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transfer to foods
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
12.4 To this effect, facilitated access, in accordance with Articles 12.2 and 12.3 above, shall be provided pursuant to a standard material transfer agreement (MTA), which shall be adopted by the Governing Body and contain the provisions of Articles 12.3a, d and g, as well as the benefit-sharing provisions set forth in Article 13.2d(ii) and other relevant provisions of this Treaty, and the provision that the recipient of the plant genetic resources for food and agriculture shall require that the conditions of the MTA shall apply to the transfer of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture to another person or entity, as well as to any subsequent transfers of those plant genetic resources for food and agriculture.
12.4 V ta namen se lažji dostop v skladu z drugim in tretjim odstavkom 12. člena zagotovi na podlagi tipskega sporazuma o prenosu materiala, ki ga sprejme upravni organ in vsebuje določbe točk a, d in g tretjega odstavka 12. člena kakor tudi določbe o delitvi koristi iz podtočke ii točke d drugega odstavka 13. člena in druge ustrezne določbe te pogodbe ter določbo, v skladu s katero prejemnik rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo zahteva, da pogoji sporazuma o prenosu materiala veljajo za prenos rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo drugi osebi ali subjektu kakor tudi za vse nadaljnje prenose teh rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
(e) Cooperate to promote the development of an efficient and sustainable system of ex situ conservation, giving due attention to the need for adequate documentation, characterization, regeneration and evaluation, and promote the development and transfer of appropriate technologies for this purpose with a view to improving the sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture;
(e) sodeluje pri spodbujanju razvoja učinkovitega in trajnostnega sistema ohranjanja ex situ in pri tem ustrezno upošteva potrebo po ustreznem dokumentiranju, ugotavljanju značilnosti, obnavljanju in vrednotenju ter spodbuja razvoj in prenos tehnologij, da bi se izboljšala trajnostna raba rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo;
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
(ii) Access to and transfer of technology to countries, especially to developing countries and countries with economies in transition, shall be carried out through a set of measures, such as the establishment and maintenance of, and participation in, crop-based thematic groups on utilization of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, all types of partnership in research and development and in commercial joint ventures relating to the material received, human resource development, and effective access to research facilities.
(ii) Dostop do tehnologije in njen prenos državam, zlasti državam v razvoju in državam z gospodarstvom v prehodu, se zagotovita s pomočjo vrste ukrepov, kot so: ustanavljanje in ohranjanje tematskih skupin o uporabi rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo, oblikovanih glede na vrsto gojenih rastlin, ter sodelovanje v teh skupinah, vse vrste partnerstev za raziskave in razvoj, skupna podjetja v pridobitne namene v zvezi s prejetim materialom, razvoj človeških virov in učinkovit dostop do raziskovalnih zmogljivosti.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
Recognizing that the rolling Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture is important to this Treaty, Contracting Parties should promote its effective implementation, including through national actions and, as appropriate, international cooperation to provide a coherent framework, inter alia, for capacity-building, technology transfer and exchange of information, taking into account the provisions of Article 13.
Ob spoznanju, da je veljavni Svetovni akcijski načrt za ohranjanje in trajnostno rabo rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo pomemben za to pogodbo, morajo pogodbenice z notranjimi ukrepi v državah, in če je to primerno, z mednarodnim sodelovanjem spodbujati njegovo učinkovito izvajanje, da bi ob upoštevanju določb 13. člena med drugim zagotovile skladen okvir za vzpostavljanje zmogljivosti, prenos tehnologije in izmenjavo podatkov.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
13.2 The Contracting Parties agree that benefits arising from the use, including commercial, of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture under the Multilateral System shall be shared fairly and equitably through the following mechanisms: the exchange of information, access to and transfer of technology, capacity-building, and the sharing of the benefits arising from commercialization, taking into account the priority activity areas in the rolling Global Plan of Action, under the guidance of the Governing Body:
13.2 Pogodbenice se strinjajo, da se koristi, ki izhajajo iz uporabe rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo v okviru večstranskega sistema, tudi v pridobitne namene, uporabijo pravično in enakopravno v skladu z izmenjavo podatkov, dostopom do tehnologije in njenim prenosom, vzpostavljanjem zmogljivosti ter uporabo koristi, ki izhajajo iz pridobitnih dejavnosti na podlagi usmeritev upravnega organa in ob upoštevanju prednostnih področij delovanja v veljavnem svetovnem delovnem načrtu.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
(ii) The Contracting Parties agree that the standard Material Transfer Agreement referred to in Article 12.4 shall include a requirement that a recipient who commercializes a product that is a plant genetic resource for food and agriculture and that incorporates material accessed from the Multilateral System, shall pay to the mechanism referred to in Article 19.3f, an equitable share of the benefits arising from the commercialization of that product, except whenever such a product is available without restriction to others for further research and breeding, in which case the recipient who commercializes shall be encouraged to make such payment.
(ii) Pogodbenice se strinjajo, da se v tipski sporazum o prenosu materiala iz četrtega odstavka 12. člena vključi zahteva, da prejemnik, ki trži izdelek, ki je rastlinski genski vir za prehrano in kmetijstvo in vsebuje material, do katerega je imel prejemnik dostop v večstranskem sistemu, plača na način iz točke f tretjega odstavka 19. člena ustrezen delež koristi, ki izhajajo iz trgovanja s tem izdelkom, razen kadar je tak izdelek neomejeno na voljo drugim osebam za nadaljnje raziskovanje in žlahtnjenje; v tem primeru je treba spodbuditi prejemnika, ki trguje s takim izdelkom, da izvede omenjeno plačilo.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
Recognizing that some technologies can only be transferred through genetic material, the Contracting Parties shall provide and/or facilitate access to such technologies and genetic material which is under the Multilateral System and to improved varieties and genetic material developed through the use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture under the Multilateral System, in conformity with the provisions of Article 12. Access to these technologies, improved varieties and genetic material shall be provided and/or facilitated, while respecting applicable property rights and access laws, and in accordance with national capabilities.
Ob spoznanju, da se nekatere tehnologije lahko prenašajo samo s pomočjo genskega materiala, pogodbenice v skladu z določbami 12. člena zagotovijo in/ali olajšajo dostop do tehnologij in genskega materiala, vključenih v večstranski sistem, ter do izboljšanih sort in genskega materiala, razvitega z uporabo rastlinskih genskih virov za prehrano in kmetijstvo iz večstranskega sistema. Dostop do teh tehnologij, izboljšanih sort in genskega materiala se zagotovi in/ali olajša ob upoštevanju veljavnih lastninskih pravic in zakonodaje o takem dostopu ter v skladu z zmogljivostmi posameznih držav.
8 Pravna redakcija
The fish transferred shall be used to supply the market with a view to enhancing food security.
Prenesene ribe se uporabijo za oskrbo trga z namenom povečane varnosti preskrbe s hrano.
9 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Article 2 of Directive 76/893/EEC provides that materials and articles must not transfer their constituents to foodstuffs in quantities which could endanger human health;
ker člen 2 Direktive 76/893/EGS določa, da sestavine materialov in izdelkov ne smejo prehajati v živila v količini, ki lahko ogrozi zdravje ljudi;
10 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Article 2 of Directive 76/893/EEC laid down inter alia that materials and articles must not transfer their constituents to foodstuffs in quantities which could endanger human health or bring about an unacceptable change in the composition of the foodstuffs;
ker člen 2 Direktive 76/893/EGS med drugim določa, da sestavine materiala in izdelkov ne smejo prehajati v živila v količinah, ki bi lahko ogrožale zdravje človeka ali povzročale nesprejemljivo spremembo v sestavi živil;
11 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Article 2 of Directive 89/109/EEC lays down that materials and articles, in their finished state, must not transfer their constituents to foodstuffs in quantities which could endanger human health or bring about an unacceptable change in the composition of the foodstuffs;
ker člen 2 Direktive 89/109/EGS predpisuje, da sestavine materiala in izdelkov v končni obliki ne smejo prehajati na živila v taki količini, ki bi ogrožala človekovo zdravje ali povzročila nesprejemljivo spremembo v sestavi živil;
12 Pravna redakcija
In such circumstances, any substances for which specific migration limits need to be established in order to prevent their being transferred to foodstuffs in quantities likely to constitute a danger to health shall be identified.
V takih okoliščinah je treba opredeliti vse snovi, ki jim je treba določiti specifično mejo prehajanja, da bi preprečili njihovo prehajanje v živila v količinah, ki bi bile lahko nevarne za zdravje.
13 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Article 2 of Directive 89/109/EEC lays down that materials and articles, in their finished state, must not transfer their constituents to foodstuffs in quantities which could endanger human health;
ker člen 2 Direktive 89/109/EGS določa, da materiali in izdelki v končnem stanju ne smejo prenašati svojih sestavin na živila v količinah, ki bi lahko ogrožale človekovo zdravje;
14 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the principle underlying this Directive should be that any material or article intended to come into contact or which is intentionally in contact either directly or indirectly with foodstuffs, must be sufficiently stable not to transfer substances to the foodstuffs in quantities which could endanger human health or bring about an unacceptable change in the composition of the foodstuffs or a deterioration in the organoleptic properties thereof;
ker naj bi bilo načelo, ki je osnova te direktive, da morajo biti vsi materiali in izdelki, namenjeni stiku ali so neposredno ali posredno v stiku z živili, primerno obstojni, da ne prenašajo snovi na živila v količinah, ki bi lahko ogrožale zdravje ljudi ali povzročale nesprejemljivo spremembo v sestavi živil ali poslabšanje njihovih organoleptičnih lastnosti;
15 Pravna redakcija
Materials and articles must be manufactured in compliance with good manufacturing practice so that, under their normal or foreseeable conditions of use, they do not transfer their constituents to foodstuffs in quantities which could:
Izdelki in snovi morajo biti izdelani v skladu z dobro proizvodno prakso, tako da v normalnih ali predvidljivih okoliščinah uporabe njihove sestavine ne prehajajo v živila v količinah, ki bi lahko:
16 Pravna redakcija
The call for tenders shall mention the option whereby an operator may submit a bid for placement on the Community market of the agricultural products or foodstuffs to be supplied and for takeover of the products from the supplying intervention agency, without transfer to the applicant Member State.
V javnem razpisu je treba navesti možnost, da lahko izvajalec predloži ponudbo za dajanje kmetijskih proizvodov ali živil na trg, ki naj bi se dobavili, na trgu Skupnosti in za odkup proizvodov od intervencijske agencije dobaviteljice, brez prenosa v državo članico prosilko.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L0142
Whereas Article 2 of Directive 76/893/EEC provides that materials and articles must not transfer any constituents to foodstuffs in quantities which could endanger human health;
ker člen 2 Direktive 76/893/EGS določa, da sestavine materialov in izdelkov ne smejo prehajati v živila v količini, ki bi lahko ogrozila zdravje ljudi;
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0210
The responsibilities of the Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) in relation to scientific advice on bovine spongiform encephalophathy and transmissible spongiform encephalopathies have been transferred to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) established by Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down the procedures in matters of food safety(3).
Odgovornosti Znanstvenega usmerjevalnega odbora glede na znanstvene nasvete o goveji spongiformni encefalopatiji in transmisivnih spongiformnih encefalopatijah so bile prenesene na Evropsko agencijo za varnost hrane (EFSA), ustanovljeno z Uredbo (ES) št. 178/2002 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 28. januarja 2002 o določitvi splošnih načel in zahtevah živilske zakonodaje, ustanovitvi Evropske agencije za varnost hrane in postopkih, ki zadevajo varnost hrane.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0210
Also the responsibilities of five of the eight Scientific Committees established by Decision 97/579/EC have been transferred to EFSA namely the responsibilities of the Scientific Committee on Food, the Scientific Committee on Animal Nutrition, the Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Animal Welfare the Scientific Committee on Veterinary Measures relating to Public Health, and of the Scientific Committee on Plants.
Tudi odgovornosti petih od osmih znanstvenih odborov, ustanovljenih s Sklepom 97/579/ES, so bile prenesene na Evropsko agencijo za varnost hrane in sicer odgovornosti Znanstvenega odbora za hrano, Znanstvenega odbora za prehrano živali, Znanstvenega odbora za zdravje in dobro počutje živali in Znanstvenega odbora za veterinarske ukrepe v zvezi z javnim zdravjem ter Znanstvenega odbora za rastline.
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transfer to foods