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sweep line
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0029
Bulbs and corms intended for planting, produced by producers whose production and sale is authorised to persons professionally engaged in plant production, other than those plants, plant products and other objects which are prepared and ready for sale to the final consumer, and for which it is ensured by the responsible official bodies of the Member States, that the production thereof is clearly separate from that of other products of Camassia Lindl., Chionodoxa Boiss., Crocus flavus Weston "Golden Yellow", Galanthus L., Galtonia candicans (Baker) Decne., miniature cultivars and their hybrids of the genus Gladiolus Tourn. ex L., such as Gladiolus callianthus Marais, Gladiolus colvillei Sweet, Gladiolus nanus hort., Gladiolus ramosus hort. and Gladiolus tubergenii hort., Hyacinthus L., Iris L., Ismene Herbert, Muscari Miller, Narcissus L., Orinthogalum L., Puschkinia Adams, Scilla L. Tigridia Juss. and Tulipa L.
Čebulice in koreninske zadebelitve za saditev, ki jih pridelujejo pridelovalci, katerih pridelava in prodaja je dovoljena osebam, ki se poklicno ukvarjajo z rastlinsko pridelavo, razen tistih rastlin, rastlinskih proizvodov in drugih predmetov, ki so obdelani in pripravljeni za prodajo končnemu porabniku, in za katere pristojni uradni organi držav članic zagotovijo, da je njihova pridelava jasno ločena od pridelave drugih proizvodov Camassia Lindl., Chionodoxa Boiss., Crocus flavus Weston "Golden Yellow", Galanthus L., Galtonia candicans (Baker) Decne., miniaturni kultivarji in njihovi hibridi rodu Gladiolus Tourn. ex L., kot so Gladiolus callianthus Marais, Gladiolus colvillei Sweet, Gladiolus nanus hort., Gladiolus ramosus hort. in Gladiolus tubergenii hort., Hyacinthus L., Iris L., Ismene Herbert, Muscari Miller, Narcissus L, Orinthogalum L., Puschkinia Adams, Scilla L. Tigridia Juss. in Tulipa L.
2 Pravna redakcija
Directive 93/77/EEC should also be brought into line with general Community legislation on foodstuffs, particularly legislation on labelling, colouring matter, sweeteners and other authorised additives.
Direktivo 93/77/EGS je treba uskladiti s splošno zakonodajo Skupnosti o živilih, zlasti z zakonodajo o označevanju, o barvilih, sladilih in drugih dovoljenih aditivih.
3 Pravna redakcija
The Commission will propose to the European Parliament and to the Council an amendment to Directive 95/2/EC on food additives other than colours and sweeteners in order to modify the authorisation for the use of E 425 konjac in line with this Decision.
Komisija bo Evropskemu parlamentu in Svetu predlagala spremembo Direktive 95/2/ES o aditivih za živila razen barvil in sladil, da se spremeni dovoljenje za uporabo E 425 konjaka skladno s to odločbo.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R0088
sweep lines or warps are unschackled from the trawl boards or weights,
če so uzde vlečne mreže ali vlečne vrvi ločeni od širilk ali obtežilnikov,
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1052
in Annex D, the line " 1905 30 - Sweet biscuits: waffles and wafers" is replaced by the following: "- Sweet biscuits; waffles and wafers:
v Prilogi D se vrstica "1905 30 - Sladki piškoti: vaflji in oblati" nadomesti z: "-Sladki piškoti, vaflji in oblati:
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1052
in Annex B the line " 1905 30 - Sweet biscuits: waffles and wafers" is replaced by the following:
v Prilogi B se vrstica "1905 30 - Sladki piškoti: vaflji in oblati" nadomesti s:
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31984R1159
In the table set out in section III of the Annex to Regulation (EEC) No 315/68, the lines concerning the Iris varieties 'Wedgwood' and 'Prof. Blaauw' and the lines concerning 'Tulipa kaufmanniana, varieties Bellini, Edwin Fischer, Fair Lady, Firtz Kreisler, Gaiety, Golden Sun, Goudstuk, Lady Rose, Mendelssohn, Robert Schumann, Solanus, Stresa, Sweelinck' are hereby replaced by the text set out in the Annex to this Regulation.
V tabeli iz oddelka III Priloge k Uredbi (EGS) št. 315/68 se imena sort iris "Wedgwood" in "Prof. Blaauw" in imena za "Tulipa kaufmanniana", sorte "Bellini", "Edwin Fischer", "Fair Lady", "Fritz Kreisler", "Gaiety", "Golden Sun", "Goudstuk", "Lady Rose", "Mendelssohn", "Robert Schumann", "Solanus", "Stresa" in "Sweelinck" nadomestijo z besedilom iz Priloge k tej uredbi.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0036
Those definitions and rules should be amended to take account of technological progress and changes in consumer tastes, and should be brought into line with general Community legislation on foodstuffs, in particular legislation on labelling, sweeteners and other authorised additives, flavourings, extraction solvents and methods of analysis.
Te opredelitve in predpise bi bilo treba spremeniti, da bi upoštevali tehnološki napredek in spremembe okusa potrošnikov, in jih uskladili s splošno zakonodajo Skupnosti o živilih, zlasti s predpisi o označevanju, sladilih in drugih dovoljenih aditivih, aromah, ekstrakcijskih topilih in analiznih metodah.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0113
Directive 79/693/EEC should be brought into line with general Community legislation on foodstuffs, and in particular legislation on labelling, colouring agents, sweeteners and other authorised additives and, for the sake of clarity, should be recast in order to make the rules on the conditions for the production and marketing of fruit jams, jellies and marmalades and sweetened chestnut purée intended for human consumption more accessible.
Direktivo 79/693/EGS je treba uskladiti s splošno zakonodajo Skupnosti o živilih in zlasti z zakonodajo o označevanju, barvilih, sladilih in drugih dovoljenih aditivih ter jo preoblikovati tako, da bodo predpisi o pogojih proizvodnje in trženja sadnih džemov, želejev, marmelad in sladkane kostanjeve kaše, namenjenih za prehrano ljudi, dostopnejši.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988R0700
Aalsmeer Gold Aldogold Aldona Allegro Alpha Meinastur Ariane Athena Baccara Bingo Bridal Pink Carambolo Carina Carlita Carnaval Carte Dor Chamade Charlotte Cocktail Darling Denver Diana Diplomat // Dr A. J. Verhage Elfe Eliora Evening Star Fiorella Golden Emblem Ilona Jakaranda Jelico Jerney Lara Linda Lorena Lovely Girl Madelon Mainzer Fastnacht Manola Marina Mariska Meimisa Miss Blanche Nathali // Nicole Nordia Omega Orpas Parfuma Pasadena Peer Gynt Pecirac Pink Sensation Prive Red Success Roselandia Royal Red Ruby Ruimenkos Samantha Sandokan Sandra Sel 15 Selgold Seline Selita // Shocking Blue Simona Snow Crystal Sonia Splendora Sterling Silver Sunbeam Sweet Sonia Sylvia Tineke Triada Vega Veronika Vivaldi Visa White Masterpiece White Success White Weekend Yonina Zambra mixed multi-coloured.
Aalsmeer Gold Aldogold Aldona Allegro Alpha Meinastur Ariane Athena Baccara Bingo Bridal Pink Carambolo Carina Carlita Carnaval Carte Dor Chamade Charlotte Coctail Darling Denver Diana Diplomat Dr. A. J. Verhage Elfe Eliora Evening Star Fiorella Golden Emblem Ilona Jakaranda Jelico Jerney Lara Linda Lorena Lovely Girl Madelon Mainzer Fastnacht Manola Marina Mariska Meimisa Miss Blanche Nathali Nicole Nordia Omega Orpas Parfuma Pasadena Peer Gynt Pecirac Pink Sensation Prive Red Success Roselandia Royal Red Ruby Ruimenkos Samantha Sandokan Sandra Sel 15 Selgold Seline Selita Shocking Blue Simona Snow Crystal Sonia Splendora Sterling Silver Sunbeam Sweet Sonia Sylvia Tineke Triada Vega Veronika Vivaldi Visa White Masterpiece White Success White Weekend Yonina Zambra Mešane Večbarvne.
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sweep line