Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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subordinate act
1 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-109
The competent authorities may communicate directly for this purpose and may authorise subordinate authorities to act on their behalf.
Pristojni organi lahko v ta namen komunicirajo neposredno ali pa pooblastijo podrejene organe, da delujejo v njihovem imenu.
2 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
if the members of the group have concluded, for a period of no less that 36 months, an agreement between business enterprises subject to the act regulating companies, in accordance with which the subordinated taxable person is obliged to transfer its profits to the principal taxable person, and the principal taxable person is obliged to cover the losses generated by the subordinated taxable person.
če imata člana skupine za obdobje najmanj 36 mesecev med seboj sklenjeno podjetniško pogodbo v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja gospodarske družbe, po kateri mora podrejeni zavezanec prenesti ves svoj dobiček glavnemu zavezancu, glavni zavezanec pa mora pokrivati izgubo podrejenega zavezanca.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
if an aviation inspector, an investigating body referred to in Section 8 of this Act or a subordinate, considers that a person concerned is not mentally or physically capable of the proper performance of work or that he is under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other psycho-active substances.
če letalski inšpektor, preiskovalni organ iz 8. poglavja tega zakona ali nadrejeni oceni, da prizadeta oseba ni duševno ali telesno zmožna za pravilno opravljanje dela oziroma, da je pod vplivom alkohola, narkotikov ali drugega psihoaktivnega sredstva.
4 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-83
However, the receiving State and the Supreme Headquarters or any subordinate Allied Headquarters authorised by it may agree that the receiving State shall act on behalf of the Supreme Headquarters in any legal proceedings to which that Headquarters is a party before the courts of the receiving State.
Vendar pa se lahko država sprejemnica in vrhovno poveljstvo ali katero od podrejenih zavezniških poveljstev, ki ga vrhovno poveljstvo pooblasti, dogovorita, da bo država sprejemnica v katerem koli pravnem postopku, v katerem je to poveljstvo udeleženec pred sodišči države sprejemnice, delovala v imenu vrhovnega poveljstva.
5 Končna redakcija
On the basis of an approval from the general meeting, a mutual insurance company may raise additional capital by issuing the subordinate debt instruments referred to in the third paragraph of Article 107 of this Act.
Družba za vzajemno zavarovanje lahko na podlagi soglasja skupščine zbira dodatni kapital z izdajo podrejenih dolžniških instrumentov iz tretjega odstavka 107. člena tega zakona.
6 Končna redakcija
In such a case, the anti-political element as an extremist determining factor (the act and activism arises exactly from here) would dissolve into social interpretation and become subordinated, let's say, to 'nationalist', sexist, racist or some other similar understanding.
V tem primeru bi namreč antipolitični element kot skrajnostno in ekstremistično določujoči dejavnik (dejanje pride prav od tod!) razgradili v družboslovno interpretacijo in ga podredili, denimo, 'nacionalističnemu', seksističnemu, rasističnemu ali kakšnemu drugemu podobnemu umevanju.
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subordinate act