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treatment residue
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-66
(e) Treatment of residuals from the cleaning process.
(e) obdelava ostankov pri postopku čiščenja.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-66
The treatment of residuals from the flue-gas cleaning process.
Obdelava ostankov iz postopkov čiščenja dimnih plinov.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-66
(e) Treatment of residuals, wastes and sewage sludge by, for example, thermal treatment or rendering them inert.
(e) obdelava ostankov, odpadkov in blata iz čistilnih naprav, na primer s toplotno obdelavo ali tako, da postanejo inertni;
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-32
(ii) Treatment of residuals, wastewater, wastes and sewage sludge by, for example, thermal treatment or rendering them inert or chemical processes that detoxify them;
(ii) obdelava preostankov, odpadne vode, odpadkov in odpadnega blata s postopki, kot je na primer termična obdelava, ali postopki, pri katerih ti postanejo inertni, ali s kemičnimi procesi, ki jih razstrupljajo;
5 Objavljeno
radical radiation with curative intent for early stage disease, adjuvant mediastinal irradiation for completely resected tumors, radiation for known residual disease after surgical resection, preoperative radiation, prophylactic cranial radiation, radiation of locally advanced unresectable tumors, combination treatment with radiation and chemotherapy, and radiation with palliative intent in patients with metastases.
radikalno obsevanje zgodnjih stadijev z namenom ozdravitve, podporno obsevanje mediastina po kompletni resekciji, obsevanje ostanka tumorja po operaciji, preoperativno obsevanje, profilaktično obsevanje glave, obsevanje lokalno napredovalih neoperabilnih tumorjev, kombinirano zdravljenje z obsevanjem in kemoterapijo ter paliativno obsevanje bolnikov z metastazami.
6 Končna redakcija
Residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes
Ostanki, dobljeni pri predelavi maščob ali voskov živalskega ali rastlinskega izvora
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
the residue accumulating in vessels containing grape must during storage or after authorised treatment;
ostanki v posodah z vinskim moštom med shranjevanjem ali odobreno obdelavo;
8 Končna redakcija
Examine the residue(s) microscopically to check that the treatment has in fact completely removed the soluble fibre(s).
Z mikroskopom preglejte ostanek(ostanke), da preverite, ali je obdelava dejansko popolnoma odstranila topno(a) vlakno(a).
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
Wine lees: the residue accumulating in vessels containing wine after fermentation, during storage or after authorised treatment and the residue obtained from filtering or centrifuging this product.
Vinska usedlina: usedline, ki ostanejo v posodi z vinom po vrenju, med skladiščenjem ali po odobreni obdelavi, in ostanki po filtriranju ali centrifugiranju tega proizvoda.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0865
Other residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes, excluding those containing oil having the characteristics of olive oil»
Drugi ostanki predelave maščob ali živalskih voskov razen tistih, ki vsebujejo olja z značilnostmi oljčnega olja"
11 Končna redakcija
Then transfer the residue quantitatively to a beaker (4.1) and continue the analysis as shown in the second paragraph of 5 (treatment with potassium hydroxide solution).
Nato se ostanek količinsko premesti v čašo (4.1) in analiza se nadaljuje, kakor je prikazano v drugem odstavku v 5 (obdelava z raztopino kalijevega hidroksida).
12 Končna redakcija
The term "stress relieving" relates to the heat treatment to which a completed cylinder is subjected, during which the cylinder is heated to a temperature below the steel's lowest critical point (Acl) in order to reduce the residual stresses.
Pojem "popuščanje napetosti" označuje toplotno obdelavo izgotovljene jeklenke, pri kateri jeklenko segrejemo na temperaturo, nižjo od spodnje transformacijske točke (Ac1) jekla, da bi zmanjšali preostale napetosti.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0067
they are temporarily immersed in storage ponds or purification centres which are specially equipped and approved for that purpose by the competent authority and include in particular a system for the treatment and disinfection of residual water.
živi mehkužci se začasno vložijo v bazene za shranjevanje ali v čistilne centre, ki so posebej opremljeni in jih je v ta namen odobril pristojni organ, in ki vključujejo zlasti sistem za obdelavo in razkuževanje odpadnih voda.
14 Končna redakcija
The main reason for complex spatial distribution of roasting tailings in Idrija and surroundings are changes in combustion technology over centuries, continuous growth of quantities of processed ore accompanied by decreasing Hg content and various method of further treatment of ore residues (Čar, 1998).
Osnovni vzrok za veliko razširjenost in zapleteno prostorsko razporeditev žgalniških ostankov v Idriji in njeni okolici je v načinu žganja rude v preteklosti in uporabi žgalniških ostankov v gradbene namene v povojnem obdobju (Čar, 1998).
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0857
complete system of animal identification; implement quality control system (hazard analysis critical control point), animal waste treatment, residue and zoonosis control programmes, complete inspection systems on future external borders.
dokončanje sistema identifikacije živali; izvajanje sistema nadzora kakovosti (analiza nevarnosti in kritičnih kontrolnih točk), ravnanja z živalskimi odpadki, programov za nadzor nad ostanki in zoonozami, dokončanje sistemov inšpekcij na prihodnjih zunanjih mejah.
16 Pravna redakcija
Any treatment used shall not result in any detectable residues in the ratite meat.
Uporabljeni postopek nima za posledico nikakršnih ugotovljivih ostankov v mesu ratitov.
17 Pravna redakcija
Waste tarry residues arising from refining, distillation and any pyrolytic treatment.
Odpadni ostanki katrana, nastali pri rafiniranju, destilaciji in pirolitski obdelavi
18 Pravna redakcija
free from visible or invisible residues of treatment products that are toxic to humans;
brez vidnih ali nevidnih ostankov proizvodov, ki se uporabljajo pri obdelavi in so toksični za ljudi;
19 Pravna redakcija
residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes:
ostanki, dobljeni pri predelavi maščobnih substanc ali voskov živalskega ali rastlinskega izvora:
20 Pravna redakcija
Degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable
Degras; ostanki, ki nastanejo pri predelavi maščob in voskov živalskega ter rastlinskega
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22001D0140
residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes 2
ostanki, dobljeni pri predelavi maščobnih substanc ali živalskih ali rastlinskih voskov 2
22 Pravna redakcija
Degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable fats
Degras; ostanki, dobljeni pri predelavi mašlobnih substanc ali živalskih ali rastlinskih voskov
23 Pravna redakcija
Degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes
Degras; ostanki, ki nastanejo pri predelavi maščob in voskov živalskega ter rastlinskega izvora
24 Pravna redakcija
Degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes:
Degras; ostanki, dobljeni pri predelavi maščobnih substanc ali živalskih ali rastlinskih voskov:
25 Pravna redakcija
recycling, treatment, storage, loading, unloading and depositing of waste and residual materials:
recikliranje, obdelava, skladiščenje, natovarjanje, raztovarjanje in odlaganje odpadkov ter odpadnih snovi:
26 Pravna redakcija
A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treatment of a solvent-refined residue with hydrogen.
Kompleksna kombinacija ogljikovodikov pridobljenih z obdelavo ostanka, (rafiniranega s topilom) z vodikom.
27 Pravna redakcija
Residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes, excluding degras
Ostanki predelave maščob ali živalskih in rastlinskih voskov, razen degrasa
28 Pravna redakcija
A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by solvent treatment of the residue of hydrocracked petroleum.
Kompleksna kombinacija ogljikovodikov pridobljena z obdelovanjem ostanka hidrokrekirane nafte s topilom.
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2174
(c) are subjected to a secondary treatment involving sorting or other physical treatment and that after this treatment the maximum limits laid down in points and of Annex I are not exceeded, and this treatment does not result in other harmful residues;
(c) so predmet nadaljnje obdelave s pomočjo sortiranja ali drugih mehanskih postopkov in da po tej obdelavi niso presežene mejne vrednosti, določene v točkah in Priloge I, ter da zaradi te obdelave ne nastajajo drugi škodljivi ostanki;
30 Pravna redakcija
are subjected to a secondary treatment involving sorting or other physical treatments and that after this treatment the maximum limits laid down in points and of Annex I are not exceeded, and this treatment does not result in other harmful residues,
so namenjeni nadaljnji obdelavi, ki vključuje sortiranje ali druge mehanske obdelave in da po tej obdelavi zgornje mejne vrednosti iz točk in Priloge I niso presežene, ter da ta obdelava nima za posledico nastanka drugih škodljivih ostankov,
31 Pravna redakcija
A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as a complex solid black product by the separation of petroleum residues by means of a special treatment of a light hydrocarbon cut.
Kompleksna kombinacija ogljikovodikov pridobljenih kot kompleksen trden, črn produkt z ločevanjem naftnih ostankov s pomočjo posebne obdelave lahke frakcije ogljikovodikov.
32 Pravna redakcija
A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treatment of solvent-dewaxed petroleum residual oils with bleaching earth for the removal of trace polar constituents and impurities.
Kompleksna kombinacija ogljikovodikov dobljenih pri obdelavi s topilom razvoščenih naftnih ostankov olja z belilno zemljo za odstranitev sledov polarnih sestavin in nečistot.
33 Pravna redakcija
A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the treatment of solvent-dewaxed petroleum residual oils with activated charcoal for the removal of trace polar constituents and impurities.
Kompleksna kombinacija ogljikovodikov dobljenih pri obdelavi s topilom razvoščenih petrolejskih ostankov destilacije z aktivnim ogljem za odstranitev sledov polarnih sestavin iin nečistot.
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
(a) residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances containing oil having an iodine index, determined in accordance with the method laid down in Annex XVI, lower than 70 or higher than 100;
tropin po obdelavi olje vsebujočih snovi z jodnim številom, določenim v skladu z metodo iz Priloge XVI, ki je nižje od 70 ali višje od 100;
35 Pravna redakcija
A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as first runnings from the vacuum distillation of effluents from the treatment of a solvent-deasphalted short residue with hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst.
Kompleksna kombinacija ogljikovodikov dobljena kot prvi iztok vakumske destilacije iztoka pri obdelavi s topilom deasfaltiranih kratkih ostankov z vodikom ob prisotnosti katalizatorja.
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2065
Herbs, spices, twigs of juniper and twigs, needles and cones of picea may be added if they are free of residues of intentional or unintentional chemical treatment or if they comply with more specific Community legislation.
Zelišča, dišave, brinove vejice ter smrekove vejice, iglice in storži se smejo dodajati, če ne vsebujejo ostankov predhodne namerne ali nenamerne kemične obdelave, oziroma, če so skladni s posebno zakonodajo Skupnosti.
37 Pravna redakcija
A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by treatment of a residual oil with a natural or modified clay in either a contacting or percolation process to remove the trace amounts of polar compounds and impurities present.
Kompleksna kombinacija ogljikovodikov dobljena z obdelavo ostankov destilacije nafte z naravno ali modificirano glino v direktnem postopku ali s postopkom precejanja, da odstranimo sledove polarnih spojin in nečistoč, ki so prisotni.
38 Pravna redakcija
For the purposes of this Chapter, 'residues' means any liquid or solid material generated by the incineration or co-incineration process, the waste-water treatment or other processes within the incineration or co-incineration plant.
V tem poglavju "ostanki škodljivih snovi" pomeni vsakršno tekočo ali trdno snov, ki nastane iz procesa sežiga ali sosežiga, čiščenja odpadnih voda ali drugih postopkov znotraj sežigalnice ali sosežigalnice.
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31984L0527
The term 'stress relieving' relates to the heat treatment to which a completed cylinder is subjected, during which the cylinder is heated to a temperature below the steel's lowest critical point (Acl) in order to reduce the residual stresses.
Pojem "popuščanje napetosti" označuje toplotno obdelavo izgotovljene jeklenke, pri kateri jeklenko segrejemo na temperaturo, nižjo od spodnje transformacijske točke (Ac1) jekla, da bi zmanjšali preostale napetosti.
40 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0852
- complete system of animal identification; implement quality control system (hazard analysis critical control point), animal waste treatment, modernise meat and dairy plants residue and zoonosis control programmes; complete inspection systems on future external borders.
- dokončanje sistema identifikacije živali; izvajanje sistema nadzora kakovosti (analiza nevarnosti in kritičnih nadzornih točk), ravnanja z živalskimi odpadki, posodobitev programov za nadzor nad ostanki tovarn mesa in mlečnih izdelkov ter zoonozami; dokončanje sistemov inšpekcij na prihodnjih zunanjih mejah.
41 Pravna redakcija
Please quote any specific conditions which have been deemed necessary for the protection of human health and the environment in accordance with the first indent of Article 3 (2), when using sludge residues from septic tanks and other similar installations for the treatment of waste water for agricultural purposes.
Navedite vse posebne pogoje, ki so bili ocenjeni kot nujni za zaščito zdravja ljudi in okolja skladno s prvo alineo člena 3 (2), pri uporabi ostankov blata iz greznic in drugih podobnih naprav za čiščenje odpadnih voda za kmetijske namene.
42 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1831
(h) "processing aids" means any substance not consumed as a feedingstuff by itself, intentionally used in the processing of feedingstuffs or feed materials to fulfil a technological purpose during treatment or processing which may result in the unintentional but technologically unavoidable presence of residues of the substance or its derivatives in the final product, provided that these residues do not have an adverse effect on animal health, human health or the environment and do not have any technological effects on the finished feed;
(h) "pomožna tehnološka sredstva" pomenijo kakršne koli snovi, ki niso zaužite kot krma sama po sebi in se namenoma uporabljajo pri predelavi krme ali posamičnih krmil, da služijo tehnološkemu namenu med obdelavo ali predelavo, ki lahko povzroči nenamensko, vendar neizogibno prisotnost ostankov snovi ali njenih derivatov v končnem proizvodu, pod pogojem, da ti ostanki ne škodijo zdravju ljudi in živali ali okolju in da nimajo nobenih tehnoloških vplivov na končno krmo;
43 Pravna redakcija
For the purpose of this Directive, 'processing aid' means any substance not consumed as a food ingredient by itself, intentionally used in the processing of raw materials, foods or their ingredients, to fulfil a certain technological purpose during treatment or processing and which may result in the unintentional but technically unavoidable presence of residues of the substance or its derivatives in the final product, provided that these residues do not present any health risk and do not have any technological effect on the finished product.
V tej direktivi "pomeni pomožno sredstvo v predelavi" vsako snov, ki se kot sestavina živila ne uživa sama in se namenoma uporablja v predelavi surovin, živil ali njihovih sestavin za nekatere tehnološke namene med obdelavo ali predelavo in lahko povzroči nenamerno, vendar tehnično neizogibno prisotnost ostankov snovi ali njenih derivatov v končnem izdelku, pod pogojem, da ti ostanki niso nevarni za zdravje ljudi in nimajo nobenega tehnološkega učinka na končni izdelek.
44 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
(b) residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances containing oil having an iodine index not lower than 70 or higher than 100, of which the peak area representing the retention volume of -sitosterol, determined in accordance with the Annex to the Regulation mentioned in additional Note 4 below, is less than 93 % of the total sterol peak areas.`
tropin po obdelavi olje vsebujočih snovi z jodnim številom, ki je nižje od 70 ali višje od 100, pri katerih je površina vrha za (ß)-sitosterol, določena v skladu s Prilogo Uredbe, ki je omenjena v dodatni Opombi 4, manj kot 93% površin vrhov preostalih sterolov.
45 Pravna redakcija
come from (an) establishments) having an individual facility for water treatment by chlorination, providing the supply of drinking water within the meaning of Directive EEC, and the owner of which is requested to carry out a daily check of the residual chlorine level, and to have carried out, in an official laboratory of the Ministry of Health, monthly checks in respect of the microbiological parameters;
prihajajo iz obrata(ov)) z individualnim(i) obratom(i) za kloriranje vode, ki zagotavlja(jo) oskrbo s pitno vodo v smislu Direktive EGS, in lastnik obrata(ov) mora izvajati dnevne preglede ravni ostanka klora in je moral izvajati, v uradnem laboratoriju Ministrstva za zdravje, mesečne preglede v skladu z mikrobiološkimi parametri;
46 Pravna redakcija
Taking into account the identified potential adverse effects to human health from the administration of these hormones to farm animals for any purpose and after consideration of the current need to continue to make available on the Community market these substances that are currently used for therapeutic or zootechnical treatment of farm animals and, taking into account the strict conditions under which Directive 96/22/EC authorises the use of these substances for therapeutic of zootechnical purposes, it is appropriate to proceed with the consideration of the substances and tissues under Regulation (EEC) No 2377/90 for the purpose of setting up maximum residue limits.
Ob upoštevanju prepoznanih potencialnih škodljivih učinkov na zdravje ljudi zaradi dajanja teh hormonov domačim živalim v katere koli namene in po preučitvi trenutnih potreb za nadaljnjo ponudbo na trgu Skupnosti teh snovi, ki se trenutno uporabljajo za terapevtsko in zootehniško zdravljenje domačih živali, in ob upoštevanju zaostrenih pogojev, pod katerimi Direktiva 96/22/ES dovoljuje uporabo teh snovi za terapevtske ali zootehniške namene, je ustrezno še dalje razmišljati o snoveh in tkivih iz Uredbe (EGS) št. 2377/90 za namene določanja najvišjih dovoljenih količin zaostankov.
47 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0031
(7) The report on beta-cyfluthrin and on cyfluthrin and further information concerning both substances were also submitted to the Scientific Committee on Plants for separate consultations. The Committee was asked to comment on the appropriate dietary risk assessment to be used and to confirm that the available ecotoxicological data supports uses only in glasshouses and for seed treatment. In its opinions, the Committee suggested that in addition to a long-term dietary intake risk assessment, as routinely carried out for plant protection products, beta-cyfluthrin and cyfluthrin should also undergo a short-term acute dietary risk assessment to evaluate their potential neurotoxicity properties. The Committee confirmed that uses as seed dressing and in greenhouses (except where beneficial arthropods are used) can be considered safe for non-target terrestrial and aquatic organisms, due to the specific circumstances of these applications and the immobility of beta-cyfluthrin and cyfluthrin in soil. The Committee furthermore supports the conclusions reached during the evaluation by the Member States that field spray applications of beta-cyfluthrin and cyfluthrin have not shown to be sufficiently safe under the criteria required by Annex VI to Directive 91/414/EEC. Following the opinion of the Scientific Committee on Plants the short term dietary risk assessment was subsequently provided and discussed with the Member States. It was concluded that the short-term intake of residues is not likely to exceed acceptable limits.
(7) Znanstvenemu odboru za rastline so bili za ločena posvetovanja predloženi tudi poročilo o beta-ciflutrinu ter ciflutrinu in nadaljnje informacije o obeh snoveh. Od Odbora se je zahtevalo, da izrazi svoje mnenje o primerni oceni tveganja zastrupitve pri vnosu s hrano, ki se bo uporabljala, in potrdi, da razpoložljivi toksikološki podatki podpirajo uporabo le v rastlinjakih in za obdelavo semen. Odbor je v svojih mnenjih fn fn predlagal, da je treba poleg ocene dolgoročnega tveganja zastrupitve pri vnosu s hrano, ki se za fitofarmacevtska sredstva izvaja rutinsko, pri beta-ciflutrinu in ciflutrinu opraviti tudi oceno kratkoročnega tveganja zastrupitve pri vnosu s hrano, da se ocenijo njune morebitne nevrotoksične lastnosti. Odbor je potrdil, da se uporabe, kot so obloge semen in uporabe v rastlinjakih (razen kadar se uporabljajo koristni členonožci), lahko obravnavajo kakor varne za neciljne kopenske in vodne organizme zaradi posebnih okoliščin teh nanosov in imobilnosti beta-ciflutrina in ciflutrina v tleh. Razen tega Odbor podpira sklepe, ki so jih države članice sprejele med ocenjevanjem, in sicer da se nanašanje beta-ciflutrina in ciflutrina s škropljenjem na polju ni pokazalo za dovolj varno glede na meril iz Priloge VI k Direktivi 91/414/EGS. Potem ko je Znanstveni odbor za rastline izrazil svoje mnenje, je predložil oceno kratkoročnega tveganja zastrupitve pri vnosu s hrano in jo obravnaval z državami članicami. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da kratkoročni vnos ostankov najverjetneje ne bo presegel sprejemljivih meja.
Prevodi: en > sl
treatment residue