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termination of investigation
1 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
22.6 A public notice of the termination or suspension of an investigation following the acceptance of an undertaking pursuant to Article 18 shall include, or otherwise make available through a separate report, the non confidential part of this undertaking.
22.6 Razglas, ki se nanaša na konec ali ustavitev preiskave, ki sledi sprejemu zaveze v skladu z 18. členom, vsebuje informacije, ki niso zaupne, ali drugače omogoča dostop do njih v obliki ločenega poročila v zvezi z omenjeno zavezo.
2 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
12.2.3 A public notice of the termination or suspension of an investigation following the acceptance of an undertaking pursuant to Article 8 shall include, or otherwise make available through a separate report, the non confidential part of this undertaking.
12.2.3 Razglas o končani ali prekinjeni preiskavi, ki sledi sprejeti zavezi na podlagi 8. člena, mora vključevati ali drugače zagotavljati v obliki ločenega poročila tudi tisti del zaveze, ki ni zaupen.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0312
Notwithstanding the duration of the investigation the termination should be effective from the date of entry into force of this Regulation.
Kljub dolgotrajni preiskavi bi se moral končati na datum začetka veljavnosti te uredbe.
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0312
In fact, the termination is motivated by post investigation period events assessed several months after, and to grant retroactivity in these circumstances would be inconsistent with the sequence of events during the investigation,
Dejansko konec postopka utemeljujejo dogodki v obdobju po preiskavi, ki se ocenijo nekaj mesecev kasneje, in v teh okoliščinah bi bila dodelitev veljavnosti za nazaj v nasprotju z zaporedjem dogodkov med preiskavo-
5 Pravna redakcija
An investigation shall be concluded either by its termination or by action pursuant to Article 11. Conclusion should normally take place within one year of the initiation of the proceeding.
Preiskava se konča z njenim končanjem ali z ukrepi v skladu s členom 11. Praviloma naj bi se končala v enem letu od začetka postopka.
6 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2289
The Commission informed the applicant that in these circumstances it was intended to proceed with the termination of the review investigation without examining further its request for establishing an individual duty rate.
Komisija je vlagatelja obvestila, da namerava v teh okoliščinah pregled zaključiti, ne da bi nadalje proučila njegovo zahtevo za določitev individualne stopnje dajatve.
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
Whereas it is necessary to provide that the termination of cases should, irrespective of whether definitive measures are adopted or not, normally take place within 12 months, and in no case later than 13 months, from the initiation of the investigation;
ker je treba določiti, da se primeri ne glede na to, ali so sprejeti dokončni ukrepi ali ne, navadno zaključijo v 12 mesecih, nikakor pa ne pozneje kakor v 13 mesecih od začetka preiskave;
8 Pravna redakcija
A proceeding shall be concluded either by the termination of the investigation without the imposition of duties and without the acceptance of undertakings or by the expiry or repeal of such duties or by the lapse of undertakings in accordance with Articles 14 or 15.
Postopek se zaključi ali s končanjem preiskave brez uvedbe dajatev in brez prevzema obveznosti ali s samim iztekom ali razveljavitvijo takih dajatev ali z zapadlostjo obveznosti v skladu s členoma 14 ali 15.
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2852
They further claimed that the initiation of a new proceeding against the Republic of Korea two months after the termination of a previous proceeding (see recital 7 of the provisional Regulation), contradicted the finding in that investigation that there was no likelihood of a recurrence of dumping.
Nadalje so ugovarjale, da je začetek novega postopka proti Republiki Koreji dva meseca po zaključku prejšnjega postopka (glej uvodno izjavo 7 začasne uredbe) v nasprotju s sklepom v okviru takratne preiskave, da ni verjetnosti ponovitve dampinga.
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
The parties mentioned in paragraph 1 may request final disclosure of the essential facts and considerations on the basis of which it is intended to recommend the imposition of definitive measures, or the termination of an investigation or proceedings without the imposition of measures, particular attention being paid to the disclosure of any facts or considerations which are different from those used for any provisional measures.
Stranke iz odstavka 1 lahko zahtevajo dokončno razkritje bistvenih dejstev in premislekov, na podlagi katerih se namerava priporočiti uvedba dokončnih ukrepov ali zaključek preiskave ali postopka brez uvedbe ukrepov, pri tem pa se posebna pozornost nameni razkritju vseh dejstev ali premislekov, ki so drugačni od tistih, uporabljenih za začasne ukrepe.
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0427
The parties mentioned in paragraph 1 may request final disclosure of the essential facts and considerations on the basis of which it is intended to recommend the imposition of definitive safeguard or trade diversion measures, or the termination of an investigation or proceedings without the imposition of measures, particular attention being paid to the disclosure of any facts or considerations which are different from those used for any provisional measures.
Stranke, navedene v odstavku 1, lahko zahtevajo končno razkritje bistvenih dejstev in premislekov, na podlagi katerih se namerava predlagati uvedba dokončnih zaščitnih ukrepov ali ukrepov proti preusmeritvi trgovine, ali zaključek preiskave ali postopkov brez uvedbe ukrepov, s tem da se posebno pozornost nameni razkritju kakršnih koli dejstev ali premislekov, ki se razlikujejo od tistih, ki so uporabljeni za kakršne koli začasne ukrepe.
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
Whereas an investigation or proceeding should be terminated whenever the amount of the subsidy is found to be de minimis or if, particularly in the case of imports originating in developing countries, the volume of subsidized imports or the injury is negligible, and it is appropriate to define those criteria; whereas, where measures are to be imposed, it is necessary to provide for the termination of investigations and to lay down that measures should be less than the amount of countervailable subsidies if such lesser amount would remove the injury, and also to specify the method of calculating the level of measures in cases of sampling;
ker je preiskavo ali postopek treba zaključiti, kadar se ugotovi, da je znesek subvencije de minimis, ali, zlasti ob uvozu s poreklom iz držav v razvoju, če je obseg subvencioniranega uvoza ali škode zanemarljiv, in je primerno določiti ta merila; ker je treba, kadar se nameravajo uvesti ukrepi, določiti zaključek preiskav in določiti, da mora biti znesek ukrepov manjši od zneska subvencij, proti katerim se lahko uvedejo izravnalni ukrepi, če bi tak manjši znesek odpravil škodo, ter določiti metodo za izračun ravni ukrepov pri vzorčenju;
13 Prevajalska redakcija
fully inform the competition authorities of the Requesting Party of the results of their investigation, and take into account the views of the competition authorities of the Requesting Party, prior to any settlement, initiation of proceedings, adoption of remedies, or termination of the investigation;
popolno obvestili organe pogodbenice prosilke, pristojne za konkurenco, o rezultatih svoje preiskave in upoštevali njihova stališča pred vsako poravnavo, začetkom postopkov, sprejetjem ukrepov ali ustavitvijo preiskave;
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2501
In that case, the Commission shall publish a notice in the Official Journal of the Official Journal of the European Communities, announcing the termination of the investigation and setting out its main conclusions.
V tem primeru Komisija objavi v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti obvestilo o koncu preiskave in v njem navede glavne zaključke.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
A public notice of the termination or suspension of an investigation following the acceptance of an undertaking pursuant to Article 18 shall include, or otherwise make available through a separate report, the non-confidential part of this undertaking.
Razglas, ki se nanaša na konec ali ustavitev preiskave, ki sledi sprejemu zaveze v skladu s členom 18, vsebuje informacije, ki niso zaupne, ali drugače omogoča dostop do njih v obliki ločenega poročila v zvezi z omenjeno zavezo.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0384
whereas, where measures are to be imposed, it is necessary to provide for the termination of investigations and to lay down that measures should be less than the margin of dumping if such lesser amount would remove the injury, as well as to specify the method of calculating the level of measures in cases of sampling;
ker je treba, kjer se morajo uvesti ukrepi, poskrbeti za zaključek preiskav in določiti, da morajo biti ukrepi manjši kot stopnja dumpinga, če bi tak manjši znesek odpravil škodo, kakor tudi določiti metodo izračuna ravni ukrepov v primerih vzorčenja;
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
whereas, where measures are to be imposed, it is necessary to provide for the termination of investigations and to lay down that measures should be less than the amount of countervailable subsidies if such lesser amount would remove the injury, and also to specify the method of calculating the level of measures in cases of sampling;
ker je treba, kadar se nameravajo uvesti ukrepi, določiti zaključek preiskav in določiti, da mora biti znesek ukrepov manjši od zneska subvencij, proti katerim se lahko uvedejo izravnalni ukrepi, če bi tak manjši znesek odpravil škodo, ter določiti metodo za izračun ravni ukrepov pri vzorčenju;
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0385
The complainants, the shipbuilder, the exporter, the buyer(s) of the vessel and their representative associations, and representatives of the exporting country, may request disclosure of the details underlying the essential facts and considerations in the basis of which it is intended to recommend the imposition of an injurious pricing charge, or the termination of an investigation or proceedings without the imposition of a charge.
Pritožniki, ladjedelnica, izvoznik, kupec oziroma kupci plovila in njihova reprezentativna združenja ter predstavniki države izvoznice lahko zaprosijo za razkritje podrobnosti glede pomembnih dejstev in premislekov, na podlagi katerih se namerava priporočiti uvedba dajatve zaradi škodljivega oblikovanja cen ali ustavitev preiskave ali postopka brez uvedbe dajatve.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0384
For the same proceeding, there shall be immediate termination where it is determined that the margin of dumping is less than 2 %, expressed as a percentage of the export price, provided that it is only the investigation that shall be terminated where the margin is below 2 % for individual exporters and they shall remain subject to the proceeding and may be reinvestigated in any subsequent review carried out for the country concerned pursuant to Article 11.
Isti postopek se takoj zaključi, kjer se ugotovi, da je stopnja dumpinga, izražena kot odstotek izvozne cene, manjša kot 2 %, pod pogojem, da se zaključi samo preiskava, kjer je stopnja manjša kot 2 % za individualne izvoznike, da pa ti sami ostanejo predmet postopka in morebitne ponovne preiskave pri kakršnem koli kasnejšem pregledu, ki se za zadevno državo izvaja v skladu s členom 11.
Prevodi: en > sl
termination of investigation