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test on animals
1 Objavljeno
The main goal of our research was to establish the influence of clinoptilolite and De-Odorase on ammonia concentrations and odour emissions, emitted from poultry and pig production. Clinoptilolite is crystaline zeoline material, which acts as an absorbent and ionic excanger, and De-Odorase is a selected glycocompoonent of plant Yucca shidigera, Tested substances are usually added only to animal food, but we also treated litter surface and pig slurry.
V raziskavi smo ugotavljali vpliv klinoptilolita, kristalinčnega zeolitnega materiala, ki deluje kot absorbens inionski izmenjevalec, ter deodoraze kot sarsaponina oziroma selekcionirane glikomponente rastline Yucca shidigera na koncentracije amoniaka in neprijetnih vonjav v reji perutnine in prašičev.
2 Objavljeno
WTO: Sanitarni in fitosanitarni ukrepi
Sanitary or phytosanitary measures include all relevant laws, decrees, regulations, requirements and procedures including, inter alia, end product criteria; processes and production methods; testing, inspection, certification and approval procedures; quarantine treatments including relevant requirements associated with the transport of animals or plants, or with the materials necessary for their survival during transport; provisions on relevant statistical methods, sampling procedures and methods of risk assessment; and packaging and labelling requirements directly related to food safety.
Sanitarni ali fitosanitarni ukrepi vključujejo vse ustrezne zakone, uredbe, predpise, zahteve in postopke, ki med drugim vključujejo merila za končni proizvod; postopke in metode proizvodnje; testiranje, kontrolo, postopke izdaje certifikata in odobritve; karantenske postopke vključno z ustreznimi zahtevami, povezanimi s prevozom živali ali rastlin ali z materiali, potrebnimi za njihovo preživetje med prevozom; določbe o ustreznih statističnih metodah, postopke vzorčenja in metode presoje tveganja; zahteve, povezane s pakiranjem in označevanjem, ki se neposredno nanašajo na neoporečnost hrane.
3 Končna redakcija
Any confirmatory test must be carried out on samples of serum taken from individual animals.
Kateri koli test za potrditev se mora opraviti na vzorcih seruma, odvzetih posameznim živalim.
4 Končna redakcija
Where an animal slaughtered for human consumption is found positive to the rapid test, at least the carcass immediately preceding the test-positive carcass and two carcasses immediately following the test-positive carcass on the same slaughter line shall be destroyed in accordance with point 6.4, in addition to the test-positive carcass.
Če se za žival, zaklano za prehrano ljudi, ugotovi pozitiven izid hitrega testa, se poleg trupa, ki je na test pozitiven, uniči tudi vsaj en trup neposredno pred trupom, ki je na test pozitiven, in dva trupa neposredno za trupom, ki je na test pozitiven, na isti klavni liniji v skladu s točko 6.4.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0648
If further information on metabolites is sought, stepwise testing strategies should be employed to ensure maximum use of in-vitro and other non-animal test methods.
Če se iščejo dodatni podatki o metabolitih, bi bilo treba uporabiti strategije preskušanja po fazah, da bi se zagotovila čim večja uporaba preskusnih metod in vitro ter drugih preskusnih metod brez uporabe živali.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0598
The competent authority shall submit to the Commission and to the other Member States detailed information on the vaccination programme, in particular on the vaccination area, the age of the animals to be vaccinated and the test system in place to identify vaccinated animals.
Pristojni organ predloži Komisiji in drugim državam članicam podrobne informacije o programu cepljenja, zlasti o območju cepljenja, starosti živali, ki jih je treba cepiti, in sistemu preskusa, ki se ga uporablja za identificiranje cepljenih živali.
7 Končna redakcija
Where an animal slaughtered for human consumption is tested for BSE, the health marking provided for in Chapter XI of Annex I to Directive 64/433/EEC shall not be carried out on the carcass of that animal until a negative result to the rapid test has been obtained.
Če se žival, ki je zaklana za prehrano ljudi, testira na BSE, se na njenem trupu ne opravi označevanje zdravstvene ustreznosti iz Poglavja XI Priloge I k Direktivi 64/433/EGS, dokler se ne dobi negativen rezultat hitrega testa.
8 Končna redakcija
In addition to the testing referred to in points 2 to 4, Member States may on a voluntary basis decide to test other bovine animals on their territory, in particular where those animals originate from countries with indigenous BSE, have consumed potentially contaminated feedingstuffs or were born or derived from BSE infected dams.
Poleg testiranj iz točk od 2 do 4 se lahko države članice prostovoljno odločijo tudi za preiskave drugega goveda na svojem ozemlju, zlasti v primeru, ko te živali izvirajo iz držav z domačo BSE, če so uživale potencialno kontaminirana krmila ali so jih rodile ali izvirajo iz samic, okuženih z BSE.
9 Končna redakcija
The brucellosis skin test is one of the most specific tests for the detection of brucellosis in unvaccinated animals, however diagnosis should not be made on the basis of positive intradermal reactions alone.
Intrakutani test za brucelozo je eden od najbolj specifičnih testov za zaznavanje bruceloze pri necepljenih živalih, vendar pa diagnoze samo na podlagi pozitivnih intradermalnih reakcij ne bi smeli postavljati.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0060
Where such testing proves negative as regards African swine fever, Member States shall apply the measures laid down in Article 11(2) of Council Directive 92/45/EEC of 16 June 1992 on public health and animal health problems relating to the killing of wild game and the placing on the market of wild-game meat(11).
Če so rezultati preiskav na afriško prašičjo kugo negativni, morajo države članice izvesti ukrepe, določene v členu 11(2) Direktive Sveta 92/45/EGS o problemih javnega zdravja in problemih zdravja živali povezanih z odstrelom divjadi in dajanjem mesa divjadi na trg.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Where the laboratory tests are carried out on the basis of suspicion of irregularity, available intelligence, a previous notification from the rapid alert system for food and feed (RASFF) or a safeguard measure, and when testing concerns a substance or a pathogenic agent which presents a direct or immediate animal or public health risk, the official veterinarian responsible for the border inspection post who carried out the test or the competent authority must withhold the consignment from veterinary clearance and release until satisfactory results of the laboratory tests are received.
Kadar se laboratorijski testi opravijo zaradi suma nepravilnosti, razpoložljivih informacij, predhodnega obvestila sistema hitrega opozarjanja na nevarnost hrane in krme (RASFF) ali zaščitnega ukrepa ter kadar se testiranje nanaša na snov ali patogen, ki predstavlja neposredno ali takojšnjo nevarnost za zdravje živali ali ljudi, mora uradni veterinar, odgovoren za mejno kontrolno točko, ki je opravil pregled, ali pristojni organ zadržati veterinarsko dovoljenje in sprostitev pošiljke do prejetja ugodnih rezultatov laboratorijskih preskusov.
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31964L0432
(b) Potency testing on bovine animals
(b) Preskušanje jakosti na govedu:
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0068
The complement-fixation method is met for test on individual animals.
Preiskava z reakcijo vezanega komplementa se uporablja samo za preiskavoh posameznih živali.
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0099
(a) a proficiency test on the detection of animal constituents in feedingstuffs;
(a) preskus strokovne usposobljenosti za odkrivanje živalskih sestavin v krmi;
15 Pravna redakcija
the semen of the animal(s) taken within 21 days of export on..........(5), was tested by a virus
je bil na semenu živali, odvzetem v 21 dneh po izvozu, dne
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0068
An annual test must be carried out on a representative number of the ovine and caprine animals on each bolding.
Vsako leto je treba izvesti preiskave na reprezentativnem številu ovac in koz na vsakem gospodarstvu.
17 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
The animals are dosed with the test substance ideally on seven days per week for a period of 28 days.
V idealnih razmerah se preskusna snov živalim daje sedem dni na teden 28 dni.
18 Pravna redakcija
Any confirmatory test must be carried out on samples of serum or plasma taken from individual animals.
Morebitni potrditveni test se mora opraviti na vzorcih seruma ali plazme, odvzete posamičnim živalim.
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
The following examinations shall be made at the end of the test on all animals including the controls:
Ob koncu preskusa se na vseh živalih, vključno z živalmi kontrolne skupine, opravijo naslednje preiskave:
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
The animals are treated with the test substance, ideally on seven days per week, for a period of 28 days.
Živali se 28 dni, v idealnih razmerah po sedem dni na teden, tretirajo s preskusno snovjo.
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2032
(a) inform the Rapporteur Member State of any testing on vertebrate animals that it has already carried out;
(a) obvestiti državo članico poročevalko o vsakršnih poskusih na vretenčarjih, ki so bili že opravljeni;
22 Pravna redakcija
tests must be carried out in slaughterhouses on all animals eligible for the removal of specified risk material;
testi se morajo izvajati v klavnicah na vseh živalih, ustreznih za odstranitev snovi s specifičnim tveganjem;
23 Pravna redakcija
Where the tests referred to in this Article are carried out on the holding, the animals to be dispatched must be isolated from other animals until they are dispatched.
Kadar se testi iz tega člena opravljajo na gospodarstvu, morajo biti živali, namenjene odpremi, do odpreme izolirane od drugih živali.
24 Pravna redakcija
However, there are reasons of public policy for not repeating tests carried out on animals without overriding cause.
V interesu javnega reda je, da se preskušanja na živalih ne ponavljajo brez izrecnega razloga.
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31964L0432
When tests are on bovine animals the reactions obtained on tubercular bovine animals by the tuberculin to be tested must be identical to those produced by the same amounts of standard tuberculin.
Kadar se preskus opravi na govedu, morajo biti reakcije goveda na tuberkulin, ki se preskuša, enake reakcijam, ki jih povzroči enak odmerek standardnega tuberkulina.
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test on animals