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strategic surveillance
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
(f) to select appropriate combinations of containment and surveillance methods and techniques and the strategic points at which they are to be applied.
(f) izbrati primerne kombinacije postopkov in tehnik za hrambo in nadzor ter strateške točke, na katerih naj se uporabljajo.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
S. Strategic point means a location selected during examination of design information where, under normal conditions and when combined with the information from all strategic points taken together, the information necessary and sufficient for the implementation of safeguards measures is obtained and verified; a strategic point may include any location where key measurements related to material balance accountancy are made and where containment and surveillance measures are executed.
S. Strateška točka pomeni lokacijo, izbrano med pregledom projektne informacije, kjer se v običajnih razmerah in skupaj s podatki, zbranimi iz vseh strateških točk, dobijo in preverijo podatki, ki so potrebni in zadostni za uresničevanje ukrepov varovanja; strateška točka lahko obsega katero koli lokacijo, na kateri se opravljajo ključne meritve, ki se nanašajo na obračun materialne bilance, ter kjer se izvajajo ukrepi hrambe in nadzorovanja.
3 Končna redakcija
closer military cooperation complementary to the Alliance in particular in the fields of logistics, transport, training and strategic surveillance;
tesnejše vojaško sodelovanje kot dopolnitev Atlantskega zavezništva, zlasti na področju logistike, prevoza, usposabljanja in strateškega nadzora;
4 Pravna redakcija
Strategic point means a location selected during examination of design information where, under normal conditions and when combined with the information from all strategic points taken together, the information necessary and sufficient for the implementation of safeguards measures is obtained and verified; a strategic point may include any location where key measurements related to material balance accountancy are made and where containment and surveillance measures are executed.
Strateška točka pomeni lokacijo, izbrano med pregledom projektne informacije, kjer se v običajnih razmerah in skupaj s podatki, zbranimi iz vseh strateških točk, dobijo in preverijo podatki, ki so potrebni in zadostni za uresničevanje ukrepov varovanja; strateška točka lahko obsega katero koli lokacijo, na kateri se opravljajo ključne meritve, ki se nanašajo na obračun materialne bilance, ter kjer se izvajajo ukrepi hrambe in nadzorovanja.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976R3227
a "strategic point" may include any location where key measurements related to material accountancy are made and where containment and surveillance measures are executed.
"strateška točka" lahko pomeni vsako mesto, na katerem se opravljajo ključne meritve v zvezi z materialnim knjigovodstvom, in kjer se izvajajo ukrepi obvladovanja in varovanja.
6 Prevod
to select appropriate combinations of containment and surveillance methods and techniques and the strategic points at which they are to be applied.
izbrati primerne kombinacije postopkov in tehnik za hrambo in nadzor ter strateške točke, na katerih naj se uporabljajo.
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strategic surveillance