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time entry record
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
In the application for the issue of the operating permit and entry in the record of airports shall be stated and proved with documents the capacity to perform the intended activities and a time of inspection proposed prior to the issue of the operating permit.
V vlogi za izdajo obratovalnega dovoljenja in vpis v vpisnik letališč navede in z dokumenti dokaže usposobljenost za opravljanje nameravane dejavnosti in predlaga čas pregleda pred izdajo obratovalnega dovoljenja.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
(11) The provisions of this Article shall be used mutatis mutandis for flight permits which shall be issued as airworthiness certificates for ultra-light and other /flying devices/ and shall at the same time also be a certificate of entry in the records referred to in the second paragraph of Article 20 of this Act.
(11) Določbe tega člena se smiselno uporabljajo tudi za dovoljenje za letenje, ki se izdaja kot spričevalo o plovnosti za ultralahke in druge letalne naprave in je hkrati tudi potrdilo o vpisu v evidenco iz drugega odstavka 20. člena tega zakona.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 36-2006
(d) If the device provides only recording driving time, time during which the vehicle is stationary, speed and distance covered, the exemption will only be partial and limited to the entries in the daily sheets of the said control book, the crew members being obliged to complete daily the appropriate columns of a weekly report conforming to the model sheet (e) appearing in the annex to this Agreement;
d) če naprava omogoča samo zapisovanje časa vožnje, časa mirovanja vozila, hitrosti in prevožene poti, je oprostitev samo delna in omejena na vpis v dnevne liste omenjene kontrolne knjižice, pri čemer morajo člani posadke vsak dan izpolniti ustrezne stolpce tedenskega poročila, skladnega z vzorcem e) iz priloge k temu sporazumu;
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-73
(a) However, it shall be open to any Contracting Party, in the case of a vehicle registered in a State which is not a Contracting Party to this Agreement, merely to require, in lieu of a control device conforming to the specifications in the Annex to this Agreement, daily record sheets completed manually by each crew member for the period of time from the moment of entry into the territory of the first Contracting Party.
(a) Za vozilo, registrirano v državi, ki ni pogodbenica tega sporazuma, pa je vsaki državi pogodbenici prepuščeno, da namesto snemalne naprave, skladne s specifikacijami v prilogi k temu sporazumu, zahteva dnevne zapisne liste, ki jih član posadke izpolni ročno ob vstopu v prvo pogodbenico.
5 Objavljeno
WTO: Ustanovitev WTO
It will be open to any Member to challenge the existence of an "other duty or charge", on the ground that no such "other duty or charge" existed at the time of the original binding of the item in question, as well as the consistency of the recorded level of any "other duty or charge" with the previously bound level, for a period of three years after the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement or three years after the date of deposit with the Director-General of the WTO of the instrument incorporating the Schedule in question into GATT 1994, if that is a later date.
Vsaka članica lahko izpodbija veljavnost ` drugih dajatev ali taks` in to utemeljuje s tem, da ob prvotni vezavi določene postavke taka ` druga dajatev ali taksa` ni obstajala, kakor tudi skladnost zabeležene ravni katerekoli ` druge dajatve ali takse` s prejšnjo ravnijo v obdobju treh let po datumu začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma o WTO ali tri leta po datumu deponiranja instrumenta, ki določeno listo vključuje v GATT 1994, pri generalnem direktorju WTO, če je ta datum poznejši.
6 Objavljeno
WTO: Ustanovitev WTO
"Other duties or charges" omitted from a Schedule at the time of deposit of the instrument incorporating the Schedule in question into GATT 1994 with, until the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement, the Director-General to the CONTRACTING PARTIES to GATT 1947 or, thereafter, with the Director-General of the WTO, shall not subsequently be added to it and any "other duty or charge" recorded at a level lower than that prevailing on the applicable date shall not be restored to that level unless such additions or changes are made within six months of the date of deposit of the instrument.
` Druge dajatve ali takse` , ki so bile izpuščene iz liste ob deponiranju instrumenta, ki določeno listo vključuje v GATT 1994, pri generalnem direktorju POGODBENIC GATT 1947 do dneva začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma o WTO ali po tem datumu pri generalnem direktorju WTO, ne smejo biti naknadno dodane in katerakoli ` druga dajatev ali taksa` , ki je zapisana na ravni, ki je nižja od tiste, ki velja na dan uporabe, ne sme biti ponovno dvignjena na to raven, razen če se taki dodatki ali spremembe opravijo v šestih mesecih od dneva deponiranja instrumenta.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
1. as holder of an air carrier` s certificate it does not inform the Administration immediately in writing about all changes that effect the facts and circumstances which were the basis for the issue of the certificate or operating provisions or exercises rights referred to in the certificate if the Administration has not approved the changes in writing (sixth paragraph of Article 76), 2. it does not publish a flight schedule prior to its taking effect for a specific traffic period (second paragraph of Article 84), 3. it does not dispatch the prescribed records on traffic carried out and its regularity to the ministry responsible for transport in compliance with instructions (fourth paragraph of Article 84), 4. it does not remove from the state a foreigner whom it has brought and who does not meet legal conditions for entry into the state, within the time limit determined by the ministry responsible for internal affairs (fifth paragraph of Article 84).
1. kot imetnik spričevala letalskega prevoznika takoj pisno ne obvesti Uprave o vseh spremembah, ki vplivajo na dejstva in okoliščine, ki so bile podlaga za izdajo spričevala ali operativnih določb ali uveljavlja upravičenja iz spričevala, če Uprava ni pisno odobrila sprememb (šesti odstavek 76. člena), 2. ne objavi reda letenja pred začetkom njegove veljavnosti za določeno prometno obdobje (drugi odstavek 84. člena), 3. ne pošilja predpisanih evidenc o opravljenem prometu in njegovi rednosti ministrstvu, pristojnem za promet, v skladu z navodili (četrti odstavek 84. člena), 4. tujca, ki ga je pripeljal in ki ne izpolnjuje zakonskih pogojev za vstop v državo, ne odpelje iz države v času, ki mu ga določi ministrstvo, pristojno za notranje zadeve (peti odstavek 84. člena).
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
The time of recording (and valuation) of stock entries and withdrawals should be consistent with that of other transactions in products (output and intermediate consumption).
Čas zajemanja (in vrednotenje) vknjižb in črpanj stanj bi morala biti konsistentna s časom drugih transakcij s proizvodi (proizvodnja in vmesna potrošnja).
9 Končna redakcija
Where the products in question have experienced a depreciation as a result of storage, the financial effect thereof shall be recorded and taken into account at the time of entry into intervention.
Če so zadevni proizvodi kot posledica skladiščenja predmet amortizacije, se finančni učinek zabeleži in upošteva glede na čas začetka intervencije.
10 Končna redakcija
Where masters of Community fishing vessels cross an effort zone where they are authorized to fish without carrying out fishing activities they shall record the date and time of entry and exit to and from that effort zone in their logbook.
Kadar kapitani ribiških plovil Skupnosti prečkajo območje napora, kjer smejo ribariti brez izvajanja ribolovnih aktivnosti, zabeležijo v svoj ladijski dnevnik datum in uro vstopa in izstopa s tega območja napora.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
the second method is to value stock entries at the price of "unaged" wines at the time of harvesting and not to record an addition to the wine work in progress (i.e. the increase in price due to ageing, irrespective of the effect of the general change in the price of wine) until the aged wine is sold.
z drugo metodo se vrednotijo vknjižbe v zaloge po cenah "nestaranih" vin ob trgatvi in se ne zajema dodatek za nedokončano proizvodnjo vina (povečanje cene zaradi staranja, ne glede na vplive splošnih sprememb cene vina), dokler se starano vino ne proda.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
From the time of birth, it is possible and also appropriate to record an entry for each phase of production, i.e. for each age group of individual animals (the part of the production process preceding the birth, however, cannot be recorded because it cannot be isolated from the services consumed in rearing the parent animal).
Po skotitvi je zajemanje možno in tudi primerno v vsaki proizvodni fazi, t. j. za vsako starostno skupino posameznih vrst živine (del proizvodnega procesa pred skotitvijo pa se ne more prikazati, ker ga ni mogoče izolirati od storitev, porabljenih za rejo plemenske živine).
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
The time of recording (and valuation) of stock entries and withdrawals should be consistent with that of other transactions in products (output and intermediate consumption).
Čas zajemanja (in vrednotenje) vknjižb in črpanj stanj bi morala biti konsistentna s časom drugih transakcij s proizvodi (proizvodnja in vmesna potrošnja).
14 Pravna redakcija
Notwithstanding paragraph 1, masters of Community fishing vessels conducting trans-zonal fisheries as defined in Article 19b shall record the date and time of their first entry and of their last exit.
Ne glede na odstavek 1 kapitani ribiških plovil Skupnosti, ki opravljajo medconski ribolov, kot je opredeljen v členu 19b, zabeležijo datum in čas svojega prvega vstopa in zadnjega izhoda.
15 Pravna redakcija
In the case of exemption from the requirement to provide any accompanying document referred to in (a) to (e), the consignors, other than retailers or private individuals disposing from time to time of the product to other private individuals, must be able at any time to prove the accuracy of all the entries laid down for the records provided for in Title II or other records required by the Member State concerned.
Ob izvzetju iz zahteve po predložitvi spremnega dokumenta iz (a) do (e) morajo biti pošiljatelji, razen trgovcev na drobno ali posameznikov, ki občasno s proizvodom oskrbijo druge posameznike, kadar koli zmožni dokazati točnost vseh vpisov, določenih za evidence iz naslova II ali druge evidence, ki jih zahteva zadevna država članica.
16 Pravna redakcija
for the records to be kept by a specialist firm, on condition that entries, withdrawals and stocks can be checked at all times at the actual place where the products are held on the basis of other supporting documents.
da evidence vodi specializirana firma,
17 Pravna redakcija
The records, which must meet the requirements of Article 5 of Directive 81/851/EEC, must be kept for at least three years after the date of the last entry and must be made available at any time to the competent authorities in case of checking;
Evidence, ki morajo izpolnjevati zahteve člena 5 Direktive 81/851/EGS, je treba hraniti vsaj tri leta po datumu zadnjega vpisa, v primeru pregleda pa morajo biti ob vsakem času na razpolago pristojnim organom
18 Pravna redakcija
make available to the customs authorities, from the time of the entry in the records referred to in points (a), (b) and (c), all documents, the production of which is required for the application of the provisions governing release for free circulation.
dá carinskim organom od časa vpisa v evidence, navedenega v točkah (a), (b) in (c), na voljo vse dokumente, katerih predložitev se zahteva za uporabo določb, ki urejajo sprostitev v prosti promet.«
19 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Article 7 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1883/78 provides that where the products in question experience a depreciation as a result of storage, the financial effect thereof is to be recorded and taken into account at the time of entry into intervention;
ker člen 7 Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 1883/78 omogoča, da se pri zadevnih proizvodih, ki se zaradi skladiščenja amortizirajo, finančni učinek amortizacije evidentira in upošteva ob vstopu v intervencijo;
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
the second method is to value stock entries at the price of 'unaged' wines at the time of harvesting and not to record an addition to the wine work in progress (i.e. the increase in price due to ageing, irrespective of the effect of the general change in the price of wine) until the aged wine is sold.
z drugo metodo se vrednotijo vknjižbe v zaloge po cenah "nestaranih" vin ob trgatvi in se ne zajema dodatek za nedokončano proizvodnjo vina (povečanje cene zaradi staranja, ne glede na vplive splošnih sprememb cene vina), dokler se starano vino ne proda.
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
From the time of birth, it is possible and also appropriate to record an entry for each phase of production, i.e. for each age group of individual animals (the part of the production process preceding the birth, however, cannot be recorded because it cannot be isolated from the services consumed in rearing the parent animal).
Po skotitvi je zajemanje možno in tudi primerno v vsaki proizvodni fazi, t. j. za vsako starostno skupino posameznih vrst živine (del proizvodnega procesa pred skotitvijo pa se ne more prikazati, ker ga ni mogoče izolirati od storitev, porabljenih za rejo plemenske živine).
22 Pravna redakcija
However, Member States may authorise longer time limits not exceeding 30 days, particularly where computerised records are used, provided that a check can still be made on entries, withdrawals and the operations referred to in Article 14 at any time on the basis of other supporting documents and that these documents are considered reliable by the competent authority or an agency or body empowered by that authority.
Vendar pa države članice lahko odobrijo daljše roke, ki ne presegajo 30 dni, zlasti kadar se uporablja računalniško vodenje evidenc, pod pogojem, da je še vedno mogoče kadar koli preveriti dobave, izdane količine in postopke iz člena 14 na podlagi druge dodatne dokumentacije in da ima pristojni organ ali agencija ali organ, ki ga pooblasti pristojni organ, to dokumentacijo za zanesljivo.
23 Pravna redakcija
natural and legal persons and groups of persons who hold stocks of or offer for sale solely wine products in small containers meeting the presentation requirements referred to in Article 4(2)(a) shall not be required to keep records, provided that the entries, withdrawals and stocks may be checked at any time on the basis of other supporting documents, in particular commercial documents used for financial accounts.
fizičnim in pravnim osebam in skupinam oseb, ki imajo zaloge ali prodajajo samo proizvode iz grozdja in vina v majhnih vsebnikih, izpolnjujočih predpise v zvezi z označevanjem na pakiranju iz člena 4(2)(a), ni treba voditi evidenc, pod pogojem, da je dobave, izdane količine in zaloge mogoče kadar koli preveriti na podlagi druge dodatne dokumentacije, zlasti komercialnih dokumentov, ki se uporabljajo za finančna poročila.
24 Pravna redakcija
As from the date of entry into force of the provisions of subparagraph (a), vehicles used for the carriage of persons containing more than eight seats apart from the driver's seat and having a maximum weight exceeding 10 tonnes, and also vehicles used for the carriage of goods having a maximum weight exceeding 12 tonnes, registered for the first time as from 1 January 1996, shall in so far as the transmission of signals to the recording equipment with which they are fitted is exclusively electrical, satisfy the requirements of Annex IB to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 when the equipment in question is replaced.
Od dne začetka veljavnosti določb pododstavka (a) morajo vozila, ki se uporabljajo za prevoz oseb in imajo poleg voznikovega več kakor osem sedežev ter njihova največja masa presega 10 ton, pa tudi vozila, ki se uporabljajo za prevoz blaga in njihova največja masa presega 12 ton ter so prvič registrirana po 1. januarju 1996, če je prenos signalov k tahografu, s katerim so opremljena, izključno električen, izpolnjevati zahteve Priloge IB k Uredbi (EGS) št. 3821/85, če se zadevni tahograf zamenja.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1360
During this whole process, the recording equipment shall wait for entries no longer than the following time-outs:
Med celotnim procesom mora zapisovalna naprava čakati na imetnikove vnose najdalj naslednje čakalne čase:
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Entries in the 'inward processing records' or 'records of processing under customs control' shall allow the customs authorities to monitor the precise situation of all goods or products under one of these procedures at any time.
Vpisi v "evidencah aktivnega oplemenitenja " oziroma v "evidencah predelave pod carinskim nadzorom" morajo carinskim organom omogočiti, da lahko vsak trenutek preverijo natančno stanje vsega blaga ali proizvodov, ki so v enem od zadevnih postopkov.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Entries in the inward processing records or records of processing under customs control must enable the customs authority to verify at any time the exact situation of all goods or products placed under one of the procedures in question or in the free zone or free warehouse.
Vpisi v "evidencah aktivnega oplemenitenja " oziroma v "evidencah predelave pod carinskim nadzorom" morajo carinskemu organu omogočiti, da lahko vsak trenutek preveri natančno stanje vsega blaga in izdelkov, ki so v enem od zadevnih postopkov v prosti coni ali prostem skladišču.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1622
In cases where prior notifications covering several operations do not indicate the date and time when the operations are to commence, an entry must also be made in the records before each operation commences.
V primerih, ko v poprejšnjih uradnih obvestilih, ki zajemajo več postopkov, nista navedena datum in ura začetka postopka, mora biti to vpisano v evidenco, preden se začne vsak postopek.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Where goods are entered for the procedure in a type E warehouse, the entry in the stock records referred to in paragraph 1 shall take place at the time when they arrive at the storage facilities of the holder of the authorization.
Če gre za vnos v postopek v skladišču tipa E, mora biti vpis blaga iz odstavka 1 opravljen v trenutku njegovega prispetja v skladiščne prostore imetnika dovoljenja.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R2193
make available to the customs authorities, from the time of the entry in the records referred to in points (a), (b) and (c), all documents, the production of which is required for the application of the provisions governing release for free circulation.'
dá carinskim organom od časa vpisa v evidence, navedenega v točkah (a), (b) in (c), na voljo vse dokumente, katerih predložitev se zahteva za uporabo določb, ki urejajo sprostitev v prosti promet."
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
the second method is to value stock entries at the price of "unaged" wines at the time of harvesting and not to record an addition to the wine work in progress (i.e. the increase in price due to ageing, irrespective of the effect of the general change in the price of wine) until the aged wine is sold.
z drugo metodo se vrednotijo vknjižbe v zaloge po cenah "nestaranih" vin ob trgatvi in se ne zajema dodatek za nedokončano proizvodnjo vina (povečanje cene zaradi staranja, ne glede na vplive splošnih sprememb cene vina), dokler se starano vino ne proda.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Goods entered for the customs warehousing procedure in a type A, type C or type D warehouse shall be entered in the stock records in accordance with Article 107 of the Code at the time when they are physically placed in the customs warehouse, on the basis of particulars recognized or accepted by the supervising office or the office of entry for the procedure, in accordance with Article 513 (2).
Blago, ki se da v postopek carinskega skladiščenja v skladišču tipa A, C ali D, je treba v trenutku njegovega dejanskega vnosa v carinsko skladišče v skladu s členom 107 zakonika vpisati v evidence blaga na podlagi podatkov, ki jih prizna ali sprejme nadzorni urad ali urad vnosa v postopek v skladu s členom 513(2).
33 Prevajalska redakcija
It will be open to any Member to challenge the existence of an 'other duty or charge', on the ground that no such 'other duty or charge' existed at the time of the original binding of the item in question, as well as the consistency of the recorded level of any 'other duty or charge' with the previously bound level, for a period of three years after the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement or three years after the date of deposit with the Director-General of the WTO of the instrument incorporating the Schedule in question into GATT 1994, if that is a later date.
Vsaka članica lahko izpodbija veljavnost "drugih dajatev ali taks" in to utemeljuje s tem, da ob prvotni vezavi določene postavke taka "druga dajatev ali taksa" ni obstajala, kakor tudi skladnost zabeležene ravni katerekoli "druge dajatve ali takse" s prejšnjo ravnijo v obdobju treh let po datumu začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma o WTO ali tri leta po datumu deponiranja instrumenta, ki določeno listo vključuje v GATT 1994, pri generalnem direktorju WTO, če je ta datum poznejši.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2135
24 months from the date of publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities of the act to be adopted pursuant to Article 17(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85, as amended by this Regulation, vehicles put into service for the first time must be fitted with recording equipment in accordance with the requirements of Annex IB to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85. (b) As from the date of entry into force of the provisions of subparagraph (a), vehicles used for the carriage of persons containing more than eight seats apart from the driver's seat and having a maximum weight exceeding 10 tonnes, and also vehicles used for the carriage of goods having a maximum weight exceeding 12 tonnes, registered for the first time as from 1 January 1996, shall in so far as the transmission of signals to the recording equipment with which they are fitted is exclusively electrical, satisfy the requirements of Annex IB to Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 when the equipment in question is replaced.
24 mesecev od dne, ko je bil v Uradnem listu Evropskih skupnosti objavljen pravni akt, ki ga je treba sprejeti v skladu s členom 17(2) Uredbe (EGS) št. 3821/85, kakor je bila spremenjena s to uredbo, morajo biti vozila, ki so prvič dana v promet, opremljena s tahografi v skladu z zahtevami Priloge I(B) k Uredbi (EGS) št. 3821/85.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
'Other duties or charges' omitted from a Schedule at the time of deposit of the instrument incorporating the Schedule in question into GATT 1994 with, until the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement, the Director-General to the Contracting Parties to GATT 1947 or, thereafter, with the Director-General of the WTO, shall not subsequently be added to it and any 'other duty or charge' recorded at a level lower than that prevailing on the applicable date shall not be restored to that level unless such additions or changes are made within six months of the date of deposit of the instrument.
"Druge dajatve ali takse", ki so bile izpuščene iz liste ob deponiranju instrumenta, ki določeno listo vključuje v GATT 1994, pri generalnem direktorju POGODBENIC GATT 1947 do dneva začetka veljavnosti Sporazuma o WTO ali po tem datumu pri generalnem direktorju WTO, ne smejo biti naknadno dodane in katerakoli "druga dajatev ali taksa", ki je zapisana na ravni, ki je nižja od tiste, ki velja na dan uporabe, ne sme biti ponovno dvignjena na to raven, razen če se taki dodatki ali spremembe opravijo v šestih mesecih od dneva deponiranja instrumenta.
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time entry record