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twinning with other products
1 Pravna redakcija
In cases where prices in international trade of the products covered by Article 1 of this Protocol are approaching the minimum price mentioned in Article 3 (2) (b) of this Protocol and without prejudice to the provisions of Article HI of the Arrangement, participants shall notify to the Committee all the relevant elements for evaluating their own market situation and, in particular, credit or loan practices, twinning with other products, barter or three-sided transactions, refunds or rebates, exclusivity contracts, packaging costs and details of the packaging, so that the Committee can make a verification.
Kadar se cene v mednarodni trgovini z izdelki, zajetimi s členom 1 tega protokola, približajo najnižji ceni, navedeni v členu 3(2)(b) tega protokola in ne da bi to posegalo v določbe člena III dogovora, udeleženke Odbor obvestijo o vseh pomembnih elementih za oceno razmer na njihovem trgu, zlasti o kreditnih ali posojilnih postopkih, tesnih povezavah z drugimi izdelki, menjalnih ali tristranskih poslih, nadomestilih ali znižanjih, ekskluzivnih pogodbah, stroških pakiranja in podrobnostih pakiranja, tako da jih Odbor lahko preveri.
2 Pravna redakcija
In cases where prices in international trade of the products covered by Article 1 of this Protocol are approaching the minimum prices mentioned in Article 3 (2) (b) of this Protocol, and without prejudice to the provisions of Article III of the Arrangement, participants shall notify to the Committee all the relevant elements for evaluating their own market situation and, in particular, credit or loan practices, twinning with other products, barter or three-sided transactions, refunds or rebates, exclusivity-contracts, packaging costs and details of the packaging, so that the Committee can make a verification.
Kadar se cene v mednarodni trgovini z izdelki, zajetimi s členom 1 tega protokola, približajo najnižjim cenam, navedenim v členu 3(2)(b) tega protokola in ne da bi to posegalo v določbe člena III dogovora, udeleženke Odbor obvestijo o vseh pomembnih elementih za oceno stanja na njihovem trgu, zlasti o kreditnih ali posojilnih postopkih, tesnih povezavah z drugimi izdelki, menjalnih ali tristranskih poslih, nadomestilih ali znižanjih, ekskluzivnih pogodbah, stroških pakiranja in podrobnostih pakiranja, tako da jih Odbor lahko preveri.
3 Pravna redakcija
In cases where prices in international trade of the products covered by Article 1 of this Protocol are approaching the minimum prices mentioned in Article 3 (2) (b) of this Protocol, and without prejudice to the provisions of Article III of the Arrangement, participants shall notify to the Committee all the relevant elements for evaluating their own market situation and, in particular, credit or loan practices, twinning with other products, barter or three-sided transactions, refunds or rebates, exclusivity contracts, packaging costs and details of the packaging, so that the Committee can make a verification.
Kadar se cene v mednarodni trgovini z izdelki, zajetimi s členom 1 tega protokola, približajo najnižjim cenam, navedenim v členu 3(2)(b) tega protokola in ne da bi to posegalo v določbe člena III dogovora, udeleženke Odbor obvestijo o vseh pomembnih elementih za oceno razmer na njihovem trgu, zlasti o kreditnih ali posojilnih postopkih, tesnih povezavah z drugimi izdelki, menjalnih ali tristranskih poslih, nadomestilih ali znižanjih, ekskluzivnih pogodbah, stroških pakiranja in podrobnostih pakiranja, tako da jih Odbor lahko preveri.
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twinning with other products