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system for recording and reviewing complaints
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0412
The manufacturer shall implement a system for recording and reviewing complaints together with an effective system for recalling promptly and at any time the veterinary medicinal products in the distribution network.
Proizvajalec mora izvajati sistem za beleženje in preučevanje reklamacij skupaj z učinkovitim sistemom za odpoklic zdravila za uporabo v veterinarski medicini nemudoma in kadarkoli v distribucijskem omrežju.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0094
In the case of medicinal products, the manufacturer shall implement a system for recording and reviewing complaints together with an effective system for recalling, promptly and at any time, medicinal products in the distribution network.
V primeru zdravil izdelovalec izvaja sistem evidentiranja in pregledovanja pritožb skupaj z učinkovitim sistemom takojšnjega in stalnega odpoklica zdravil iz distribucijske mreže.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0094
In the case of investigational medicinal products, the manufacturer shall, in cooperation with the sponsor, implement a system for recording and reviewing complaints together with an effective system for recalling promptly and at any time investigational medicinal products which have already entered the distribution network.
V primeru zdravil v preskušanju izdelovalec v sodelovanju s sponzorjem izvaja sistem evidentiranja in pregledovanja pritožb skupaj z učinkovitim sistemom takojšnjega in stalnega odpoklica zdravil v preskušanju, ki so že vstopila v distribucijsko mrežo.
Prevodi: en > sl
system for recording and reviewing complaints