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substantive provision
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
- if the decision has violated a substantive provision of this Act or the regulation governing the misdemeanour;
- če je bila z odločbo prekršena materialna določba tega zakona ali predpis, ki določa prekršek;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
A violation of substantive law shall occur when the court has failed to apply the provisions of substantive law which should have been applied or has applied them erroneously.
Napačna uporaba materialnega prava je podana, če sodišče ni uporabilo določb materialnega prava, ki bi jih moralo uporabiti, ali če jih ni uporabilo pravilno.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
due to a violation of the substantive provisions of this Act or regulation governing the misdemeanour;
zaradi kršitve materialnih določb tega zakona ali predpisa, ki določa prekršek;
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(3) The provisions of Part One of this Act (substantive law provisions) shall apply to all misdemeanours pursuant to the regulations under the preceding paragraph.
(3) Določbe prvega dela tega zakona (materialnopravne določbe) veljajo za vse prekrške po predpisih iz prejšnjega odstavka.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
on finding that determination of the state of facts is correct but that provisions of substantive law have been violated in the proceedings of first instance.
če misli, da je dejansko stanje v sodbi prve stopnje pravilno ugotovljeno, da pa je sodišče prve stopnje zmotno uporabilo materialno pravo.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
A violation of the substantive provisions of this Act or regulation governing the misdemeanour shall be deemed to have been committed if the violation is associated with the following questions:
Kršitev materialnih določb tega zakona ali predpisa, ki določa prekršek, je podana, če je kršitev podana glede vprašanja:
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-24
The decision shall expound the substantive findings, the applicability of the relevant provisions of this Agreement, and the reasoning underpinning the findings and conclusions reached by the arbitration panel.
Odločitev zajema ugotovitve o dejstvih, relevantnost ustreznih določb tega sporazuma ter argumente za sprejete ugotovitve in sklepe, ki jih je sprejel arbitražni senat.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(2) In the grounds for the decision the higher court shall assess all indications in the appeal and the indications of violations of the substantive provisions of this Act or regulation governing the misdemeanour which it observed ex officio.
(2) V obrazložitvi odločbe oceni višje sodišče navedbe pritožbe in navede kršitve materialnopravnih določb tega zakona ali predpisa, ki določa prekršek, ki jih je upoštevalo po uradni dolžnosti.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(2) If after a misdemeanour has been committed the substantive law provisions of this Act or the regulation which governs the misdemeanour are amended once or more times, the Act or regulation which is more lenient for the perpetrator shall apply.
(2) Če se po storitvi prekrška enkrat ali večkrat spremenijo materialnopravne določbe tega zakona ali predpis, ki določa prekršek, se uporabi zakon ali predpis, ki je za storilca milejši.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
The statement of ground shall consist only of a brief description of factual considerations and the indication of provisions of the substantive and procedural law which have been applied in determination of the case (third paragraph of Article 324),
Obrazložitev sodbe obsega samo kratek povzetek dejanskih ugotovitev, navedbo določb procesnega in materialnega prava, na podlagi katerih je bilo odločeno (tretji odstavek 324. člena).
11 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Konvencija
Having regard to the Convention on Cybercrime, which provides for modern and flexible means of international co-operation and convinced of the need to harmonise substantive law provisions concerning the fight against racist and xenophobic propaganda;
upoštevajoč Konvencijo o kibernetski kriminaliteti, ki zagotavlja sodobne in prilagodljive ukrepe za mednarodno sodelovanje, in v prepričanju, da je treba uskladiti določbe materialnega prava o boju proti propagandi z rasistično in ksenofobično vsebino;
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
1 The commencement of arbitration proceedings shall have the same effect, as regards the interruption of periods of limitation, as that attributed by the applicable provisions of substantive law to the institution of an action in the ordinary courts or tribunals.
Začetek arbitražnega postopka ima na prekinitev zastaranja enak učinek, kot ga imajo določbe veljavne materialne zakonodaje na vložitev tožbe na rednem sodišču.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
The judgment and the decree by which a small claim procedure has been concluded may be appealed against only on the ground of severe violation of civil procedure provisions referred to in the second paragraph of Article 339 of the present Act and of violation of substantive law.
Sodba in sklep, s katerim je končan spor v postopku v sporih majhne vrednosti, se smeta izpodbijati samo zaradi bistvene kršitve določb pravdnega postopka iz drugega odstavka 339. člena tega zakona in zaradi zmotne uporabe materialnega prava.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-62
have access to a review procedure before a court of law and/or another independent and impartial body established by law, to challenge the substantive and procedural legality of any decision, act or omission subject to the provisions of article 6 and, where so provided for under national law and without prejudice to paragraph 3 below, of other relevant provisions of this Convention.
dostop do revizijskega postopka pred sodiščem in/ali drugim neodvisnim in nepristranskim telesom, določenim z zakonom, da izpodbijajo stvarno in postopkovno zakonitost katere koli odločitve, dejanja ali opustitve na podlagi določb 6. člena, in kadar je to predvideno po notranjem pravu in brez vpliva na tretji odstavek tega člena, tudi drugih ustreznih določb te konvencije.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Without prejudice to the provision of the above paragraph, the panel of the court of second instance shall set aside the judgment and/or of the court of first instance and remand the case for rehearing when it establishes that the due to violation of substantive law the determination of state of facts is erroneous and/or incomplete.
Ne glede na določbo prejšnjega odstavka tega člena senat sodišča druge stopnje razveljavi sodbo oziroma sklep sodišča prve stopnje in zadevo vrne sodišču prve stopnje v novo sojenje, če ugotovi, da je zaradi zmotne uporabe materialnega prava dejansko stanje nepopolno ugotovljeno.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
An appeal due to a mistake in the finding of facts or incomplete finding of facts, or due to a violation of the substantive provisions of this Act or regulation governing the misdemeanour, lodged to the benefit of the accused person, shall also comprise an appeal against the decision on sanctions and deprivation of pecuniary advantage.
Pritožba zaradi zmotne ali nepopolne ugotovitve dejanskega stanja ali zaradi kršitve materialnopravnih določb tega zakona ali predpisa, ki določa prekršek, podana v korist obdolženca, obsega tudi pritožbo zaradi odločitve o sankcijah in o odvzemu premoženjske koristi.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
The higher court shall test the part of the misdemeanour judgement which is challenged by the appeal, but it must also test, ex officio, whether a substantial violation has been committed of the provisions of misdemeanour proceedings referred to in points 1, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of paragraph1 of Article 155, and whether the substantive provisions of the Act or regulation governing the misdemeanour have been violated to the detriment of the accused person (Article 156 of this Act).
Višje sodišče preizkusi sodbo o prekršku v tistem delu, v katerem se s pritožbo izpodbija, vendar mora vselej po uradni dolžnosti preizkusiti, ali je podana bistvena kršitev določb postopka o prekršku iz 1., 5., 6., 7. in 8. točke prvega odstavka 155. člena ter ali so bile v škodo obdolženca kršene materialne določbe zakona ali predpisa, ki določa prekršek (156. člena tega zakona).
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
The court of second instance shall examine the judgment of the court of first instance within limits of reasons stated in the appeal; in doing so, it shall always be bound by virtue of office to inquire into severe violations of civil procedure provisions referred to in clauses 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12 and 14 of the second paragraph of Article 339 of the present Act, and examine the correctness of application of the substantive law.
Sodišče druge stopnje preizkusi sodbo sodišča prve stopnje v mejah razlogov, ki so navedeni v pritožbi, pri tem pa pazi po uradni dolžnosti na bistvene kršitve določb pravdnega postopka iz 1., 2., 6., 7., 8., 11., 12. in 14. točke drugega odstavka 339. člena tega zakona in na pravilno uporabo materialnega prava.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
The summons to the main hearing shall inter alia include the advise to following effect: on that the plaintiff who fails to appear at the main hearing will deem to have relinquished the claim; that a small claims procedure is not subject to provisions governing the stay of proceedings; that the parties are bound to present all facts and evidence in the pleading referred to in Article 451 of the present Act; and that the decision may be contested only on the ground of severe violation of civil procedure provisions and violation of substantive law.
V vabilu na glavno obravnavo mora biti med drugim navedeno, da se bo štelo, da se je tožeča stranka, ki ne pride na prvi narok za glavno obravnavo, odpovedala tožbenemu zahtevku, da se v postopku v sporih majhne vrednosti ne uporabljajo določbe o mirovanju postopka, da morajo stranke v tem postopku navesti vsa dejstva in dokaze v vlogah iz 451. člena tega zakona kot tudi da se sme odločba izpodbijati samo zaradi bistvene kršitve določb pravdnega postopka in zaradi zmotne uporabe materialnega prava.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-24
The Parties agree that their respective trade and customs legislation, provisions and procedures shall draw on international instruments and standards applicable in the fields of customs and trade, in particular the substantive elements of the International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonisation of Customs Procedures, concluded at Kyoto on 18 May 1973 and revised at Brussels on 26 June 1999 (the 'revised Kyoto Convention'), the WCO Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade, the WCO data set and the International Convention on the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System (HS).
Pogodbenici soglašata, da njuna trgovinska in carinska zakonodaja, njune določbe in postopki temeljijo na mednarodnih instrumentih in standardih, ki veljajo na področju carine in trgovine, zlasti na temeljih Mednarodne konvencije o uskladitvi in poenostavitvi carinskih postopkov, sklenjen v Kjotu 18. maja 1973 in revidirane v Bruslju 26. junija 1999 (revidirane Kjotska konvencija), Okvira WCO o standardih za zaščito in pospeševanje svetovne trgovine, carinskega podatkovnega modela WCO in Konvencije o usklajenem sistemu poimenovanj in šifrskih oznak proizvodov (` HS` ).
21 Končna redakcija
The provision contained in the first article should be understood as a fundamental provision where the principle of truthfulness is comparable to the principle of substantive truth in criminal law.
Določbo prvega člena je treba razumeti kot temeljno določbo, ki govori o načelu resničnosti, podobno kot velja v kazenskem pravu načelo materialne resnice.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31975L0324
If a Member State notes, on the basis of a substantive justification, that one or more aerosol dispensers, although complying with the requirements of the Directive, represent a hazard to safety or health, it may provisionally prohibit the sale of the dispenser or dispensers in its territory or subject it or them to special conditions.
Če država članica na podlagi vsebinske utemeljitve ugotovi, da eden ali več aerosolnih razpršilnikov, čeprav ustrezajo zahtevam te direktive, lahko ogroža varnost ali zdravje, lahko začasno prepove prodajo razpršilnika ali razpršilnikov na svojem ozemlju ali zanje določi posebne pogoje.
23 Pravna redakcija
The substantive provisions of this Regulation on design law should be aligned with the respective provisions in Directive 98/71/EC.
Vsebinske določbe te Uredbe o pravu modelov je treba uskladiti z ustreznimi določbami v Direktivi št. 98/71/EC.
24 Pravna redakcija
An amending act shall not contain autonomous substantive provisions which are not inserted in the act to be amended.
Akt o spremembi ne vsebuje samostojnih vsebinskih določb, ki niso vsebovane v aktu, katerega je treba spremeniti.
25 Pravna redakcija
enables the substantive amendments and new recitals to be clearly distinguished from the provisions and recitals which remain unchanged;
omogoča, da se bistvene spremembe in nove uvodne navedbe jasno razlikujejo od določb in uvodnih navedb, ki ostajajo nespremenjene:
26 Pravna redakcija
On a secondary level, the proposal shall include the codification of the unchanged provisions of the earlier act with those substantive amendments.
Predlog obsega kodifikacijo nespremenjenih določb prejšnjega akta z navedenimi bistvenimi spremembami.
27 Pravna redakcija
'unchanged provision' shall mean any provision of the earlier act which, although it may be affected by purely formal or editorial changes, has not undergone any substantive amendment.
"nespremenjena določba" pomeni vsako določbo dosedanjega akta, ki ni bila bistveno spremenjena, čeprav so lahko v njej formalne ali redakcijske spremembe.
28 Pravna redakcija
A new legal act shall not constitute a recast act if, with the exception of standardised provisions or wordings, it makes substantive amendments to all the provisions of the earlier act, which it replaces and repeals.
Nov pravni akt se ne more šteti kot ponovno sprejet, če - z izjemo standardiziranih določb ali besedil - uvaja bistvene spremembe vseh določb dosedanjega akta, ki ga nadomesti in razveljavi.
29 Pravna redakcija
the Member State shall without delay inform the Commission of its decision to grant an exemption or a derogation from the relevant provisions of Articles 4 and 5 giving substantive reasons therefor,
država članica nemudoma obvesti Komisijo o svojem sklepu glede izjeme ali odstopanja od zadevnih določb členov 4 in 5, pri čemer navede bistvene razloge zanj;
30 Pravna redakcija
The parties agree that the choice made by the data subject will not prejudice his substantive or procedural rights to seek remedies in accordance with other provisions of national or international law.
Pogodbenici soglašata, da izbira posameznika, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, ne vpliva na njene materialne ali procesne pravice za iskanje pravnih sredstev v skladu z drugimi določbami nacionalnega ali mednarodnega prava.
31 Pravna redakcija
Recasting shall consist in the adoption of a new legal act which incorporates in a single text both the substantive amendments which it makes to an earlier act and the unchanged provisions of that act.
Pravni akt, ki se ponovno sprejme, vključuje hkrati bistvene spremembe k prejšnjemu aktu in njegove nespremenjene določbe.
32 Pravna redakcija
the article relating to the obligation to transpose (3) into national law a recast Directive shall refer only to those provisions which have undergone substantive amendment and which have been precisely identified as such.
člen, ki določa obveznost prenosa fn ponovno sprejete direktive v nacionalno zakonodajo, se nanaša samo na tiste določbe, ki so bile bistveno spremenjene in so bile natančno določene kot take.
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1995
The cooperating exporting producer claimed that it had not been given adequate disclosure of the provisional findings and therefore had been prevented from making any substantive or meaningful comment on the dumping margin calculation.
Sodelujoči proizvajalec izvoznik je trdil, da ni dobil ustreznega obvestila o začasnih ugotovitvah in je bil zato prikrajšan za možnost utemeljenih ali pomembnih pripomb o izračunu stopnje dampinga.
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0840
Those acts should be consolidated in a single text incorporating, in an annex to the Rules of Procedure, both the unchanged provisions and the substantive amendments to those acts and new provisions which are to be made in accordance with Article 18 of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001,
Te akte je treba konsolidirati v enotnem besedilu, ki v Prilogi k Poslovniku zajema tako nespremenjene določbe kot tudi vsebinske spremembe aktov in novih določb, ki jih je treba opraviti v skladu s členom 18 Uredbe (ES) št. 1049/2001 -
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0035
(9) Article 9(2) and (4) of the Arhus Convention provides for access to judicial or other procedures for challenging the substantive or procedural legality of decisions, acts or omissions subject to the public participation provisions of Article 6 of the Convention.
(9) Člen 9(2) in (4) Århu ške konvencije predvideva dostop do sodnih ali drugih postopkov izpodbijanja materialne in postopkovne zakonitosti odloèb, aktov ali opustitev, ki so predmet doloèb sodelovanja javnosti èlena 6 Konvencije.
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0035
have access to a review procedure before a court of law or another independent and impartial body established by law to challenge the substantive or procedural legality of decisions, acts or omissions subject to the public participation provisions of this Directive.
dostop do revizije postopka pred sodiščem ali pa pred drugim neodvisnim in nepristranskim organom, ki ga je vzpostavil zakon, da izpodbijajo materialno in postopkovno zakonitost odločitev, dejanj ali opustitev ob upoštevanju določb te direktive o sodelovanju javnosti.
37 Pravna redakcija
The substantive rules of the system established by the Bunkers Convention fall under the national competence of Member States and only the provisions of jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of the judgements are matters covered by exclusive Community competence.
Vsebinska pravila sistema, določena s Konvencijo o gorivih, spadajo v nacionalno pristojnost držav članic, v izključno pristojnost Skupnosti pa sodijo le določbe o pristojnosti ter priznanju in izvrševanju sodb.
38 Pravna redakcija
Members of the Council will ensure that those provisions of a proposal for the recasting of legislative texts which have been taken from the preceding act without substantive amendment are examined in accordance with the principles established for examination of codification proposals.
Člani Sveta poskrbijo za to, da se tiste določbe predloga za preoblikovanje zakonodajnih besedil, ki so iz prejšnjega akta povzete brez vsebinskih sprememb, preučijo v skladu z načeli, določenimi za preučevanje predlogov glede kodifikacije."
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0338
Members of the Council will ensure that those provisions of a proposal for the recasting of legislative texts which have been taken from the preceding act without substantive amendment are examined in accordance with the principles established for examination of codification proposals."
Člani Sveta poskrbijo za to, da se tiste določbe predloga za preoblikovanje zakonodajnih besedil, ki so iz prejšnjega akta povzete brez vsebinskih sprememb, preučijo v skladu z načeli, določenimi za preučevanje predlogov glede kodifikacije.'
40 Pravna redakcija
Organizations will also be able to provide the safeguards necessary under Article 26 of the Directive if they include the Principles in written agreements with parties transferring data from the EU for the substantive privacy provisions, once the other provisions for such model contracts are authorized by the Commission and the Member States.
Organizacije bodo lahko zagotovile tudi po členu 26 Direktive potrebna jamstva za bistvene predpise o varnosti zasebnosti, če vključujejo načela v pisne sporazume s strankami, ki prenašajo podatke iz EU, kakor hitro Komisija in države članice odobrijo druge predpise za take vzorčne pogodbe.
41 Pravna redakcija
In that context, where a substantive amendment has to be made to an earlier legal act, the recasting technique permits the adoption of a single legislative text which simultaneously makes the desired amendment, codifies that amendment with the unchanged provisions of the earlier act, and repeals that act.
S tem v zvezi - kadar je potrebna bistvena sprememba ali dopolnitev dosedanjega pravnega akta - metoda ponovnega sprejema dopušča sprejem enega samega pravnega akta, ki obsega potrebno spremembo, jo kodificira z nespremenjenimi določbami dosedanjega akta in razveljavi dosedanji akt.
42 Pravna redakcija
The provisions of the Convention should adequately supplement the substantive criminal law and should encompass crimes against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data, computer-related offences such as computer fraud and forgery and content-related offences such as in the field of child pornography.
Določbe Konvencije bi morale ustrezno dopolniti materialno kazensko pravo, morale bi zajeti kazniva dejanja proti zaupnosti, integriteti in razpoložljivosti računalniških podatkov, kazniva dejanja, povezana z računalniki, kot računalniška goljufija in ponarejanje ter kazniva dejanja v zvezi z vsebino, kot so na področju otroške pornografije.
43 Pravna redakcija
Where, in the course of the legislative procedure, it appears necessary to introduce substantive amendments in the recasting act to those provisions which remain unchanged in the Commission's proposal, such amendments shall be made to that act in compliance with the procedure laid down by the Treaty according to the applicable legal basis.
Če se v teku postopka za sprejem pravnih aktov pokaže, da je treba v ponovno sprejetem pravnem aktu uvesti bistvene spremembe tistih določb, ki v predlogu Komisije ostajajo nespremenjene, se spremembe omenjenega akta sprejmejo v skladu s postopkom, predpisanim v Pogodbi glede na veljavno pravno podlago.
44 Pravna redakcija
The fact that this international market exists, combined with the lack of a resale right in several Member States and the current disparity as regards national systems which recognise that right, make it essential to lay down transitional provisions as regards both entry into force and the substantive regulation of the right, which will preserve the competitiveness of the European market.
Zaradi dejstva, da tak mednarodni trg obstaja, in zaradi odsotnosti sledne pravice v več državah članicah in trenutne neskladnosti nacionalnih sistemov, ki to pravico priznavajo, je bistvenega pomena določiti prehodne določbe tako glede začetka veljavnosti kot glede vsebinskega urejanja pravice, ki bodo ohranile konkurenčnost evropskega trga.
45 Pravna redakcija
In accordance with national provisions on the protection of personal data, commercial and industrial secrecy and professional and administrative confidentiality, the customs office or the service which dealt with the application shall notify the holder of the right, at his request, of the name and address of the declarant and, if known, of those of the consignee so as to enable the holder of the right to ask the competent authorities to take a substantive decision.
V skladu z nacionalnimi predpisi o varstvu osebnih podatkov, trgovskih in industrijskih skrivnosti ter poklicne in upravne zaupnosti carinski urad ali služba, ki se je ukvarjala z zahtevo, imetnika pravice na njegovo zahtevo obvesti o imenu in naslovu deklaranta ter prejemnika, če je ta znan, s čimer imetniku pravice omogoči, da zahteva od pristojnih organov meritorno odločitev.
46 Pravna redakcija
Where, either after an examination procedure, or at any time before, during and after an international dispute settlement procedure, it appears that the most appropriate means to resolve a dispute arising from an obstacle to trade is the conclusion of an agreement with the third country or countries concerned, which may change the substantive rights of the Community and of the third country or countries concerned, the procedure shall be suspended according to the provisions of Article 14, and negotiations shall be carried out according to the provisions of Article 113 of the Treaty.
Če se po postopku pregleda ali kadar koli pred postopkom reševanja mednarodnega spora, med njim ali po njem izkaže, da je najprimernejše sredstvo za rešitev spora, ki izhaja iz trgovinske ovire, sklenitev sporazuma z zadevno tretjo državo ali zadevnimi tretjimi državami, ki lahko spremeni materialne pravice Skupnosti ali zadevne tretje države ali zadevnih tretjih držav, se postopek prekine v skladu z določbami člena 14 in se opravijo pogajanja v skladu z določbami člena 113 Pogodbe.
47 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0079
(6) Following the Council Decision of 19 December 2002 authorising the Presidency of the Council to open negotiations with a view to the application of certain provisions in the field of judicial cooperation in criminal matters on the basis of Articles 24 and 38 of the Treaty on European Union, the Presidency, assisted by the Commission, negotiated an agreement with the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway, according to which the content of the other substantive provisions of the EU Mutual Assistance Convention and the EU Mutual Assistance Protocol will also become applicable to the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway in their mutual relations and in their relations with the Member States of the European Union.
(6) Po Sklepu Sveta z 19. decembra 2002, ki omogoča predsedstvu Sveta, da začne pogajanja glede uporabe nekaterih določb na področju pravosodnega sodelovanja v kazenskih zadevah na podlagi členov 24 in 38 Pogodbe o Evropski uniji, je predsedstvo ob pomoči Komisije s pogajanji doseglo sporazum z Republiko Islandijo in Kraljevino Norveško, na podlagi katerega se bo uporabljala vsebina drugih bistvenih določb Konvencije EU o medsebojni pomoči in Protokola EU o medsebojni pomoči tudi za Republiko Islandijo in Kraljevino Norveško pri njunih medsebojnih odnosih in odnosih z državami članicami Evropske unije.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
Substantive Provisions
Bistvene določbe
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0041
the Member State shall without delay inform the Commission of its decision to grant an exemption or a derogation from the relevant provisions of Articles 4 and 5 giving substantive reasons therefor;
država članica nemudoma obvesti Komisijo o svoji odločitvi glede izjeme ali odstopanja od zadevnih določb členov 4 in 5, pri čemer navede bistvene razloge zanjo;
Prevodi: en > sl
substantive provision