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tyre/wheel combination
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0062
Tyre/wheel combination(s):
Kombinacija pnevmatik in platišč:
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0024
Tyre/wheel combination(s):.
Kombinacija(e) pnevmatik in platišč:
3 Pravna redakcija
Tyre / wheel combination(s) (for tyres indicate size designation, minimum load-capacity index, minimum speed category symbol;
Kombinacija pnevmatika/platišče (za pnevmatike navesti mere, najmanjši potreben indeks nosilnosti, najnižji potreben hitrostni razred;
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0078
Tyre/wheel combination(s) including off-sets specified by the manufacturer:
Kombinacija pnevmatika/platišče vključno s širino in globino naleganja, kot ju je določil proizvajalec:.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0078
Tyre/wheel combination(s) (For tyres indicate size designation, minimum load capacity index, minimum speed category symbol;
Kombinacija pnevmatika/platišče (za pnevmatike navesti mere, najmanjši potreben indeks nosilnosti, najnižji potreben hitrostni razred;
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0078
Chain/tyre/wheel combination on the front and/or rear axle that is suitable for the type of vehicle, as recommended by the manufacturer.
Kombinacija veriga/pnevmatika/platišče za prednjo in/ali zadnjo os, ki je primerna za določen tip vozila, po priporočilih proizvajalca:…
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0078
One chain/tyre/wheel combination that is suitable for the vehicle shall be specified by the manufacturer and indicated in item 1.2 of the Appendix to Annex III.'
Proizvajalec mora določiti eno kombinacijo verig, pnevmatik in koles, ki ustreza temu vozilu, in jo mora navesti v točki 1.2 Dodatka k Prilogi III."
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0078
One chain/tyre/wheel combination that is situable for the vehicle and the drive wheels to which these chains may be fitted shall be specified by the manufacturer and indicated in item 1.2 of the Appendix to Annex III.
Proizvajalec mora določiti eno kombinacijo verig, pnevmatik in koles, ki ustreza temu vozilu in gnanim kolesom, na katera se lahko pripnejo te verige, in jo mora navesti v točki 1.2 Dodatka k Prilogi III.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L0549
In the part formed by radial planes at an angle of 30o to the front and 50o to the rear of the centre of the wheels (see figure 1), the overall width (q) of the wheel guards must be at least sufficient to cover the total tyre width (b) taking into account the extremes of tyre/wheel combination as specified by the manufacturer and as indicated in section 5.2 of the certificate set out in Annex II.
V delu, ki ga omejujeta radialni ravnini 30° pred srednjico koles in 50° za njo (glej sliko 1), mora biti skupna širina okrovov koles (q) zadostna, da pokrije vsaj celotno širino pnevmatik (b) ob upoštevanju skrajnih primerov pri kombinaciji pnevmatike in kolesa, kakršno je določil proizvajalec in je določena v oddelku 5.2 certifikata, ki je naveden v Prilogi II.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0078
In the part formed by radial planes at an angle of 30 to the front and 50 to the rear of the centre of the wheels (see Figure 1), the overal width (q) of the wheel guards shall be at least sufficient to cover the total type width (b) taking into account the extremes of tyre/wheel combination as specified by the manufacturer and as indicated in item 1.3 of the Appendix to Annex III.
"2.1.1 V delu, ki ga omejujeta radialni ravnini 30° pred srednjico koles in 50° za njo (glej sliko 1), mora biti skupna širina okrovov koles (q) zadostna, da pokrije vsaj celotno širino pnevmatik (b), pri čemer se upoštevajo skrajni primeri pri kombinaciji pnevmatike in kolesa, kot jo je določil proizvajalec in kot je navedena v točki 1.3 Dodatka k Prilogi III.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0078
Chain/tyre/wheel size combination on the front and/or rear axle specified by the manufacturer:
Kombinacija veriga/pnevmatika/platišče za prednjo in/ali zadnjo os po navedbi proizvajalca:…
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0003
Extreme (maximum-minimum) tyre/wheel combinations (if any) (dimensions, characteristics, inflation pressure for road use, maximum permissible load, wheel dimensions and front/rear combinations):...
Skrajni (največja-najmanjša) kombinaciji pnevmatika/platišče (če obstajata) (mere, značilnosti, tlak v pnevmatiki za cestni promet, največja dovoljena obremenitev, mere koles in kombinacija sprednje/zadnje kolo):...
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0078
Detailed drawings of the wheel guards and their position on the vehicle showing the dimension specified in Figure 1 of Annex I to Directive 78/549/EEC and taking account of the extremes of tyre/wheel combinations.'
Podrobne risbe okrovov koles in njihovega položaja na vozilu, iz katerih so razvidne mere, prikazane na sliki 1 Priloge I k direktivi 78/549/EGS, pri čemer je upoštevana kombinacija pnevmatika/platišče, ki najbolj štrli navzven."
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0114
9.16.2.Detailed drawings of the wheel coverings and of their positions on the vehicle indicating the dimensions stated in Figure 1 in Annex I to Directive 78/549/EEC, taking account of the extremes of tyre/wheel combinations:
Podrobne risbe okrovov koles in njihovega položaja na vozilu, iz katerih so razvidne mere, prikazane na sliki 1 Priloge I k Direktivi 78/549/EGS, ob upoštevanju kombinacije pnevmatika/platišče, ki najbolj štrli navzven:
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tyre/wheel combination