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technical examination
1 Pravna redakcija
Technical examination
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-71
If no agreement is reached between the administrations concerned, the ITU-BR will, in accordance with the Stockholm Agreement, make any technical examination that may be requested by the administration proposing the change, or by administrations whose services may be affected by the proposed change, and will inform them of the results of such examination.
Če se zadevne uprave ne sporazumejo, bo urad ITU-BR v skladu s Stockholmskim sporazumom opravil vsak tehnični pregled, ki ga lahko zahtevat uprava, ki predlaga spremembo, ali uprave, na katerih storitve lahko predlagana sprememba vpliva, in bo uprave obvestil o ugotovitvah takega pregleda.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
Rules on professional education, examinations and permits for the work of aviation technical personnel of flight control (Ur.l. SFRY, no. 13/79),
pravilnik o strokovni izobrazbi, izpitih in dovoljenjih za delo letalskega tehničnega osebja kontrole letenja (Uradni list SFRJ, št. 13/79),
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
Rules on the professional education, professional training, examinations, permits and authorities of aviation technical personnel and /aircrew/ for technical preparation (Ur.l. SFRY, no. 35/87, corrections in no. 12/88 and 8/89),
pravilnik o strokovni izobrazbi, strokovnem usposabljanju, izpitih, dovoljenjih in pooblastilih letalsko tehničnega osebja in letalskega osebja tehnične priprave (Uradni list SFRJ, št. 35/87, popravek v št. 12/88 in 8/89),
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
In order to establish eligibility, controls shall include, where appropriate, examinations of a technical nature, which can involve economic financial assessments and checks of a specific agricultural, technical or scientific nature.
Za ugotavljanje upravičenosti se pri teh kontrolah lahko zahtevajo tudi tehnični oziroma strokovni pregledi, kamor spadajo ekonomsko finančne ocene ter preverjanja, ki so specifično kmetijske, tehnične ali znanstvene narave.
6 Objavljeno
WTO: Izvajanje sedmega člena
At the request of a party to the dispute, or on its own initiative, a panel established to examine a dispute relating to the provisions of this Agreement may request the Technical Committee to carry out an examination of any questions requiring technical consideration.
Na zahtevo določene strani v sporu ali na podlagi lastne pobude sme ugotovitveni svet, ki je ustanovljen z namenom, da prouči spor v zvezi z določbami tega sporazuma, zahtevati od Tehničnega odbora, da prouči katerokoli vprašanje, ki ga je treba proučiti v tehničnem smislu.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-84
` Technically justified` - justified on the basis of conclusions reached by using an appropriate pest risk analysis or, where applicable, another comparable examination and evaluation of available scientific information.
»Strokovno upravičeno« - Presojeno na podlagi ugotovitev, ki izhajajo iz ustrezne analize nevarnosti škodljivega organizma ali, koder je primerno, iz druge primerljive proučitve in ovrednotenja razpoložljivih znanstvenih informacij.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 19
(1) The States party to this Treaty (hereinafter called "the Contracting States") constitute a Union for cooperation in the filing, searching, and examination, of applications for the protection of inventions, and for rendering special technical services.
(1) Države, pogodbenice te pogodbe (v nadaljnjem besedilu: države pogodbenice), sestavljajo Unijo za sodelovanje na področju vlaganja prijav, poizvedbe in preizkušanje prijav za varstvo izumov ter za opravljanje posebnih tehničnih storitev.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
If after the period specified in the previous paragraph a specific urban planning inspector fails to fulfil the conditions specified in point 1 of Article 144 of this act, the inspector shall only continue work as a building inspector if he has at least gained a four-year tertiary qualification in civil engineering or another appropriate technical subject and at least ten years of work experience in the field of inspection supervision and has passed the examination on knowledge of the ZUP, the professional examination for inspectors or a test of knowledge equivalent to such examination.
(3) Če po preteku roka iz prejšnjega odstavka določeni urbanistični inšpektor ne izpolnjuje pogojev iz 1. točke 144. člena tega zakona, lahko takšen inšpektor nadaljuje z delom kot gradbeni inšpektor samo, če ima najmanj visokošolsko izobrazbo gradbene ali druge ustrezne tehnične smeri z najmanj deset let delovnih izkušenj s področja opravljanja inšpekcijskega nadzorstva ter opravljen izpit iz poznavanja ZUP ali strokovni izpit za inšpektorja oziroma s takšnim izpitom izenačen preizkus znanja.
10 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
When the Customs decide that they require laboratory analysis of samples, detailed technical documents or expert advice, they shall release the goods before the results of such examination are known, provided that any security required has been furnished and provided they are satisfied that the goods are not subject to prohibitions or restrictions.
Kadar se carina odloči, da potrebuje laboratorijske analize vzorcev, natančne tehnične dokumente ali izvedenska mnenja, blago prepusti, preden so znani rezultati takšnih pregledov, če je bilo predloženo kakršno koli potrebno zavarovanje in če se prepriča, da za blago ne veljajo prepovedi ali omejitve.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-71
visual observation; collection of environmental samples; utilization of radiation detection and measurement devices; examination of safeguards relevant production and shipping records; and other objective measures which have been demonstrated to be technically feasible and the use of which has been agreed by the Board and following consultations between the Agency and Slovenia.
vizualno opazovanje, zbiranje vzorcev iz okolja, uporabo naprav za odkrivanje in merjenje sevanja, pregledovanje dokumentov o proizvodnji in pošiljanju v zvezi z varovanjem in druge objektivne ukrepe, za katere je bilo dokazano, da so tehnično izvedljivi, in katerih uporabo je odobril Svet po posvetovanjih med Agencijo in Slovenijo;
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
e) the servicing of a railway vehicle prescribed in the Annexes to the APTU Uniform Rules, in the special conditions of an admission under Article 7 paragraph 2 or paragraph 3 or in the construction and equipment prescriptions contained in the Annex to RID as well as the other technical examinations relating to elements of construction and to specified equipment of the vehicle.
e) preglede železniškega vozila, določene v prilogah Enotnih pravil APTU, v posebnih pogojih odobritve v skladu z drugim ali tretjim odstavkom 7. člena ali v predpisih o konstrukciji in opremi iz priloge pravilnika RID in tudi druga predpisana tehnična preverjanja posameznih sestavnih delov in tehničnih sklopov vozila.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
visual observation; collection of environmental samples; utilisation of radiation detection and measurement devices; examination of safeguards relevant production and shipping records; and other objective measures which have been demonstrated to be technically feasible and the use of which has been agreed by the Board and following consultations between the Agency and the State concerned.
vizualno opazovanje; zbiranje vzorcev iz okolja; uporabo naprav za odkrivanje in merjenje sevanja; pregledovanje dokumentov o proizvodnji in pošiljanju v zvezi z varovanjem in druge objektivne ukrepe, za katere je bilo dokazano, da so tehnično izvedljivi, in katerih uporabo je odobril Svet po posvetovanjih med Agencijo in zadevno državo.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-71
visual observation; item counting of nuclear material; non-destructive measurements and sampling; utilization of radiation detection and measurement devices; examination of records relevant to the quantities, origin and disposition of the material; collection of environmental samples; and other objective measures which have been demonstrated to be technically feasible and the use of which has been agreed by the Board and following consultations between the Agency and Slovenia.
vizualno opazovanje, štetje kosov jedrskega materiala, nedestruktivna merjenja in jemanje vzorcev, uporabo naprav za odkrivanje in merjenje sevanja, pregledovanje dokumentov v zvezi s količinami in izvorom materiala in razpolaganjem z njim, zbiranje vzorcev iz okolja in druge objektivne ukrepe, za katere je bilo dokazano, da so tehnično izvedljivi, in katerih uporabo je odobril Svet po posvetovanjih med Agencijo in Slovenijo;
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Admission of a type of construction and admission to operation by the competent authority of a Contracting State in accordance with these Uniform Rules, as well as the corresponding certificates issued shall be recognised by the authorities, the rail transport undertakings and the infrastructure managers in the other Contracting States, without the need for another examination and another technical admission with a view to circulation and use on the territories of those other States.
Odobritve tipa konstrukcije in obratovalna dovoljenja in tudi ustrezna potrdila, izdana o njih, ki jih je v skladu z enotnimi pravili izdal pristojni organ države pogodbenice, v preostalih državah pogodbenicah priznavajo organi, železniška prevozna podjetja in upravljavci infrastrukture brez ponovnega preverjanja in tehnične odobritve tudi za promet in uporabo na ozemlju teh drugih držav.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
visual observation; item counting of nuclear material; non-destructive measurements and sampling; utilisation of radiation detection and measurement devices; examination of records relevant to the quantities, origin and disposition of the material; collection of environmental samples; and other objective measures which have been demonstrated to be technically feasible and the use of which has been agreed by the Board and following consultations between the Agency, the Community and the State concerned.
vizualno opazovanje; štetje kosov jedrskega materiala; nedestruktivna merjenja in jemanje vzorcev; uporabo naprav za odkrivanje in merjenje sevanja; pregledovanje dokumentov v zvezi s količinami in izvorom materiala in razpolaganjem z njim; zbiranje vzorcev iz okolja in druge objektivne ukrepe, za katere je bilo dokazano, da so tehnično izvedljivi, in katerih uporabo je odobril Svet po posvetovanjih med Agencijo, Skupnostjo in zadevno državo.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0825
The Commission carried out a technical examination.
Komisija je izvedla tehnični pregled.
18 Končna redakcija
EC type-examination certificate and accompanying technical documentation,
ES-certifikat o pregledu tipa in spremne tehnične dokumentacije,
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
the technical documentation of the approved type and a copy of the type-examination certificate.
tehnično dokumentacijo o odobrenem tipu in izvod certifikata o pregledu tipa.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0009
The technical documentation accompanying the examination certificate must comprise the following:
Tehnična dokumentacija, ki spremlja certifikat o ocenjevanju skladnosti, mora vsebovati:
21 Končna redakcija
the EC type-examination certificate for the subsystem and the accompanying technical documentation,
ES-certifikat o pregledu tipa za podsistem in spremne tehnične dokumentacije,
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
the technical documentation for the approved type and a copy of the EC type-examination certificate.
tehnično dokumentacijo za odobreni tip in kopijo certifikata o ES-pregledu tipa.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0009
if applicable, the technical documentation of the approved type and a copy of the EC type-examination certificate.
če je primerno, tehnično dokumentacijo za odobreni tip in izvod certifikata ES o skladnosti tipa.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0009
The notified body shall draw up the EC examination certificate in accordance with Annex VII and the technical documentation which accompanies it.
Priglašeni organ sestavi certifikat ES o ocenjevanju skladnosti po Prilogi VII in tehnično dokumentacijo, ki je priložena certifikatu.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
These comparative tests shall be used to harmonise the technical methods of certification and post-control examination so as to obtain results which are equivalent.
Ti primerjalni poskusi se uporabijo za usklajevanje tehničnih metod potrjevanja in naknadne kontrole, da se pridobijo enakovredni rezultati.
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
The applicant must inform the notified body that holds the technical documentation concerning the EC type-examination certificate of all modifications to the approved design;
Vlagatelj mora priglašeni organ, ki ima tehnično dokumentacijo v zvezi s certifikatom o ES-pregledu tipa, obvestiti o vseh spremembah odobrenega načrtovanja;
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
The applicant must inform the notified body that holds the technical documentation concerning the EC type-examination certificate of all modifications to the approved transportable pressure equipment;
Vlagatelj mora priglašeni organ, ki ima tehnično dokumentacijo v zvezi s certifikatom o ES-pregledu tipa, obvestiti o vseh spremembah odobrene premične tlačne opreme;
28 Končna redakcija
the technical documentation regarding the approved type, including the type-examination certificate, as issued after completion of the procedure defined in module SB, and, if not included in this documentation:
tehnično dokumentacijo v zvezi z odobrenim tipom, vključno s certifikatom o pregledu tipa, kakor je bil izdan ob zaključku postopka iz modula SB, ter, če niso vključene v to dokumentacijo, še:
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0009
The manufacturer or his authorised representative must keep with the technical documentation copies of EC type-examination certificates and their additions for at least 30 years after the last component has been manufactured.
Proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik mora skupaj s tehnično dokumentacijo shranjevati kopije certifikatov ES o skladnosti tipa in njihove dodatke še najmanj 30 let od datuma izdelave zadnjega elementa.
30 Končna redakcija
The technical documentation must enable the design, manufacture, installation and operation of the subsystem to be understood, and shall enable conformity with the type as described in the type-examination certificate and the requirements of the Directive and the TSI to be assessed.
Tehnična dokumentacija mora omogočati razumevanje projektiranja, proizvodnje, namestitve in obratovanja podsistema in zagotoviti ocenitev skladnosti s tipom, kakor je opisan v certifikatu o pregledu tipa, ter zahtevami Direktive in TSI.
31 Končna redakcija
check whether the technical requirements set out in section 2 have been met, and in particular check by an external, and if possible internal, visual examination of the cylinders whether the construction and the checks carried out by the manufacturer in accordance with 2.3.1 are satisfactory;
preveri dokumente, ki navajajo podatke o materialih, preveri, ali so izpolnjene zahteve, navedene v oddelku 2, in posebej preveri z vizualnim pregledom zunanjosti, po možnosti pa tudi notranjosti jeklenk, ali so proizvajalčevi izdelava in preskusi, opravljeni v skladu z 2.3.1, zadovoljivi;
32 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
The manufacturer, or his authorised representative established within the Community, must keep with the technical documentation copies of EC type-examination certificates and their additions for a period of 10 years after the last of the transportable pressure equipment has been manufactured.
Proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti mora s tehnično dokumentacijo hraniti kopije certifikatov o ES-pregledu tipa in njihove dodatke 10 let po proizvodnji zadnje premične tlačne opreme.
33 Končna redakcija
The adjudicating entity or its authorised representative established within the Community must keep with the technical documentation copies of type-examination certificates and their additions throughout the service life of the subsystem, it must be sent to any other Member State who so requests.
Naročnik ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti mora skupaj s tehnično dokumentacijo shranjevati kopije ES-certifikatov o pregledu tipa in njihove dodatke do konca dobe obratovanja podsistema in jih poslati kateri koli drugi državi članici, če ta tako zahteva.
34 Končna redakcija
which represents 8 years of elementary education and 5 years of secondary technical education in the field of motor vehicles and 3 years' practice in a vehicle service station or in a garage, covering 51 hours of basic training in controlling motor vehicle roadworthiness and passing the qualification examination.
katerega izobraževanje je trajalo 8 let osnovne izobrazbe in 5 let srednje tehnične izobrazbe na področju motornih vozil in ima 3 leta izkušenj v avtomobilski delavnici ali garaži; vključno z 51 urnim osnovnim usposabljanjem za kontroliranje tehnične brezhibnosti vozil in opravljen izpit o kvalifikaciji.
35 Končna redakcija
which represents 8 years of elementary education and 5 years of technical secondary education in the field of motor vehicles and 4 years' practice in a vehicle service station or in a garage, covering 51 hours of basic training in controlling motor vehicle roadworthiness and passing the qualification examination,
katerega izobraževanje je trajalo 8 let osnovne izobrazbe in 5 let srednje tehnične izobrazbe na področju motornih vozil in ima 4 leta delovnih izkušenj v avtomobilski delavnici ali garaži, vključno z 51 urnim osnovnim usposabljanjem za kontroliranje tehnične brezhibnosti vozil in opravljen izpit o kvalifikaciji,
36 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
The manufacturer, or his authorised representative established within the Community, must keep with the technical documentation referred to in point 3 copies of EC design-examination certificates and their additions for a period of 10 years after the last of the transportable pressure equipment has been manufactured.
Proizvajalec ali njegov pooblaščeni zastopnik s sedežem v Skupnosti mora s tehnično dokumentacijo iz točke 3 hraniti kopije certifikatov o ES-pregledu načrtovanja in njihove dodatke 10 let po proizvodnji zadnje premične tlačne opreme.
37 Končna redakcija
The applicant must inform the notified body that holds the technical documentation concerning the EC type-examination certificate of all modifications to the approved product which must receive additional approval where such changes may affect the conformity with the requirements of the TSI or the prescribed conditions for use of the product.
Vlagatelj mora priglašeni organ, ki ima tehnično dokumentacijo v zvezi z ES-certifikatom o pregledu tipa, obvestiti o vseh spremembah odobrenega proizvoda, ki mora prejeti nadaljnjo odobritev, če lahko take spremembe vplivajo na skladnost z zahtevami TSI ali predpisanimi pogoji za uporabo proizvoda.
38 Končna redakcija
ker je pregled seznama nevarnih snovi pokazal, da ga je treba prilagoditi najnovejšim znanstvenim in tehničnim spoznanjem, ali natančneje, ker je treba spremeniti razvrstitev in označitev nekaterih snovi, vključiti nove snovi in seznam opremiti z dodatnimi razlagalnimi opombami;
Prevodi: en > sl
technical examination