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thin flank
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
The housing consists of a rigid cylinder of wall thickness up to 30 mm (1,2") with precision machined ends to locate the bearings and with one or more flanges for mounting.
Ohišje predstavlja tog valj z debelino stene do 30 mm (1,2` ) in z zelo natančno obdelavo obeh koncev, za vgradnjo ležajev z eno ali več prirobnicami.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-71
The housing consists of a rigid cylinder of wall thickness up to 30 mm (1.2 in) with precision machined ends to locate the bearings and with one or more flanges for mounting.
Ohišje predstavlja tog valj z debelino stene do 30 mm in z zelo natančno obdelavo obeh koncev, za vgradnjo ležajev z eno ali več prirobnicami.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 43-2009
For the purpose of the implementation of this Agreement the Government of the Republic of Slovenia designates the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of Flanders designates the Department of Economy, Science and Innovation.
Za izvajanje tega sporazuma Vlada Republike Slovenije imenuje Ministrstvo za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo Republike Slovenije ter Vlada Flandrije Sektor za gospodarstvo, znanost in inovacije.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31984L0527
circumferential weld fixing the valve flange collar to the upper end: this weld may be either a butt or a fillet weld.
obodni zvar, ki pritrjuje prirobnico ventila na vrat jeklenke: ta zvar je lahko izveden kot soležni ali kot kotni.
5 Končna redakcija
circumferential weld other than those fixing the valve flange collar to the upper end: this weld is executed in the form of a butt weld on the full section of the metal to the wall.
obodni zvar razen zvara, ki pritrjuje vsadnik ventila na vrat jeklenke: ta zvar je izveden kot soležni na steno po celotnem delu kovine.
6 Pravna redakcija
Flange thickness
Debelina prirobnice
7 Pravna redakcija
the front part of a half-carcase comprising all the bones and the scrag, neck and shoulder, with a minimum of four ribs and a maximum of 10 ribs (the first four ribs must be whole while the others may be cut) with or without the thin flank;
sprednji del polovice z vsemi kostmi in kitami, vratom in plečetom, z najmanj štirimi in največ 10 pari reber (prvi štirje pari reber morajo biti celi, medtem ko so drugi lahko rezani) s potrebušino ali brez nje;
8 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31977R0425
the front part of a carcase comprising all the bones and the scrag, neck and shoulder, with a minimum of four pairs of ribs and a maximum of 10 pairs of ribs (the first four pairs must be whole while the others may be cut) with or without the thin flank;
sprednji del polovice z vsemi kostmi in kitami, vratom in plečetom, z najmanj štirimi in največ 10 pari reber (prvi štirje pari reber morajo biti celi, medtem ko so drugi lahko rezani) s potrebušino ali brez nje;
9 Pravna redakcija
"Unseparated hindquarters", for the purpose of CN code 0202 20 50 and 0202 20 50, means the rear part of the carcase comprising all the bones and the thigh and sirloin, including the fillet, with a minimum of three pairs of whole or cut ribs with or without the thin flank;
'nerazkosane zadnje četrti', za potrebe tarifnih oznak 0202 20 50 in 0202 20 50, so zadnji del trupa z vsemi kostmi, stegnom in ledjem, vključno s filejem, z najmanj tremi pari celih ali rezanih reber, s potrebušino ali brez nje;
10 Pravna redakcija
"Separated hindquarters", for the purpose of CN codes 0201 20 50 and 02022050 means the rear part of the half-carcase comprising all the bones and the thigh and sirloin including the fillet, with a minimum of three whole or cut ribs with or without the shank and with or without the thin flank;
'razkosane zadnje četrti', za potrebe tarifnih oznak 0201 20 50 in 0202 20 50, so zadnji del polovice z vsemi kostmi, stegnom in ledjem, vključno s filejem, z najmanj tremi celimi ali rezanimi rebri, z zadnjim bočnikom ali brez njega in s potrebušino ali brez nje;
11 Pravna redakcija
"Separated forequarters" for the purposes of CN codes 0201 20 30 and 0202 20 30 means the front part of the half-carcase comprising all the bones and the scrag, neck and shoulder, with a minimum of four ribs and a maximum of 10 ribs (the first four ribs shall be whole, the others may be cut) with or without the thin flank;
'razkosane sprednje četrti', za potrebe tarifnih oznak 0201 20 30 in 2020 20 30, so sprednji del trupa z vsemi kostmi in kitami, vratom in plečetom z najmanj štirimi in največ desetimi pari reber (prvi štirje pari reber morajo biti celi, drugi so lahko rezani), s potrebušino ali brez nje;
12 Pravna redakcija
"Unseparated forequarters", for the purposes of CN codes 0201 20 30 and 0202 20 30 means the front part of the carcase comprising all the bones and the scrag, neck and shoulder, with a minimum of four pairs of ribs and a maximum of 10 pairs of ribs (the first four pairs of ribs shall be whole, the others may be cut) with or without the thin flank;
'nerazkosane sprednje četrti', za potrebe tarifnih oznak 0201 20 30 in 2020 20 30, so prednji del trupa z vsemi kostmi, vratom in plečetom, z najmanj štirimi pari reber in največ desetimi pari reber (prvi štirje pari reber morajo biti celi, drugi pa so lahko presekani), s potrebušio ali bre nje;
13 Pravna redakcija
This flange, together with a suitable gasket, shall be suitable for a service pressure of 6 kg/cm2.
Ta prirobnica, skupaj s primernim tesnilom, je primerna za delovni tlak 6 kg/cm2.
14 Pravna redakcija
The housing consists of a rigid cylinder of wall thickness up to 30 mm (1, 2") with precision machined ends to locate the bearings and with one or more flanges for mounting.
Ohišje predstavlja tog valj z debelino stene do 30 mm (1,2") in z zelo natančno obdelavo obeh koncev, za vgradnjo ležajev z eno ali več prirobnicami.
15 Pravna redakcija
the rear part of a half-carcase comprising all the bones and the thigh and sirloin, with a minimum of three whole or cut ribs with or without the knuckle and with or without the thin flanks.
zadnji del polovice z vsemi kostmi, stegnom in ledjem, z najmanj tremi celimi ali rezanimi rebri, z zadnjim bočnikom ali brez njega in s potrebušino ali brez nje
16 Pravna redakcija
the rear part of a carcase comprising all the bones and the thigh and sirloin, with a minimum of three pairs of whole or cut ribs with or without the knuckle and with or without the thin flanks.
zadnji del trupa z vsemi kostmi, stegnom in ledjem, z najmanj tremi pari celih ali rezanih reber, z zadnjim bočnikom ali brez njega in s potrebušino ali breznje.
17 Pravna redakcija
forequarters comprising all the bones and the scrag, neck and shoulder, and cut at the fifth rib with the whole of the flank and breast attached; and hindquarters comprising all the bones and the thigh and sirloin, and cut at the eighth rib.
sprednje četrti z vsemi kosi in kitami, vratom in plečetom, rez ob petem rebru, s celo potrebušino in prsmi, ter zadnje četrti z vsemi kostmi in stegnom, ledjem, rez ob osmem rebru.
18 Pravna redakcija
forequarters comprising all the bones and the scrag, neck and shoulder, and cut at the fifth rib, with the whole of the flank and breast attached; and hindquarters comprising all the bones and the thigh and sirloin, and cut at the eighth cut rib.
sprednjih četrti z vsemi kostmi in kitami, vratom, plečetom ter reza pri petem rebru s celo potrebušino in prsmi ter zadnjih četrti z vsemi kostmi in stegnom, ledjem ter reza ob osmem rezanem rebru.
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
(1) With a view to the progressive establishment of an area of freedom, security and justice, the Treaty establishing the European Community provides both for the adoption of measures aimed at ensuring the free movement of persons, in conjunction with flanking measures relating to external border controls, asylum and immigration, and for the adoption of measures relating to asylum, immigration and safeguarding the rights of third country nationals.
(1) Da bi se postopoma vzpostavilo območje svobode, varnosti in pravice, Pogodba o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti predvideva sprejetje ukrepov za zagotavljanje prostega pretoka oseb skupaj s spremljajočimi ukrepi, povezanimi s kontrolo na zunanjih mejah, azilom in priseljevanjem, in sprejetje ukrepov, povezanih z azilom, priseljevanjem in varovanjem pravic državljanov tretjih držav.
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0109
(1) With a view to the progressive establishment of an area of freedom, security and justice, the Treaty establishing the European Community provides both for the adoption of measures aimed at ensuring the free movement of persons, in conjunction with flanking measures relating to external border controls, asylum and immigration, and for the adoption of measures relating to asylum, immigration and safeguarding the rights of third-country nationals.
(1) Zaradi postopnega uvajanja območja svobode, varnosti in pravice Pogodba o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti predpisuje sprejetje ukrepov, namenjenih zagotavljanju prostega gibanja oseb, v zvezi s spremljajočimi ukrepi kontrole na zunanjih mejah, azilom in priseljevanjem in sprejetjem ukrepov v zvezi z azilom, priseljevanjem in varovanjem pravic državljanov tretjih držav.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0562
Intervention thick flank (code INT 12)
Interventna kepa (koda INT 12)
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3661
"Separated hindquarters", for the purpose of CN codes 0201 20 50 and 0202 20 50 means the rear part of the half-carcase comprising all the bones and the thigh and sirloin including the fillet, with a minimum of three whole or cut ribs with or without the shank and with or without the thin flank;
"Odvojene zadnje četrti" za namene KN-oznak 02012050 in 02022050 pomenijo zadnji del polovice trupa, ki vključuje vse kosti ter stegno z zgornjim delom, vključno s filejem, z najmanj tremi celimi ali presekanimi rebri, z ali brez kosa od kolena do gležnja in z ali brez potrebušine;
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R3988
''Unseparated hindquarters'', for the purpose of subheadings 0201 20 51, 0201 20 59 and 0202 20 50 of the combined nomenclature, the rear part of the carcase comprising all the bones and the thigh and sirloin, including the fillet, with a minimum of three pairs of whole or cut ribs with or without the shanks and with or without the thin flank;
nerazkosane zadnje četrti za tarifne podštevilke 0201 20 51, 0201 20 59 in 0202 20 50 kombinirane nomenklature pomeni zadnji del trupa z vsemi kostmi ter stegnom in ledji, vključno s filejem, z najmanj tremi pari celih ali narezanih reber z bočnikom ali brez njega in s potrebušino ali brez nje;
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R3988
''Separated forequarters'', for the purposes of subheadings 0201 20 31, 0201 20 39 and ex 0202 20 30 of the combined nomenclature means the front part of the half-carcase comprising all the bones and the scrag, neck and shoulder, with a minimum of four ribs and a maximum of 10 ribs (the first four ribs shall be whole, the others may be cut) with or without the thin flank;
razkosane sprednje četrti za tarifne podštevilke 0201 20 31, 0201 20 39 in ex 0202 20 30 kombinirane nomenklature pomeni sprednji del polovice trupa z vsemi kostmi ter kitami, vratom in plečetom z najmanj štirimi rebri in največ desetimi rebri (prva štiri rebra so cela, ostala so lahko narezana) s potrebušino ali brez nje;
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R3988
''Unseparated forequarters'', for the purposes of subheadings 0201 20 31, 0201 20 39, and 0202 20 30 of the combined nomenclature means the front part of the carcase comprising all the bones and the scrag, neck and shoulder, with a minimum of four pairs of ribs and a maximum of 10 pairs of ribs (the first four pairs of ribs shall be whole, the others may be cut) with or without the thin flank;
nerazkosane sprednje četrti za tarifne podštevilke 0201 20 31, 0201 20 39 in 0202 20 30 kombinirane nomenklature pomeni sprednji del trupa z vsemi kostmi ter kitami, vratom in plečetom z najmanj štirimi pari reber in največ desetimi pari reber (prvi štirje pari reber so celi, ostali so lahko narezani) s potrebušino ali brez nje;
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R3988
''Separated hindquarters'', for the purpose of subheadings 0201 20 51, 0201 20 59 and 0202 20 50 of the combined nomenclature, the rear part of the half-carcase comprising all the bones of the half-carcase comprising all the bones and the thigh and sirloin including the fillet, with a minimum of three whole or cut ribs with or without the shank and with or without the thin flank; (h) ''Crop'' and ''chuck and blade'' cuts, for the purposes
razkosane zadnje četrti za tarifne podštevilke 0201 20 51, 0201 20 59 in 0202 20 50 kombinirane nomenklature pomeni zadnji del polovice trupa z vsemi kostmi ter stegnom in ledji, vključno s filejem, z najmanj tremi celimi ali narezanimi rebri z bočnikom ali brez njega in s potrebušino ali brez nje;
27 Prevajalska redakcija
Differences in bioavailability of rotigotine ranged from 2 % (upper arm versus flank) to 46 % (shoulder versus thigh).
Razlike biološke uporabnosti rotigotina so se spreminjale od 2 % (nadlaht v primerjavi z bokom) do 46 % (rama v primerjavi s stegnom).
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0562
separate from the silverside/thick flank by a straight cut from a point approximately 5 cm from the posterior edge of the fifth sacral vertebra, passing approximately 5 cm from the anterior edge of the aitch bone, taking care not to cut through the thick flank.
ločiti od zunanjega stegna (črnega in belega krajca)/kepe z ravnim rezom od točke, ki je približno 5 cm od nazadnjenega roba petega križnega vretenca in poteka približno 5 cm od sprednjega roba sednice, pri tem pa paziti, da se ne prereže skozi kepo.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
Method of administration The patch should be applied to clean, dry, intact healthy skin on the abdomen, thigh, hip, flank, shoulder, or upper arm.
Način uporabe Obliž namestimo na čisto, suho, nepoškodovano zdravo kožo na trebuhu, stegnih, kolkih, bokih, ramah ali nadlahteh.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0025
The pipes shall have substantial wall thickness, but in no case less than 11 mm and shall be welded except for the flanged connection to the sea inlet valve.
Cevi imajo precej debele stene, ki v nobenem primeru ne smejo biti tanjše od 11 mm, in so varjene, razen na prirobničnem priključku na ventil dovoda morske vode.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
Total body surface treated should not exceed a surface corresponding for example to a treatment of two flanks from the spine to the mammary chains including the shoulders and the thighs.
Skupna površina telesa, ki jo zdravimo, ne sme presegati površine, ki, na primer, ustreza zdravljenju Obeh bočnih strani, od hrbtenice do verig prsnih žlez, vključno z ramenoma in bedroma.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
16 Total body surface treated should not exceed a surface corresponding for example to a treatment of two flanks from the spine to the mammary chains including the shoulders and the thighs.
Skupna površina telesa, ki jo zdravimo, ne sme presegati površine, ki, na primer, ustreza zdravljenju obeh bočnih strani od hrbtenice do verige prsnih žlez, vključno z ramenoma in bedroma.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
Put the sticky side of the patch onto clean, dry, healthy skin on the following areas, as indicated by the grey areas in the picture: • shoulder • upper arm • belly • thigh • hip • flank (your side, between your ribs
Lepljivo stran obliža namestite na čisto, suho, zdravo kožo na mestih, kot je prikazano s sivimi predeli na sliki:
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
Each tube is deep-drawn from sheet steel (see Appendix) and has an internal diameter of 24 mm, a length of 75 mm and wall thickness of 0,5 mm. The tubes are flanged at the open end to enable them to be closed by the orifice plate assembly.
Vsaka cev je izdelana z globokim vlečenjem iz jeklene pločevine (glej dodatek), njen notranji premer je 24 mm, dolžina 75 mm in debelina stene 0,5 mm. Na odprtem koncu cevi je prirobnica, ki omogoča zapiranje cevi s šobnim sklopom.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
After topical application on the skin at the recommended therapeutic dosage and twice the recommended duration of treatment and at up to a body surface corresponding to the two flanks, from the spine to the mammary chains including the shoulder and the thighs, no systemic effects are observed.
Potem, ko se zdravilo na koži uporabi v priporočenih odmerkih in v obdobju, ki traja dvakrat dlje od priporočenega, na površini telesa, ki ustreza obema bočnima stranema, od hrbtenice do verige prsnih žlez, vključno s pleči in bedroma, niso zaznavni nobeni sistemski učinki.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0086
With a view to the progressive establishment of an area of freedom, security and justice, the Treaty establishing the European Community provides both for the adoption of measures aimed at ensuring the free movement of persons, in conjunction with flanking measures relating to external border controls, asylum and immigration, and for the adoption of measures relating to asylum, immigration and safeguarding the rights of third country nationals.
Da bi se postopoma vzpostavilo območje svobode, varnosti in pravice, Pogodba o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti predvideva sprejetje ukrepov za zagotavljanje prostega pretoka oseb skupaj s spremljajočimi ukrepi, povezanimi s kontrolo na zunanjih mejah, azilom in priseljevanjem, in sprejetje ukrepov, povezanih z azilom, priseljevanjem in varovanjem pravic državljanov tretjih držav.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0109
With a view to the progressive establishment of an area of freedom, security and justice, the Treaty establishing the European Community provides both for the adoption of measures aimed at ensuring the free movement of persons, in conjunction with flanking measures relating to external border controls, asylum and immigration, and for the adoption of measures relating to asylum, immigration and safeguarding the rights of third-country nationals.
Zaradi postopnega uvajanja območja svobode, varnosti in pravice Pogodba o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti predpisuje sprejetje ukrepov, namenjenih zagotavljanju prostega gibanja oseb, v zvezi s spremljajočimi ukrepi kontrole na zunanjih mejah, azilom in priseljevanjem in sprejetjem ukrepov v zvezi z azilom, priseljevanjem in varovanjem pravic državljanov tretjih držav.
38 Prevod
CELEX: 31996R1292
The Community contribution may also cover flanking activities necessary to make the operations under this Regulation more efficient and, in particular, supervision, monitoring and inspection, distribution and field training.
Sodelovanje Skupnosti lahko obsega tudi spremljajoče dejavnosti, ki so potrebne za večjo učinkovitost dejavnosti po tej uredbi, in zlasti nadzor, spremljanje in preglede, razdeljevanje in usposabljanje na terenu.
Prevodi: en > sl
thin flank