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turbine trip
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0373
- Andelsbach and its tributaries from the sources to the turbine near town Krauchenwies
- Andelsbach in njeni pritoki od izvirov do prve turbine blizu mesta Krauchenwies,
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0839
- Andelsbach and its tributaries from the sources to the turbine near the town of Krauchenwies
- Andelsbach in njeni pritoki od izvirov do prve turbine blizu mesta Krauchenwies
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0373
- Lauchert and its tributaries from the sources to the obstacle of the turbine near town Sigmaringendorf
- Lauchert in njeni pritoki od izvirov do ovire, ki jo predstavlja turbina blizu mesta Sigmaringendorf,
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0839
- Lauchert and its tributaries from the sources to the obstacle of the turbine near the town of Sigmaringendorf
- Lauchert in njeni pritoki od izvirov do ovire, ki jo predstavlja turbina blizu mesta Sigmaringendorf
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0373
Andelsbach and its tributaries from the sources to the turbine near town Krauchenwies
Andelsbach in njeni pritoki od izvirov do prve turbine blizu mesta Krauchenwies,
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0839
Andelsbach and its tributaries from the sources to the turbine near the town of Krauchenwies
Andelsbach in njeni pritoki od izvirov do prve turbine blizu mesta Krauchenwies
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0373
Lauchert and its tributaries from the sources to the obstacle of the turbine near town Sigmaringendorf
Lauchert in njeni pritoki od izvirov do ovire, ki jo predstavlja turbina blizu mesta Sigmaringendorf,
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0839
Lauchert and its tributaries from the sources to the obstacle of the turbine near the town of Sigmaringendorf
Lauchert in njeni pritoki od izvirov do ovire, ki jo predstavlja turbina blizu mesta Sigmaringendorf
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0828
Until 31 December 1984 Member States may allow the use, in their territory, of re-usable thermoplastic tooling compounds containing not more than 50 % of PCT for the support, retention and stabilizing of parts in order to facilitate their precision machining and forming in the manufacture or maintenance of aircraft and marine gas turbines, nuclear reactors, semi-conductor devices, ship and aircraft frames, spars and stringers, high-precision and optical lenses, tool gauges and trial models for injection-moulding tools in premises notified for this purpose to the competent authorities where records of the use of this substance are kept available for these authorities.'
Države članice do 31. decembra 1984 na svojem ozemlju lahko dovolijo uporabo ponovno uporabljivih sestavnih delov termoplastičnega orodja, ki ne vsebuje več kakor 50 % PCT za oporo, ohranitev in stabilizacijo delov, da se omogoči natančna strojna obdelava in oblikovanje pri izdelavi ali vzdrževanju plinskih turbin pri zračnih in pomorskih plovilih, atomskih reaktorjih, polprevodniških napravah, ladijskih in letalskih ogrodjih, opornikih za krila in opornih gredeh, zelo natančnih in optičnih lečah, merilnih napravah in poskusnih vzorcih orodij za brizganje in ulivanje v prostorih, o katerih namembnosti so pristojni organi uradno obveščeni in v katerih je tem organom na voljo dokumentacija o uporabi navedene snovi."
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turbine trip