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suspend the investigation
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
If a challenge is made by a State referred to in paragraph 2 (b) or (c), the Prosecutor shall suspend the investigation until such time as the Court makes a determination in accordance with article 17.
Če spodbija država, navedena v pododstavkih (b) ali (c) drugega odstavka, tožilec prekine preiskavo, dokler Sodišče ne sprejme odločitve v skladu s 17. členom.
2 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
22.6 A public notice of the termination or suspension of an investigation following the acceptance of an undertaking pursuant to Article 18 shall include, or otherwise make available through a separate report, the non confidential part of this undertaking.
22.6 Razglas, ki se nanaša na konec ali ustavitev preiskave, ki sledi sprejemu zaveze v skladu z 18. členom, vsebuje informacije, ki niso zaupne, ali drugače omogoča dostop do njih v obliki ločenega poročila v zvezi z omenjeno zavezo.
3 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
12.2.3 A public notice of the termination or suspension of an investigation following the acceptance of an undertaking pursuant to Article 8 shall include, or otherwise make available through a separate report, the non confidential part of this undertaking.
12.2.3 Razglas o končani ali prekinjeni preiskavi, ki sledi sprejeti zavezi na podlagi 8. člena, mora vključevati ali drugače zagotavljati v obliki ločenega poročila tudi tisti del zaveze, ki ni zaupen.
4 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
22.5 A public notice of conclusion or suspension of an investigation in the case of an affirmative determination providing for the imposition of a definitive duty or the acceptance of an undertaking shall contain, or otherwise make available through a separate report, all relevant information on the matters of fact and law and reasons which have led to the imposition of final measures or the acceptance of an undertaking, due regard being paid to the requirement for the protection of confidential information.
22.5 Razglas, ki se nanaša na konec ali ustavitev preiskav v primeru potrdilne ugotovitve, ki predvideva uvedbo dokončne carine ali sprejem zavez, vsebuje vse informacije ali v obliki ločenega poročila omogoča dostop do vseh informacij, ki se nanašajo na dejstva in zakone ter razloge za uvedbo končnih ukrepov ali za sprejem zaveze ob hkratnem upoštevanju potreb po varovanju zaupnih informacij.
5 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
12.2.2 A public notice of conclusion or suspension of an investigation in the case of an affirmative determination providing for the imposition of a definitive duty or the acceptance of a price undertaking shall contain, or otherwise make available through a separate report, all relevant information on the matters of fact and law and reasons which have led to the imposition of final measures or the acceptance of a price undertaking, due regard being paid to the requirement for the protection of confidential information.
12.2.2 Razglas o končani ali prekinjeni preiskavi ob pritrdilni ugotovitvi, ki je podlaga za uvedbo dokončne carine ali za sprejem cenovne zaveze, mora vsebovati ali drugače zagotoviti v obliki ločenega poročila vse ustrezne informacije o dejanskih in pravnih zadevah in razlogih, ki so bili podlaga za uvedbo končnega ukrepa ali za sprejem cenovne zaveze ob ustreznem upoštevanju zahteve po varovanju zaupnih informacij.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0868
Regulations imposing provisional or definitive redressive measures, and Regulations or Decisions accepting undertakings or suspending or terminating investigations or proceedings, shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Uredba, ki uvaja začasne ali dokončne izravnalne ukrepe, in uredbe ter sklepi o sprejetju obveznosti, prekinitvi ali zaključku preiskav ali postopkov se objavijo v Uradnem listu Evropske unije.
7 Končna redakcija
The amount of the financial contribution from the Community allocated to the Member State concerned pursuant to paragraphs 5 and 6 may either be reduced or suspended, if it is established from the information supplied by that Member State, or from the results of investigations carried out on the Commission's authority by the experts referred to in Article 21, or from the results of the suitable examination which the Commission has conducted in accordance with the procedures analogous to those in Article 39 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 of 21 June 1999 laying down general provisions on the Structural Funds(9) that:
Znesek finančnega prispevka Skupnosti, dodeljenega državi članici na podlagi odstavkov 5 in 6, se lahko zniža ali začasno odloži, če se na podlagi informacij, ki jih pošlje država članica, ali rezultatov poizvedb, ki jih v pristojnosti Komisije opravijo izvedenci, navedeni v členu 21, ali rezultatov ustreznega preverjanja, ki ga je opravila Komisija po postopkih, analognim tistim iz člena 39 Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 1260/1999 z dne 21. junija 1999, ki predpisuje splošne določbe za strukturne sklade, ugotovi:
8 Pravna redakcija
Such measures may include the temporary suspension of the certifying officers from their duties until the investigation is over.
Med takimi ukrepi je lahko začasno suspendiranje uradnikov, ki so pristojni za izdajanje spričeval, do konca preiskave.
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0427
Regulations imposing provisional or definitive measures, and regulations or decisions terminating or suspending investigations or proceedings, shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Uredbe, ki uvajajo začasne ali dokončne ukrepe, in uredbe ali sklepi, ki ukinjajo ali opuščajo preiskave ali postopke, se objavijo v Uradnem listu Evropske unije.
10 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
If a charge of serious misconduct is made against a staff member, and the Director considers that the charge is prima facie well founded, and that the staff member's continuance in office pending an investigation would prejudice the Centre, the staff member concerned may be immediately suspended from his functions pending investigation, with or without pay at the discretion of the Director.
Če je uslužbencu očitano težko nepravilno ravnanje in je direktor mnenja, da ima obtožba že na prvi pogled trdno podlago in da bi uslužbenčevo nadaljnje opravljanje funkcij v času preiskave škodovalo Centru, lahko zadevnemu uslužbencu za čas preiskave nemudoma prenehajo vse funkcije, z ali brez plačila, po prostem preudarku direktorja.
11 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
If a charge of serious misconduct is made against a staff member, and the Director considers that the charge is prima facie well founded, and that the staff member's continuance in office during an investigation would prejudice the Institute, the staff member concerned may be immediately suspended from his functions pending the results of the investigation, with or without pay at the discretion of the Director.
Če je uslužbencu očitano težko nepravilno ravnanje in je direktor mnenja, da ima obtožba že na prvi pogled trdno podlago in da bi uslužbenčevo nadaljnje opravljanje funkcij v času preiskave škodovalo Inštitutu, lahko zadevnemu uslužbencu za čas preiskave nemudoma prenehajo vse funkcije, z ali brez plačila, glede na prosti preudarek direktorja.
12 Pravna redakcija
The period set by paragraph 3 shall exceptionally be suspended where, owing to circumstances for which one of the undertakings involved in the concentration is responsible, the Commission has had to request information by decision pursuant to Article 11 or to order an investigation by decision pursuant to Article 13.
Rok, določen v odstavku 3, se izjemoma odloži, če je morala Komisija zaradi okoliščin, za katere je odgovorno eno izmed podjetij, udeleženih v koncentraciji, zahtevati podatke z odločbo v skladu s členom 11 ali če je morala zahtevati preiskavo z odločbo v skladu s členom 13.
13 Pravna redakcija
Whenever an approval is withdrawn by a Member State from an SA belonging to a group of companies, Member States which have approved SAs belonging to the same group, shall suspend the approvals of these SAs for a period not exceeding three months in order to carry out the necessary investigations to verify whether the SAs also feature the shortcomings detected in relation to the SA whose approval has been withdrawn.
Kadar koli država članica prekliče odobritev NA, ki pripada skupini podjetij, države članice, ki so odobrile NA, ki pripadajo isti skupini, začasno odložijo odobritve teh NA za obdobje, ki ne presega treh mesecev, da bi izvedle potrebno preiskavo in preverile, ali so za te NA prav tako značilne pomanjkljivosti, sorodne odkritim pomanjkljivostim NA, katere odobritev je bila preklicana.
14 Pravna redakcija
In the light of such information and/or reports, a decision may be made to suspend inclusion, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 14 of Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91; a similar decision may also be made in cases where a third country has not supplied the information requested by the final date specified in the Commission's request or where a third country has not agreed to an on-the-spot investigation to establish compliance with the conditions for inclusion.
Glede na takšne informacije in/ali poročila se lahko odloči o umiku vključitve v skladu s postopkom iz člena 14 Uredbe (EGS) št. 2092/91; podobna odločitev se lahko sprejme tudi v primerih, ko tretja država ne dostavi zahtevanih informacij do roka, ki ga v svoji zahtevi postavi Komisija, ali kadar tretja država zavrača preiskavo na kraju samem, s katero bi se ugotovila skladnost s pogoji za vključitev.
15 Pravna redakcija
Where the measures taken by the third country or countries concerned have been rescinded, suspended or improperly implemented or where the Commission has grounds for believing this to be the case or, finally, where a request for information made by the Commission as provided for by point (b) has not been granted, the Commission shall inform the Member States, and where necessary and justified by the results of the investigation and the new facts available any measures shall be taken in accordance with Article 13 (3).
Če se ukrepi, ki jih sprejme zadevna tretja država ali zadevne tretje države, prekličejo, prekinejo ali neprimerno izvajajo, ali če ima Komisija razlog za domnevo, da je temu tako, ali če zahtevi Komisije za informacije, kakor je predvideno v točki (b), ni bilo ugodeno, Komisija obvesti države članice, in se, če je to na podlagi rezultatov preiskave ter novih razpoložljivih dejstev potrebno in utemeljeno, sprejmejo kakršni koli ukrepi v skladu s členom 13(3).
16 Prevajalska redakcija
Deferral or suspension of investigations in reliance on enforcement activity by the Requested Party
Odlog ali začasna ustavitev preiskav, ki se opirajo na dejavnost izvrševanja zaprošene pogodbenice
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0264
However, during the investigation of the interim review concerning the period from 1 October 2001 to 30 September 2002 (the investigation period), information on a change of market conditions occurred after the investigation period (i.e. from 1 October 2002 to 30 September 2003) which might justify the suspension of the measures currently in force, in accordance with Article 14(4) of the basic Regulation, was provided to the Commission.
Vendar so bile med preiskavo pri vmesnem pregledu obdobja od 1. oktobra 2001 do 30. septembra 2002 (obdobje preiskave) Komisiji predložene informacije o spremembi tržnih pogojev po preiskovalnem obdobju (tj. od 1. oktobra 2002 do 30. septembra 2003), ki bi lahko upravičile začasno opustitev trenutno veljavnih ukrepov v skladu s členom 14(4) osnovne uredbe.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0012
While such examinations take place the officially tuberculosis-free status of the herd referred to shall be suspended until investigations and laboratory examinations or tuberculin tests have ruled out the presence of bovine tuberculosis.
Med trajanjem takšnih preiskav se status črede, uradno proste tuberkuloze, začasno razveljavi, dokler se na podlagi raziskav in laboratorijskih preiskav ali tuberkulinskih testov ne izključi prisotnost goveje tuberkuloze.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0868
Regulations imposing provisional or definitive redressive measures, and Regulations or Decisions accepting undertakings or suspending or terminating investigations or proceedings, shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Uredba, ki uvaja začasne ali dokončne izravnalne ukrepe, in uredbe ter sklepi o sprejetju obveznosti, prekinitvi ali zaključku preiskav ali postopkov se objavijo v Uradnem listu Evropske unije.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
The competent authority of the Member State of registry shall perform sufficient investigation activities for an applicant for, or holder of, a noise certificate to justify the issuance, maintenance, amendment, suspension or revocation of the certificate.
Pristojni organ države članice registracije izvede za prosilca ali nosilca spričevala o hrupu preiskavo v zadostnem obsegu, da upraviči izdajo, vzdrževanje, spremembo, začasno razveljavitev ali preklic spričevala.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
A public notice of the termination or suspension of an investigation following the acceptance of an undertaking pursuant to Article 18 shall include, or otherwise make available through a separate report, the non-confidential part of this undertaking.
Razglas, ki se nanaša na konec ali ustavitev preiskave, ki sledi sprejemu zaveze v skladu s členom 18, vsebuje informacije, ki niso zaupne, ali drugače omogoča dostop do njih v obliki ločenega poročila v zvezi z omenjeno zavezo.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
Any proceedings instituted by the port State on the basis of such an investigation may, subject so Section 7, be suspended at the request of the coastal State when the violation has occurred within its internal waters, territorial sea or exclusive economic zone.
Vsi postopki, ki jih je začela država luke na podlagi rezultatov take preiskave v skladu s poglavjem 7 se lahko na zahtevo obalne države prekinejo, če je bila kršitev storjena v njenih notranjih morskih vodah, teritorialnem morju ali izključni ekonomski coni.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
The Competent Authority shall perform sufficient investigation activities for an applicant for, or holder of, a letter of agreement to justify recommendations for the issuance, maintenance, amendment, suspension or revocation of the letter of agreement.
Pristojni organ za prosilca ali nosilca izjave o soglasju izvede preiskavo v zadostnem obsegu, da upraviči priporočila za izdajo, vzdrževanje, spremembo, začasno razveljavitev ali preklic izjave o soglasju.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
The Competent Authority shall perform sufficient investigation activities for an applicant for, or holder of, a production organisation approval to justify recommendations for the issuance, maintenance, amendment, suspension or revocation of the approval.
Pristojni organ za prosilca ali nosilca potrdila proizvodne organizacije izvede preiskavo v zadostnem obsegu, da upraviči priporočila za izdajo, vzdrževanje, spremembo, začasno razveljavitev ali preklic potrdila.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1702
The competent authority of the Member State of registry shall perform sufficient investigation activities for an applicant for, or holder of, an airworthiness certificate to justify the issuance, maintenance, amendment, suspension or revocation of the certificate or permit.
Pristojni organ države članice registracije izvede za prosilca ali nosilca spričevala o plovnosti preiskavo v zadostnem obsegu, da upraviči izdajo, vzdrževanje, spremembo, začasno razveljavitev ali preklic spričevala ali dovoljenja.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
use their best efforts to complete their investigation and to obtain a remedy or initiate proceedings within six months, or such other time as agreed to by the competition authorities of the Parties, of the deferral or suspension of enforcement activities by the competition authorities of the Requesting Party;
si prizadevali po najboljših močeh zaključiti svojo preiskavo in pridobiti možnost uporabe ukrepov ali začeti postopke v šestih mesecih od odloga ali začasne ustavitve dejavnosti izvrševanja organov pogodbenice prosilke, pristojnih za konkurenco, ali v roku, o katerem se sporazumejo organi obeh pogodbenic, pristojni za konkurenco;
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1147
In such cases, customs authorities shall take into account the import volume and the amount of duty at risk, in order to prevent the importer from benefiting from the fact that the duty suspension is being nullified by the cost of procuring the expert opinion, if the investigation shows that the rules for the issuing of those certificates have not been infringed.
V takšnih primerih carinski organi upoštevajo obseg uvoza in višino sporne dajatve, zato da bi preprečili izničenje koristi za uvoznika zaradi izničenja začasne opustitve dajatve s stroškom pridobitve izvedenskega mnenja, če preiskava pokaže, da pravila za izdajo navedenih potrdil niso bila kršena.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0264
In conclusion, given the temporary change in market conditions, and in particular the high level of prices of the product concerned practised on the Community market, which is far above the injurious level found in the original investigation, together with the alleged shortage of supply of the product concerned, it is considered that the injury linked to the imports of the product concerned originating in the PRC is unlikely to resume as a result of the suspension which would be in the interest of the Community.
Nenazadnje se glede na začasno spremembo tržnih pogojev in zlasti visoko raven cen zadevnega izdelka na trgu Skupnosti, ki je dosti višja od škodljive ravni, ugotovljene v prvotni preiskavi, ter glede na domnevno pomanjkanje ponudbe zadevnega izdelka ocenjuje, da je malo verjetno, da bi se škoda, povezana z uvozom zadevnega izdelka s poreklom iz LRK, zaradi začasne opustitve v interesu Skupnosti nadaljevala.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0046
The officially enzootic-bovine-leukosis-free status of a Member State or part of a Member State is to be suspended, in accordance with the procedure in Article 17 if, as a result of investigations carried out in accordance with paragraph F above, there is evidence of a significant change in the situation as regards enzootic bovine leukosis in a Member State or part of a Member State which has been recognised as officially enzootic-bovine-leukosis-free.
Uradno enzootske goveje levkoze prost status države članice ali dela države članice se v skladu s postopkom iz člena 17 začasno razveljavi, če se na podlagi preiskave, izpeljane v skladu z odstavkom F zgoraj, ugotovi znatne spremembe razmer glede enzootske goveje levkoze v državi članici ali delu države članice, ki je bila priznana kot uradno prosta enzootske goveje levkoze.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
A public notice of conclusion or suspension of an investigation in the case of an affirmative determination providing for the imposition of a definitive duty or the acceptance of an undertaking shall contain, or otherwise make available through a separate report, all relevant information on the matters of fact and law and reasons which have led to the imposition of final measures or the acceptance of an undertaking, due regard being paid to the requirement for the protection of confidential information.
Razglas, ki se nanaša na konec ali ustavitev preiskav v primeru potrdilne ugotovitve, ki predvideva uvedbo dokončne carine ali sprejem zavez, vsebuje vse informacije ali v obliki ločenega poročila omogoča dostop do vseh informacij, ki se nanašajo na dejstva in zakone ter razloge za uvedbo končnih ukrepov ali za sprejem zaveze ob hkratnem upoštevanju potreb po varovanju zaupnih informacij.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
A public notice of conclusion or suspension of an investigation in the case of an affirmative determination providing for the imposition of a definitive duty or the acceptance of a price undertaking shall contain, or otherwise make available through a separate report, all relevant information on the matters of fact and law and reasons which have led to the imposition of final measures or the acceptance of a price undertaking, due regard being paid to the requirement for the protection of confidential information.
Razglas o končani ali prekinjeni preiskavi ob pritrdilni ugotovitvi, ki je podlaga za uvedbo dokončne carine ali za sprejem cenovne zaveze, mora vsebovati ali drugače zagotoviti v obliki ločenega poročila vse ustrezne informacije o dejanskih in pravnih zadevah in razlogih, ki so bili podlaga za uvedbo končnega ukrepa ali za sprejem cenovne zaveze ob ustreznem upoštevanju zahteve po varovanju zaupnih informacij.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0025
Member States shall establish processes and procedures for the impartial investigation of any reported incompetence, act or omission, that may pose a direct threat to safety of life or property at sea or to the marine environment, on the part of the holders of certificates or endorsements issued by that Member State in connection with their performance of duties relating to their certificates and for the withdrawal, suspension and cancellation of such certificates for such cause and for the prevention of fraud.
Države članice določijo procese in postopke za nepristransko preiskavo vsakega neskladja, dejanja ali odsotnosti dejanja, ki jim je bilo sporočeno in lahko neposredno ogroža varnost človeškega življenja ali imetje na morju ali morsko okolje in so ga storili imetniki spričeval ali overitev, izdanih v tisti državi članici, pri izvajanju nalog, ki se navezujejo na ta spričevala, pa tudi za odvzem, začasni odvzem in razveljavitev teh spričeval zaradi takšnega razloga in za preprečevanje goljufije.
Prevodi: en > sl
suspend the investigation