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transfers of existing goods
1 Pravna redakcija
For the product group involved, the transfer of an existing good amounts to a reclassification among uses.
Za udeleženo skupino proizvodov pomeni transfer obstoječega blaga prerazporeditev med porabami.
2 Pravna redakcija
this includes the transfer of ownership of some durables from an enterprise to a household (see transactions in existing goods, paragraph 3. 148);
vključen je tudi prenos lastništva nekaterih vrst trajnega potrošnega blaga s podjetja na gospodinjstvo (glej transakcije z obstoječim blagom, odstavek 3.148);
3 Pravna redakcija
The transfer of existing goods is recorded in the use table as a negative expenditure for the seller and a positive expenditure for the purchaser.
Transferji obstoječega blaga so v tabeli porabe prikazani kot negativni izdatki za prodajalca in pozitivni izdatki za kupca.
4 Pravna redakcija
The transfer of existing goods is recorded as a negative expenditure (acquisition) for the seller and a positive expenditure (acquisition) for the purchaser.
Prenos obstoječega blaga se pri prodajalcu prikaže kot negativni izdatek (negativna pridobitev), pri kupcu pa kot pozitivni izdatek (pozitivna pridobitev).
5 Pravna redakcija
For the purposes of description and analysis, it can be useful to show for some product groups the relative size of the transfer of existing goods separately, e. g. the importance of second-hand cars or the importance of recycled paper.
Za opise in analize je morda koristno, da se za določene skupine proizvodov posebej prikažejo relativne velikosti transferjev obstoječega blaga, npr. pomen rabljenih vozil ali recikliranega papirja.
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transfers of existing goods