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supervision body
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100
The supervisory committee shall be the highest body of supervision of public expenditure in a municipality.
Nadzorni odbor je najvišji organ nadzora javne porabe v občini.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 100
The state supervision of the work of a local community body shall be exercised by the government and ministries.
Državni nadzor nad delom organa lokalnih skupnosti izvršujejo vlada in ministrstva.
3 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
(2) Within the framework of such supervision, authorised representatives of the competent body of the public partner may:
(2) V okviru tega nadzora smejo pooblaščeni predstavniki pristojnega organa javnega partnerja:
4 Objavljeno
»Supervisory Board« means a body of supervision in a company regardless of the legal form of the company and the system of governance.
Nadzorni svet pomeni organ nadzora v družbi, ne glede na statusno obliko družbe in sistem upravljanja.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(2) The provisions of this Act concerning supervision shall in no way limit the competencies of official bodies under other regulations.
(2) Določbe tega zakona o nadzoru v ničemer ne omejujejo pristojnosti organov po drugih predpisih.
6 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
The Staff Committee shall participate in the management and supervision of social welfare bodies set up by the Agency in the interests of its staff.
Odbor uslužbencev v interesu uslužbencev sodeluje pri upravljanju in nadzoru organov za socialne zadeve, ki jih ustanovi Agencija.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-63
(4) Member States shall inform the Joint Supervisory Body of any findings relating to personal data protection concerning SELEC that result from such supervision.
(4) Države članice obvestijo skupni nadzorni organ o ugotovitvah glede varstva osebnih podatkov SELEC-a po opravljenem nadzoru.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
2 The authorities referred to in paragraph 1 may transfer to bodies recognised as suitable, competence to grant technical admission on condition that the authorities shall ensure their supervision.
Organi, omenjeni v prvem odstavku, lahko prenesejo nalogo tehnične odobritve na telesa, ki so priznana kot primerna, pri čemer morajo zagotoviti njihov nadzor.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-74
Measures taken by a transfrontier co-operation body set up under an agreement shall be subject to the supervision provided for in the law of the State in which the body` s headquarters are located, keeping in mind, in addition, the interests of territorial communities or authorities of other States.
Za ukrepe, ki jih sprejme organ za čezmejno sodelovanje, ustanovljen po sporazumu, velja nadzor, določen v pravu države, v kateri leži sedež organa, ob dodatnem upoštevanju interesov teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti organov drugih držav.
10 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
(1) In addition to supervision in compliance with the regulations on inspections and in addition to the rights of the public partner referred to in Articles 137 and 138 of this Act (awarding to subcontractors and changes in the company), the competent body of the public partner shall conduct supervision of the fulfilment of tasks and obligations pursuant to the contract on public-private partnership.
(1) Poleg nadzora v skladu s predpisi o inšpekcijskem nadzoru in poleg pravic javnega partnerja iz 137. in 138. člena tega zakona (oddaja podizvajalcem in spremembe v družbi) izvaja pristojni organ javnega partnerja nadzor na izvrševanjem nalog in obveznosti po pogodbi o javno-zasebnem partnerstvu.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-74
Measures taken by a body as referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 5 shall be subject to the same supervision as the law of each Contracting Party prescribes in respect of any measure taken by the territorial communities or authorities concluding the agreement.
Za ukrepe, ki jih sprejme organ, kot je omenjeno v prvem odstavku 5. člena, velja isti nadzor, kot ga pravo vsake pogodbenice predpisuje za kakršen koli ukrep, ki ga sprejmejo teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti, ki sklepajo sporazum.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-48
The Committee on Science and Technology shall, under the supervision of the Conference of the Parties, make provision for the undertaking of a survey and evaluation of the relevant existing networks, institutions, agencies and bodies willing to become units of a network.
Odbor za znanost in tehnologijo pod nadzorom Konference pogodbenic zagotovi izvedbo analize in ocene ustreznih obstoječih mrež, ustanov, agencij in organov, ki so pripravljeni postati enote mreže.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
Professional services of administrative bodies, and of legal and natural persons whose work he supervises must communicate to an inspector required data, written clarifications or statements in connection with the subject of supervision within the time limit that he determines.
zračnem prevozu glede izpolnjevanja predpisanih pogojev za opravljanje prevoza;
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(5) Professional services of administrative bodies, and of legal and natural persons whose work he supervises must communicate to an inspector required data, written clarifications or statements in connection with the subject of supervision within the time limit that he determines.
(5) Strokovne službe upravnih organov, pravnih in fizičnih oseb, katerih delo nadzoruje, mora inšpektorju v roku, ki ga določi, posredovati zahtevane podatke, pisno pojasnilo ali izjavo, v zvezi s predmetom nadzora.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-48
(a) at the national level, by a mechanism the composition of which should be determined by each affected African country Party and which shall include representatives of local communities and shall function under the supervision of the national coordinating body referred to in article 9;
a) na državni ravni z mehanizmom, katerega sestavo bi morala določiti vsaka posamezna prizadeta afriška država pogodbenica in ki vključuje predstavnike lokalnih skupnosti ter deluje pod nadzorom državnega usklajevalnega organa, omenjenega v 9. členu;
16 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-27
It is further understood that ` bestuurder` or ` commissaris` of a Netherlands company means persons who are nominated as such by the general meeting of shareholders or by any other competent body of such company and are charged with the general management of the company and the supervision thereof, respectively.
Prav tako se razume, da »bestuurder« ali »commissaris« nizozemske družbe pomeni osebe, ki jih kot take imenuje skupščina delničarjev ali drug pristojni organ take družbe in ki so odgovorne za splošno vodenje družbe oziroma za njen nadzor.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(2) Misdemeanour authorities shall include administrative authorities and public power holders which exercise supervision of the implementation of legal acts and regulations governing misdemeanours, and locally governed community bodies vested with authority for misdemeanour adjudication pursuant to special regulations.
(2) Prekrškovni organi so upravni in drugi državni organi in nosilci javnih pooblastil, ki izvajajo nadzorstvo nad izvrševanjem zakonov in uredb, s katerimi so določeni prekrški, in organi samoupravnih lokalnih skupnosti, ki so s posebnimi predpisi pooblaščeni za odločanje o prekrških.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4-2005
It is further understood that “bestuurder” or “commissaris” of a Netherlands company means persons who are nominated as such by the general meeting of shareholders or by any other competent body of such company and are charged with the general management of the company and the supervision thereof, respectively.
Prav tako se razume, da “bestuurder” ali “commissaris” nizozemske družbe pomeni osebe, ki jih kot take imenuje skupščina delničarjev ali drug pristojni organ take družbe in ki so odgovorne za splošno vodenje družbe oziroma za njen nadzor.
19 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
(3) The affiliated persons referred to in the second paragraph of this Article shall be, in particular, the two persons affiliated in terms of capital, management or supervision in such a way that one person directly or indirectly holds no less than 25% of holdings or shares or voting rights of the other person, or they are affiliated in terms of business, or provided that the same persons or their family members participate in the supervisory or management bodies.
(3) Za povezani osebi iz drugega odstavka tega člena se štejeta zlasti osebi, ki sta povezani v kapitalu, upravljanju ali nadzoru tako, da ima ena oseba neposredno ali posredno v lasti najmanj 25 % deležev ali delnic ali glasovalnih pravic v drugi osebi ali sta poslovno povezani ali če sodelujejo v nadzornih telesih ali upravljanju iste osebe ali njihovi družinski člani.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
7. It shall attend to the professional development and independence of construction project design, other project design, the auditing of project documentation, works management and supervision in the construction of works, and land surveying services, shall represent the interests of its members in relation to state bodies, local government bodies and employers, shall, with the aim of ensuring their independence and professional development and of supervising the performance of construction project design, other project design and land surveying services, administer a list of project designers and land surveying companies, and shall provide services for the needs of its members.
7. skrbi za strokovni razvoj in neodvisnost gradbenega in drugega projektiranja, revidiranja projektne dokumentacije, vodenja del in opravljanja nadzora pri graditvi objektov ter geodetskih storitev, zastopa interese svojih članov v razmerju do državnih organov, organov lokalne samouprave in delodajalcev ter z namenom zagotavljanja njihove neodvisnosti in strokovnega razvoja ter nadzora nad opravljanjem dejavnosti gradbenega in drugega projektiranja ter opravljanja geodetske dejavnosti, vodi seznam projektantov in geodetskih podjetij in opravlja storitve za potrebe svojih članov,
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
If when conducting supervision the commission finds serious breaches in the operation of the relevant bodies at the chamber or finds that a specific resolution, act or regulation in connection with the performance of the chamber's public authorisations is not founded on law or regulations issued on the basis thereof, it may via a special resolution stay the implementation of such a resolution, act or regulation, whereby it must cite the reason for staying, and shall also propose to the relevant body at the chamber that it again make a decision thereon at the first following session.
(3) Če komisija pri opravljanju nadzorstva ugotovi hujše kršitve pri poslovanju pristojnih organov zbornice oziroma če ugotovi, da določeni sklep oziroma akt ali predpis, ki je v zvezi z opravljanjem javnih pooblastil zbornice, ne temelji na zakonu ali na njegovi podlagi izdanem predpisu, lahko s posebnim sklepom zadrži izvrševanje takšnega sklepa, akta oziroma predpisa, pri čemer mora navesti razloge za zadržanje, hkrati pa tudi predlaga pristojnemu organu zbornice, da o njem ponovno odloči na prvi naslednji seji.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
or subject to management supervision by those bodies;
ali za katerega velja upravljalski nadzor s strani teh oseb;
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0025
Self-regulatory bodies should be able to exercise supervision.
Samo-regulativni organi naj imajo možnost izvajanja nadzora.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
All non-commercial bodies whose public contracts are subject to supervision by the National Board for Public Procurement.
Vsi organi, ki nimajo komercialne narave in katerih javna naročila nadzira Nacionalni odbor za javna naročila.
25 Končna redakcija
(3) Other bodies shall carry out supervision of the operation of the economic zones in accordance with fiscal regulations in force.
(3) Drugi organi izvajajo nadzor nad poslovanjem ekonomskih con v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi.
26 Končna redakcija
In Croatia, the first Croatian Television (hrt) council was established in 1990 as an independent body for supervision of the broadcasting sector.
Na Hrvaškem bil je prvi svet hrt ustanovljen 1990 kot neodvisno telo za nadzor radiodifuzije.
27 Končna redakcija
The selection of specimens and all the tests shall be carried out in the presence and under the supervision of a representative of the inspection body.
Izbira preskušancev in izvedba vseh preskusov poteka v navzočnosti in pod nadzorom predstavnika organa, ki opravlja preglede.
28 Končna redakcija
1. if a supervisory body competent for supervision of a bank, an insurance undertaking, brokerage company, investment company, or another legal person requires additional explanations from the auditing company in accordance with the law governing such supervision;
1. če nadzorni organ, ki je pristojen za izvajanje nadzora nad banko, zavarovalnico, borzno posredniško družbo, družbo za upravljanje oziroma drugo pravno osebo, v skladu z zakonom, ki ureja ta nadzor, od revizijske družbe zahteva dodatna pojasnila,
29 Končna redakcija
Legally and formally, the legislator has thus provided an independent body responsible for supervision of the public broadcaster in the name of the public.
Zakonodajalec je tako na pravnoformalni ravni zagotovil neodvisen organ, da v imenu javnosti nadzira delovanje javnega zavoda.
30 Končna redakcija
With differences due to the various national systems and traditions, the supervision of broadcasting activities by pluralistic internal boards or other independent bodies, the appointment of members of supervisory bodies in an open and pluralistic manner, public meetings of supervisory boards,
člani teh odborov morajo biti imenovani javno in po pluralističnem načelu, sestajati se morajo javno;
31 Končna redakcija
The notified body may agree with the adjudicating entity the locations where the tests will be carried out and may agree that final subsystem tests and, whenever required in the TSI, tests in full operating conditions, are carried out by the adjudicating entity under direct supervision and attendance of the notified body.
Priglašeni organ lahko z naročnikom sklene soglasje o mestih, kjer se bodo preskusi izvajali, in da bo končne preskuse podsistema in, kadar koli tako zahtevajo TSI, preskuse pod pogoji polnega obratovanja izvedel naročnik pod neposrednim nadzorom in navzočnostjo priglašenega organa.
32 Končna redakcija
The notified body may agree with the adjudicating entity the locations where the tests will be carried out and may agree that final testing of the subsystem and, whenever required in the TSI, tests or validation under full operating conditions, are carried out by the adjudicating entity under direct supervision and attendance of the notified body.
Priglašeni organ lahko z naročnikom sklene soglasje o mestih, kjer se bodo preskusi izvajali, in da bo končne preskuse podsistema in, kadar koli tako zahtevajo TSI, preskuse ali validacijo pod pogoji polnega obratovanja izvedel naročnik pod neposrednim nadzorom in navzočnostjo priglašenega organa.
33 Končna redakcija
(3) Public Procurement Office shall perform the tasks provided for by this Act in cooperation with ministries and government offices, bodies responsible for the supervision of public finance, and with professional and research institutions, or experts in individual fields;
(3) Urad za javna naročila opravlja naloge, določene s tem zakonom, v sodelovanju z ministrstvi in vladnimi službami, organi za nadzor nad javnimi financami ter strokovnimi in znanstvenimi ustanovami oziroma strokovnjaki za posamezna področja.
34 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
However, Member States may permit periodic inspections of tanks carried out on their territory also to be performed by the approved bodies which have been recognised for carrying out periodic inspections of tanks and which act under the supervision of a body notified under the procedure provided for in Annex IV, Part III, Module 2 concerning periodic inspection through quality assurance.
Vendar lahko države članice na svojem ozemlju dovolijo, da redne preglede cistern opravljajo tudi odobreni organi, ki so priznani za opravljanje rednih pregledov cistern in delujejo pod nadzorom organa, priglašenega po postopku iz modula 2 v delu III Priloge IV, v zvezi z rednim pregledom v okviru zagotavljanja kakovosti.
35 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0549
Where independent audits are required relating to providers of air navigation services, inspections by the official auditing authorities of the Member States where those services are provided by the administration, or by a public body subject to the supervision of the abovementioned authorities, should be recognised as independent audits, whether the audit reports drawn up are made public or not.
Kadar se zahtevajo neodvisne revizije izvajalcev navigacijskih služb zračnega prometa, je treba inšpekcijski nadzor, ki ga izvajajo uradni revizijski organi v državah članicah, kjer te službe zagotavlja administrativna služba ali javna institucija, katero navedeni uradni organi nadzirajo, priznati kot neodvisno revizijo ne glede na to, ali so revizijska poročila javno objavljena ali ne.
36 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0001
The aid must be granted in respect of controls undertaken by or on behalf of third parties, such as the competent regulatory authorities, or bodies acting on their behalf, or independent organisms responsible for the control and supervision of the use of denominations of origin, organic labels, or quality labels, provided these denominations and labels are in conformity with Community legislation.
Pomoč se odobri za nadzor, ki ga opravijo tretje strani ali se opravljajo v njihovem imenu, kot so pristojni upravni organi ali organi, ki delujejo v njihovem imenu, ali neodvisna telesa, odgovorna na nadzor in spremljanje uporabe označb porekla, označb o biološki pridelavi, označb kakovosti, če so take označbe skladne z zakonodajo Skupnosti.
37 Pravna redakcija
a private body executing such duties under State supervision.
zasebni organ, ki izvaja take naloge pod državnim nadzorom.
Prevodi: en > sl
supervision body