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testing of materials
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(g) in-pile testing of materials and equipment.
g) preskušanje materialov in opreme v reaktorju.
2 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-49
By mutual agreement of both Parties, technical workshops, consultations, site surveys and acceptance testing of materials and installed equipment may be conducted.
Tehnične delavnice, posvetovanja, terenski ogledi ter preizkušanje materiala in nameščene opreme ob prevzemu se lahko izvedejo s skupnim soglasjem obeh pogodbenikov.
3 Objavljeno
WTO: Sanitarni in fitosanitarni ukrepi
Sanitary or phytosanitary measures include all relevant laws, decrees, regulations, requirements and procedures including, inter alia, end product criteria; processes and production methods; testing, inspection, certification and approval procedures; quarantine treatments including relevant requirements associated with the transport of animals or plants, or with the materials necessary for their survival during transport; provisions on relevant statistical methods, sampling procedures and methods of risk assessment; and packaging and labelling requirements directly related to food safety.
Sanitarni ali fitosanitarni ukrepi vključujejo vse ustrezne zakone, uredbe, predpise, zahteve in postopke, ki med drugim vključujejo merila za končni proizvod; postopke in metode proizvodnje; testiranje, kontrolo, postopke izdaje certifikata in odobritve; karantenske postopke vključno z ustreznimi zahtevami, povezanimi s prevozom živali ali rastlin ali z materiali, potrebnimi za njihovo preživetje med prevozom; določbe o ustreznih statističnih metodah, postopke vzorčenja in metode presoje tveganja; zahteve, povezane s pakiranjem in označevanjem, ki se neposredno nanašajo na neoporečnost hrane.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0011
the supply of propagating material to official testing and inspection bodies;
dobava razmnoževalnega materiala za uradno testiranje in inšpekcijskim organom;
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0017
For testing, where applicable, the UV-resistance of light transmitting components made of plastic material against UV radiation of gas-discharge light sources inside the headlamp:
Za preskušanje odpornosti svetlobno prepustnih delov iz plastičnega materiala proti ultravioletnemu sevanju virov svetlobe, ki delujejo na principu električnega praznjenja v plinu v žarometu:
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0711
COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 18 October 1982 laying down the basic rules necessary for testing migration of the constituents of plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs (82/711/EEC)
DIREKTIVA SVETAz dne 18. oktobra 1982o določitvi temeljnih pravil za preskušanje migracije sestavin polimernih materialov in izdelkov, namenjenih za stik z živili(82/711/EGS)
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0553
The specific conditions set out in the table do not prevent the Member States from accepting the placing on the market and use, without testing, of the relevant products/materials under less stringent conditions.
Posebni pogoji, določeni v tabeli, državam članicam ne preprečujejo, da pod manj strogimi pogoji brez testiranja sprejmejo uporabo ustreznih proizvodov/materialov in jih dajo v promet.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0028
may submit the medicinal product, its starting materials and if necessary intermediate products or other constituent materials for testing by an Official Medicines Control Laboratory or a laboratory that a Member State has designated for that purpose, in order to ensure that the testing methods employed by the manufacturer and described in the application documents, in accordance with point (i) of the first subparagraph of Article 12(3), are satisfactory;
lahko predložijo zdravilo, njegove vhodne materiale in če je potrebno, vmesne spojine ali druge sestavine v preskušanje uradnemu državnemu laboratoriju za kontrolo zdravil ali laboratoriju, ki je bil za ta namen pooblaščen s strani države članice, da bi zagotovili, da so metode preskušanja, ki jih je uporabil izdelovalec in ki so opisane v predloženi dokumentaciji, v skladu s točko (i) prvega pododstavka člena 12(3), ustrezne;
9 Končna redakcija
The external fire performance of many roof covering products/materials is well established and sufficiently well known to fire regulators in the Member States that they do not require testing for this particular performance characteristic.
Obnašanje mnogih proizvodov/materialov za strešno kritino pri požarih z zunanje strani je dobro ugotovljeno in dovolj znano organom, ki so v državah članicah pristojni za protipožarno zaščito, da jih ni potrebno testirati glede te lastnosti.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0836
Tissues from ovine and caprine animals sent for laboratory testing pursuant to the provisions of Article 12(2) shall be subject to a histopathological examination as laid down in the latest version of the Manual, except where the material is autolysed.
Na tkivih ovac in koz, poslanih na laboratorijsko preskušanje v skladu z določbami člena 12(2), se opravi histopatološki pregled v skladu z zadnjo izdajo Priročnika, razen kadar se tkivo avtolizira.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0017
The UV-resistance testing of internal materials to light source radiation is not necessary if low-UV-type gas-discharge light sources are being applied, or if provisions are taken to shield the relevant components from UV radiation, e.g. by glass filters.
Preskušanje odpornosti notranjih materialov proti ultravioletnemu sevanju vira svetlobe ni potrebno, če se uporabijo viri svetlobe, ki delujejo na principu električnega praznjenja v plinu z nizkim ultravioletnim sevanjem ali če so sprejeti ukrepi za zaščito zadevnih delov pred ultravioletnim sevanjem, npr. s filtri iz stekla.
12 Končna redakcija
(2) Technical specifications may include requirements of quality, performance, safety or dimensions, applicable to the material, product, supply or service with respect to quality assurance, terminology, symbols, testing and test methods, packaging, marking and labelling.
(2) Tehnične specifikacije lahko vsebujejo zahteve glede kakovosti, učinkovitosti, varnosti, zahteve ali mere, ki se nanašajo na material, izdelek, blago ali storitev glede zagotavljanja kakovosti, terminologije, znakov, testiranj in testnih metod, pakiranja, označevanja in etiketiranja.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0553
Roof covering products (and/or materials) which can be considered to fulfil all of the requirements for the performance characteristic "external fire performance" without the need for testing, subject to any national provisions on the design and execution of works being fulfilled
Proizvodi za strešno kritino (in/ali materiali), za katere lahko menimo, da izpolnjujejo vse zahteve za značilnost "obnašanje pri požarih z zunanje strani" brez potrebe po testiranju, za katere veljajo kakršni koli nacionalni predpisi o načrtovanju in izvedbi
14 Končna redakcija
The Annex sets out those roof covering products and/or materials which can be considered to fulfil all of the requirements for the performance characteristic "external fire performance" without the need for testing, subject to compliance with any national provisions on the design and execution of works.
Priloga določa tiste proizvode za strešno kritino in/ali materiale, za katere se lahko šteje, da izpolnjujejo vse zahteve glede značilnosti "obnašanje pri požarih z zunanje strani" brez potrebe po testiranju, ob upoštevanju skladnosti s kakršnimi koli nacionalnimi predpisi o načrtovanju in izvedbi del.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0553
The criteria related to external fire performance of roof coverings, which the products/materials in the following table are considered to be capable of satisfying, subject to the proper design and execution of the roof assembly, without the need for testing are: fire penetration, fire spread across the external surface of the roof, fire spread within the roof assembly and production of flaming droplets or particles.
Merila v zvezi z obnašanjem pri požarih z zunanje strani, za katere menimo, da jih proizvodi/materiali v naslednji tabeli ob pravilnem načrtovanju in izvedbi strešne konstrukcije zadovoljujejo brez potrebe po testiranju, so: prediranje ognja skozi streho, širjenje ognja po zunanji površini strehe, širjenje ognja znotraj strešne konstrukcije in nastajanje gorečih kapljic ali delcev.
16 Končna redakcija
Commission Decisions 98/436/EC(4), 98/599/EC(5), 98/600/EC(6), 1999/90/EC(7), 2000/245/EC(8) and 2000/553/EC on the attestation of conformity of construction products for roof coverings that may be exposed to an external fire source provide that certain products/materials can be "deemed to satisfy" the requirements for the characteristic "external fire performance" without the need for testing.
Odločbe Komisije 98/436/ES (), 98/599/ES (), 98/600/ES (), 1999/90/ES (), 2000/245/ES () in 2000/553/ES o potrjevanju skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov za strešne kritine, ki so lahko izpostavljene zunanjemu viru ognja, določajo, da se lahko določene proizvode/materiale "šteje za zadovoljive" glede zahteve za značilnost "obnašanje pri požarih z zunanje strani", ne da bi jih bilo potrebno testirati.
17 Končna redakcija
Pursuant to this Act, the auditing of financial statements shall denote testing and assessing of financial statements, data and methods applied in the preparation thereof, and on such basis providing an independent professional opinion as to whether the financial statements show a true and fair view, in all material aspects, of the financial position of the legal person, and of the results of its operations in accordance with the Slovenian Accounting Standards (hereinafter referred to as " auditing ")
Revidiranje računovodskih izkazov po tem zakonu je preizkušanje in ocenjevanje računovodskih izkazov ter podatkov in metod, uporabljenih pri njihovem sestavljanju, in na podlagi tega dajanje neodvisnega strokovnega mnenja o tem, ali računovodski izkazi v vseh pomembnejših pogledih podajajo resničen in pošten prikaz finančnega stanja in poslovni izid pravne osebe v skladu s slovenskimi računovodskimi standardi (v nadaljnjem besedilu: revidiranje).
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
In addition, testing of materials which have been shown to be highly toxic by the dermal route is unnecessary.
Prav tako ni potrebno preskušanje snovi, za katere je bilo dokazano, da so zelo strupene pri vnosu skozi kožo.
19 Pravna redakcija
A mean particle size of less than 10 micrometres measured by American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) B330 standard;
povprečno velikost delcev, ki je manjša od 10 mikrometrov, merjeno po standardu ASTM B330;
20 Pravna redakcija
"Technology" "required" for the "development", "production" or "use" of specially designed diagnostic instruments or targets in test facilities for "SHPL" testing or testing or evaluation of materials irradiated by "SHPL" beams;
"tehnologija", "potrebna" za "razvoj", "proizvodnjo" ali "uporabo" posebej izdelanih diagnostičnih instrumentov ali ciljev za potrebe testiranja "SHPL" ali za potrebe testiranja ali vrednotenja materialov, ožarčenih s žarki "SHPL";
21 Pravna redakcija
laying down the list of simulants to be used for testing migration of constituents of plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs
o določitvi seznama modelnih raztopin za preskušanje migracije sestavin polimernih materialov in izdelkov, namenjenih za stik z živili
22 Pravna redakcija
laying down the basic rules necessary for testing migration of the constituents of plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs
ki določa temeljna pravila za preskušanje migracije sestavin polimernih materialov in izdelkov, namenjenih za stik z živili
23 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0008
If a plastic material or article is intended to come into contact with foodstuffs at any condition of time, the conditions for testing will be the following:
Če je polimerni material ali izdelek namenjen za stik z živili pri vseh časovnih pogojih, bodo veljali naslednji pogoji preskušanja:
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
Information on the reference standards or reference materials used for testing of the herbal substance(s) and herbal preparation(s) where applicable shall be provided.
Predložijo se podatki o referenčnih standardih ali referenčnih snoveh, uporabljenih za preskušanje rastlinske(-ih) snovi in rastlinskega(-ih) pripravka(-ov), kjer je primerno.
25 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
CELEX: 32003D0874
- review of VNIINM design documentation on process modernisation for testing MOX fuel fabrication process using Russian materials, and certification of the related equipment.
- pregled projektne dokumentacije VNIINM o modernizaciji procesa za testiranje procesa izdelave goriva MOX z uporabo ruskih materialov in izdaja potrdil za potrebno opremo.
26 Pravna redakcija
testing laboratory, which means a laboratory which measures, examines, tests, calibrates or otherwise determines the characteristics or performance of materials or products.
preskuševalni laboratorij, to je laboratorij, ki meri, preiskuje, preskuša, umerja ali drugače določa lastnosti ali zmogljivost materialov ali proizvodov.
27 Pravna redakcija
Machines and appliances for testing the hardness, strength, compressibility, elasticity or other mechanical properties of materials (for example, metals, wood, textiles, paper, plastics):
Stroji in aparati za preizkušanje trdote, natezne trdnosti, ali odpornosti na tlak, elastičnosti ali drugih mehanskih lastnosti materiala (npr.: kovin, lesa, tekstilnega materiala, papirja, plastične mase):
28 Pravna redakcija
Machines and appliances for testing the hardness, strength, compressibility, elast icity or other mechanical properties of materials (for example, metals, wood, textiles, paper, plastics)
Stroji in aparati za preizkušanje trdote, natezne tlačne trdnosti, elastičnosti ali drugih mehanskih lastnosti materiala (npr.: kovin, lesa, tekstilnega materiala, papirja, plastične mase)
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0008
amending Council Directive 82/711/EEC laying down the basic rules necessary for testing migration of constituents of plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs
o spremembi Direktive Sveta 82/711/EGS o določitvi temeljnih pravilih za preskušanje migracije sestavin polimernih materialov in izdelkov, namenjenih za stik z živili
30 Pravna redakcija
Council Directive 85/572/EEC of 19 December 1985 laying down the list of simulants to be used for testing migration of constituents of plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs
DIREKTIVA SVETA z dne 19. decembra 1985 o določitvi seznama modelnih raztopin za preskušanje migracije sestavin polimernih materialov in izdelkov, namenjenih za stik z živili (85/572/EGS)
31 Pravna redakcija
Council Directive 82/711/EEC of 18 October 1982 laying down the basic rules necessary for testing migration of the constituents of plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs
DIREKTIVA SVETA z dne 18. oktobra 1982, ki določa temeljna pravila za preskušanje migracije sestavin polimernih materialov in izdelkov, namenjenih za stik z živili (82/711/EGS)
32 Pravna redakcija
When required, samples of the biological starting material or reagents used in the testing procedures shall be provided to enable the competent authority to arrange for check tests to be carried out.
Na zahtevo je treba zagotoviti vzorce biološkega vhodne snovi ali reagentov, uporabljenih v postopkih preskušanja, da bi omogočili pristojnemu organu izvedbo preskusov preverjanja.
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
Requirements for the suitability of human donors and the testing of donations of starting materials for plasma-derived medicinal products are laid down by Directive 2002/98/EC setting standards of quality and safety for the collection, testing, processing, storage and distribution of human blood and blood components and amending Directive 2001/83/EC.
Zahteve za ustreznost človeških darovalcev in testiranje darovanih vhodnih snovi za zdravila, pridobljena iz človeške plazme, so določene z Direktivo 2002/98/ES, ki predpisuje standarde glede kakovosti in varnosti zbiranja, preskušanja, predelave, shranjevanja in razdeljevanja človeške krvi in krvnih sestavin ter s spremenjeno Direktivo 2001/83/ES.
34 Pravna redakcija
Initials of the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103, U.S.A. The figures after the dash denote the year in which a standard was adopted or revised.
Kratica, ki pomeni American Society for Testing and Materials (1916 Race St. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103, USA) Številke za pomišljajem označujejo leto sprejetja ali posodobitve standarda.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
provide to the supervisor, temporarily and free of charge, such assistance, test samples, parts, machines, equipment, tools or materials and labour as are normally required for inspection and testing;
zagotovi nadzorniku začasno in brezplačno pomoč, vzorce za preizkušanje, dele, stroje, opremo, orodje ali materiale in delovno silo, ki se običajno zahteva za preglede in preizkuse;
36 Pravna redakcija
Machines and appliances for testing mechanically the hardness, strength, compressibility, elasticity and the like properties of industrial materials (for example, metals, wood, textiles, paper or plastics)
Stroji in aparati za mehansko preskušanje trdote, natezne tlačne trdnosti, elastičnosti in drugih podobnih lastnosti industrijskih materialov (na primer kovin, lesa, tekstilnega materiala, papirja ali plastične mase)
37 Pravna redakcija
Machines and appliances for testing mechanically the hardness, strength, compressibility, elasticity. and the like properties of industrial materials (for example, metals, wood, textiles, paper or plastics)
Stroji in aparati za mehansko preskušanje trdote, natezne tlačne trdnosti, elastičnosti in drugih podobnih lastnosti industrijskih materialov (npr. kovin, lesa, tekstilnega materiala, papirja ali plastične mase)
38 Pravna redakcija
Notwithstanding Article 1, the list of substances or materials whose use is authorized to the exclusion of all others may lay down procedures testing migration of particular constituents of plastic materials and articles which differ from those laid down in the Annex where this is appropriate.
Ne glede na člen 1 so lahko po potrebi v seznamu snovi ali materiala, katerega uporaba je izključno dovoljena, določeni postopki za preskušanje migracije posameznih sestavin polimernih materialov in izdelkov, ki se razlikujejo od tistih, navedenih v Prilogi.
39 Pravna redakcija
amending for the second time Council Directive 82/71 I/EEC laying down the basic rules necessary for testing migration of the constituents of plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs
o drugi spremembi Direktive Komisije 82/711/EGS o določitvi temeljnih pravil za preskušanje migracije sestavin polimernih materialov in izdelkov, namenjenih stiku z živili
40 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
Four points of the selection procedure chosen, the intensity rating test, which is described in the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), STP (Special Technical Publication) No 440, page 53, have been modified by:
Štiri točke izbranega izbirnega postopka poskusa ocenjevanja intenzivnosti, opisanega v ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), STP (Special Technical Publication) št. 440, stran 53, so bile spremenjene zaradi:
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0097
provide to the supervisor, temporarily and free of charge, such assistance, test samples or parts, machines, equipment, tools, labour, materials, drawings and production data as are normally required for inspection and testing;
zagotovi dobavitelju začasno in brezplačno pomoč, vzorce za preizkušanje ali dele, stroje, opremo, orodje, delovno silo, materiale, načrte ter podatke o proizvodnji, ki se običajno zahteva za preglede in preizkuse;
42 Pravna redakcija
Council Directive 85/572/EEC of 19 December 1985 laying down the list of simulants to be used for testing migration of constituents of plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs (OJ No L 372, 31.12.1985, p. 14).
Direktiva Sveta 85/572/EGS z dne 19. decembra 1985o določitvi seznama modelnih raztopin za preskušanje migracije sestavin polimernih materialov in izdelkov, namenjenih za stik z živili (UL št. L 372, 31.12.1985, str. 14).
43 Pravna redakcija
Council Directive 82/711/EEC of 18 October 1982 laying down the basic rules necessary for testing migration of the constituents of plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs (OJ No L 297, 23.10.1982, p. 26).
Direktiva Sveta 82/711/EGS z dne 18. oktobra 1982o določitvi temeljnih pravil za preskušanje migracije sestavin polimernih materialov in izdelkov, namenjenih za stik z živili (UL št. L 297, 23.10.1982, str. 26).
44 Pravna redakcija
Tissues from bovine animals sent for laboratory testing in accordance with Article 12(2) shall be subject to a histopathological examination as laid down in the latest edition of the Manual, except where the material is autolysed.
Tkiva živali iz vrst govedi, poslana na laboratorijsko preskušanje v skladu s členom 12(2), se podredijo histopatološkim pregledom, kakor jih predpisuje zadnja izdaja Priročnika, razen kadar se tkivo avtolizira.
45 Pravna redakcija
Tissues from bovine animals sent for laboratory testing pursuant to the provisions of Article 12(2) shall be subject to a histopathological examination as laid down in the latest edition of the Manual, except where the material is autolysed.
Tkiva govedi, poslanih na laboratorijske preiskave skladno z določbami člena 12(2), se podredijo histopatološki preiskavi, kakor je predpisano v zadnji izdaji Priročnika, razen če so snovi avtolizirane.
46 Pravna redakcija
Tissues from ovine and caprine animals sent for laboratory testing pursuant to the provisions of Article 12(2) shall be subject to a histopathological examination as laid down in the latest edition of the Manual, except where the material is autolysed.
Tkiva ovac in koz, poslana na laboratorijske preiskave skladno z določbami člena 12(2), se histopatološko preiščejo, kakor je predpisano v zadnji izdaji Priročnika, razen če so snovi avtolizirane.
47 Pravna redakcija
Having regard to Council Directive 82/711/EEC of 18 October 1982 laying down the basic rules necessary for testing migration of the constituents of plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs (1), and in particular Article 2 (3) thereof,
ob upoštevanju Direktive Sveta 82/711/EGS z dne 18. oktobra 1982o določitvi temeljnih predpisovza preskušanje migracije sestavin polimernih materialov in izdelkov, namenjenih za stik z živili( fn ), in zlasti člena 2(3) Direktive,
48 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
In accordance with the provisions of Article 109, as amended by Directive 2002/98/EC, which refers to the requirements for donors and the testing of donations, the Plasma Master File shall include information on the plasma used as starting/raw material, in particular:
V skladu z določbami člena 109, spremenjenega z Direktivo 2002/98/ES, ki se nanaša na zahteve za darovalce in preskušanje darovane plazme, glavna dokumentacija o plazmi vsebuje podatke o plazmi, uporabljeni kot vhodna snov ali surovina, zlasti:
Prevodi: en > sl
testing of materials