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team presidency
1 Pravna redakcija
The Presidency shall forward the draft report, which shall be confidential, to the members of the MDW, together with any of the comments of the Member State evaluated which were not accepted by the evaluation team.
Predsedstvo pošlje osnutek poročila, ki je zaupno, članom MDW, skupaj z morebitnimi pripombami ocenjevane države članice, ki jih skupina za ocenjevanje ni sprejela.
2 Pravna redakcija
On the basis of the list referred to in Article 3 (2), the Presidency shall choose a team of three experts for each Member State to be evaluated, ensuring that they are not nationals of the Member State in question.
Na podlagi seznama iz člena 3(2) predsedstvo izbere skupino treh strokovnjakov za ocenjevanje vsake države članice, pri čemer zagotovi, da strokovnjaki niso državljani te države članice.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0996
On the basis of the list referred to in Article 3(2), the Presidency shall choose a team of two experts for the evaluation of each Member State, ensuring that they are not nationals of the Member State in question.
Na podlagi seznama, omenjenega v členu 3(2), predsedstvo izbere skupino dveh strokovnjakov za ocenjevanje vsake države članice, pri čemer zagotovi, da niso državljani te države članice.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0996
The Presidency shall forward the draft report, which shall be confidential, to the members of the Article 36 Committee or to the Working Party designated for the purpose, together with any of the comments by the Member State evaluated which were not accepted by the evaluation team.
Predsedstvo posreduje osnutek poročila, ki je zaupen, članom Odbora iz člena 36 ali delovni skupini, ki je imenovana v ta namen, skupaj s pripombami ocenjevane države članice, ki jih skupina za ocenjevanje ni sprejela.
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team presidency