Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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transfer price
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
However, in those fields where the liberalisation of prices is not possible, the control of prices will be transferred to sector regulation or remain within the competence of the Government;
Na področjih, kjer liberalizacija cen ni mogoča, bo nadzor cen prenesen na sektorske regulatorje ali pa bo ostal v pristojnosti Vlade.
2 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-105
15.5.2 In the case of transfer from the Supplying Participant's own resources, the price will be no less favourable than the price charged the armed forces for identical items or services, less any amounts excluded by Section XVI of this MOU.
15.5.2 Če udeleženec dobavitelj ponudi dobavo iz lastnih virov, cena ne sme biti manj ugodna od cene, zaračunane oboroženim silam za enake predmete in storitve, razen obveznosti iz XVI. člena tega memoranduma.
3 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
(1) The transferring company referred to in Article 31 of this Act shall value the received securities of the receiving company at the market price as at the day of transfer.
(1) Prenosna družba iz 31. člena tega zakona ovrednoti prejete vrednostne papirje družbe prejemnice po tržni ceni na dan prenosa.
4 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
(2) In establishing a taxable person` s expenditures, account shall be taken of the transfer prices with affiliated persons as regards the assets, including the intangible assets, and the services, however the expenditures not exceeding the amount established by taking into account the comparable market prices.
(2) Pri ugotavljanju odhodkov zavezanca se upoštevajo transferne cene s povezanimi osebami za sredstva, vključno z neopredmetenimi sredstvi, ter storitve, vendar odhodki največ do višine, ugotovljene z upoštevanjem primerljivih tržnih cen.
5 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
(1) In establishing a taxable person` s receipts, account shall be taken of the transfer prices with affiliated persons as regards the assets, including the intangible assets, and the services, however the receipts no less than the amount established by taking into account the prices of such or comparable assets and services which, in comparable circumstances, are reached or would be reached on the market among the non-affiliated persons (hereinafter: comparable market prices).
(1) Pri ugotavljanju prihodkov zavezanca se upoštevajo transferne cene s povezanimi osebami za sredstva, vključno z neopredmetenimi sredstvi, ter storitve, vendar prihodki najmanj do višine, ugotovljene z upoštevanjem cen takih ali primerljivih sredstev ali storitev, ki se v primerljivih okoliščinah dosežejo ali bi se dosegle na trgu med nepovezanimi osebami (v nadaljnjem besedilu: primerljive tržne cene).
6 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-86
(2) In the case of transfer from the supplying Party's own resources, the supplying Party shall charge the same price it charges its own forces for identical logistic support, supplies, and services, as of the date delivery or performance occurs, less amounts excluded by Article VI of this Agreement.
(2) če gre za prenos iz lastnih virov, pogodbenica dobaviteljica zaračuna isto ceno, kot jo zaračunava lastnim silam za isto logistično podporo, oskrbo in storitve, veljavno na datum dostave ali izvedbe, pri čemer se odštejejo zneski, ki so izvzeti po VI. členu tega sporazuma.
7 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
(4) If a concession contract stipulates that concessionary structures and facilities that are subject to exclusion are transferred to the ownership of the awarding authority, whether free of charge or for a certain price (purchase price), the awarding authority shall be bound to pay the value of the concessionary structures and facilities into the bankruptcy or liquidation estate relative to the time left from when the concession was terminated owing to the institution of bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings, to the expiry of the concession, compared to the entire period of the concession, increased by the purchase price and reduced by any possible claims against the concessionaire.
(4) Če je bilo v koncesijski pogodbi določeno, da objekti in naprave koncesije, ki so predmet izločitve, po prenehanju koncesije preidejo v last koncedenta bodisi brezplačno bodisi za določeno ceno (odkupna cena), je koncedent dolžan v stečajno oziroma likvidacijsko maso vplačati tolikšen delež vrednosti objektov in naprav koncesije, če je še preostalo časa od prenehanja koncesije zaradi stečaja oziroma likvidacije do poteka roka koncesije v primerjavi s celotnim rokom koncesije, povečan za odkupno ceno in zmanjšan za morebitne terjatve, ki jih ima do koncesionarja.
8 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
(3) In cases referred to in the preceding paragraph, prior to implementation of the public-private partner relationship the contractor must submit to the public partner for its consent the principles according to which it separates accounting by activities (keys for dividing joint and general costs by individual cost centres or bearers of costs, transfer prices and supervision thereof, division of loss and profit, division of profits, whether there will be refinancing of debt and so forth).
(3) V primeru iz prejšnjega odstavka mora izvajalec javno-zasebnega partnerstva pred začetkom izvajanja razmerja javno-zasebnega partnerstva predložiti javnemu partnerju v soglasje izhodišča, ki so osnova za ločitev računovodstva po dejavnostih (ključi za delitev skupnih in splošnih stroškov po posameznih stroškovnih mestih ali stroškovnih nosilcih, transferne cene in nadzor nad njimi, delitev izgube in dobička, delitev dobičkov, če pride do refinanciranja dolga …).
9 Končna redakcija
transfer pricing
transferne cene
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1726
The cost to the enterprise is determined by the difference between the purchase price and the selling or transfer price.
Strošek za podjetje se določi z razliko med nakupno ceno in prodajno ali transferno ceno.
11 Končna redakcija
Pricing in cross-border transfer systems
Oblikovanje cen v čezmejnih sistemih
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Disposals should be recorded at the sales price, which should correspond to the purchaser price less the costs incurred in the transfer of ownership of assets, installation and transfer charges (cf. 2.130).
Odtujitve bi se morale zajemati po prodajni ceni, ki bi morala ustrezati kupčevi ceni z odštetimi stroški, nastalimi s prenosom lastništva sredstev, namestitvijo in stroški prevoza (prim. 2.130).
13 Končna redakcija
In respect of a BEN transfer, the originator's bank and intermediary banks can deduct from the amount of the transfer a price to cover their own costs and the beneficiary's bank can charge its own customers a price to cover its own costs.
Glede prenosa BEN lahko izdajateljeva banka in posredniške banke odbijejo od zneska prenosa ceno za kritje svojih stroškov in banka upravičenca lahko svojim strankam zaračuna ceno za kritje svojih stroškov.
14 Končna redakcija
In respect of a Share transfer, the originator's bank can charge its customers a price to cover its own costs, intermediary banks can deduct from the amount of the transfer a price to cover their own costs (or charge the originator's bank for those costs), and the beneficiary's bank can charge its own customers a price to cover its own costs.
Glede prenosa Share lahko izdajateljeva banka svojim strankam zaračuna ceno za kritje lastnih stroškov, posredniške banke lahko odbijejo od zneska prenosa ceno za kritje svojih stroškov (ali te stroške zaračunajo izdajateljevi banki) in banka upravičenca lahko svojim strankam zaračuna ceno za kritje svojih stroškov.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
In cases where the certificates were transferred (sold), it was therefore considered reasonable to calculate the benefit on the basis of the sales price of the certificate.
V primerih, ko so bili certifikati preneseni (prodani) se šteje, da je primerno izračunati ugodnost na podlagi prodajne vrednosti certifikata.
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
trade in these animals is recorded in GFCF as acquisitions and disposals of fixed assets (services associated with the transfer of ownership are recorded in the purchaser price).
trgovina s to živino je zajeta v bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva kot pridobitev in odsvojitev osnovnih sredstev (storitve, povezane s prenosom lastništva, se zajemajo v kupčevo ceno).
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0444
the price to be paid to the producer organisation for the raw materials, which may vary by variety and/or quality and/or delivery period and shall be paid only by bank or post office transfer;
cena, ki jo je organizaciji proizvajalcev treba plačati za surovine in se lahko spreminja glede na sorto in/ali kakovost in/ali čas dobave ter se plača samo s pomočjo bančnega ali poštnega nakazila;
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0019
Accounting separation allows internal price transfers to be rendered visible, and allows national regulatory authorities to check compliance with obligations for non-discrimination where applicable.
Ločeno računovodstvo omogoča pregled nad notranjimi cenovnimi prenosi, ki jih je treba izkazati, nacionalni regulativni organi pa imajo možnost, da preverijo skladnost z obveznostmi glede nediskriminacije, kadar je to primerno.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0019
In particular, a national regulatory authority may require a vertically integrated company to make transparent its wholesale prices and its internal transfer prices inter alia to ensure compliance where there is a requirement for non-discrimination under Article 10 or, where necessary, to prevent unfair cross-subsidy.
Nacionalni regulativni organ lahko zlasti zahteva od vertikalno integriranega podjetja, da oblikuje svoje veleprodajne cene na in svoje interne obračunske cene transparentno, da med drugim zagotovi skladnost, če se zahteva nediskriminacija po členu 10, ali da se, kadar je potrebno, prepreči nepravično notranje subvencioniranje.
20 Končna redakcija
Intra-system competition will occur when banks participating in a particular system compete for customers by offering the best combinations of prices and conditions for effecting and receiving cross-border credit transfers.
Konkurenca znotraj sistema se pojavi, kadar banke, ki sodelujejo v določenem sistemu, tekmujejo za stranke tako, da jim ponujajo najboljše kombinacije cen in pogojev za izvajanje in prejemanje čezmejnih nakazil.
21 Končna redakcija
In the example given, each of the first intermediary bank and the correspondent bank will normally be able to agree bilaterally with respectively originator's banks and first intermediary banks a price for handling cross-border credit transfers.
V danem primeru se običajno vsaka prva posredniška banka in korespondenčna banka dvostransko lahko sporazume z izdajateljevimi bankami in prvimi posredniškimi bankami o ceni obdelave čezmejnih nakazil.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0795
4.Paragraph 1 shall not apply in cases where the farmer proves, to the satisfaction of the Member State, that the price of sale or lease corresponds to the value of the holding or, in case of partial transfer of part of the holding without payment entitlements.
Odstavek 1 se ne uporablja, če kmet zadovoljivo dokaže državi članici, da cena prodaje ali dajanja v zakup ustreza vrednosti gospodarstva, oziroma pri delnem prenosu vrednosti dela gospodarstva brez pravic do plačil.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
GFCF is valued at purchaser prices (including the costs of transferring ownership, installation and other transfer charges) or, when produced on own account, it is valued at the basic prices of similar fixed assets (the basic price can be obtained from the sum of the costs incurred).
Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva se vrednotijo po kupčevih cenah (vključno s cenami prenosa lastništva, namestitve in drugih stroškov prevoza) ali, če se proizvajajo za lasten račun, se vrednotijo po osnovnih cenah podobnih osnovnih sredstev (osnovna cena se lahko dobi iz vsote nastalih stroškov).
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0772
In particular, technology transfer agreements containing certain severely anti-competitive restraints such as the fixing of prices charged to third parties should be excluded from the benefit of the block exemption established by this Regulation irrespective of the market shares of the undertakings concerned.
Zlasti je treba sporazume o prenosu tehnologije, ki vsebujejo nekatere strogo protikonkurenčne omejitve, kakor je določanje cen, ki se zaračunavajo tretjim osebam, izključiti iz ugodnosti skupinske izjeme, ki jo določa ta uredba, ne glede na tržne deleže zadevnih podjetij.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
In cases where the licences were transferred (sold), the benefit was calculated on the basis of the amount of credit granted in the licence (face value) regardless of the sales price of the licence, since the sale of a licence is a pure commercial decision which does not alter the amount of benefit (equivalent to the GOI's transfer of funds) received from the scheme.
Kadar so bile licence prenesene (prodane), je bila ugodnost izračunana na podlagi zneska odobrenega posojila iz licence (nominalna vrednost) ne glede na prodajno ceno licence, ker je prodaja licence čisto komercialna odločitev, ki ne spremeni višine ugodnosti (ki je enaka prenosu sredstev s strani indijske vlade), pridobljene po tej shemi.
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0772
competing undertakings on the relevant product market, being undertakings which, in the absence of the technology transfer agreement, are both active on the relevant product and geographic market(s) on which the contract products are sold without infringing each others' intellectual property rights (actual competitors on the product market) or would, on realistic grounds, undertake the necessary additional investments or other necessary switching costs so that they could timely enter, without infringing each others' intellectual property rights, the(se) relevant product and geographic market(s) in response to a small and permanent increase in relative prices (potential competitors on the product market);
konkurenčna podjetja na upoštevnem proizvodnem trgu, to so tista podjetja, ki so v odsotnosti sporazuma o prenosu tehnologije dejavna tako na upoštevnem proizvodnem in geografskem(-ih) trgu(-ih), na katerem(-ih) prodajajo pogodbene izdelke, ne da bi pri tem kršila medsebojne pravice intelektualne lastnine (dejanski konkurenti na proizvodnem trgu), ali ki bi realno lahko prevzela potrebne dodatne naložbe ali druge potrebne stroške prehoda, da bi lahko pravočasno vstopila na te upoštevne proizvodne in geografske trge, ne da bi pri tem kršila medsebojne pravice intelektualne lastnine, kot odgovor na majhno in stalno povečanje relativnih cen (potencialni konkurenti na proizvodnem trgu);
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0985
Indeed, if the customs authorities detect an artificially low transfer price between related parties, they will calculate a new customs value that would then be higher.
Če carinski organi odkrijejo umetno nizko transferno ceno med povezanimi strankami, izračunajo novo, višjo carinsko vrednost.
28 Pravna redakcija
an undertaking to pay the price by bank or postal transfer,
obvezo, da se izplačilo izvede z bančnim ali poštnim nakazilom,
29 Pravna redakcija
10 % of the price transfers referred to in Article 3(3)(f);
10 % plačilnih nakazil iz člena 3(3)(f);
30 Pravna redakcija
this price shall be paid only by bank or post office transfer.
ta cena se lahko plača le z nakazilom preko banke ali pošte.
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2111
(ii) 10 % of the price transfers referred to in Article 7(1)(f);
(ii) 10 % nakazil plačane cene iz člena 7(1)(f);
32 Pravna redakcija
Transfer to/from provisions for foreign exchange rate and price risks
Prenos v/črpanje rezervacij za tečajna in cenovna tveganja
33 Pravna redakcija
goods transferred out of inventories for sale are valued at basic prices;
proizvodi, ki se prenesejo iz zalog zaradi prodaje, se vrednotijo v osnovnih cenah;
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1603
It was found, however, that the companies involved organise their ethylene oxide and ethanolamines businesses as separate profit centres, making cross-subsidisation unlikely, and checks were carried out as to whether the transfer price at which this raw material was incorporated in the cost of production of ethanolamines reflected market value.
Ugotovljeno je bilo, da vpletena podjetja organizirajo dejavnosti etilenoksida in etanolaminov kot ločene profitne centre, pri čemer navzkrižno subvencioniranje ni mogoče, in preverjanja so bila izvedena, ali trasferna cena, po kateri se ta surovina vključi v strošek proizvodnje etanolaminov, odraža tržno vrednost.
35 Pravna redakcija
the quantities and types of products sold or transferred by the processor and the prices obtained;
količine in tipe proizvodov, ki jih predelovalec proda ali prenese, ter dosežene cene;
36 Pravna redakcija
The principal of this loan is the purchaser's price of the leased good plus transfer costs (if any).
Glavnica tega posojila je kupčeva cena blaga v leasingu plus morebitni stroški prenosa.
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2237
(e) the quantities and types of products sold or transferred by the processor and the prices obtained;
(e) količine in vrste proizvodov, ki jih predelovalec proda ali prenese, ter dosežene cene;
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Disposals should be recorded at the sales price, which should correspond to the purchaser price less the costs incurred in the transfer of ownership of assets, installation and transfer charges (cf. 2.130).
Odtujitve bi se morale zajemati po prodajni ceni, ki bi morala ustrezati kupčevi ceni z odštetimi stroški, nastalimi s prenosom lastništva sredstev, namestitvijo in stroški prevoza (prim. 2.130).
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1603
In all cases it was found that the transfer prices used reflected the sales prices of ethylene oxide quoted to independent customers purchasing similar quantities.
V vseh primerih je bilo ugotovljeno, da so uporabljene transferne cene odražale prodajne cene etilenoksida, navedenega neodvisnim potrošnikom, ki so kupili podobne količine.
40 Pravna redakcija
Gross fixed capital formation is valued at purchasers' prices including installation charges and other costs of ownership transfer.
Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva so vrednotene v kupčevih cenah, ki zajemajo tudi stroške montaže in druge stroške spremembe lastništva.
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2011
In the case of Namibia and South Africa, the fact that average export prices are lower than the Chinese prices should be seen in the light of the fact that part of the exports to the Community are made to related Community users, likely at transfer prices.
Pri Namibiji in Južni Afriki je treba pri dejstvu, da so njihove povprečne izvozne cene nižje od kitajskih cen, upoštevati, da je del izvoza v Skupnost prodan povezanim uporabnikom Skupnosti, najverjetneje po transfernih cenah.
42 Pravna redakcija
output of finished goods transferred into the producer's inventories are valued as if they were sold at that time, at current basic prices;
proizvodnja dokončanih proizvodov, ki se prenesejo v proizvajalčeve zaloge, se vrednoti, kakor bi bila v tem trenutku prodana, tj. v tekočih osnovnih cenah;
43 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1535
Where the price is paid in the euro zone, proof of payment may be furnished by the processor by means of confirmation of the bank transfer.
Če se cena plača v območju evra, lahko dokazilo zagotovi predelovalec s potrditvijo bančnega prenosa.
44 Pravna redakcija
Disposals of existing fixed assets by sale are valued at the (basic) prices after deducting any costs of ownership transfer incurred by the seller.
Odsvojitve obstoječih osnovnih sredstev s prodajo se vrednotijo v (osnovnih) cenah, od katerih se odštejejo vsi stroški prenosa lastništva, ki jih krije prodajalec.
45 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1603
Therefore, it can be concluded that the US exporting producers and their related importers absorbed the antidumping measures, at least partially, by setting artificially high actual import prices which constitute transfer prices.
Zato je ugotovljeno, da so proizvajalci izvozniki iz ZDA in z njimi povezani uvozniki vsaj delno prevzeli protidampinške ukrepe, tako da so umetno določili visoke dejanske uvozne cene, ki predstavljajo transferne cene.
46 Pravna redakcija
Gross (or net) national disposable income equals gross (or net) national income (at market prices) minus current transfers (current taxes on income, wealth etc., social contributions, social benefits and other current transfers) payable to non-resident units, plus current transfers receivable by resident units from the rest of the world.
Bruto (ali neto) nacionalni razpoložljivi dohodek je enak bruto (ali neto) nacionalnemu dohodku (v tržnih cenah), zmanjšanemu za tekoče transferje (tekoči davki na dohodek, premoženje itd., socialni prispevki, socialni prejemki in drugi tekoči transferji), plačane nerezidenčnim enotam, in povečanemu za tekoče transferje, ki jih rezidenčne enote prejmejo iz tujine.
47 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
In cases where the certificates were transferred (sold), it was therefore considered reasonable to calculate the benefit on the basis of the sales price of the certificate.
V primerih, ko so bili certifikati preneseni (prodani) se šteje, da je primerno izračunati ugodnost na podlagi prodajne vrednosti certifikata.
48 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2852
Furthermore, as the average price for the raw material purchased from the related supplier was significantly lower than the average price of the same raw material purchased from unrelated suppliers and as the purchase price appeared to be at a loss for the supplier, the raw material prices were considered to be unreliable transfer prices.
Ker je bila poleg tega povprečna cena za surovine, nabavljene pri povezanem dobavitelju, bistveno nižja kot povprečna cena enakih surovin, nabavljenih pri neodvisnih dobaviteljih, in ker je povezan dobavitelj z njo očitno ustvarjal izgubo, so se cene surovin štele za nezanesljive transferne cene.
Prevodi: en > sl
transfer price