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straight up
1 Pravna redakcija
If the commission concerned cannot draw up a draft opinion or report by the deadline set by the Council, Commission or European Parliament, the Bureau may propose that the plenary assembly appoint a rapporteur-general, who shall submit his draft opinion or report straight to the plenary assembly.
Če pristojna komisija ne more pripraviti osnutka mnenja ali poročila v roku, ki ga določi Svet, Komisija ali Evropski parlament, lahko predsedstvo predlaga, da plenarna skupščina imenuje generalnega poročevalca, ki svoj osnutek mnenja ali poročila predloži plenarni skupščini.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
Remove the white end cap by pulling straight up.
Vnos: s potegom odstranite bel pokrovček.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
Hold your pen with the needle pointing straight up.
Držite injekcijski peresnik tako, da je igla obrnjena naravnost navzgor.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
Lift the pre-filled pen straight up from the injection site.
Dvignite napolnjeni injekcijski peresnik navpično z mesta injiciranja.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
10 Insertion: Remove the white end cap by pulling straight up.
10 Vnos: s potegom odstranite bel pokrovček.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
Stand or sit up straight. pr
Ko se pojavi oblaček, nemudoma zasukajte a
7 Prevajalska redakcija
If bubbles are present, hold the syringe straight up and tap its side until the bubbles float to the top.
Če so mehurčki prisotni, držite injekcijsko brizgo navpično navzgor in trkajte po njej, dokler ne izplavite mehurčkov na vrh.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
If bubbles are in the syringe, hold the vial and syringe with needle straight up and tap the side of the syringe until the bubbles float to the top.
Če so mehurčki prisotni v brizgi, pridržite vialo in brizgo z iglo v navpičnem položaju in rahlo udarjajte po brizgi, dokler se mehurčki ne dvignejo na vrh.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
Line up the two connection ports so that they are in a straight line.
Pritrditvena dela poravnajte tako, da sta v ravni črti.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
as an expense on a straight-line basis over up to five years from the date of adoption.
kot odhodek časovno enakomerno v petih letih od datuma sprejetja;
11 Prevajalska redakcija
47 6 Dissolve the powder fully Pick up the vial and the syringe, keeping them attached and straight.
Prašek povsem raztopite 6 Dvignite vialo in injekcijsko brizgo tako, da se držita in sta ravni.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
Insert the short injection needle into the pinched skin, holding the syringe like a pencil, use a quick “dart like” motion to insert the injection needle either straight up and down (90 degrees angle) or at a slight angle (45 degrees angle) into the skin, as shown by your health care professional (7).
Z drugo roko primite brizgo, kakor bi držali ● svinčnik in kratko injekcijsko iglo potisnite v kožno gubo s hitrim gibom, podobnim metu pri pikadu, strogo naravnost (pod kotom 90°) ali pod rahlim kotom (45°), kot vam je pokazal vaš zdravstveni strokovnjak (7).
13 Prevajalska redakcija
Line up the needle with the pen, and keep it straight as you attach it (screw or push on, depending on the needle type).
Naravnajte iglo z injekcijskim peresnikom in jo držite naravnost, medtem ko jo nameščate (privijte jo ali jo potisnite, odvisno od vrste igle).
14 Prevajalska redakcija
B. Line up the needle with the pen, and keep it straight as you attach it (screw or push on, depending on the needle type).
B. Naravnajte iglo z injekcijskim peresnikom in jo držite naravnost, medtem ko jo nameščate (privijte jo ali jo potisnite, odvisno od vrste igle).
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0226
This material must cover the inside of the mudguard up to a height determined by a straight line running from the centre of the wheel and forming an angle of at least 30g with the horizontal (Figure 3).
Notranja stran blatnika mora biti obložena s tem materialom do višine, ki je določena s premico, ki poteka skozi sredino kolesa in oklepa z vodoravno ravnino kot najmanj 30 ° (slika 3).
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991R1176
Lightweight garment made up from two woven fabrics of different colour (100 % cotton), intended to cover the upper part of the body, of a straight cut, with a close-fitting round neckline, with short sleeves, two pockets at the level of the chest and a hood with a drawstring.
Lahko oblačilo iz dveh tkanin različne barve (100 % bombaž), namenjeno za pokrivanje zgornjega dela telesa, ravnega kroja, z oprijetim okroglim vratnim izrezom, s kratkimi rokavi, dvema žepoma na prsih in kapuco z vrvico za zapiranje.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0226
In the case of single or multiple axles where the distance between the adjacent tyres is at least 250 mm, the outer valance must cover the surface extending from the lower to the upper part of the mudguard up to a straight line formed by the tangent to the upper edge of the tyre or tyres and lying between the vertical plane formed by the tangent to the front of the tyre and the mudguard or rain flap located behind the wheel or wheels (Figure 5b).
Pri enojnih ali večkratnih oseh, pri katerih so sosednje pnevmatike med seboj oddaljene vsaj 250 mm, mora zunanji zaslon pokrivati površino, ki sega od spodnjega do zgornjega dela blatnika in je na eni strani omejena s tangento na zgornjem robu pnevmatike ali pnevmatik in navpično tangento na sprednjem robu pnevmatike, na drugi strani pa z blatnikom ali z zavesico za kolesom ali kolesi (slika 5b).
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2237
Development of carcase profiles, and in particular the essential parts (round, back, shoulder) Conformation class Additional provisions S Round: very highly rounded double-muscled visibly separated seams Topside spreads very markedly over the symphysis (symphisis pelvis) Superior Back: very wide and very thick, up to the shoulder Rump very rounded Shoulder: very highly rounded E Round: very rounded Topside spreads markedly over the symphysis (symphisis pelvis) Excellent Back: wide and very thick, up to the shoulder Rump very rounded Shoulder: very rounded U Round: rounded Topside spreads over the symphysis (symphisis pelvis) Very good Back: wide and thick, up to the shoulder Rump rounded Shoulder: rounded R Round: well-developed Topside and rump are slightly rounded Good Back: still thick but less wide at the shoulder Shoulder: farly well-developed O Round: average development to lacking development Fair Back: average thickness to lacking thickness Rump: straight profile Shoulder: average development to almost flat P Round: poorly developed Poor Back: narrow with bones visible Shoulder: flat with bones visible'
Razvitost profilov trupov in zlasti bistvenih delov (stegna, hrbta, pleč) Razred mesnatosti Dodatne določbe "1. MESNATOST Razvitost profilov trupov in zlasti bistvenih delov (stegna, hrbta, pleč) Razred mesnatosti Dodatne določbe S Stegno: zelo visoko zaokroženi, dvojnomišični, vidno ločeni sloji Notranje stegno se izrazito razteza čez medenično zrast (symphisis pelvis) Najvišji Hrbet: zelo širok in zelo debel vse do pleč Križ je zelo zaokrožen Pleča: zelo visoko zaokroženo E Stegno: zelo zaokroženo Notranje stegno se izrazito razteza čez medenično zrast (symphisis pelvis) Odličen Hrbet: širok in zelo debel vse do pleč Križ je zelo zaokrožen Pleča: zelo zaokroženo U Stegno: zaokroženo Notranje stegno se razteza čez medenično zrast (symphisis pelvis) Zelo dober Hrbet: širok in debel vse do pleč Križ je zaokrožen Pleča: zaokroženo R Stegno: dobro razvito Notranje stegno in križ sta rahlo zaokrožena Dober Hrbet: še vedno debel, a manj širok čez pleča Pleča: zelo dobro razvita O Stegno: povprečno do premalo razvito Zadovoljiv Hrbet: povprečno do premalo debel Pleča: povprečno razvita do skoraj ploska Križ : raven profil P Stegno: slabo razvito Slabši Hrbet: ozek, z vidnimi kostmi Pleča: ploščata, z vidnimi kostmi
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straight up