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transmission of information
1 Končna redakcija
Transmission of information
Pošiljanje podatkov
2 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-99
Transmission of information and evidence
Posredovanje informacij in dokazov
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1259
Transmission of information to the Commission
Prenos informacij Komisiji
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0583
Transmission of information to the Commission
Pošiljanje informacij Komisiji
5 Pravna redakcija
transmission of information resulting from the cooperation provided by this Agreement,
prenos informacij, ki so rezultat sodelovanja po tem sporazumu,
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0062
Transmission of information and reports
Posredovanje informacij in poročil
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0059
Transmission of information concerning certain ships
Prenos podatkov v zvezi z nekaterimi ladjami
8 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-129
Recording, retaining and transmission of information
Zapisovanje, ohranjanje in prenos informacij
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-21
transmission of classified information
prenos tajnih podatkov
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-80
Transmission of Classified Information
Prenos tajnih podatkov
11 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-99
»Request for mutual legal assistance« also means the transmission of information and evidence to the authority of the requesting Contracting Party.
z ` zahtevo po medsebojni pravni pomoči` se prav tako razume posredovanje podatkov in dokazov pristojnemu organu pogodbene stranke prosilke;
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-74
Such points of contacts will be available on a 24 hour basis and the ways of transmission of information will be tested for their availability and reliability.
Take točke za stike so na razpolago 24 ur dnevno in načini pošiljanja podatkov se preizkušajo, ali so razpoložljivi in zanesljivi.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
The transmission of information pursuant to paragraph 4 of this article shall be without prejudice to inquiries and criminal proceedings in the State of the competent authorities providing the information.
Pošiljanje informacij po četrtem odstavku tega člena ne posega v preiskave in kazenske postopke v državi, v kateri so pristojni organi, ki priskrbijo informacije.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-71
b. Communication and transmission of information as provided for in paragraph a. above shall take due account of the need to protect proprietary or commercially sensitive information or design information which Slovenia regards as being of particular sensitivity.
b. Pri komunikaciji in prenosu informacij, kot sta določena v zgornjem odstavku a, se upošteva potreba po varovanju lastninsko ali poslovno občutljivih informacij ali projektnih podatkov, ki jih Slovenija obravnava kot posebej občutljive.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
(b) Communication and transmission of information as provided for in paragraph (a) shall take due account of the need to protect proprietary or commercially sensitive information or design information which the State concerned regards as being of particular sensitivity.
(b) Pri komunikaciji in prenosu informacij, kot sta določena v odstavku (a), se upošteva potreba po varovanju lastninsko ali poslovno občutljivih informacij ali projektnih podatkov, ki jih država obravnava kot posebej občutljive.
16 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-99
The transmission of information and evidence obtained under this Agreement by a Contracting Party to a third State shall be subject to authorisation from the Contracting Party from which the information or evidence originated.
Pogodbenica, ki na podlagi tega sporazuma pridobljene informacije in dokaze posreduje tretji državi, mora za to predhodno pridobiti dovoljenje pogodbenice, od katere te informacije in dokazi izvirajo.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
In view of the European Atomic Energy Community's greater interest in certain sectors, the United Kingdom shall lay special emphasis on the transmission of information in the following sectors:
(3) Glede na večji interes Skupnosti na nekaterih področjih Združeno kraljestvo daje poseben poudarek posredovanju znanja z naslednjih področij:
18 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-99
The transmission of information and evidence obtained pursuant to this Agreement by a Contracting Party to another Contracting Party or to more than one Contracting Party may not be open to appeal in the Contracting Party initially requested.
Posredovanje informacij in dokazov, pridobljenih na podlagi tega sporazuma, drugi pogodbenici ali več pogodbenicam, ne sme biti predmet pritožbe pri prvotno zaprošeni pogodbenici.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-71
At the request of Slovenia or the Agency, details of the implementation of this paragraph with respect to the attended or unattended transmission of information generated by Agency containment and/or surveillance or measurement devices shall be specified in the Subsidiary Arrangements.
Na zahtevo Slovenije ali Agencije se podrobnosti o uresničevanju tega odstavka glede nadzorovanega ali nenadzorovanega prenosa informacij, ki jih oddajajo zadrževalne in/ali nadzorne oziroma merilne naprave Agencije, določijo v dopolnilnih dogovorih.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
At the request of a State, or the Agency, details of the implementation of this paragraph in that State with respect to the attended or unattended transmission of information generated by Agency containment and/or surveillance or measurement devices shall be specified in the Subsidiary Arrangements.
Na zahtevo države ali Agencije se podrobnosti o izvajanju tega odstavka glede nadzorovanega ali nenadzorovanega prenosa informacij, ki jih oddajajo zadrževalne in/ali nadzorne oziroma merilne naprave Agencije, določijo v dopolnilnih dogovorih.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-25
Where personal data are transmitted without a specific request, at the moment of transmission of information or before, the purpose for which the data were transmitted shall be indicated, and any restriction on its use, deletion or destruction, including possible access restrictions in general or specific terms.
Če so osebni podatki sporočeni brez posebne prošnje, je v trenutku prenosa informacije ali pred tem treba navesti, zakaj se podatki sporočijo, in vse morebitne omejitve glede njihove uporabe, brisanja ali uničenja, vključno z morebitnimi splošnimi ali posebnimi omejitvami, ter splošne ali posebne omejitve glede dostopa do njih.
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-71
a. Slovenia shall permit and protect free communications by the Agency for official purposes between Agency inspectors in Slovenia and Agency Headquarters and/or Regional Offices, including attended and unattended transmission of information generated by Agency containment and/or surveillance or measurement devices.
a. Slovenija dovoli in ščiti svobodne komunikacije Agencije zaradi uradnih namenov med inšpektorji Agencije v Sloveniji ter sedežem Agencije in/ali območnimi uradi, vključno z nadzorovanim in nenadzorovanim prenosom informacij, ki jih oddajajo zadrževalne in/ali nadzorne oziroma merilne naprave Agencije.
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
(a) Each State shall permit and protect free communications by the Agency for official purposes between Agency inspectors in that State and Agency Headquarters and/or Regional Offices, including attended and unattended transmission of information generated by Agency containment and/or surveillance or measurement devices.
(a) Vsaka država dovoli in ščiti svobodne komunikacije Agencije zaradi uradnih namenov med inšpektorji Agencije v zadevni državi ter sedežem Agencije in/ali območnimi uradi, vključno z nadzorovanim in nenadzorovanim prenosom informacij, ki jih oddajajo zadrževalne in/ali nadzorne oziroma merilne naprave Agencije.
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-74
The transmission and dissemination of this information shall be authorized by the organization or the company owning it.
Pošiljanje in razširjanje teh informacij mora odobriti organizacija ali podjetje, ki je njihov lastnik.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-68
The transmission of publications and other information material by or to the Organisation shall not be restricted in any way.
Pošiljanje publikacij in drugega informacijskega gradiva iz Organizacije ali njej ni omejeno na noben način.
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
(b) The transmission to the Parties of reports and other information received in accordance with the provisions of this Protocol;
b) pogodbenicam pošilja poročila in druge informacije, prejete po tem protokolu;
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-62
(b) The transmission to the Parties of reports and other information received in accordance with the provisions of this Convention; and
b) pogodbenicam pošilja poročila in druge informacije, ki jih prejme v skladu z določbami te konvencije, in
28 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-64
Received classified information from one Party to the other Party shall be used for the specified purpose only which has been determined at the time of information transmission.
Tajni podatki, ki jih pogodbenica prejme od druge pogodbenice, se smejo uporabljati samo za namen, ki je bil določen, ko so bili podatki poslani.
29 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
(b) Information regarding the decision-making procedure, including an indication of a reasonable time schedule for the transmission of comments.
b) podatke o postopku odločanja z navedbo razumnega roka za odgovor s pripombami.
30 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-80
Other means of transmission may be agreed by the Competent Security Authorities, including delivery of large consignments of Classified Information or use of protected information and communication channels.
Pristojna varnostna organa pogodbenic se lahko dogovorita tudi za drug način prenosa vključno z dostavo večjih pošiljk tajnih podatkov ali uporabo zaščitenih informacijskih in komunikacijskih poti.
31 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-30
6 If, in exceptional circumstances the information as in 2 and 3 above cannot be provided by computerized transmission, the information contained in the report of inspection referred to in Annex 3 shall be provided by telefax facilities as an alternative system of exchanging information.
6 Če v izjemnih okoliščinah podatkov iz (točk) 2 in 3 zgoraj ni mogoče oskrbeti z računalniškim prenosom, je treba podatke, vsebovane v poročilu o inšpekcijskem pregledu, navedenem v Prilogi 3, priskrbeti s telefaks zvezami kot nadomestnim sistemom za izmenjavo informacij.
32 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
an agreement is in force between Europol and the third State or third body, which contains appropriate provisions on the exchange of information, including the transmission of personal data, as well as on the confidentiality of exchanged information;
med Europolom in tretjo državo ali tretjim organom obstaja veljaven sporazum, s primernimi določbami o izmenjavi informacij, prenosu osebnih podatkov in zaupnosti izmenjanih informacij;
33 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-99
The information brought to the knowledge of the authority of the requesting Contracting Party may not be used as evidence until the transmission of the documents relating to execution has been authorised.
Informacije, dane v vednost organu pogodbenice prosilke, se ne smejo uporabljati kot dokazi, dokler ni dovoljeno posredovanje dokumentov, ki se nanašajo na obravnavo.
34 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-99
Any Contracting Party to which information or evidence is transmitted in conformity with paragraph 2 shall respect such limits as are put by the requested Contracting Party on the use of the information by the requesting Contracting Party of the first transmission.
Vsaka pogodbenica, ki se ji v skladu z odstavkom 2 posredujejo informacije in dokazi, spoštuje omejitve njihove uporabe, ki jih postavi zaprošena pogodbenica pogodbenici prosilki prvega posredovanja.
35 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-99
The information brought to the knowledge of the authority of the requesting Contracting Party may not be used as evidence until the decision on transmission of the documents relating to execution has acquired the force of res judicata.
Informacije, dane v vednost organu pogodbenice prosilke, se ne morejo uporabiti kot dokazno sredstvo, dokler odločitev o prenosu listin v zvezi z obravnavo ni pravnomočna.
36 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 9-2009
The Parties shall exchange scientific and technical information of mutual interest concerning space science, technology and applications through the transmission of technical and scientific reports and notes, consistent with their respective rules on the dissemination of information and data.
Pogodbenici si izmenjavata znanstvene in tehnične informacije v zvezi z znanostjo o vesolju, tehnologijo in uporabami, ki so v skupnem interesu, s pošiljanjem tehničnih in znanstvenih poročil in obvestil v skladu s svojimi pravili o razpošiljanju informacij in podatkov.
37 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-30
2 For that purpose the Authorities undertake to provide the 'Centre Administratif des Affaires Maritimes' (C.A.A.M.) in Saint Malo, preferably by means of computerized data transmission, with information on ships inspected in the national ports, basing themselves on the information set out in Annex 3 to the Memorandum.
2 V ta namen se oblasti obvezujejo, da bodo po možnosti z računalniškim prenosom podatkov oskrbovale ` Centre Administratif des Affaires Maritimes` (C.A.A.M.) (Upravni center za pomorske zadeve) v Saint Maloju, s podatki o ladjah, pregledanih v domačih pristaniščih, in se pri tem opirale na podatke, predpisane v Prilogi 3 k memorandumu.
38 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-2
The Parties undertake to coordinate the utilization of the means of communication at their disposal in order to ensure, with the necessary speed and reliability, the reception, transmission and dissemination of all reports and urgent information concerning pollution incidents.
Pogodbenice se zavezujejo usklajevati uporabo sredstev sporočanja, s katerimi razpolagajo, da bi s potrebno hitrostjo in zanesljivostjo zagotovile sprejetje, prenos in pošiljanje vseh poročil in nujnih informacij o onesnaženju.
39 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
5.1 The applicant must provide written consent for the transmission of all information pertaining to the application to members of the TUEC and, as required, other independent medical or scientific experts, or to all necessary staff involved in the management, review or appeal of TUEs.
5.1 Vlagatelj mora dati pisno soglasje, da se vsi podatki iz vloge predložijo članom OPTI in po potrebi drugim neodvisnim zdravstvenim strokovnjakom ali znanstvenikom ali vsemu osebju, ki sodeluje pri vodenju, reviziji ali pritožbi v zvezi s priznanjem terapevtske izjeme.
40 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-74
In order to define in detail the content of the information to be provided under Articles 1 and 2, the Parties will assign members to a joint expert group, which will provide a common identification of the set of specific data to be transmitted to the other Party and the method of transmission.
Za podrobnejšo opredelitev vsebine izmenjanih informacij po 1. in 2. členu pogodbenika imenujeta člane skupne strokovne skupine, ki skupaj določi, kateri posebni podatki se pošiljajo drugemu pogodbeniku in način pošiljanja teh podatkov.
41 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-84
4) However, any Party may, at any time, by means of a declaration addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, declare that it reserves the right not to be bound by the conditions imposed by the Party providing the information under paragraph 2 above, unless it receives prior notice of the nature of the information to be provided and agrees to its transmission.
4) Pogodbenica lahko kadar koli z izjavo, naslovljeno na generalnega sekretarja Sveta Evrope, izjavi, da si pridržuje pravico, da je pogoji, ki jih je postavila pogodbenica, ki zagotovi podatke v skladu 2. členom, ne zavezujejo, razen če ne prejme predhodnega obvestila o naravi morebitno zagotovljenega podatka in soglaša z njegovim pošiljanjem.
42 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-84
2.2 The SECI Center shall use the ICPO-INTERPOL and World Customs Organization standard procedures and technical system for the transmission, storage, search, retrieval and analysis of agreed categories of information related to trans-border crime as agreed by the Joint Cooperation Committee.
2.2 Center SECI uporablja standardne postopke in tehnične sisteme Mednarodne organizacije kriminalističnih policij - Interpola in Svetovne carinske organizacije za prenos, shranjevanje, iskanje, ponovno pridobivanje in analizo dogovorjenih vrst informacij, ki so povezane s čezmejnim kriminalom, kot se je dogovoril Skupni odbor za sodelovanje.
43 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-73
The Contracting Government shall ensure prompt transmission to the International Bureau for Whaling Statistics at Sandefjord in place country-regionNorway, or to such other body as the Commission may designate, of notifications and statistical and other information required by this Convention in such form and manner as may be prescribed by the Commission.
Vlade pogodbenice zagotovijo, da se Mednarodnemu uradu za kitolovno statistiko v Sandefjordu na Norveškem ali drugemu organu, ki ga določi komisija, čim prej pošljejo uradna obvestila ter statistični in drugi podatki, ki jih zahteva konvencija, v obliki in na način, ki ga določi komisija.
44 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-57
Each Party shall examine the legal measures to avoid the right of the public to information being undermined due to the exercise by a broadcaster of exclusive rights for the transmission or retransmission, within the meaning of Article 3, of an event of high public interest and which has the effect of depriving a large part of the public in one or more other Parties of the opportunity to follow that event on television.
Vsaka pogodbenica prouči pravne ukrepe za preprečitev izpodkopavanja pravice javnosti do obveščenosti o dogodku, za katerega se javnost zelo zanima, zaradi uresničevanja izključnih pravic kakega izdajatelja televizijskega programa do prenašanja in posredovanja v smislu 3. člena, zaradi česar bi bil velik del javnosti ene ali več drugih pogodbenic prikrajšan za možnost spremljanja takšnega dogodka po televiziji.
45 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-57
Each Party shall examine and, where necessary, take legal measures such as introducing the right to short reporting on events of high interest for the public to avoid the right of the public to information being undermined due to the exercise by a broadcaster within its jurisdiction of exclusive rights for the transmission or retransmission, within the meaning of Article 3, of such an event.“
Vsaka pogodbenica prouči in po potrebi sprejme pravne ukrepe, kot je uvedba pravice do kratkega poročanja o dogodkih, za katere se javnost zelo zanima, da prepreči izpodkopavanje pravice javnosti do obveščenosti o takem dogodku zaradi uresničevanja izključnih pravic kakega izdajatelja televizijskega programa pod njeno jurisdikcijo do prenašanja ali posredovanja v smislu 3. člena.”
46 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-94
The term »royalties« as used in this Article means payments of any kind received as a consideration for the use of, or the right to use, any copyright of literary, artistic or scientific work (including motion pictures or films, recordings on tape or other media used for radio or television broadcasting or other means of reproduction or transmission), any patent, trade mark, design or model, plan, secret formula or process, or for information concerning industrial, commercial or scientific experience.
Izraz »licenčnine in avtorski honorarji«, kot je uporabljen v tem členu, pomeni plačila vsake vrste, prejeta kot povračilo za uporabo ali pravico do uporabe kakršnih koli avtorskih pravic za literarno, umetniško ali znanstveno delo (vključno s kinematografskimi filmi ali filmi, posnetki na trakovih ali drugih medijih za radijsko ali televizijsko predvajanje ali drugimi sredstvi za reprodukcijo ali prenos), katerega koli patenta, blagovne znamke, vzorca ali modela, načrta, tajne formule ali postopka ali za informacije o industrijskih, komercialnih ali znanstvenih izkušnjah.
47 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
(1) A fine of not less than 1,000,000 tolars shall be imposed on an individual who commits an offence in connection with the independent performance of a professional activity, and no less than a fine of 3,000,000 tolars on a legal person 1. for not conducting business with consumers in the Slovene language or for not using their full registered company name and address in written communications to consumers, or for not using at least their abridged registered company name and address in written communications which are not intended for a particular individual consumer (first and second paragraphs of Article 2) 2. for not allowing, as a provider of information society services, for a simple direct and constant access to the data referred to in the third paragraph of Article 2 (third paragraph of Article 2) 3. for advertising goods or services in a manner which is in contrast with the law, indecent or misleading, or for not advertising goods or services in the Slovene language (Articles 12, 12a and 12b) 4. for advertising goods or services through a means of comparative advertising which is contrary to provisions of this Act (Article 12c) 5. if the advertising of goods or services includes elements which cause or which could cause physical, mental or other harm to children, or elements which exploit or which could exploit their trusting nature or inexperience (Article 15) 6. for advertising messages which are part of or present a service of an information society and are not in accordance with Article 15a (Article 15a) 7. for failing to issue to the consumer, upon the conclusion of a contract for goods referred to in Article 15b, a warranty certificate, technical instructions and a list of authorised service agents, or if these documents are not entirely in the Slovene language and easily understandable (first and third paragraphs of Article 16) 8. for failing to provide repair and maintenance of a product for the period covered by a warranty or for its extended period, free of charge, and after that period for a charge, by providing this service itself or through an authorised representative (fourth paragraph of Article 16) 9. for failing to provide maintenance, replacement parts and attachable components also after the expiry of the warranty period (fifth paragraph of Article 16) 10.for failing, as a seller of residential or business property, to hand over to a purchaser, a warranty for all of the built-in products referred to in Article 15b, no later than at the handing over of the title of ownership of the property (eighth paragraph of Article 16) 11.for failing to include all the data referred to in the first paragraph of Article 18 of this Act in a warranty certificate 12.for acting as the producer in contrast with the first paragraph of Article 20 13.for not selling goods or providing services to consumers under equal conditions (second paragraph of Article 25) 14.if the highest percentage reduction on the price of goods offered in a clearance sale, declared as a percentage range, does not account for at least one-quarter of the value of all goods offered in the clearance sale (third paragraph of Article 28) 15.for failing to provide instructions for use in line with Article 33 of this Act for goods which, for their correct use require a certain procedure or which, if used incorrectly, could cause damage to the user or to others, or could pollute the environment 16.for failing, in the final computation, to calculate and pay to the consumer interest on the prepayment of goods or services at the interest rate applied by banks to deposits fixed for over three months (Article 41) 17.for failing to deliver goods in perfect condition, in the agreed quantity and at the agreed time with all the accompanying documentation, when delivery to the consumer's home or elsewhere has been arranged (first paragraph of Article 42) 18.for leaving goods at the door of the consumer's home in the case of home delivery (second paragraph of Article 42) 19.for failing with regard to a distance contract to provide the consumer with the data referred to in Article 43b of this Act on a relevant permanent data carrier within the prescribed times (Article 43c) 20.for not confirming, as a provider of information society services, orders in electronic format, other than exceptions stipulated by the law, or for not submitting the provisions of the contract in a form which will assure its preservation for later use (third paragraph of Article 43b) 21.for failing to return, in due time, all the payments made in the case where a consumer cancels a contract concluded at a distance or away from premises (first paragraph of Article 43d and fifth paragraph of Article 46c) 22.for using a call system without the mediation of an individual, facsimile transmission machine or electronic mail without prior consent from the consumer, to whom a message was addressed (first paragraph of Article 45a) 23.for sending messages to consumers with the intention of concluding a contract to supply goods or services, regardless of a consumer's declaration that he/she no longer wish to receive such mail (third paragraph of Article 45a) 24.for failing with regard to a contract negotiated away from the business premises to hand over to the consumer, in the prescribed period of time, a written notice containing at least the registered company name and address, the type and price of the goods and the rights of the consumer under the provisions of Article 46c of this Act, as well as place and date (Article 46b) 25.if the price for the delivery of energy or water to a consumer is not calculated according to the actual delivery, or if the measurement of the actual delivery of energy or water is not carried out in the prescribed manner (Article 48) 26.for failing to allow for the premature settlement of the outstanding balance of the purchase price, exclusive of contractual interest while buying on hire purchase (Article 51) 27.for not returning already paid instalments while buying on hire purchase with the legally prescribed belated interest due from the date of receipt of payment, as well as the unavoidable costs incurred for the goods (Article 54) 28.if a company organising group excursions and travel has failed to insure the travellers adequately (Article 58) 29.if a timeshare contract for tourist facilities is not made in writing (Article 60a) 30.if the contract does not include the prescribed data (Article 60b).
pogodba ne vsebuje predpisanih podatkov (60.b člen).
48 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
Information content and means of transmission
Vsebina in načini pošiljanja informacij
Prevodi: en > sl
transmission of information