Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
In such a case, at the request of the worker, the immediate superior must allow a medical examination of the worker.
V takem primeru mora neposredni vodja na zahtevo delavca omogočiti zdravniški pregled delavca.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
Whosoever has passed a professional examination for responsible planning and wishes to also act as a responsible project designer of a specific type of plan or as a responsible supervisor and as a responsible project manager or vice-versa shall take the professional examination for responsible project design as a supplementary professional examination.
(2) Kdor ima opravljen strokovni izpit za odgovorno prostorsko načrtovanje in želi nastopati še kot odgovorni projektant določene vrste načrtov oziroma kot odgovorni nadzornik in kot odgovorni vodja projekta ali obratno, opravlja strokovni izpit za odgovorno projektiranje kot dopolnilni strokovni izpit.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
The joint supervisory body shall also be competent for the examination of questions relating to implementation and interpretation in connection with Europol's activities as regards the processing and utilization of personal data, for the examination of questions relating to checks carried out independently by the national supervisory bodies of the Member States or relating to the exercise of the right to information, as well as for drawing up harmonized proposals for common solutions to existing problems.
Skupni nadzorni organ je prav tako pristojen za pregled vseh vprašanj o izvajanju in razlag v zvezi z dejavnostmi Europola, ki se nanašajo na obdelavo in uporabo osebnih podatkov, za pregled vprašanj o preverjanjih, ki so jih neodvisno opravili nacionalni nadzorni organi držav članic ali ki se nanašajo na uveljavljanje pravice do informacij, kakor tudi za sestavo usklajenih predlogov za skupne rešitve obstoječih problemov.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
If after the period specified in the previous paragraph a specific urban planning inspector fails to fulfil the conditions specified in point 1 of Article 144 of this act, the inspector shall only continue work as a building inspector if he has at least gained a four-year tertiary qualification in civil engineering or another appropriate technical subject and at least ten years of work experience in the field of inspection supervision and has passed the examination on knowledge of the ZUP, the professional examination for inspectors or a test of knowledge equivalent to such examination.
(3) Če po preteku roka iz prejšnjega odstavka določeni urbanistični inšpektor ne izpolnjuje pogojev iz 1. točke 144. člena tega zakona, lahko takšen inšpektor nadaljuje z delom kot gradbeni inšpektor samo, če ima najmanj visokošolsko izobrazbo gradbene ali druge ustrezne tehnične smeri z najmanj deset let delovnih izkušenj s področja opravljanja inšpekcijskega nadzorstva ter opravljen izpit iz poznavanja ZUP ali strokovni izpit za inšpektorja oziroma s takšnim izpitom izenačen preizkus znanja.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
3. An authorised engineer shall facilitate the formulation and auditing of plans for whose formulation the individual holds a suitable professional qualification, works management, supervision during the construction of works, the provision of land surveying services pursuant to the provisions of the land surveying activities act and the provision of engineering services for which the authorised engineer has in accordance with the provisions of Article 135 of this act passed a professional examination or a supplementary professional examination.
3. pooblaščenega inženirja omogoča izdelavo in revidiranje tiste vrste načrtov, za katerih izdelavo ima posameznik ustrezno strokovno izobrazbo, vodenje del, opravljanje nadzora pri graditvi objektov, opravljanje geodetskih storitev po določbah zakona o geodetski dejavnosti ter opravljanje tistih inženirskih storitev, za katere ima pooblaščeni inženir v skladu z določbami 135. člena tega zakona opravljen strokovni izpit oziroma dopolnilni strokovni izpit.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
Persons that on the day this act enters into force are entered in the register of authorised engineers in accordance with the provisions of the ZGO and have passed the professional examination pursuant to the current regulations shall be deemed to fulfil the conditions for the responsible works manager and the responsible supervisor of all types of constructions.
(1) Šteje se, da osebe, ki so z dnem uveljavitve tega zakona vpisane v imenik pooblaščenih inženirjev v skladu z določbami ZGO in imajo opravljen strokovni izpit po sedanjih predpisih, izpolnjujejo pogoje za odgovornega vodjo del in odgovornega nadzornika nad vsemi vrstami gradenj.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
4. For the part of responsible project design that relates to construction project design and other project design may act as an authorised engineer, may provide the services of a responsible project designer for all the types of plans for which the special section of the professional examination was passed and the services of a responsible supervisor, and, after having passed an appropriate supplementary professional examination, may provide the services of a responsible auditor of individual types of plans specified in points 3 to 10 of Article 36 of this act
4. za tisti del odgovornega projektiranja, ki se nanaša gradbeno ali drugo projektiranje, lahko nastopa kot pooblaščeni inženir ter opravlja storitve odgovornega projektanta tiste vrste načrtov, za katere je opravil posebni del strokovnega izpita ter storitve odgovornega nadzornika, storitve odgovornega revidenta posamezne vrste načrtov iz 3. do 10. točke 36. člena tega zakona pa lahko opravlja po tem, ko opravi še ustrezen dopolnilni strokovni izpit;
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
2. For the part of responsible project design that relates to architectural project design may act as an authorised architect and an authorised planner, may provide the services of a responsible planner, a responsible project designer and a responsible supervisor, and, after having passed an appropriate supplementary professional examination, may provide the services of a responsible auditor of architecture plans
2. za tisti del odgovornega projektiranja, ki se nanaša na arhitekturno projektiranje, lahko nastopa hkrati kot pooblaščeni arhitekt in kot pooblaščeni prostorski načrtovalec ter opravlja storitve odgovornega prostorskega načrtovalca, odgovornega projektanta in odgovornega nadzornika, storitve odgovornega revidenta načrtov arhitekture pa lahko opravlja po tem, ko opravi še ustrezen dopolnilni strokovni izpit;
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
3. For the part of responsible project design that relates to landscape architectural project design may act as an authorised landscape architect and an authorised planner, may provide the services of a responsible planner and a responsible project designer, may not provide the services of a responsible supervisor except for the field of landscaping, and, after having passed an appropriate supplementary professional examination, may provide the services of a responsible auditor of landscape architecture plans
3. za tisti del odgovornega projektiranja, ki se nanaša na krajinsko-arhitekturno projektiranje, lahko nastopa hkrati kot pooblaščeni krajinski arhitekt in kot pooblaščeni prostorski načrtovalec ter opravlja storitve odgovornega prostorskega načrtovalca in odgovornega projektanta, ne more pa opravljati storitev odgovornega nadzornika, razen za področje krajinskih ureditev, storitve odgovornega revidenta načrtov krajinske arhitekture pa lahko opravlja po tem, ko opravi še ustrezen dopolnilni strokovni izpit;
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
Irrespective of the provisions of the previous paragraph, a technician that prior to 9 November 1996 fulfilled the conditions for expert management in the construction of the works of citizens and civil legal persons in accordance with Article 84 of the Construction Act (Ur. l. SRS, No.34/84), that passed the professional examination prior to the entry into force of the aforementioned act of law and that by 9 November 1996 had gained at least ten years of work experience may also act as the responsible supervisor and the responsible works manager on demanding works.
(2) Ne glede na določbe prejšnjega odstavka lahko tehnik, ki je pred 9. novembrom 1996 izpolnjeval pogoje za strokovno vodstvo pri gradnji objektov občanov in civilnih pravnih oseb v skladu s 84. členom zakona o graditvi objektov (Uradni list SRS, št. 34/84) in je opravil strokovni izpit pred uveljavitvijo navedenega zakona ter je imel 9. novembra 1996 najmanj dvajset let delovnih izkušenj, nastopa tudi kot odgovorni nadzornik in odgovorni vodja del pri zahtevnih gradnjah.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
Irrespective of the provisions of the first paragraph of this article, an engineer that has gained a higher university qualification, passed the professional examination and gained at least five years of work experience in construction may act as the responsible supervisor and the responsible works manager on the construction of less demanding works and simple works if prior to 9 November 1996 he fulfilled the conditions for expert management in the construction of the works of citizens and civil legal persons in accordance with Article 51 of the Construction Act (Ur. l. SRS, No. 34/84).
(3) Ne glede na določbe prvega odstavka tega člena lahko inženir z višjo univerzitetno izobrazbo, opravljenim strokovnim izpitom in najmanj petimi leti delovnih izkušenj pri gradnjah nastopa kot odgovorni nadzornik in odgovorni vodja del pri gradnjah manj zahtevnih in enostavnih objektov, če je pred 9. novembrom 1996 izpolnjeval pogoje za strokovno vodstvo pri gradnji objektov občanov in civilnih pravnih oseb v skladu z 51. členom zakona o graditvi objektov (Uradni list SRS, št. 34/84).
12 Končna redakcija
All these examinations must be carried out under official supervision.
Vsi pregledi morajo biti opravljeni pod uradnim nadzorom.
13 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
2. by conducting examinations of the operations of the subjects of supervision.
2. z opravljanjem pregledov poslovanja subjektov nadzora.
14 Končna redakcija
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(1) The request for the examination of the operations must be delivered to the subject of supervision at least eight days before the beginning of the examination of the operations.
(1) Zahteva za pregled poslovanja mora biti subjektu nadzora vročena najmanj osem dni pred začetkom pregleda poslovanja.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
in the case of the conditions laid down in Annex I, has been found to satisfy those conditions either by official examination or by examination carried out under official supervision;
je bilo v primeru pogojev, določenih v Prilogi I, z uradnim pregledom ali pregledom, izvedenim pod uradnim nadzorom, ugotovljeno, da izpolnjuje navedene pogoje;
16 Končna redakcija
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(5) The Bank of Slovenia must conduct its examination in such a manner as to hamper the normal operations of the subject of supervision only to the extent necessary for the conduct of the examination in accordance with the purpose of each supervision.
(5) Banka Slovenije mora pregled poslovanja opravljati tako, da s tem ovira normalno poslovanje subjekta nadzora samo v takšni meri kot je nujno za opravljanje nadzora v skladu z namenom posameznega nadzora.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
Member States shall require that, for the checking of varieties, the examination of seed for certification and the examination of commercial seed, samples are drawn under official supervision in accordance with appropriate methods.
Države članice zahtevajo, da se vzorci za pregled sort, za pregled semena za potrjevanje in pregled trgovskega semena, odvzamejo pod uradnim nadzorom v skladu s ustreznimi metodami.
18 Končna redakcija
Member States shall determine the penalties applicable to infringements of the rules set out in the first subparagraph governing examination under official supervision.
Države članice določijo kazni, ki veljajo za kršenje pravil, določenih v prvem pododstavku, ki ureja preglede pod uradnim nadzorom.
19 Končna redakcija
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(1) The subject of supervision must enable the inspector of the Bank of Slovenia at his request to conduct the examination of the operations at the head office of the subject of supervision and in other localities in which the subject of supervision or another person with his authorisation performs activities and business in connection with which the Bank of Slovenia is conducting supervision.
(1) Subjekt nadzora mora inšpektorju Banke Slovenije na njegovo zahtevo omogočiti, da opravi pregled poslovanja na sedežu subjekta nadzora in v drugih prostorih, v katerih subjekt nadzora oziroma druga oseba po njegovem pooblastilu opravlja dejavnosti in posle, v zvezi s katerimi Banka Slovenije opravlja nadzor.
20 Končna redakcija
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(1) During the conduct of the examination, the Bank of Slovenia may require from the subject of the supervision the records and information on all matters which are, in view of the purpose of each supervision, of importance for judging whether the subject of supervision observes the provisions of the law or regulations promulgated on its basis.
(1) Pri opravljanju nadzora lahko Banka Slovenije od subjekta nadzora zahteva poročila in informacije o vseh zadevah, ki so glede na namen posameznega nadzora, pomembne za presojo ali subjekt nadzora spoštuje določbe zakona, oziroma na njegovi podlagi izdanih predpisov.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31984L0319
After a further settling period of 10 minutes, 30 ml of the supernatant fluid is withdrawn by suction leaving a volume of 10 ml for examination in a Petri dish or larval counting basin.
Po nadaljnjem usedanju 10 minut se 30 ml supernatanta (bistre tekočine) odvzame s pipetiranjem, preostalih 10 ml za pregled pa se vlije v petrijevko ali posodo za štetje ličink.
22 Končna redakcija
After a further settling period of 10 minutes, 30 ml of supernatant fluid is removed by suction and the remaining 15 ml is poured into a Petri dish or larval counting basin for examination.
Po nadaljnjem usedanju 10 minut se 30 ml supernatanta (bistre tekočine) odvzame s pipetiranjem, preostalih 15 ml za pregled pa se vlije v petrijevko ali posodo za štetje ličink.
23 Končna redakcija
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(5) The request for the examination of the operations must also contain legal advice on the legal consequences which may occur if the subject of supervision will not act in accordance with the request for the examination of the operations or will not enable the Bank of Slovenia the conduct the supervision of the operations in the manner prescribed in article 198 of the present law.
(5) Zahteva za pregled poslovanja mora obsegati tudi pravni pouk o pravnih posledicah, ki lahko nastopijo, če subjekt nadzora ne bo ravnal v skladu z zahtevo za pregled poslovanja oziroma Banki Slovenije ne bo omogočil opravljanja pregleda poslovanja na način, določen v 198. členu tega zakona.
24 Končna redakcija
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(1) The competent supervisory authority in a Member State or persons authorised by it may conduct an examination of the operations of a branch of a bank of that Member State within the Republic of Slovenia.
(1) Pristojni nadzorni organ države članice oziroma osebe, ki jih pooblasti, lahko na območju Republike Slovenije opravijo pregled poslovanja podružnice banke te države članice.
25 Končna redakcija
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(3) Upon request by the competent supervisory authority of a Member State the Bank of Slovenia must conduct an examination of the operations of a branch of a bank of that Member State within the Republic of Slovenia.
(3) Na zaprosilo pristojnega nadzornega organa države članice mora Banka Slovenije opraviti pregled poslovanja podružnice banke te države članice na območju Republike Slovenije.
26 Končna redakcija
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(2) If internal audit finds during the examination of operations that the management board of the bank has violated the rules for the management of risk, it must immediately notify of this also the supervisory board.
(2) Če notranja revizija pri pregledu poslovanja ugotovi, da uprava banke krši pravila o obvladovanju tveganj, mora o tem nemudoma obvestiti tudi nadzorni svet.
27 Končna redakcija
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(2) Notwithstanding the provision of the first paragraph of this article, the authorised person may deliver the request for the examination of the operations as late as at the beginning of the conduct of the examination of the operations if otherwise it would not have been possible to achieve the purpose of an individual supervision.
(2) Ne glede na določbo prvega odstavka tega člena, lahko pooblaščena oseba zahtevo za pregled poslovanja vroči šele ob začetku opravljanja pregleda poslovanja, če drugače ne bi bilo mogoče doseči namena posameznega nadzora.
28 Končna redakcija
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(1) The subject of supervision must provide to the authorised persons of the Bank of Slovenia an appropriate area in which they can undisturbed and without the presence of other persons conduct the examination of the operations.
(1) Subjekt nadzora mora pooblaščenim osebam Banke Slovenije zagotoviti ustrezne prostore, v katerih lahko nemoteno in brez prisotnosti drugih oseb opravijo pregled poslovanja.
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0057
When the examination under official supervision referred to in paragraph 1(e)(iv) second indent, 1(f)(iv) second indent, 1(h)(iv) second indent and 1(i)(iv) second indent above is carried out, the following requirements shall be complied with:
Ko se ugotovi, da je pregled v skladu z uradnim nadzorom iz odstavka 1(e)(iv) druga alinea, 1(f)(iv) druga alinea, 1(h)(iv) druga alinea, 1(i)(iv) druga alinea izvedeno, je treba izpolniti naslednje zahteve:
30 Končna redakcija
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(2) The Bank of Slovenia may request the competent supervisory authority in the Member State in which a bank provides banking services to conduct an examination of the operations of a branch of the bank in that Member State, if the supervisory procedure is thus accelerated or simplified or if this is in the interest of efficiency, simplicity, speed or lower costs for the procedure.
(2) Banka Slovenije lahko zaprosi pristojni nadzorni organ države članice, v kateri banka opravlja bančne storitve, da opravi pregled poslovanja podružnice banke v tej državi članici, če se s tem postopek nadzora pospeši oziroma poenostavi oziroma, če je to v skladu z interesi učinkovitosti, enostavnosti, hitrosti oziroma manjših stroškov postopka.
31 Končna redakcija
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(2) The subject of supervision must ensure that, at the request of an authorised person of the Bank of Slovenia during the time in which the authorised persons of the Bank of Slovenia conduct the examination of the operations in the area under the first paragraph of article 198 of the present law, authorised persons of the subject of supervision who can provide explanations regarding the business books, business documents and administrative or business evidence which are the subject of the examination, are present in the area.
(2) Subjekt nadzora mora zagotoviti, da so v času, v katerem pooblaščene osebe Banke Slovenije opravljajo pregled poslovanja v prostorih iz prvega odstavka 198. člena tega zakona, v teh prostorih prisotne pooblaščene osebe subjekta nadzora, ki lahko na zahtevo pooblaščenih oseb Banke Slovenije podajo pojasnila v zvezi s poslovnimi knjigami, poslovno dokumentacijo ter administrativnimi oziroma poslovnimi evidencami, ki so predmet pregleda.
32 Končna redakcija
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(3) If the competence to supervise an individual company under the second paragraph of this article lies with another supervisory authority, the examination of the operations of that company shall be carried out by the Bank of Slovenia in co-operation with the competent supervisory authority.
(3) Če je za nadzor nad posamezno družbo iz drugega odstavka tega člena pristojen drug nadzorni organ, opravi Banka Slovenije pregled poslovanja te družbe v sodelovanju s pristojnim nadzornim organom.
33 Končna redakcija
Where the subsystem meets the requirements of Directive 96/48/EC and the TSI, the notified body must then, based on the type-examination and the approval and surveillance of the quality system(s), draw up the certificate of EC verification intended for the adjudicating entity or its authorised representative established within the Community, which in turn draws up the EC declaration of verification intended for the supervisory authority in the Member State within which the subsystem is located and/or operates.
Če podsistem izpolnjuje zahteve Direktive 96/48/ES in TSI, mora priglašeni organ na podlagi pregleda tipa ter odobritve in nadzora sistema(-ov) kakovosti sestaviti ES-certifikat o verifikaciji, namenjen za naročnika ali njegovega pooblaščenega zastopnika s sedežem v Skupnosti, ki sestavi ES-izjavo o verifikaciji, namenjeno za nadzorni organ v državi članici, kjer se podsistem nahaja in/ali obratuje.
34 Končna redakcija
Where the subsystem meets the requirements of Directive 96/48/EC and the TSI, the notified body must then, based on the design examination and the approval and surveillance of the quality system(s), draw up the certificate of EC verification intended for the adjudicating entity or its authorised representative established within the Community, which in turn draws up the EC declaration of verification intended for the supervisory authority in the Member State within which the subsystem is located and/or operates.
Če podsistem izpolnjuje zahteve Direktive 96/48/ES in TSI, mora priglašeni organ na podlagi pregleda projektiranja ter odobritve in nadzora sistema(-ov) kakovosti sestaviti ES-certifikat o verifikaciji, namenjen za naročnika ali njegovega pooblaščenega zastopnika s sedežem v Skupnosti, ki sestavi ES-izjavo o verifikaciji, namenjeno za nadzorni organ v državi članici, kjer se podsistem nahaja in/ali obratuje.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0096
in the case of the conditions laid down in Annex I, has been found to satisfy those conditions either by official examination or by examination carried out under official supervision';
v primeru pogojev iz Priloge I, je bilo pri uradnem pregledu ali pri pregledu, opravljenim pod uradnim nadzorom, ugotovljeno, da izpolnjujejo navedene pogoje.";
36 Pravna redakcija
in the case of the conditions laid down in Annex I, has been found to satisfy those conditions either by official examination or by examination carried out under official supervision.';
v primeru pogojev iz Priloge I, je bilo pri uradnem pregledu ali pri pregledu, opravljenim pod uradnim nadzorom, ugotovljeno, da izpolnjujejo navedene pogoje.";
37 Pravna redakcija
in the case of the conditions laid down in Annex I(A), has been found to satisfy those conditions either by official examination or by examination carried out under official supervision.
je bilo ob pogojih, določenih v Prilogi I, z uradnim pregledom ali pregledom, opravljenim pod uradnim nadzorom, ugotovljeno, da zadovoljuje navedene pogoje.
38 Pravna redakcija
in the case of the conditions laid down in Annex I(A), has been found to satisfy those conditions either by official examination or by examination carried out under official supervision.';
v primeru pogojev iz Priloge I(A), je bilo pri uradnem pregledu ali pri pregledu, opravljenim pod uradnim nadzorom, ugotovljeno, da izpolnjujejo navedene pogoje.";
39 Pravna redakcija
the Member States shall determine the penalties applicable to infringements of the rules governing examination under official supervision.
države članice določijo kazni, ki se uporabljajo za kršitve pravil, ki urejajo preglede pod uradnim nadzorom.
40 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0183
If the collected supernatant is stored at -80 °C within 48 hours after the sampling it may be reused only once for virological examination.
Če se zbrani supernatant shrani pri - 80 şC v 48 urah po vzorčenju, se lahko ponovno uporabi samo še enkrat za virološko preiskavo.
41 Pravna redakcija
If the collected supernatant is stored at -80 °C within 48 hours after the sampling it may be reused only once for virological examination.
Če se zbrani supernatant shrani pri - 80 ĹźC v 48 urah po vzorčenju, se lahko ponovno uporabi samo še enkrat za virološko preiskavo.
42 Pravna redakcija
When the examination under official supervision referred to in paragraph l(C)(d)(ii) above is carried out, the following requirements shall be complied with:
Kadar se opravlja pregled pod uradnim nadzorom iz odstavka 1(C)(d)(ii) zgoraj, morajo biti izpolnjene naslednje zahteve:
43 Pravna redakcija
Further measures applicable to the carrying out of examinations under official supervision may be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 21.
V skladu s postopkom iz člena 20 se lahko sprejmejo nadaljnji ukrepi za opravljanje pregledov pod uradnim nadzorom.
44 Pravna redakcija
The Member States shall determine the penalties applicable to infringements of the rules in the first subparagraph, governing examination under official supervision.
Države članice določijo kazni za kršitve pravil iz prvega pododstavka, ki ureja pregled pod uradnim nadzorom.
45 Pravna redakcija
Further measures applicable to the carrying out of examinations under official supervision may be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 28(2).
Nadaljnji ukrepi, ki veljajo za izvajanje pregledov pod uradnim nadzorom, se lahko sprejmejo v skladu s postopkom iz člena 28(2).
46 Pravna redakcija
When the examination under official supervision referred to in the second indent of paragraph 1(d)(iv) above is carried out, the following requirements shall be complied with:
Ob izvajanju pregleda pod uradnim nadzorom, kakor izhaja iz druge alinee odstavka 1(d)(iv) zgoraj, je treba izpolniti naslednje zahteve:
47 Pravna redakcija
coordination and supervision of the implementation of sectoral agreements provided for in this Agreement, as well as the examination of the possibility of new agreements of this type.
sodelovanje in nadzor izvajanja sektorskih sporazumov, predvidenih v tem sporazumu ter preučevanje možnosti novih tovrstnih sporazumov.
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