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survey of road
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0642
Where the total stock of goods road motor vehicles in a Member State that can be included in the survey is less than 25000 vehicles, or the total stock of vehicles engaged in international transport is less than 3000 vehicles, the minimum number of weeks covered by the survey in a quarter shall be seven.
Kadar skupni vozni park cestnih tovornih motornih vozil, ki so lahko vključena v statistični pregled v državi članici, šteje manj kot 25000 vozil, ali je v skupni vozni park vozil, ki opravljajo mednarodni prevoz, vključeno manj kot 3000 vozil, mora statistični pregled pokrivati najmanj sedem tednov v enem četrtletnem obdobju.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0642
Where the total stock of goods road motor vehicles relevant to the survey in a Member State is less than 25000 vehicles, or the total stock of vehicles engaged in international transport is less than 3000 vehicles, the percentage standard error (95 % confidence) of the annual estimates for tonnes transported, tonne-kilometres performed and total kilometres travelled loaded for total goods road transport and for national goods road transport shall not be greater than ± 7 %.
Kadar skupni vozni park cestnih tovornih motornih vozil, ki je pomemben za statistični pregled v državi članici, šteje manj kot 25000 vozil, ali skupni vozni park vozil, ki opravljajo mednarodni prevoz, šteje manj kot 3000 vozil, odstotek standardne napake (95 % zanesljivost) letnih ocen za prevožene tone, za prevoz tone-kilometrov in za skupne kilometre, prevožene s polnim vozilom, ne sme biti večji od ± 7 % za skupni cestni prevoz blaga in za nacionalni cestni prevoz blaga.
3 Končna redakcija
This prohibition need not be applied to the transit of pigs by road or rail, without unloading or stopping, or to slaughter pigs coming from outside the surveillance zone and on their way to a slaughterhouse situated in the said zone for immediate slaughter;
Te prepovedi se ne upošteva pri prevozu prašičev po cesti ali železnici brez raztovarjanja prašičev ali postankov ali pri prevozu klavnih prašičev, iz področij zunaj ogroženega območja, ki so namenjeni za takojšnji zakol v klavnico, ki leži na tem območju.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0642
Where the total stock of goods road motor vehicles in a Member State that are engaged in international transport and can be included in the survey is less than 1000 vehicles, the Member State concerned shall be exempted from the application of the present Regulation.
Kadar v državi članici skupni vozni park cestnih tovornih motornih vozil, ki opravljajo mednarodni prevoz, in ki jih je mogoče zajeti v statističnih pregled, šteje manj kot 1000 vozil, je zadevna država članica oproščena uporabe te uredbe.
5 Pravna redakcija
This prohibition need not be applied to the transit of pigs by road or rail, without unloading or stopping, and to slaughter pigs coming from outside the surveillance zone and on their way to a slaughterhouse situated in the said zone for immediate slaughter;
Te prepovedi ni treba uporabljati pri tranzitu prašičev po cesti ali železnici brez raztovarjanja ali ustavljanja in pri zakolu prašičev, ki prihajajo zunaj ogroženega območja in ki so namenjeni v klavnico v navedenem območju zaradi takojšnjega zakola;
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0085
The competent authority shall ensure that the protection and surveillance zones are marked by posting signs of sufficient size on roads entering the zones.
Pristojni organ zagotovi, da se zaščitena in nadzorovana območja označijo z ustrezno velikimi oznakami ob vpadnicah v območja.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0642
Where the total stock of goods road motor vehicles in a Member State that can be included in the survey is less than 25000 vehicles, or the total stock of vehicles engaged in international transport is less than 3000 vehicles, the minimum number of weeks covered by the survey in a quarter shall be seven.
Kadar skupni vozni park cestnih tovornih motornih vozil, ki so lahko vključena v statistični pregled v državi članici, šteje manj kot 25000 vozil, ali je v skupni vozni park vozil, ki opravljajo mednarodni prevoz, vključeno manj kot 3000 vozil, mora statistični pregled pokrivati najmanj sedem tednov v enem četrtletnem obdobju.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0642
Where the total stock of goods road motor vehicles relevant to the survey in a Member State is less than 25000 vehicles, or the total stock of vehicles engaged in international transport is less than 3000 vehicles, the percentage standard error (95 % confidence) of the annual estimates for tonnes transported, tonne-kilometres performed and total kilometres travelled loaded for total goods road transport and for national goods road transport shall not be greater than ± 7 %.
Kadar skupni vozni park cestnih tovornih motornih vozil, ki je pomemben za statistični pregled v državi članici, šteje manj kot 25000 vozil, ali skupni vozni park vozil, ki opravljajo mednarodni prevoz, šteje manj kot 3000 vozil, odstotek standardne napake (95 % zanesljivost) letnih ocen za prevožene tone, za prevoz tone-kilometrov in za skupne kilometre, prevožene s polnim vozilom, ne sme biti večji od ± 7 % za skupni cestni prevoz blaga in za nacionalni cestni prevoz blaga.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0642
Where the total stock of goods road motor vehicles in a Member State that are engaged in international transport and can be included in the survey is less than 1000 vehicles, the Member State concerned shall be exempted from the application of the present Regulation.
Kadar v državi članici skupni vozni park cestnih tovornih motornih vozil, ki opravljajo mednarodni prevoz, in ki jih je mogoče zajeti v statističnih pregled, šteje manj kot 1000 vozil, je zadevna država članica oproščena uporabe te uredbe.
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survey of road