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supervising customs office
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31994R2193
supervising customs office:
nadzorni carinski urad:
2 Pravna redakcija
Name and address of supervising customs office
Ime in naslov nadzornega carinskega urada
3 Pravna redakcija
Indicate the rate of yield or the means by which the supervising customs office is to establish such rate.
Navedite stopnjo donosa ali način, kako naj nadzorni carinski organ ugotavlja to stopnjo.
4 Pravna redakcija
The import goods may be entered for the procedure at a customs office of entry other than that originally specified, where the change is allowed by the supervising customs office or by the customs office where the entry formalities are actually carried out, which in that event shall notify the change to the supervising customs office.
Za uvozno blago se lahko začne postopek pri carinskem uradu vnosa v postopek, ki ni prvotno naveden, če spremembo dovoli nadzorni carinski urad ali carinski urad, na katerem se dejansko opravljajo carinske formalnosti vnosa in ki v tem primeru o spremembi obvesti nadzorni carinski urad.
5 Pravna redakcija
It shall send copy 3 to the supervising customs office without delay, return the original to the declarant and retain copy 2. '
Izvod 3 takoj pošlje nadzornemu carinskemu uradu, izvirnik vrne deklarantu in obdrži izvod 2.«
6 Pravna redakcija
However, the supervising customs office may allow the declaration referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 to be presented at a customs office other than those referred to in the said paragraphs.
Vendar nadzorni carinski urad lahko dovoli vložitev deklaracije iz odstavkov 1 in 2 pri drugem carinskem uradu kakor tistih v navedenih odstavkih.
7 Pravna redakcija
supervising customs office:....................................................................................................................
nadzorni carinski urad:
8 Pravna redakcija
Where the office of entry for the procedure accepts the declaration entering the goods, it shall endorse box 9 of the INF 9 sheet, send copy 1 to the supervising customs office and return the original and the other copies to the declarant.
Če carinski urad začetka postopka sprejme deklaracijo za vstop blaga, potrdi polje 9 lista INF 9, pošlje izvod 1 nadzornemu carinskemu uradu, izvirnik in druge izvode pa vrne deklarantu.
9 Pravna redakcija
By way of derogation from Article 735 (2), where the supervising customs office considers that paragraph 1 applies and that the payment of the customs debt which may be incurred is not certain, the provision of a security shall be required.
Z odstopanjem od člena 735(2) je treba predložiti zavarovanje, kadar nadzorni carinski urad meni, da gre za primer iz odstavka 1, in da plačilo carinskega dolga, ki lahko nastane, ni gotovo.
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2286
Where a declaration entering goods for the customs warehousing procedure is lodged with a customs office other than the supervising office, enter the name and full address of the supervising office.
Če se deklaracija za vnos blaga v postopek carinskega skladiščenja vloži pri carinskem uradu, ki ni isti kakor nadzorni urad, je treba navesti še ime in popoln naslov nadzornega urada.
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2286
Where a re-export declaration discharging the customs warehousing procedure is lodged with a customs office other than the supervising office, enter the name and full address of the supervising office.
Če se deklaracija za ponovni izvoz po zavrnitvi postopka carinskega skladiščenja vloži pri carinskem uradu, ki ni isti kot nadzorni urad, je treba navesti še ime s popolnim naslovom nadzornega urada.
12 Pravna redakcija
By way of derogation from Article 735 (1), where the supervising customs office considers at the time of entry for the procedure or when carrying out controls that there is a serious risk of non-compliance with the obligation to re-export a means of transport, the temporary importation procedure shall apply subject to:
Z odstopanjem od člena 73 (1) se v primeru, ko nadzorni carinski urad, ki v trenutku vnosa v postopek ali pri izvajanju kontrol meni, da obstaja velika nevarnost, da obveznosti glede ponovnega izvoza prevoznega sredstva ne bodo izpolnjene, uporabi postopek začasnega uvoza, s tem da:
13 Pravna redakcija
'The supervising customs office shall allow the inward processing procedure to be discharged once goods or products in the civil aviation sector have been used for the first time in the prescribed manner, on condition that the inward processing records of the holder are such as to make it possible to verify reliably that the procedure is being correctly applied and operated.
»Nadzorni carinski urad dovoli, da se postopek aktivnega oplemenitenja konča, potem ko so bili blago ali proizvodi iz sektorja civilnega letalstva prvič uporabljeni na predpisani način, pod pogojem, da so imetnikove evidence o aktivnem oplemenitenju takšne, da omogočijo zanesljivo preverjanje pravilne uporabe in pravilnega delovanja postopka.«
14 Pravna redakcija
However, the supervising office may allow the declaration referred to in paragraph 1 to be presented at a customs office other than the ones referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2.
Vendar nadzorni carinski urad lahko dovoli vložitev deklaracije iz odstavka 1 pri drugem carinskem uradu, ki ni naveden v odstavkih 1 in 2.
15 Pravna redakcija
the said draft shall include, at least, the rate of yield, the approved methods of identification, the customs offices referred to at point 11 of the model authorization in Annex 68/E, if appropriate the customs office responsible for the arrangements ('supervising office`) and any simplified procedures used for entry for the arrangements or release for free circulation under the arrangements as well as the rules to be observed inter alia as regards notification to the supervising office;
navedeni osnutek mora vsebovati vsaj normativ porabe, sprejete metode za zagotovitev istovetnosti, carinske urade iz točke 11 vzorca dovoljenja iz Priloge 68/E, po potrebi pa tudi carinski urad, pristojen za postopke (“nadzorni urad”), in uporabljene poenostavljene postopke za vnos v postopkeali za sprostitev v prosti promet po teh postopkih, pa tudi pravila, ki jih je med drugim treba upoštevati pri obveščanju nadzornega urada;
16 Pravna redakcija
the said draft shall include, at least, the places of use, the trade and/or technical description of goods, the expected quantity and value, the article under which authorization is sought, the proposed methods of identification, the customs offices referred to at point 8 of the specimen authorization in Annex 68/D, and where appropriate, the rules to be observed inter alia as regards notification to the supervising office;
navedeni osnutek mora vsebovati vsaj kraje uporabe, trgovsko in/ali tehnično poimenovanje blaga, predvideno količino in vrednost, člen, po katerem se zahteva dovoljenje, predlagane načine zagotavljanja istovetnosti, carinske urade iz točke 8 vzorca za dovoljenje iz Priloge 68/D in po potrebi pravila, ki jih je med drugim treba upoštevati zaradi obveščanja nadzornega urada;
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
The functions of office of entry in the accounts, decision-making customs authority, supervising customs office and implementing customs office may be carried out wholly or in part by the same customs office.
Isti carinski urad lahko opravlja vse ali del nalog carinskega urada vknjižbe, carinskega urada odločanja, nadzornega carinskega urada in carinskega urada izvajanja.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R3017
The customs supervising office
Nadzorni carinski urad
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
In addition, the supervising customs office must be satisfied that the goods have been neither used nor sold before their re-exportation.
Poleg tega je treba nadzornemu carinskemu uradu dokazati, da blago pred njegovim ponovnim izvozom ni bilo uporabljeno niti prodano.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Where the value cannot be ascertained under the first subparagraph it shall be determined by the supervising customs office using any reasonable method.
Če vrednosti ni mogoče določiti z uporabo določb prvega odstavka, jo določi nadzorni urad po drugi primerni metodi.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Within two weeks of the date of receipt of the request the supervising customs office shall obtain the information or carry out the checks requested by the decision-making customs authority.
Nadzorni carinski urad v roku dveh tednov, ki se šteje od datuma prejema zahtevka, priskrbi podatke ali opravi kontrole, ki jih zahteva carinski organ odločanja.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
The supervising customs office shall comply promptly with this request and shall forward the information obtained and the results of the checks carried out to the decision-making customs authority.
Nadzorni carinski urad zahtevku čimprej ugodi in carinskemu organu odločanja posreduje pridobljene podatke ali rezultate opravljenih pregledov.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
In the cases referred to in Article 885 (2), the decision-making customs authority shall send the supervising customs office two copies of its request made out in writing on a form conforming to the model in Annex 112.
V primeru iz člena 885(2) posreduje carinski organ odločanja nadzornemu carinskemu uradu pisni zahtevek v dvojnem izvodu na obrazcu v skladu z vzorcem iz Priloge 112.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
The 'inward processing records' shall be made available to the supervising customs office to enable it to carry out the checks necessary for the proper implementation of the procedure.
` Evidence aktivnega oplemenitenja" morajo biti na razpolago nadzornemu uradu, zato da lahko ta opravi vsakršno kontrolo, ki je potrebna za pravilen potek postopka.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
The request shall be accompanied by originals or copies of the application for repayment or remission and of all documents necessary to enable the supervising customs office to obtain the information or carry out the checks requested.
K temu se morajo v izvirniku ali kot kopija priložiti zahtevek za povračilo ali odpust in vsi dokumenti, ki jih nadzorni carinski urad potrebuje zaradi pridobivanja podatkov ali opravljanja zahtevanih kontrol.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R3017
They may authorize the customs supervising office to issue partial authorizations.
Pristojni organi lahko tudi pooblastijo nadzorni carinski urad za izdajo delnega dovoljenja.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Under Article 611 (2) (b), where the release for free circulation of all or part of the compensating products or goods in the unaltered state is requested, the customs authorities responsible for accepting the declaration, using the INF 1 sheet endorsed by them, shall ask the supervising customs office to indicate:
Če se v skladu s členom 611(2)(b) zaprosi za popolno ali delno sprostitev pridobljenih proizvodov ali blaga v nespremenjenem stanju v prosti promet, carinski organi, odgovorni za sprejem deklaracije, z listom INF 1, ki so ga potrdili, zahtevajo od nadzornega urada, da navede naslednje:
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Authorizations shall specify inter alia the customs office responsible for supervising the customs warehouse.
V dovoljenju je predvsem navedeno, kateri carinski urad je pristojen za nadzor carinskega skladišča.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R3665
'Where a declaration entering goods for the customs warehousing procedure is lodged with a customs office other than the supervising office, enter the name and full address of the supervising office.'
"Kadar se pri carinskem uradu, ki ni nadzorni urad, vloži deklaracija za vnos v postopek carinskega skladiščenja, vpišite polno ime in naslov nadzornega urada."
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Where it is unable to obtain the information or carry out the checks requested within the two-week period referred to in paragraph 1, the supervising customs office shall acknowledge receipt of the request submitted to it within that period by returning to the decision-making customs authority the copy of the document referred to in Article 910 duly annotated.
Če nadzorni carinski urad ne more, v roku dveh tednov, navedenem v odstavku 1, priskrbeti zahtevanih podatkov ali opraviti zahtevanih kontrol, v tem roku potrdi prejem zahtevka, ki mu je bil poslan, tako da carinskemu organu odločanja vrne kopijo obrazca iz člena 910, potem ko ga ustrezno opremi z zaznamkom.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R3017
In the event that copy No 3 has already been sent to the customs supervising office, the competent authorities shall inform the customs supervising office about the partial prior authorization.
Če je bil izvod št. 3 že poslan nadzornemu carinskemu uradu, pristojni organi obvestijo nadzorni carinski urad o delnem predhodnem dovoljenju.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R3665
'Where the re-export declaration discharging the customs warehousing procedure is lodged with a customs office other than the supervising office, enter the full name and full address of the supervising office.'
"Kadar se pri carinskem uradu, ki ni nadzorni urad, vloži deklaracija o ponovnem izvozu za zaključek postopka carinskega skladiščenja, vpišite polno ime in naslov nadzornega urada."
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R3017
The customs office carrying out the formalities for temporary export shall inform the customs supervising office by a copy of the export declaration.
Carinski urad, ki izvaja formalnosti za začasni izvoz, z izvodom izvozne deklaracije o tem obvesti nadzorni carinski urad.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R2193
'The supervising customs office shall allow the inward processing procedure to be discharged once goods or products in the civil aviation sector have been used for the first time in the prescribed manner, on condition that the inward processing records of the holder are such as to make it possible to verify reliably that the procedure is being correctly applied and operated.'
"Nadzorni carinski urad dovoli, da se postopek aktivnega oplemenitenja konča, potem ko so bili blago ali proizvodi iz sektorja civilnega letalstva prvič uporabljeni na predpisani način, pod pogojem, da so imetnikove evidence o aktivnem oplemenitenju takšne, da omogočijo zanesljivo preverjanje pravilne uporabe in pravilnega delovanja postopka."
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
When the nature and/or technical characteristics of the import goods have been altered as a result of unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure so that it becomes impossible to obtain the compensating products for which an inward processing authorization (suspension system) has been issued, the holder of the authorization shall inform the supervising customs office of what has happened.
Če se narava in/ali tehnične lastnosti uvoznega blaga zaradi nepredvidljivih okoliščin ali višje sile, spremenijo tako, da izdelava pridobljenih proizvodov, za katere je bilo izdano dovoljenje za aktivno oplemenitenje, sistem odloga, ni možna, mora imetnik dovoljenja nastali položaj sporočiti nadzornemu uradu.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
At the times laid down by the customs authorities, the warehousekeeper shall lodge at the supervising office a list of the said stock.
Imetnik skladišča mora nadzornemu uradu v rokih, ki jih določijo carinski organi, predložiti izpisek stanja teh zalog.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Where an application for repayment or remission relates to a case where supplementary information must be obtained or where the goods must be examined in order to ensure that the conditions for repayment or remission laid down in the Code and in this Title are satisfied, the decision-making customs authority shall adopt the measures necessary to that end, if necessary by requesting the assistance of the supervising customs office, specifying the nature of the information to be obtained or of the checks to be carried out.
Če se zahtevek za povračilo ali odpust nanaša na primer, za katerega je treba pridobiti dodatne podatke ali opraviti pregled blaga, predvsem zato, da se zagotovi izpolnjevanje pogojev, predvidenih v zakoniku in v tem naslovu glede upravičenosti do povračila ali odpusta, sprejme carinski organ odločanja vse potrebne ukrepe za ta namen in po potrebi nadzornemu carinskemu uradu pošlje zahtevek z natančno navedbo vrste podatkov, ki jih je treba pridobiti, ali pregledov, ki jih je treba opraviti.
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
The import goods may be entered for the procedure at a customs office of entry other than that originally specified, where the change is allowed by the supervising office or by the customs office where the entry formalities are actually carried out, which in that event shall notify the change to the supervising office.
Navedbo carinskega urada vnosa v postopek, pri katerem se bodo opravile formalnosti za vnos uvoznega blaga v postopek, lahko spremeni nadzorni urad ali carinski urad, pri katerem se dejansko opravijo formalnosti za vnos uvoznega blaga v postopek, ki v tem primeru sporoči spremembo nadzornemu uradu.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
However, the supervising office may allow the products or goods concerned to be presented at a customs office other than that referred to in the first subparagraph.
Vendar lahko nadzorni urad dovoli, da se ta proizvod ali to blago predloži pri drugem carinskem uradu, kakor je predviden v prvem pododstavku.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R3017
charge the quantities reimported against the prior authorization, and - inform the customs supervising office by a copy of the import declaration.
odpiše ponovno uvožene količine od predhodnega dovoljenja, in - obvesti o ponovnem uvozu nadzorni carinski urad z izvodom uvozne deklaracije.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
However, the supervising office may allow the declaration referred to in paragraph 1 to be presented at a customs office other than the one referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2.
Vendar lahko nadzorni urad dovoli, da se deklaracija iz odstavka 1 vloži pri drugem carinskem uradu, kakor je predviden v odstavkih 1 in 2.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R3017
Member States may charge the authorities competent for the issuing of prior authorizations with some or all the functions of the customs supervising office.
Država članica lahko prenese na organe, ki so pristojni za izdajanje začasnih dovoljenj, nekatere ali vse funkcije nadzornega carinskega urada.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R3017
In the event that the functions of the customs supervising office are perfomed by the competent authorities to which the application has been submitted, no copy No 3 is required.
Če pristojni organi, ki jim je bila predložena prošnja, izvajajo tudi funkcijo nadzornega carinskega urada, kopija številka 3 ni potrebna.
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R3017
The first, marked 'original` and bearing the number 1, shall be issued to the applicant and the second, marked 'copy for the competent authority` and bearing the number 2, shall be kept by the issuing authority, whereas the third marked 'copy for the customs supervising office` and bearing the number 3 will be sent to the customs supervising office, as defined in Article 13.
Prvi izvod z oznako "izvirnik" in s številko 1 se izda prosilcu, drugi izvod z oznako "izvod za pristojni organ" in s številko 2 shrani organ, ki je dovoljenje izdal, tretji izvod z oznako "izvod za nadzorni carinski urad" in s številko 3 pa se v skladu s členom 13 pošlje nadzornemu carinskemu uradu.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
The export declaration must be lodged at the customs office responsible for supervising the place where the exporter is established or where the goods are packed or loaded for export shipment.
Izvozno deklaracijo je treba vložiti pri carinskem uradu, ki je pristojen za nadzor v kraju, kjer ima izvoznik svoj sedež ali kjer je blago zapakirano ali naloženo za izvoz.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
The 'records of processing under customs control' shall be made available to the supervising office to enable it to carry out any checks necessary for the proper implementation of the procedure.
` Evidence predelave pod carinskim nadzorom" morajo biti na razpolago nadzornemu uradu, zato da lahko ta opravi vsakršno kontrolo, ki je potrebna za pravilen potek postopka.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
In type B customs warehouses, the supervising office shall keep the declarations of entry for the procedure or the administrative documents used for such entry in order to monitor their discharge.
V carinskem skladišču tipa B nadzorni urad hrani deklaracije za vnos blaga v postopek ali upravne dokumente, ki se uporabljajo za ta vnos, zato da nadzoruje zaključek.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Before temporarily removing goods from the premises of the customs warehouse, the person concerned shall apply to the supervising office in writing, on a case-by-case basis, for authorization to do so.
Udeleženi mora pri nadzornem uradu za vsak posamezen primer pisno zaprositi za dovoljenje začasne odstranitve blaga iz prostorov carinskega skladišča, preden blago iz njega odstrani.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R3017
The applicant must undertake to keep stock records in the Community which allow the customs supervising office to control the quantities of the temporary export goods and the compensating products reimported.
Prosilec mora voditi evidenco zalog v Skupnosti, da lahko nadzorni carinski urad nadzoruje količine začasno izvoženega blaga in ponovno uvoženih pridobljenih izdelkov.
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
The supervising office may, where it considers this necessary to ensure the proper operation of the customs warehouse, require an inventory to be made of all or some of the goods placed under the customs warehousing procedure, periodically or otherwise.
Nadzorni urad lahko, če meni, da je to potrebno za zagotavljanje pravilnega poslovanja carinskega skladišča, zahteva, da se redno opravlja popis vsega ali dela blaga, danega v postopek carinskega skladiščenja.
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supervising customs office