za plačilo, pregledovanje zlasti evidence zalog in računovodske evidence, računov in, po potrebi, njihovo verodostojnost, s čimer se zagotovi, da se izjave ujemajo z računovodskimi in/ali davčnimi podatki zadevnih organizacij proizvajalcev;
43 Pravna redakcija
Bearing in mind the Declaration and Agenda for Action, unanimously accepted by delegates at the World Congress against commercial sexual exploitation of children, held in Stockholm in August 1996, and the conclusions and recommendations of the European follow-up conference to the World Congress, held in Strasbourg in April 1998;
ob upoštevanju Deklaracije in Agende za delovanje, ki so ju soglasno sprejeli udeleženci Svetovnega kongresa proti komercialnemu spolnemu izkoriščanju otrok v Stockholmu avgusta 1996, ter sklepov in priporočil z Evropske konference o spremljanju izvajanja sklepov Svetovnega kongresa v Strasbourgu 1998,
44 Pravna redakcija
Moreover, the grower shall present to the competent body in the Member State or where appropriate to the producers' organisation of which he is a member, from the 1999/2000 marketing year and before 1 December, a declaration of the quantities for each main destination of the oil obtained in the preceding marketing year, and a statement of the stock situation on 1 November.
Nadalje mora pridelovalec predložiti pristojnemu organu v državi članici ali, kjer je to primerno, organizaciji proizvajalcev, katere član je, od tržnega leta 1999/2000 in pred 1. decembrom, prijavo količin za vsak glavni namembni kraj za olje, pridobljeno v predhodnem tržnem letu, in izjavo o zalogah na dan 1. novembra.
45 Pravna redakcija
'As from the date referred to in the first sub-paragraph, the flag Member State shall provisionally prohibit fishing for that stock or group of stocks by vessels flying its flag as well as the retention on board, transhipment and landing of fish taken after that date and shall decide on a date up to which transhipments and landings or final declarations of catches are permitted.
'Od datuma, navedenega v prvem pododstavku, država članica plovilom, ki plujejo pod njeno zastavo, začasno prepove ribolov tega staleža ali skupin staležev kot tudi hranjenje na krovu, pretovorjanje in iztovarjanje rib, ulovljenih po tem datumu, in določi datum, do katerega so dovoljena pretovarjanja in iztovarjana ali zadnje prijave ulovov.
46 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1709
As regards their processing and import activities, rice mills shall, before 15 October each year, transmit to the intervention agency of the Member State in which they are located or any other body designated by that Member State a declaration of rice stocks held on 31 August, distinguishing between the types of rice defined in paragraph 2 of Annex A to Regulation (EC) No 3072/95, divided into rice produced in the Community and that imported from third countries.
Kar zadeva njihovo predelavo in uvozne dejavnosti, rižarne, do 15. oktobra vsakega leta, intervencijski agenciji države članice, v kateri se nahajajo, ali kateremukoli drugemu organu, ki ga je imenovala tista država članica, prenesejo izjavo o zalogah riža na dan 31. avgusta, ki razlikuje med vrstami riža, določenimi v odstavku 2 Priloge A Uredbe (ES) št. 3072/95, ki se deli na riž, proizveden v Skupnosti in na tisti, ki je uvožen iz tretjih držav.
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stock declaration