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trial by the Court
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(c) The person concerned has already been tried for conduct which is the subject of the complaint, and a trial by the Court is not permitted under article 20, paragraph 3;
(c) so določeni osebi že sodili za ravnanje, na katero se obtožba nanaša, sojenje tega Sodišča pa ni dovoljeno po tretjem odstavku 20. člena;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
a. The transmission of statements, documents or other types of evidence obtained in the course of an investigation or a trial conducted by the Court; and
a. pošiljanje izjav, dokumentov ali drugih vrst dokazov, pridobljenih med preiskavo ali sojenjem, ki ga je izvedlo Sodišče, in
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-71
d) Judgments entered by the competent court under this Article after trial, or by default, shall, when they have become enforceable under the law applied by that court, become enforceable in the territory of any of the other Contracting Parties as soon as the formalities required by the Contracting Party concerned have been complied with.
d) Sodbe, ki jih po tem členu pristojno sodišče izreče po obravnavi ali zaradi izostanka, se, ko postanejo izvršljive po pravu, ki ga uporablja omenjeno sodišče, štejejo za izvršljive na ozemlju vsake druge pogodbenice, takoj ko so izpolnjene formalnosti, ki jih zahteva ta pogodbenica.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
i) Judgements entered by the competent court under this Article after trial, or by default, shall, when they have become enforceable under the law applied by that court, become enforceable in the territory of any of the other Contracting Parties as soon as the formalities required by the Contracting Party concerned have been complied with.
i) Sodbe, ki jih po tem členu pristojno sodišče izda po obravnavi, ali zamudne sodbe se, ko postanejo izvršljive po pravu, ki ga uporablja navedeno sodišče, štejejo za izvršljive na ozemlju vsake druge pogodbenice, takoj ko so izpolnjene formalnosti, ki jih zahteva ta pogodbenica.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
The admissibility of a case or the jurisdiction of the Court may be challenged only once by any person or State referred to in paragraph 2. The challenge shall take place prior to or at the commencement of the trial.
Dopustnost zadeve ali pristojnost Sodišča lahko katera koli oseba ali država, navedena v drugem odstavku, spodbija samo enkrat. Spodbijanje se uveljavlja pred sojenjem ali ob njegovem začetku.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
1 Judgments pronounced by the competent court or tribunal pursuant to the provisions of the Convention after trial or by default shall, when they have become enforceable under the law applied by that court or tribunal, become enforceable in each of the other Member States on completion of the formalities required in the State where enforcement is to take place.
Sodbe in tudi zamudne sodbe, ki jih izreče pristojno sodišče na podlagi konvencije in postanejo izvršljive v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo tega sodišča, postanejo izvršljive v vsaki od drugih držav članic po končanih uradnih postopkih, zahtevanih v državi, v kateri naj se opravi izvršba.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Where the personal interests of the victims are affected, the Court shall permit their views and concerns to be presented and considered at stages of the proceedings determined to be appropriate by the Court and in a manner which is not prejudicial to or inconsistent with the rights of the accused and a fair and impartial trial.
Če so prizadeti osebni interesi žrtev, Sodišče dovoli, da se njihova stališča in pomisleki predstavijo in obravnavajo v fazah postopka, za katere Sodišče meni, da so ustrezni, in na način, ki ne posega v pravice obtoženca ali v pošteno in nepristransko sojenje in ni v neskladju z njimi.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
If the Pre-Trial Chamber, upon examination of the request and the supporting material, considers that there is a reasonable basis to proceed with an investigation, and that the case appears to fall within the jurisdiction of the Court, it shall authorize the commencement of the investigation, without prejudice to subsequent determinations by the Court with regard to the jurisdiction and admissibility of a case.
Če predobravnavni senat po proučitvi zahteve in dokaznega gradiva meni, da obstaja utemeljena podlaga za nadaljevanje preiskave in da bi zadeva lahko spadala v pristojnost Sodišča, odobri začetek preiskave, ne da bi to vplivalo na poznejše odločitve Sodišča v zvezi s pristojnostjo in dopustnostjo zadeve.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
by amending the legislation on the organisation and working of courts, provide for appropriate judicial protection of the rights of the parties to the proceedings and for the reduction in the number of court backlogs, as well as strive for their removal and for the implementation of the right of the parties to trial within reasonable time.
s spremembo zakonodaje o organizaciji in delu sodišč poskrbela za ustrezno sodno varstvo pravic strank v postopku in s tem v zvezi zmanjšanje sodnih zaostankov prizadevala pa si bo tudi za njihovo odpravo ter uresničitev pravice strank do sojenja v razumnih rokih.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(d) Subject to article 63, paragraph 2, to be present at the trial, to conduct the defence in person or through legal assistance of the accused's choosing, to be informed, if the accused does not have legal assistance, of this right and to have legal assistance assigned by the Court in any case where the interests of justice so require, and without payment if the accused lacks sufficient means to pay for it;
(d) da je v skladu z drugim odstavkom 63. člena navzoč na glavni obravnavi, da vodi obrambo osebno ali z zagovornikom, ki si ga sam izbere, da je, če nima zagovornika, o tej pravici obveščen in da mu Sodišče zagotovi pravno pomoč v vsakem primeru, ko to zahtevajo interesi pravičnosti, in to brezplačno, če obtoženec nima dovolj sredstev, da bi to plačal;
11 Pravna redakcija
(i) Judgements entered by the competent court under this Article after trial, or by default, shall, when they have become enforceable under the law applied by that court, become enforceable in the territory of any of the other Contracting Parties as soon as the formalities required by the Contracting Party concerned have been complied with.
(i) Sodbe, ki jih po tem členu pristojno sodišče izreče po obravnavi ali zaradi izostanka se, ko postanejo izvršljive po pravu, ki ga uporablja navedeno sodišče, štejejo za izvršljive na ozemlju vsake druge pogodbenice, takoj ko so izpolnjene formalnosti, ki jih zahteva ta pogodbenica.
12 Pravna redakcija
- "triangular transport operations involving third countries" shall mean any carriage of passengers or goods from the territory of one Contracting Party to a third country, and vice versa, by a vehicle registered in the territory of the other Contracting Party, whether or not, in the course of the same journey and using the normal route, the vehicle travels through the country in which it is registered,
- "prevoz za tretjo državo" pomeni prevoze oseb ali blaga z ozemlja ene pogodbenice v tretjo državo in obratno, z vozili, registriranimi na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, ne glede na to, ali na eni vožnji po običajni poti vozilo potuje skozi državo, v kateri je registrirano ali ne,
13 Prevajalska redakcija
Judgements entered by the competent court under this Article after trial, or by default, shall, when they have become enforceable under the law applied by that court, become enforceable in the territory of any of the other Contracting Parties as soon as the formalities required by the Contracting Party concerned have been complied with.
Sodbe, ki jih po tem členu pristojno sodišče izreče po obravnavi ali zaradi izostanka se, ko postanejo izvršljive po pravu, ki ga uporablja navedeno sodišče, štejejo za izvršljive na ozemlju vsake druge pogodbenice, takoj ko so izpolnjene formalnosti, ki jih zahteva ta pogodbenica.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
The efficacy of imiquimod applied 3 times per week for one or two courses of 4 weeks, separated by a 4 week treatment-free period, was studied in two double-blind vehicle controlled clinical trials.
Učinkovitost imkvimoda trikrat tedensko za 4 tedne oz. dvakrat po 4 tedne z vmesno 4- tedensko prekinitvijo je bila raziskana v dveh dvojno slepih kliničnih preskušanjih, nadzorovanih z nosilcem.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
In the first trial, over 650 patients with stage IIb-c, III or IV primary ovarian cancer received a maximum of 9 treatment courses of paclitaxel (175 mg/ m2 over 3 hours) followed by cisplatin (75 mg/ m2) or control.
V prvem preskušanju je več kot 650 bolnic s primarnim rakom jajčnikov faze IIb- c, III ali IV prejelo največ 9 krogov zdravljenja s paklitakselom (175 mg/ m2 v 3 urah) in nato cisplatin (75 mg/ m2) ali kontrolo.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
In a clinical trial, two patients (out of 2) given high-dose cytarabine (2 g/ m2 per day) by continuous infusion over 24 hours with daunorubicin and VELCADE for relapsed acute myelogenous leukaemia died of ARDS early in the course of therapy, and the study was terminated.
V kliničnem preskušanju, sta dva bolnika (od dveh), pri katerih so akutno mielogeno levkemijo zdravili z visokim odmerkom citarabina v 24 urni kontinuirani infuziji (2 g/ m2 na dan) skupaj z daunorubicinom in zdravilom VELCADE umrla zaradi SARS na začetku zdravljenja in študijo so zaključili.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
The second major trial evaluated a maximum of 6 courses of either paclitaxel (135 mg/ m² over 24 hours) followed by cisplatin (75 mg/ m²) or control in over 400 patients with stage III/ IV primary ovarian cancer, with a > 1 cm residual disease after staging laparotomy, or with distant metastases.
V drugem večjem preskušanju so pri več kot 400 bolnicah s primarnim rakom jajčnikov faze III/ IV, z a > 1 - centimetrsko osnovno boleznijo po lapratomiji ali z oddaljenimi metastazami, ocenili do 6 krogov zdravljenja s paklitakselom (135 mg/ m2 v 24 urah) in nato cisplatinom (75 mg/ m2) ali kontrolo.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
"triangular transport operations involving third countries" shall mean any carriage of passengers or goods from the territory of one Contracting Party to a third country, and vice versa, by a vehicle registered in the territory of the other Contracting Party, whether or not, in the course of the same journey and using the normal route, the vehicle travels through the country in which it is registered,
"prevoz za tretjo državo" pomeni prevoze oseb ali blaga z ozemlja ene pogodbenice v tretjo državo in obratno, z vozili, registriranimi na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, ne glede na to, ali na eni vožnji po običajni poti vozilo potuje skozi državo, v kateri je registrirano ali ne,
Prevodi: en > sl
trial by the Court