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technical claim
1 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
(i) the invention claimed in the second patent shall involve an important technical advance of considerable economic significance in relation to the invention claimed in the first patent;
(i) izum, ki je predmet drugega patenta, vsebuje tehnični napredek znatnega gospodarskega pomena glede na izum, ki je predmet prvega patenta;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(1) The claims shall define the matter for which protection is sought in terms of the technical features of the invention.
(1) Patentni zahtevki z navedbo tehničnih značilnosti izuma določajo predmet, za katerega se zahteva varstvo.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(3) If, before the termination of the technical preparations for publication of the European patent application, the claims have been amended pursuant to Rule 86, paragraph 2, the new or amended claims shall be included in the publication in addition to the original claims.
(3) Če so bili patentni zahtevki spremenjeni na podlagi drugega odstavka 86. pravila pred zaključkom tehničnih priprav za objavo evropske patentne prijave, se v objavo poleg prvotnih patentnih zahtevkov vključijo tudi novi ali spremenjeni patentni zahtevki.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(6) Claims shall not, except where absolutely necessary, rely, in respect of the technical features of the invention, on references to the description or drawings.
(6) Patentni zahtevki se glede tehničnih značilnosti izuma ne smejo sklicevati na opis ali skice, če ni res nujno.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
The expression ` special technical features` shall mean those features which define a contribution which each of the claimed inventions considered as a whole makes over the prior art.
Izraz ` posebne tehnične značilnosti` pomeni tiste značilnosti, ki določajo prispevek, s katerim vsak od izumov, za katere se zahteva varstvo, kot celota nadgradi prejšnje stanje tehnike.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(1) Where a group of inventions is claimed in one and the same European patent application, the requirement of unity of invention referred to in Article 82 shall be fulfilled only when there is a technical relationship among those inventions involving one or more of the same or corresponding special technical features.
(1) Če se varstvo za skupino izumov zahteva v eni in isti evropski patentni prijavi, je pogoj za enotnost izuma iz 82. člena izpolnjen le, če je med temi izumi tehnična povezava, ki vključuje eno ali več enakih ali podobnih posebnih tehničnih značilnosti.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(a) a statement indicating the designation of the subject-matter of the invention and those technical features which are necessary for the definition of the claimed subject-matter but which, in combination, are part of the prior art;
(a) izjavo, ki označuje predmet izuma in tiste tehnične značilnosti, ki so potrebne za določitev predmeta, za katerega se zahteva varstvo, vendar so v medsebojni povezavi že del prejšnjega stanja tehnike;
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(c) disclose the invention, as claimed, in such terms that the technical problem (even if not expressly stated as such) and its solution can be understood, and state any advantageous effects of the invention with reference to the background art;
(c) razkriva izum, kot je naveden v patentnem zahtevku, s takimi izrazi, da je mogoče razumeti tehnični problem (tudi če ni izrecno tako imenovan) in njegovo rešitev, ter navaja vse prednostne učinke izuma glede na dotedanje stanje tehnike;
9 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
The investigating authority's determination of whether the claimed allowance for waste is "normal" should take into account the production process, the average experience of the industry in the country of export, and other technical factors, as appropriate.
Ko preiskovalne oblasti presojajo, ali je upoštevanje izpada ` normalno` , upoštevajo naravo proizvodnje, povprečno izkušenost določene industrije v državi izvoza ter druge ustrezne tehnične dejavnike.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
(2) The publication shall contain the description, the claims and any drawings as filed and, in an annex, the European search report and the abstract, in so far as the latter are available before the termination of the technical preparations for publication.
(2) Objava vsebuje opis, patentne zahtevke in skice, kot so bili vloženi, in v prilogi evropsko poročilo o poizvedbi ter povzetek, če sta na voljo, preden se končajo tehnične priprave za objavo.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(7) If the European patent application contains drawings, the technical features mentioned in the claims shall preferably, if the intelligibility of the claim can thereby be increased, be followed by reference signs relating to these features and placed between parentheses.
(7) Če evropska patentna prijava vsebuje skice, morajo tehničnim značilnostim, omenjenim v patentnih zahtevkih, če to olajšuje razumevanje patentnega zahtevka, po možnosti slediti sklicevalne oznake, ki se nanašajo na te značilnosti in so postavljene med oklepaje.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(2) The abstract shall contain a concise summary of the disclosure as contained in the description, the claims and any drawings; the summary shall indicate the technical field to which the invention pertains and shall be drafted in a way which allows the clear understanding of the technical problem, the gist of the solution of that problem through the invention and the principal use or uses of the invention.
(2) Povzetek je zgoščen pregled tega, kar je razkrito v opisu, patentnih zahtevkih in skicah; v njem je navedeno tehnično področje, s katerega je izum, sestavljen pa je tako, da omogoča jasno razumevanje tehničnega problema, bistva rešitve tega problema s pomočjo izuma in glavne uporabe ali glavnih uporab izuma.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(a) within a period of sixteen months after the date of filing of the application or, if priority is claimed, after the priority date, this time limit being deemed to have been met if the information is communicated before completion of the technical preparations for publication of the European patent application;
(a) v šestnajstih mesecih po datumu vložitve prijave ali po prednostnem datumu, če se zahteva prednost, pri čemer se šteje, da je bil ta rok upoštevan, če so podatki sporočeni pred zaključkom tehničnih priprav za objavo evropske patentne prijave;
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4
[ Exception Under Article 13(1) ] No Contracting Party shall be obliged to provide for the correction or addition of a priority claim under Article 13(1), where the request referred to in Article 13(1)(i) is received after the applicant has made a request for early publication or for expedited or accelerated processing, unless that request for early publication or for expedited or accelerated processing is withdrawn before the technical preparations for publication of the application have been completed.
Izjema po prvem odstavku 13. člena Nobena pogodbenica ni obvezana, da predvidi popravek ali dodatek zahteve za prednost po prvem odstavku 13. člena, če je zahteva iz točke (i) prvega odstavka 13. člena prejeta po tem, ko je prijavitelj predložil zahtevo za predčasno objavo ali hitrejšo ali pospešeno obravnavo, razen če je bila zahteva za predčasno objavo ali hitrejšo ali pospešeno obravnavo umaknjena, preden so se končale tehnične priprave na objavo prijave.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-19
(1) [Exception Under Article 13(1)] No Contracting Party shall be obliged to provide for the correction or addition of a priority claim under Article 13(1), where the request referred to in Article 13(1)(i) is received after the applicant has made a request for early publication or for expedited or accelerated processing, unless that request for early publication or for expedited or accelerated processing is withdrawn before the technical preparations for publication of the application have been completed.
(1) [Izjema po prvem odstavku 13. člena] Nobena pogodbenica ni obvezana, da predvidi popravek ali dodatek zahteve za prednost po prvem odstavku 13. člena, če je zahteva iz točke (i) prvega odstavka 13. člena prejeta po tem, ko je prijavitelj predložil zahtevo za predčasno objavo ali hitrejšo ali pospešeno obravnavo, razen če je bila zahteva za predčasno objavo ali hitrejšo ali pospešeno obravnavo umaknjena, preden so se končale tehnične priprave na objavo prijave.
16 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31999R1225
Gross claims payments are used in the calculation of gross claims incurred as well as in the calculation of the gross balance of the technical account (32 17 0) and other aggregates and balances.
Obračunani kosmati zneski škod se uporabljajo pri izračunu kosmatih zneskov nastale škode in pri izračunu kosmatega zavarovalno-tehničnega izida (32 17 0) ter drugih skupnih vrednosti in bilanc.
17 Končna redakcija
If a Member State allows any technical reserves to be covered by claims against reinsurers, it shall fix the percentage so allowed.
Če država članica dovoli, da se zavarovalno-tehnične rezervacije krijejo z zahtevki do pozavarovateljev, določi odstotek, do katerega je to dovoljeno.
18 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31999R1225
Gross change in the provision for outstanding claims is used in the calculation of the variable gross claims incurred as well as in the calculation of the gross balance of the technical account (32 17 0) and other aggregates and balances.
Sprememba kosmatih škodnih rezervacij se uporablja pri izračunu spremenljivke obračunani kosmati zneski škod in pri izračunu kosmatega zavarovalno-tehničnega izida (32 17 0) ter drugih skupnih vrednosti in bilanc.
19 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31999R1225
Gross provision for outstanding claims is used in the calculation of the variable total gross technical provisions (37 31 0 + 37 32 0 + 37 33 0 + 37 34 0 + 37 35 0 + 37 36 0 + 37 37 0).
Kosmate škodne rezervacije se uporabljajo pri izračunu spremenljivke skupna vsota kosmatih tehničnih rezervacij (37 31 0 + 37 32 0 + 37 33 0 + 37 34 0 + 37 35 0 + 37 36 0 + 37 37 0).
20 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0013
If the required solvency margin as calculated in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 is lower than the required solvency margin of the year before, the required solvency margin shall be at least equal to the required solvency margin of the year before multiplied by the ratio of the amount of the technical provisions for claims outstanding at the end of the last financial year and the amount of the technical provisions for claims outstanding at the beginning of the last financial year.
Če je zahtevani minimalni kapital, izračunan v odstavkih 2, 3 in 4, nižji od zahtevanega minimalnega kapitala v predhodnem letu, je zahtevani minimalni kapital najmanj enak zahtevanemu minimalnemu kapitalu v predhodnem letu, pomnoženem z razmerjem zneska škodnih rezervacij ob koncu preteklega poslovnega leta in zneskom škodnih rezervacij na začetku preteklega poslovnega leta.
21 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0013
For those insurance undertakings which discount or reduce their technical provisions for claims outstanding to take account of investment income as permitted by Article 60(1)(g) of Council Directive 91/674/EEC of 19 December 1991 on the annual accounts and consolidated accounts of insurance undertakings(7), the available solvency margin shall be reduced by the difference between the undiscounted technical provisions or technical provisions before deductions as disclosed in the notes on the accounts, and the discounted or technical provisions after deductions.
Za zavarovalnice, ki diskontirajo ali znižajo škodne rezervacije, tako da upoštevajo prihodke naložb, kakor ga dovoljuje člen 60(1)(g) Direktive Sveta 91/674/EGS z dne 19. decembra 1991 o letnih računovodskih izkazih in konsolidiranih računovodskih izkazih zavarovalnic(*), se razpoložljivi minimalni kapital zniža za razliko med nediskontiranimi zavarovalno-tehničnimi rezervacijami ali zavarovalno-tehničnimi rezervacijami pred znižanjem, kakor je razvidno iz prilog računovodskih izkazov, in diskontirnimi zavarovalno-tehničnimi rezervacijami ali zavarovalno-tehničnimi rezervacijami po znižanju.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
As regards official lists of approved economic operators, it is important to take into account Court of Justice case-law in cases where an economic operator belonging to a group claims the economic, financial or technical capabilities of other companies in the group in support of its application for registration.
V zvezi z uradnim seznamom potrjenih gospodarskih subjektov je pomembno upoštevati sodno prakso Evropskega Sodišča v zadevah, v katerih se gospodarski subjekt, ki pripada skupini, pri svoji vlogi za registracijo sklicuje na gospodarska, finančna ali tehnična sredstva drugih družb iz skupine.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
It is important to take into account Court of Justice case-law in cases where an economic operator claims the economic, financial or technical capabilities of other entities, whatever the legal nature of the link between itself and those entities, in order to meet the selection criteria or, in the context of qualification systems, in support of its application for qualification.
Pomembno je upoštevati sodno prakso Sodišča, kadar gospodarski subjekt navaja gospodarske, finančne ali tehnične sposobnosti drugih subjektov, ne glede na pravno naravo povezave med njim in temi subjekti, za izpolnitev meril za izbor ali v svoji prijavi za ugotavljanje usposobljenosti v okviru sistema ugotavljanja usposobljenosti.
24 Končna redakcija
Whereas it is necessary that insurance undertakings should possess, over and above technical reserves of sufficient amount to meet their underwriting liabilities, a supplementary reserve, to be known as the solvency margin, and represented by free assets, in order to provide against business fluctuations; whereas in order to ensure that the requirements imposed for such purposes are determined according to objective criteria, whereby undertakings of the same size are placed on an equal footing as regards competition, it is desirable to provide that such margin shall be related to the overall volume of business of the undertaking and be determined by reference to two indices of security, one based on premiums and the other on claims;
ker bi bilo zato, da bi zagotovili, da so predpisi za takšne namene opredeljeni skladno z objektivnimi merili, zaradi česar bi zavarovalnicam enake velikosti zagotovili enake konkurenčne pogoje, treba predvideti, da se takšna meja nanaša na skupni obseg poslov podjetja ter da se določi glede na dva kazalnika varnosti, in sicer eden ki temelji na premijah in drugi na škodah;
25 Pravna redakcija
prepayments of insurance premiums and reserves for outstanding claims, arising from the difference between premiums earned and premiums receivable and between claims payable and claims due, and (b) technical provisions against outstanding risks and technical provisions for with-profits insurance.
prenosne premije in škodne rezervacije, ki izhajajo iz razlike med zasluženimi premijami in premijami, ki bi jih morala zavarovalnica prejeti, ter med plačljivimi in dolgovanimi škodnimi zahtevki, ter (b)tehnične rezervacije za škodna tveganja in tehnične rezervacije za zavarovanja s klavzulo o soudeležbi pri dobičku zavarovalnice.
26 Pravna redakcija
actual premiums earned plus premium supplements less claims due less increases (plus decreases) in technical provisions against outstanding risks and technical provisions for with-profits insurance.
dejanske zaslužene premije plus dodatne premije minus dolgovani škodni zahtevki less povečanja (plus zmanjšanja) tehničnih tehničnih rezervacij za škodna tveganja in tehničnih rezervacij za zavarovanja s klavzulo o soudeležbi pri dobičku zavarovalnice.
27 Pravna redakcija
actual premiums earned, plus premium supplements, less claims due, less increases (plus decreases) in technical provisions against outstanding risks and technical provisions for with-profits insurance.
dejanski prihodki od premij plus premijski dodatki, minus zapadle odškodnine, minus zvišanja (plus znižanja) zavarovalnotehničnih rezervacij ter zavarovalnotehnične rezervacije za življenjska zavarovanja s klavzulo o soudeležbi zavarovanca pri dobičku zavarovalnice.
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2537
Both the HiFD and Superdisk LS-120, it is claimed, share the same basic physical, technical and/ or chemical characteristics as conventional 3,5" microdisks.
Imation trdi, da imata HiFD in Superdisk LS-120 iste osnovne fizične, tehnične in/ali kemične lastnosti kot običajne 3,5-palčne diskete.
29 Pravna redakcija
total actual premiums earned plus total premium supplements (equal to the income from the investment of the insurance technical reserves) minus the total claims due
celotne dejanske premije za obdobje plus celotni premijski dodatki (enaki dohodkom od investiranja zavarovalnih tehničnih rezervacij) minus celotni zapadli zahtevki
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000S2730
In support of this claim it argued that switching between the two could not take place without substantial and expensive modifications in technical equipment leading to substantial costs.
V podporo tej trditvi je navajal, da prehod z enega na drugega ni mogoč brez precejšnjih in dragih sprememb v tehnični opremi, kar vodi k precejšnjim stroškom.
31 Pravna redakcija
the plant variety or the invention constitutes significant technical progress of considerable economic interest compared with the invention claimed in the patent or the protected plant variety.
da pomeni rastlinska sorta ali izum pomemben tehnični napredek, ki je gospodarsko zelo zanimiv v primerjavi s patentiranim izumom ali zavarovano rastlinsko sorto.
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
Two exporting producers claimed that technical assistance costs should be allocated on a turnover basis for the purpose of calculating the domestic SG & A expenses to be included in the cost of production.
Dva proizvajalca - izvoznika sta trdila, da bi bilo pri izračunu domačih PSA stroškov, ki jih je treba vključiti v proizvodne stroške, stroške tehnične pomoči razporediti na podlagi prometa.
33 Pravna redakcija
the income earned by insurance enterprises by investing their insurance technical provisions, which comprise prepayments for insurance premiums, provisions for outstanding claims, and provisions against outstanding risks;
dohodek zavarovalnic na podlagi vlaganja lastnih zavarovalnih tehničnih rezervacij, ki vključujejo predplačila za zavarovalne premije, rezervacije za neporavnane škodne zahtevke in rezervacije za izredno tveganje;
34 Pravna redakcija
Clinical investigations must be performed on the basis of an appropriate plan of investigation reflecting the latest scientific and technical knowledge and defined in such a way as to confirm or refute the manufacturer's claims for the device;
Klinične preiskave morajo biti opravljene na osnovi ustreznega načrta preiskav, ki odraža najnovejše znanstveno in tehnično znanje in ki je opredeljen tako, da potrdi ali zavrne proizvajalčeve trditve o pripomočku;
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
The Commission's determination of whether the claimed allowance for waste is 'normal' must normally take into account the production process, the average experience of the industry in the country of export, and other technical factors, as appropriate.
Komisija mora pri določanju, ali je zahtevana opustitev zaradi odpadkov "običajna", navadno upoštevati proizvodni proces, povprečne izkušnje industrije v državi izvoznici in druge tehnične dejavnike, če je to primerno.
36 Pravna redakcija
It is also a form of financial intermediation in which funds are collected from policy holders and invested in financial or other assets which are held as technical reserves to meet future claims arising from the occurrence of the events specified in the insurance policies.
Hkrati so tudi oblika finančnega posredništva, v katerem se skladi zbirajo pri imetnikih polic in investirajo v finančna ali druga sredstva, ki se ohranjajo kot tehnične rezervacije, za poravnavo prihodnjih škodnih zahtevkov, ki bi jih povzročili dogodki, navedeni v zavarovalni polici.
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1697
One Czech exporting producer, Zelezarny Veseli has reacted to the Commission's provisional findings, claiming that they were allegedly subject to higher technical testing standards for tube types sold on the domestic market in the Czech Republic than for the tube types exported to the Community market.
Eden od čeških proizvajalcev izvoznikov, Zelezarny Veseli, se je odzval na začasne ugotovitve Komisije in trdil, da zanje veljajo višji standardi tehničnega preskušanja za tipe cevi, ki se prodajajo na domačem trgu v Češki republiki, kot za tipe cevi, ki se izvažajo na trg Skupnosti.
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1522
The company claimed that by reporting data for different sub-qualities separately, it had followed the instructions of the questionnaire, since it considered that the technical specifications of second and third qualities were different and that, furthermore, these qualities were differentiated in the company's records.
Družba je navedla, da je v skladu z navodili iz vprašalnika predložila ločene podatke za različne spodnje kakovostne razrede, saj je menila, da so tehnične specifikacije za zadevni izdelek druge in tretje kakovosti različne, in da so poleg tega v dokumentaciji družbe te kakovosti ločene.
39 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, in the field of exploitation of new plant characteristics resulting from genetic engineering, guaranteed access must, on payment of a fee, be granted in the form of a compulsory licence where, in relation to the genus or species concerned, the plant variety represents significant technical progress of considerable economic interest compared to the invention claimed in the patent;
ker je treba pri izkoriščanju novih značilnih lastnosti rastlin, ki so posledica genskega inženiringa, ob plačilu pristojbine dovoliti zajamčeni dostop v obliki prisilne licence, kadar rastlinska sorta v odnosu do zadevnega rodu ali rastlinske vrste pomeni pomemben in gospodarsko zanimiv tehnični napredek v primerjavi s patentiranim izumom;
40 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0960
The same company also claimed that the price decrease in 2001 would be the effect of imports of huge volumes of Taiwanese CD-Rs in the last quarter of 2001, on the one hand because of the prospect of likely imposition of anti-dumping duties on Taiwanese imports, and on the other hand because the Taiwanese exporters would have shipped big volumes of CD-Rs which due to their low technical characteristics were about to become obsolete.
Ista gospodarska družba je prav tako trdila, da je bilo znižanje cen v letu 2001 posledica zelo velikega obsega uvoza tajvanskih CD-ROM-ov v zadnji četrtini leta 2001, na eni strani zaradi zelo verjetne možnosti uvedbe protidampinških dajatev za uvoz iz Tajvana, na drugi pa zato, ker so tajvanski izvozniki odpremili velike količine CD-ROM-ov, ki naj bi zaradi svojih slabih tehničnih lastnosti kmalu zastareli.
41 Pravna redakcija
Having regard to Article 117 of Regulation (EEC) No 574/72, under which the Administrative Commission shall, on basis of studies and proposals of the Technical Commission, adapt to the new data processing techniques the models of certificates, certified statements, declarations, claims and other documents as well as the routing channels and the data-transmission procedures necessary in applying the Regulation and the implementing Regulation,
ob upoštevanju člena 117 Uredbe (EGS) št. 574/72, po katerem je dolžnost Upravne komisije, da na podlagi študij in predlogov tehnične komisije novim tehnikam obdelave prilagodi vzorce potrdil, overjenih navedb, izjav, zahtevkov in drugih dokumentov, pa tudi kanale za posredovanje informacij in postopke prenosa podatkov, ki so potrebni za uporabo te uredbe in izvedbene uredbe,
42 Prevajalska redakcija
the invention claimed in the second patent shall involve an important technical advance of considerable economic significance in relation to the invention claimed in the first patent;
izum, ki je predmet drugega patenta, vsebuje tehnični napredek znatnega gospodarskega pomena glede na izum, ki je predmet prvega patenta;
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0049
If the home Member State allows any technical provisions to be covered by claims against reinsurers, it shall fix the percentage so allowed.
Če matična država članica dovoljuje, da se zavarovalno-tehnične rezervacije pokrivajo z zahtevki do pozavarovateljev, določi dovoljeni odstotek.
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0083
If the home Member State allows any technical provisions to be covered by claims against reassurers, it shall fix the percentage so allowed.
Če domača država članica dovoljuje, da so zavarovalno-tehnične rezervacije pokrite z zahtevki do pozavarovateljev, mora določiti tako dovoljen odstotek.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0674
The excess of the premiums written over the claims and expenses paid in respect of contracts commencing in the underwriting year shall form a technical provision which is included in the technical provision for claims outstanding shown in the balance sheet in liabilities item C (3).
Presežek obračunanih premij nad obračunanimi zneski škod in stroškov, plačanih v zvezi s pogodbami, ki se začenjajo v zavarovalnem letu, tvori zavarovalne-tehnične rezervacije, ki so vključene v škodne rezervacije, prikazane v bilanci stanja v postavki pasive C(3).
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997D0178
actual premiums earned, plus premium supplements, less claims due, less increases (plus decreases) in technical provisions against outstanding risks and technical provisions for with profits insurance.
dejanski prihodki od premij plus premijski dodatki, minus zapadle odškodnine, minus zvišanja (plus znižanja) zavarovalnotehničnih rezervacij ter zavarovalnotehnične rezervacije za življenjska zavarovanja s klavzulo o soudeležbi zavarovanca pri dobičku zavarovalnice.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0017
The first method ensures the affectation of assets representing the technical provisions to insurance claims, the second method ensures insurance claims a position in the ranking of creditors which not only affects the assets representing the technical provisions but all the assets of the insurance undertaking.
Prva metoda zagotavlja odvzem sredstev, ki predstavljajo zavarovalno-tehnične rezervacije za zavarovalne zahtevke, druga metoda zagotavlja zavarovalnim zahtevkom položaj pri razvrščanju upnikov, ki ne vpliva samo na sredstva, ki predstavljajo zavarovalno-tehnične rezervacije, ampak na vsa sredstva zavarovalnice.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0017
insurance claims shall, with respect to assets representing the technical provisions, take absolute precedence over any other claim on the insurance undertaking;
zavarovalni zahtevki imajo glede sredstev, ki predstavljajo zavarovalno-tehnične rezervacije, absolutno prednostno razvrstitev pred drugimi zahtevki do zavarovalnice;
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0049
debts owed by and claims against a third party may be accepted as cover for technical provisions only after deduction of all amounts owed to the same third party;
dolgovi tretjih strank in terjatve do njih se lahko sprejmejo kot pokritje za zavarovalno-tehnične rezervacije le po odbitku vseh zneskov, dolgovanih isti tretji stranki;
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0083
debts owed by and claims against a third party may be accepted as cover for the technical provisions only after deduction of all amounts owed to the same third party;
terjatve do tretjih oseb se lahko sprejmejo kot kritje za zavarovalno-tehnične rezervacije samo potem, ko so bili odšteti vsi zneski, ki se dolgujejo isti tretji osebi;
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technical claim