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tax execution
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
All pecuniary executions of inspection measures and other rulings and resolutions issued on the basis of this act in connection with the payment of fines and supplementary payments stipulated and levied pursuant to this act shall be carried out by the relevant tax administration in the area where the person subject to inspection has permanent residence.
(3) Vse denarne izvršbe inšpekcijskih ukrepov ter drugih odločb in sklepov, izdanih na podlagi tega zakona v zvezi s plačili kazni in nadomestil, določenih oziroma odmerjenih na podlagi tega zakona, izvršuje tista pristojna davčna uprava, na katere območju ima inšpekcijski zavezanec stalno prebivališče.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
(a) if, in one of the cases referred to in Article 3(2), the act on which the arrest warrant is based does not constitute an offence under the law of the executing State; however, in relation to taxes or duties, customs and exchange, execution of the arrest warrant shall not be refused on the ground that the law of the executing State does not impose the same kind of tax or duty or does not contain the same type of rules as regards taxes, duties and customs and exchange regulations as the law of the issuing State;
(a) če v katerem od primerov iz člena 3(2) dejanje, na katerem temelji nalog za prijetje, po zakonu izvršitvene države ni kaznivo dejanje; vendar pa se v povezavi z davki in dajatvami, carino in deviznim poslovanjem izvršitev naloga za prijetje ne zavrne z razlogom, da zakonodaja izvršitvene države ne odmerja enakih davkov in dajatev ali da ne vsebuje enakih pravil glede davkov, dajatev ter carinskih in deviznih predpisov kot zakonodaja odreditvene države;
3 Končna redakcija
The reduction of or exemption from payment of the tax for an environmental strain shall not last longer than the average time span necessary for the execution of similar investment work.
Znižanje ali oprostitev takse za obremenjevanje ne sme trajati dlje od povprečnega časa za izvedbo istovrstnih investicijskih del.
4 Končna redakcija
(1) The reduction of the tax rate or exemption from payment of the tax for an environmental strain during the execution of a rehabilitation program shall be determined by the Minister after an application from the party responsible who must include with the application a rehabilitation or other program for the minimization of pollution.
(1) O znižanju ali oprostitvi takse za obremenjevanje med izvajanjem sanacijskih del odloči ministrstvo na zahtevo onesnaževalca, ki mora zahtevi priložiti sanacijski ali drug program zmanjšanja onesnaževanja.
5 Pravna redakcija
(d) if, in one of the cases referred to in Article 3(4), the act on which the freezing order is based does not constitute an offence under the law of the executing State; however, in relation to taxes or duties, customs and exchange, execution of the freezing order may not be refused on the ground that the law of the executing State does not impose the same kind of tax or duty or does not contain a tax, duty, customs and exchange regulation of the same kind as the law of the issuing State.
(d)v enem izmed primerov iz člena 3(4), dejanje, na katerem temelji sklep o zasegu, ni kaznivo dejanje po pravu države izvršitve; vendar pa se v zvezi z davki ali dajatvami, carinami in devizno menjavo, izvršitev ne sme zavrniti na podlagi tega, da pravo države izvršitve ne predvideva iste vrste davkov ali dajatev ali nima enake pravne ureditve na področju davkov, dajatev, carin in devizne menjave kakor pravo države izvršitve.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0007
Whereas, with a view to facilitating intra-Community trade in the field of work on movable tangible property, the tax arrangements applicable for these transactions should be modified when they are carried out for a person who is identified for value added tax purposes in a Member State other than that of their physical execution;
ker je treba zaradi pospeševanja trgovine znotraj Skupnosti na področju del na premičninah davčno ureditev za te transakcije spremeniti, če se opravljajo za osebo, ki je identificirana za namene davka na dodano vrednost v drugi državi članici kot je država članica njihove dejanske izvedbe;
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tax execution