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territorial scope
1 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-99
Territorial scope
Ozemeljska veljavnost
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Own resources accruing from value added tax shall be calculated and checked as though the Aland Islands were included in the territorial scope of Sixth Council Directive 77/388/EEC of 17 May 1977 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to turnover taxes Common system of value added tax: uniform basis of assessment.
Lastna sredstva, ki izvirajo iz davka na dodano vrednost, se izračunajo in preverijo, kot če bi bili Alandski otoki vključeni na področje ozemeljske uporabe Šeste direktive Sveta 77/388/EGS z dne 17. maja 1977 o usklajevanju zakonodaje držav članic o prometnih davkih Skupni sistem davka na dodano vrednost: enotna osnova za odmero.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-23
Subject to the provisions of Article XVI below, the scope of the territorial application may be modified by a subsequent declaration.
Ob upoštevanju določb XVI. člena se obseg območja uporabe lahko spremeni s poznejšo izjavo.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-57
If they fail to do so, the Arbitral Tribunal shall use the submissions of the Parties for the determination of the exact scope of the maritime and territorial disputes and claims between the Parties.
Če tega ne storita, arbitražno sodišče za določitev točnega obsega spora in zahtev glede meje na morju in kopnem med pogodbenicama uporabi predložene navedbe obeh pogodbenic.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-16
Each state shall, in a declaration deposited with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe at the time of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, designate the categories of territorial communities or authorities and legal persons mentioned under Article 3, paragraph 1, which it excludes from the scope of this Protocol.
Ob ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu k protokolu vsaka država z izjavo, ki jo deponira pri generalnem sekretarju Sveta Evrope, določi vrste teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti in pravnih oseb iz prvega odstavka 3. člena, ki jih izključi iz njegove uporabe.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Without prejudice to Articles I-5, III-166, III-167 and III-238, and given the place occupied by services of general economic interest as services to which all in the Union attribute value as well as their role in promoting its social and territorial cohesion, the Union and the Member States, each within their respective competences and within the scope of application of the Constitution, shall take care that such services operate on the basis of principles and conditions, in particular economic and financial conditions, which enable them to fulfil their missions.
Ne glede na I-5., III-166., III-167. in III-238. člen Ustave ter ob upoštevanju položaja, ki ga imajo službe splošnega gospodarskega interesa v okviru skupnih vrednot Unije, pa tudi njihove vloge pri pospeševanju socialne in teritorialne povezanosti, skrbijo Unija in države članice v mejah svojih pristojnosti na področju uporabe Ustave za to, da takšne službe delujejo na podlagi načel in pogojev, zlasti ekonomskih in finančnih, ki jim omogočajo izpolnjevanje njihovih nalog.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0873
The territorial scope of the licence or cross-licence referred to in this paragraph shall be limited to the part or parts of the Community covered by the patent.
Območje veljavnosti licence ali navzkrižne licence iz tega odstavka se omeji na del ali dele Skupnosti, ki jih zajema ta patent.
8 Končna redakcija
Without prejudice to Articles 73, 86 and 87, and given the place occupied by services of general economic interest in the shared values of the Union as well as their role in promoting social and territorial cohesion, the Community and the Member States, each within their respective powers and within the scope of application of this Treaty, shall take care that such services operate on the basis of principles and conditions which enable them to fulfil their missions.
Brez poseganja v člene 73, 86 in 87 ter ob upoštevanju položaja, ki ga imajo službe splošnega gospodarskega pomena v okviru skupnih vrednot Unije, pa tudi njihove vloge pri pospeševanju socialne in teritorialne kohezije, skrbijo Skupnost in države članice v mejah svojih pristojnosti na področju uporabe te pogodbe za to, da takšne službe delujejo na podlagi načel in pogojev, ki jim omogočajo izpolnjevanje njihovih nalog.
9 Končna redakcija
Without prejudice to Articles 77, 90 and 92, and given the place occupied by services of general economic interest in the shared values of the Union as well as their role in promoting social and territorial cohesion, the Community and the Member States, each within their respective powers and within the scope of application of this Treaty, shall take care that such services operate on the basis of principles and conditions which enable them to fulfil their missions.`
Brez poseganja v člene 77, 90 in 92 ter ob upoštevanju položaja, ki ga imajo službe splošnega gospodarskega pomena v okviru skupnih vrednot Unije, pa tudi njihove vloge pri pospeševanju socialne in teritorialne kohezije, skrbijo Skupnost in države članice v mejah svojih pristojnosti na področju uporabe te pogodbe za to, da takšne službe delujejo na podlagi načel in pogojev, ki jim omogočajo izpolnjevanje njihovih nalog."
10 Končna redakcija
"Without prejudice to Articles 73, 86 and 87, and given the place occupied by services of general economic interest in the shared values of the Union as well as their role in promoting social and territorial cohesion, the Community and the Member States, each within their respective powers and within the scope of application of this Treaty, shall take care that such services operate on the basis of principles and conditions, which enable them to fulfil their missions."
"Brez poseganja v člene 73, 86 in 87 ter ob upoštevanju položaja, ki ga imajo storitve splošnega gospodarskega interesa v okviru skupnih vrednot Unije, pa tudi njihove vloge pri pospeševanju socialne in teritorialne kohezije, Skupnost in države članice, v mejah svojih pristojnosti na področju uporabe te pogodbe, skrbijo za to, da se te storitve izvajajo na podlagi načel in pogojev, ki jim omogočajo izpolnjevanje njihovih poslanstev."
11 Pravna redakcija
In Article 1(2), 'the territorial scope of the Treaty` shall be read 'the territorial scope of the EEA Agreement`.
V členu 1(2) "ozemlje uporabe Pogodbe" pomeni "ozemlje uporabe Sporazuma EGP".
12 Pravna redakcija
Scope of territorial application
Obseg uporabe
13 Pravna redakcija
With regard to the Member States listed in Article 1 of the Protocol integrating the Schengen acquis into the framework of the European Union, the territorial scope of the provisions or decisions forming the Schengen acquis for which the Council has determined a legal basis in Title IV of Part 3 of the EC Treaty on the basis of Article 2(1), second sentence, of the abovementioned Protocol, and the territorial scope of measures extending or amending such provisions and decisions shall be that laid down in Article 138 of the 1990 Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement and that laid down in the relevant provisions of the accession instruments to that Convention.
V zvezi z državami članicami, naštetimi v 1. členu Protokola, ki vključuje schengenski pravni reda v okvir Evropske unije, je obseg ozemeljske uporabe določb ali sklepov, ki sestavljajo schengenski pravni red, za katerega je Svet določil pravno podlago v Oddelku IV v III delu Pogodbe o Evropski skupnosti na podlagi drugega stavka prvega odstavka člena 2 zgoraj navedenega Protokola, in obseg ozemeljske uporabe ukrepov, ki dopolnjujejo ali spreminjajo takšne določbe in sklepe, takšen, kot je določen v 138. členu Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma iz leta 1990 in takšen, kot je določen v ustreznih določbah dokumentov o pristopu k tej konvenciji.
14 Pravna redakcija
'Without prejudice to Articles 73, 86 and 87, and given the place occupied by services of general economic interest in the shared values of the Union as well as their role in promoting social and territorial cohesion, the Community and the Member States, each within their respective powers and within the scope of application of this Treaty, shall take care that such services operate on the basis of principles and conditions which enable them to fulfil their missions'.
"Brez poseganja v člene 73, 86 in 87 ter ob upoštevanju položaja, ki ga imajo storitve splošnega gospodarskega pomena v okviru skupnih vrednot Unije, pa tudi njihove vloge pri pospeševanju socialne in teritorialne kohezije, skrbijo Skupnost in države članice v mejah svojih pristojnosti na področju uporabe te pogodbe za to, da take storitve delujejo na podlagi načel in pogojev, ki jim omogočajo izpolnjevanje njihovih nalog."
15 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to the scope of activities which may be considered as 'cabotage' under the relevant national legislation, this schedule does not include 'maritime cabotage services', which are assumed to cover transportation of passengers or goods between a port located in a Member State and another port located in the same Member State and traffic originating and terminating in the same port located in a Member State provided that this traffic remains within this Member State's territorial waters.
Brez poseganja v obseg dejavnosti, ki se lahko štejejo kot "kabotaža" po ustrezni nacionalni zakonodaji, ta lista ne vključuje "storitev pomorske kabotaže", za katere se predvideva, da zajemajo prevoz potnikov ali blaga med pristaniščem v državi članici in drugim pristaniščem v isti državi članici in promet, se začne in konča v istem pristanišču v državi članici, pod pogojem, da ta promet ostane v ozemeljskih vodah te države članice.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2725
It is appropriate to restrict the territorial scope of this Regulation so as to align it on the territorial scope of the Dublin Convention.
Ozemeljsko veljavnost te uredbe je primerno omejiti tako, da se veljavnost prilagodi ozemeljski veljavnosti Dublinske konvencije.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0873
The territorial scope of the licence or cross-licence referred to in this paragraph shall be limited to the part or parts of the Community covered by the patent.
Območje veljavnosti licence ali navzkrižne licence iz tega odstavka se omeji na del ali dele Skupnosti, ki jih zajema ta patent.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0023
This Directive shall apply where and in so far as the undertaking, business or part of the undertaking or business to be transferred is situated within the territorial scope of the Treaty.
Ta direktiva se uporablja, kjer in če je podjetje, obrat ali del podjetja ali obrata, ki se prenese, na ozemlju, na katerem velja Pogodba.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0044
The Brussels Convention also continues to apply to the territories of the Member States which fall within the territorial scope of that Convention and which are excluded from this Regulation pursuant to Article 299 of the Treaty.
Bruseljska konvencija se še naprej uporablja tudi na ozemljih držav članic, ki spadajo v ozemeljsko področje uporabe te konvencije in so v skladu s členom 299 Pogodbe izključena iz uredbe.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0044
This Regulation shall, as between the Member States, supersede the Brussels Convention, except as regards the territories of the Member States which fall within the territorial scope of that Convention and which are excluded from this Regulation pursuant to Article 299 of the Treaty.
Ta uredba med državami članicami nadomešča Bruseljsko konvencijo, razen za ozemlja držav članic, ki sodijo na ozemeljsko področje uporabe te konvencije in ki so v skladu s členom 299 Pogodbe izključena iz te uredbe.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
Subject to the provisions of Article XIV, the scope of the territorial application may be modified by a subsequent declaration.
V skladu z določbami člena XIV se lahko obseg teritorialne uporabe spremeni s kasnejšo izjavo.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0487
Subject to the provisions of Article XIV below, the scope of the territorial application may be modified by a subsequent declaration.
Ob upoštevanju določb člena XIV spodaj se obseg ozemeljske veljavnosti lahko spremeni z naknadno izjavo.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0044
state that the consumer has legal rights under applicable national legislation governing the sale of consumer goods and make clear that those rights are not affected by the guarantee, - set out in plain intelligible language the contents of the guarantee and the essential particulars necessary for making claims under the guarantee, notably the duration and territorial scope of the guarantee as well as the name and address of the guarantor.
navaja, da ima potrošnik po veljavni nacionalni zakonodaji o prodaji potrošniškega blaga zakonske pravice, in pojasnjuje, da garancija ne vpliva na te pravice; - enostavno in razumljivo določa vsebino garancije in bistvene podatke, potrebne za njeno uveljavljanje, zlasti trajanje in prostorsko področje uporabe garancije, pa tudi ime in naslov dajalca garancije.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
As competing access providers appear and challenge the dominance of the incumbent, the scope of the rights they receive from Member States' authorities, and notably their territorial reach, will play an important part in the determination of market power.
Ker se pojavljajo konkurenčni ponudniki dostopa in izpodbijajo prevladujoči položaj prvotnega operaterja, bosta obseg pravic, ki jih prejemajo od organov držav članic, in zlasti njihova ozemeljska dostopnost, igrali pomembno vlogo pri določanju tržnega deleža.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
"Without prejudice to Articles 73, 86 and 87, and given the place occupied by services of general economic interest in the shared values of the Union as well as their role in promoting social and territorial cohesion, the Community and the Member States, each within their respective powers and within the scope of application of this Treaty, shall take care that such services operate on the basis of principles and conditions which enable them to fulfil their missions".
"Brez poseganja v člene 73, 86 in 87 ter ob upoštevanju položaja, ki ga imajo storitve splošnega gospodarskega pomena v okviru skupnih vrednot Unije, pa tudi njihove vloge pri pospeševanju socialne in teritorialne kohezije, skrbijo Skupnost in države članice v mejah svojih pristojnosti na področju uporabe te pogodbe za to, da take storitve delujejo na podlagi načel in pogojev, ki jim omogočajo izpolnjevanje njihovih nalog."
26 Prevajalska redakcija
"Without prejudice to Articles 73, 86 and 87, and given the place occupied by services of general economic interest in the shared values of the Union as well as their role in promoting social and territorial cohesion, the Community and the Member States, each within their respective powers and within the scope of application of this Treaty, shall take care that such services operate on the basis of principles and conditions, which enable them to fulfil their missions."
"Brez poseganja v člene 73, 86 in 87 ter ob upoštevanju položaja, ki ga imajo storitve splošnega gospodarskega interesa v okviru skupnih vrednot Unije, pa tudi njihove vloge pri pospeševanju socialne in teritorialne kohezije, Skupnost in države članice, v mejah svojih pristojnosti na področju uporabe te pogodbe, skrbijo za to, da se te storitve izvajajo na podlagi načel in pogojev, ki jim omogočajo izpolnjevanje njihovih poslanstev."
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territorial scope