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territorial effect
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
Territorial effect
Ozemeljska veljavnost
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-85
1 Subject to Article 7, the authorities of a Contracting State in whose territory the child or property belonging to the child is present have jurisdiction to take measures of a provisional character for the protection of the person or property of the child which have a territorial effect limited to the State in question, in so far as such measures are not incompatible with measures already taken by authorities which have jurisdiction under Articles 5 to 10.
Z izjemo 7. člena so organi države pogodbenice, na ozemlju katere je otrok ali premoženje, ki mu pripada, pristojni za sprejetje ukrepov za varstvo otroka ali njegovega premoženja, ki so začasni in ozemeljsko učinkujejo le v tej državi, če ti ukrepi niso nezdružljivi z ukrepi, ki so jih sprejeli organi, pristojni na podlagi 5. do 10. člena.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-25
In the case of modification the declaration shall state expressly the territorial unit or units to which the application of the Protocol shall be further extended and the date on which such extension takes effect.
Ob spremembi je treba v izjavi izrecno navesti ozemeljsko enoto ali enote, na katere se razširi veljavnost protokola, ter datum, ko začne taka razširitev veljati.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
The territorial jurisdiction to decide upon disputes against a legal person with a branch office outside the place of its registered office shall be vested, in addition to the court of general territorial jurisdiction, also in the court on the territory of which the branch office is situated, provided that the dispute relates to a legal transaction effected by the branch office.
Za sojenje v sporih zoper pravno osebo, ki ima podružnico zunaj svojega sedeža, je poleg sodišča splošne krajevne pristojnosti pristojno tudi sodišče, na območju katerega je ta podružnica, če izvira spor iz pravnega razmerja s to podružnico.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
If the court declares its lack of territorial jurisdiction after the payment order has been issued, it shall set aside the payment order and, after the decree to this effect becomes final, refer the case to a court of competent jurisdiction.
Če se sodišče po izdaji plačilnega naloga izreče za stvarno nepristojno, razveljavi plačilni nalog in odstopi po pravnomočnosti sklepa o nepristojnosti zadevo pristojnemu sodišču.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-74
The Contracting Parties may, if their national law allows it, decide that the transfrontier co-operation body is to be a public law entity and that, for the purposes of each Contracting Party` s legal system, any measures which it takes are to have the same legal force and effects as if they had been taken by the territorial communities or authorities which concluded the agreement.
Če njihovo notranje pravo to dopušča, se lahko pogodbenice odločijo, da bo organ za čezmejno sodelovanje subjekt javnega prava in da morajo imeti kakršni koli ukrepi, ki jih sprejme, v pravnem sistemu vsake pogodbenice isto pravno moč in učinke, kot če bi jih sprejele teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti, ki so sklenile sporazum.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-74
The Landscape award of the Council of Europe is a distinction which may be conferred on local and regional authorities and their groupings that have instituted, as part of the landscape policy of a Party to this Convention, a policy or measures to protect, manage and/or plan their landscape, which have proved lastingly effective and can thus serve as an example to other territorial authorities in Europe.
Nagrada Sveta Evrope za krajino je priznanje, ki se lahko podeli lokalnim ali regionalnim skupnostim in njihovim združenjem, ki so kot del krajinske politike države pogodbenice k tej konvenciji uveljavili politiko ali ukrepe za varstvo, upravljanje in/ali načrtovanje njihove krajine, pri čemer so se ti ukrepi in politika izkazali kot trajno učinkoviti in so tako lahko zgled drugim teritorialnim skupnostim v Evropi.
8 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Konvencija
3 With regard to the provisions of this Convention, the application of which comes under the jurisdiction of constituent States or other similar territorial entities, that are not obliged by the constitutional system of the federation to take legislative measures, the federal government shall inform the competent authorities of such States of the said provisions with its favourable opinion, encouraging them to take appropriate action to give them effect.
Glede na določbe te konvencije, katerih izvajanje prehaja v sodno pristojnost držav ali drugih podobnih ozemeljskih enot, ki sestavljajo zvezo, in jih ustavni sistem zveze ne zavezuje k sprejetju zakonodajnih ukrepov, zvezna vlada seznani pristojne organe takih držav o svojem pozitivnem mnenju o navedenih določbah in jih spodbuja, da sprejmejo ustrezne ukrepe za njihovo uresničevanje.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
(1) Where any State (` the successor State` ) whose territory was, before the independence of that State, part of the territory of a Contracting State (` the predecessor country` ) has deposited with the Director General a declaration of continuation the effect of which is that the Agreement is applied by the successor State, the effects in the successor State of any international registration with a territorial extension to the predecessor country which is effective from a date prior to the date fixed under paragraph (2) shall be subject to
(1) Če je država (v nadaljevanju "država naslednica"), katere ozemlje je bilo pred njeno neodvisnostjo del ozemlja države pogodbenice (v nadaljevanju "država predhodnica"), pri generalnem direktorju deponirala izjavo o nadaljevanju, ki ima učinek, da država naslednica uporablja sporazum, velja v državi naslednici vsaka mednarodna registracija z ozemeljsko razširitvijo na državo predhodnico, ki je veljala na datum, določen po drugem odstavku, pod pogojem,
10 Končna redakcija
However, territorial capacity shall not be regarded as modified in the case of a merger between such institutions which has the effect of maintaining for the benefit of the new institution the territorial capacity of the institutions which have merged, nor shall capacity as to the classes of insurance be regarded as modified if one of these institutions takes over in respect of the same territory one or more of the classes of another such institution.
Vendar pa ozemeljska pristojnost ne velja za spremenjeno, če se takšne institucije združijo, pri čemer nova institucija ohrani ozemeljsko pristojnost institucij, ki so se združile; prav tako pristojnost glede zavarovalnih vrst ne velja za spremenjeno, če ena od teh institucij za isto območje prevzame eno ali več zavarovalnih vrst od druge tovrstne institucije.
11 Pravna redakcija
Territorial jurisdiction with effect from 1 January 2002:
Krajevna pristojnost z začetkom s 1. januarjem 2002:
12 Pravna redakcija
whereas, with effect from the date of implementation of this Regulation, groupings set up may operate without territorial restrictions,
ker lahko z učinkom od dne veljavnosti te uredbe ustanovljena združenja poslujejo brez ozemeljskih omejitev,
13 Pravna redakcija
Subject to Article 7, the authorities of a Contracting State, in whose territory the child or property belonging to the child is present, have jurisdiction to take measures of a provisional character for the protection of the person or property of the child which have a territorial effect limited to the State in question, in so far as such measures are not incompatible with measures already taken by authorities which have jurisdiction under Articles 5 to 10.
V skladu s členom 7 so organi države pogodbenice, na ozemlju katere je otrok ali njegovo premoženje, pristojni za sprejem začasnih ukrepov za varstvo osebe otroka ali njegovega premoženja, ki učinkujejo samo na ozemlju zadevne države, v kolikor taki ukrepi niso v nasprotju z ukrepi, ki so jih že sprejeli organi, pristojni po členih 5 do 10.
14 Pravna redakcija
This authorisation shall be written on a separate sheet of paper and shall only have the effect of a visa with limited territorial validity.
Dovoljenje, ki se izda na posebnem listu, se šteje kot vizum z ozemeljsko omejeno veljavnostjo.
15 Pravna redakcija
Council Regulation (EC) No 2271/96 of 22 November 1996 protecting against the effects of the extra-territorial application of legislation adopted by a third country, and actions based thereon or resulting therefrom
UREDBA SVETA (ES) št. 2271/96 z dne 22. novembra 1996 o zaščiti pred učinki eksteritorialne uporabe zakonodaje, ki jo sprejme tretja država, in dejanji, ki na tej zakonodaji temeljijo ali iz nje izhajajo
16 Pravna redakcija
adopted by the Council on the basis of Articles J.3 and K.3 of the Treaty on European Union oncerning measures protecting against the effects of the extra-territorial application of legislation adopted by a third country, and actions based thereon or resulting therefrom
Sveta, sprejet na podlagi členov J.3 in K.3 Pogodbe o Evropski uniji v zvezi z ukrepi za varstvo pred učinki eksteritorialne uporabe zakonodaje, ki jo sprejme tretja država, in ukrepi, ki na njej temeljijo ali iz nje izhajajo
17 Pravna redakcija
Joint Action of 22 November 1996 adopted by the Council on the basis of Articles J.3 and K.3 of the Treaty on European Union concerning measures protecting against the effects of the extra-territorial application of legislation adopted by a third country, and actions based thereon or resulting therefrom
SKUPNI UKREP z dne 22. novembra 1996 Sveta, sprejet na podlagi členov J.3 in K.3 Pogodbe o Evropski uniji v zvezi z ukrepi za varstvo pred učinki eksteritorialne uporabe zakonodaje, ki jo sprejme tretja država, in ukrepi, ki na njej temeljijo ali iz nje izhajajo (96/668/CFSP)
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2304
Where in duly substantiated cases the Commission considers that the measures taken are inadequate, it may make recommendations to the OCT and the Territorial Authorising Officer for adjustments aimed at improving the effectiveness of the monitoring or management arrangements, together with the reasons for any such recommendations.
Če Komisija v ustrezno utemeljenih primerih meni, da so ukrepi neustrezni, lahko priporoči ČDO in teritorialnemu odredbodajalcu prilagoditve, katerih cilj je povečati učinkovitost nadzornih in upravljavskih postopkov, skupaj z razlogi za vsako tako priporočilo.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R2271
COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 2271/96 of 22 November 1996 protecting against the effects of the extra-territorial application of legislation adopted by a third country, and actions based thereon or resulting therefrom
Uredba Sveta (ES) št. 2271/96 z dne 22. novembra 1996 o zaščiti pred učinki ekstrateritorialne uporabe zakonodaje, ki jo sprejme tretja država, in dejanji, ki na tej zakonodaji temeljijo ali iz nje izhajajo
20 Prevajalska redakcija
Such territorial extension shall be effective from the date on which it has been recorded in the International Register; it shall cease to be valid on the expiry of the international registration to which it relates.
Ozemeljska razširitev velja od dneva vpisa v mednarodni register in neha veljati po prenehanju mednarodne registracije, na katero se nanaša.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0807
Council Regulation (EC) No 2271/96 of 22 November 1996 protecting against the effects of the extra-territorial application of legislation adopted by a third country, and actions based thereon or resulting therefrom(121).
Uredba Sveta (ES) št. 2271/96 z dne 22. novembra 1996 o zaščiti pred učinki ekstrateritorialne uporabe zakonodaje, ki jo sprejme tretja država, in dejanji, ki na tej zakonodaji temeljijo ali iz nje izhajajo [].
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996E0668
JOINT ACTION of 22 November 1996 adopted by the Council on the basis of Articles J.3 and K.3 of the Treaty on European Union concerning measures protecting against the effects of the extra-territorial application of legislation adopted by a third country, and actions based thereon or resulting therefrom
Skupni Ukrep z dne 22. novembra 1996 Sveta na podlagi členov J.3 in K.3 Pogodbe o Evropski uniji v zvezi z ukrepi za varstvo pred učinki ekstrateritorialne uporabe zakonodaje, ki jo sprejme tretja država, in ukrepi, ki na njej temeljijo ali iz nje izhajajo
23 Prevajalska redakcija
The Contracting Parties undertake to collaborate with each other with a view to the adoption of suitable effective measures to ensure the application of the provisions of this Convention and in particular to set up a system of international enforcement to be applied to the Convention area except the territorial sea and other waters, if any, in which a State is entitled under international law to exercise jurisdiction over fisheries.
Pogodbenice se zavežejo, da bodo sodelovale med seboj zato, da sprejmejo ustrezne, učinkovite ukrepe za zagotovitev uporabe določb te konvencije in zlasti vzpostavitve sistema mednarodnega izvajanja, ki se mora uporabiti za konvencijsko območje, razen za morebitno teritorialno morje in druge vode, v katerem je država po mednarodnem pravu upravičena za izvajanje jurisdikcije nad ribištvom.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R2271
This Regulation provides protection against and counteracts the effects of the extra-territorial application of the laws specified in the Annex of this Regulation, including regulations and other legislative instruments, and of actions based thereon or resulting therefrom, where such application affects the interests of persons, referred to in Article 11, engaging in international trade and/or the movement of capital and related commercial activities between the Community and third countries.
Ta uredba zagotavlja varstvo in preprečuje učinke ekstrateritorialne uporabe zakonov, iz priloge k tej uredbi, drugih predpisov in dejanj, ki na njih temeljijo ali iz njih izhajajo, kadar takšna uporaba škodi interesom fizičnih in pravnih oseb iz člena 11, ki se ukvarjajo z mednarodno trgovino, prostim pretokom kapitala in sorodnimi trgovskimi dejavnostmi med Skupnostjo in tretjimi državami.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0080
Whereas the Kingdom of Belgium is characterized by specific features and balances linked to the fact that Articles 1 to 4 of its Constitution provide for three official languages and a territorial division into regions and communities, as a result of which full application of this Directive in certain communes might have effects such as to necessitate providing for the possibility of a derogation from the provisions of this Directive in order to take account of those specific features and balances;
ker je za Kraljevino Belgijo značilno vzdrževanje posebnosti in ravnotežja, glede na to, da členi od 1 do 4 njene ustave določajo tri uradne jezike in ozemeljsko delitev v regije in skupnosti, zaradi katerih bi lahko popolna uporaba te direktive v nekaterih lokalnih skupnostih imela take posledice, da bi bilo treba zagotoviti možnost odstopanja od določb te direktive, zato da bi se lahko upoštevale te posebnosti in ravnotežja;
26 Prevajalska redakcija
Where there are clear grounds for believing that a vessel navigating in the exclusive economic zone or the territorial sea of a State has, in the exclusive economic zone, committed a violation of applicable international rules and standards for the prevention, reduction and control of pollution from vessels or laws and regulations of that State conforming and giving effect to such rules and standards, that State may require the vessel to give information regarding its identity and port of registry, its last and its next port of call and other relevant information required to establish whether a violation has occurred.
Kadar ima država tehtne razloge, da verjame, da je ladja, ki plove v njeni izključni ekonomski coni ali v njenem teritorialnem morju, kršila v izključni ekonomski coni ustrezna mednarodna pravila in standarde za preprečevanje, zmanjšanje in nadziranje onesnaževanje z ladij ali zakone in predpise te države, ki so v skladu z omenjenimi pravili in standardi in katerih namen je njihova uveljavitev, lahko ta država zahteva od ladje podatke o njeni identiteti in luki vpisa, njeni zadnji in naslednji luki pristanka ter druge pomembne podatke, ki so potrebni, da bi se ugotovilo, ali je bila kršitev storjena.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
Where a mark is the subject of an international registration having effect in the denouncing State or intergovernmental organisation at the date on which the denunciation becomes effective, the holder of such registration may file an application for the registration of the same mark with the office of the denouncing State or intergovernmental organisation, which shall be treated as if it had been filed on the date of the international registration according to Article 3(4) or on the date of recordal of the territorial extension according to Article 3ter(2) and, if the international registration enjoyed priority, enjoy the same priority, provided that:
Kadar se na znamko nanaša mednarodna registracija, ki je veljala v državi ali medvladni organizaciji, ki odpoveduje Protokol, na dan, ko začne veljati odpoved, lahko nosilec take registracije vloži pri uradu države ali organizacije, ki daje odpoved, prijavo za registracijo te iste znamke, ki bo obravnavana, kot da bi bila vložena z dnem mednarodne registracije po členu 3(4) ali z dnem vpisa ozemeljske razširitve po členu 3 ter (2), in, če je imela mednarodna registracija prednost, to prednost tudi ima, pod pogojem:
28 Prevajalska redakcija
Proceedings to impose penalties in respect of any violation of applicable laws and regulations or international rules and standards relating to the prevention, reduction and control of pollution from vessels committed by a foreign vessel beyond the territorial sea of the State instituting proceedings shall be suspended on the taking of proceedings to impose penalties in respect of corresponding charges by the flag State within six months of the date on which proceedings were first instituted, unless those proceedings relate to a case of major damage to the coastal State or the flag State in question has repeatedly disregarded its obligation to enforce effectively the applicable international rules and standards in respect of violations committed by its vessels.
Postopek zaradi kaznovanja katere koli kršitve ustreznih zakonov in predpisov ali mednarodnih pravil in standardov o preprečevanju, zmanjšanju in nadzorovanju onesnaževanja z ladij, ki jo je storila tuja ladja zunaj teritorialnega morja države, ki je začela postopek, se prekine, ko je postopek za kaznovanje na podlagi ustrezne tožbe začela država zastave v šestih mesecih od dneva, ko je bil postopek prvič začet, razen če se postopek nanaša na onesnaženje, ki je povzročilo večjo škodo obalni državi, ali če je ta država zastave nekajkrat zanemarila svojo obveznost, da mora učinkovito uporabiti ustrezna mednarodna pravila in standarde zaradi kršitev, ki so jih storile njene ladje.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
Where, in the event that the international registration is cancelled at the request of the office of origin under Article 6(4), in respect of all or some of the goods and services listed in the said registration, the person who was the holder of the international registration files an application for the registration of the same mark with the office of any of the contracting parties in the territory of which the international registration had effect, that application shall be treated as if it had been filed on the date of the international registration according to Article 3(4) or on the date of recordal of the territorial extension according to Article 3ter(2) and, if the international registration enjoyed priority, shall enjoy the same priority, provided that:
Če se mednarodna registracija na zahtevo urada izvora v skladu s členom 6(4) izbriše glede na vse ali nekatere proizvode in storitve, navedene v zadevni registraciji, in oseba, ki je bila nosilec mednarodne registracije, vloži prijavo za registracijo iste znamke pri uradu katere koli od pogodbenic na ozemlju, na katerem je mednarodna registracija veljala, se ta prijava obravnava, kot da bi bila vložena z datumom mednarodne registracije v skladu s členom 3(4) ali z datumom vpisa ozemeljske razširitve v skladu s členom 3 ter (2) in, če je mednarodna registracija imela prednost, ima enako prednost, pod pogojem:
30 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
If the parties have agreed on the prorogation of the territorial jurisdiction of the court in respect of the claim for the satisfaction of which the creditor has applied for execution on the basis of an authentic document, the creditor's application may contain a motion to the effect that, in the event of the debtor's plea, the proceedings be continued in the court upon which jurisdiction has been conferred by this agreement on prorogation.
Če sta stranki glede terjatve, zaradi katere upnik zahteva izvršbo na podlagi verodostojne listine, sklenili dogovor o krajevni pristojnosti, lahko upnik v predlogu za izvršbo predlaga, naj se v primeru dolžnikovega ugovora postopek nadaljuje pred sodiščem, pristojnim po tem dogovoru.
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territorial effect