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unrelated customer
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0398
The Community industry's sales to unrelated customers in the Community increased by 57 % between 1998 and the IP.
Prodaja industrije Skupnosti nepovezanim strankam v Skupnosti se je med letom 1998 in OP povečala za 57 %.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0235
The name and full address of the customer of the Company in the Community importing the goods or the name and full address of the unrelated trader outside of the Community exporting the goods
Ime in polni naslov odjemalca družbe v Skupnosti, ki uvaža blago, ali ime in polni naslov nepovezanega trgovca zunaj Skupnosti, ki izvaža blago
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
Two out of these five companies were not able to submit a complete list of all transactions to unrelated customers during the investigation period and were therefore considered to be only partially cooperating.
Dve od teh petih družb nista mogli predložiti popolnega seznama vseh poslov z nepovezanimi odjemalci v preiskovalnem obdobju in sta bili zato obravnavani kot samo delno sodelujoči.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0435
Exports were made only to unrelated customers in the Community and, therefore, the export price was established in accordance with Article 2(8) of the basic Regulation, on the basis of export prices actually paid or payable during the IP.
Izvoz je bil opravljen samo nepovezanim odjemalcem v Skupnosti in zato je bila izvozna cena določena v skladu s členom 2(8) osnovne uredbe na podlagi dejansko plačanih ali plačljivih izvoznih cen v obdobju preiskave.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Two out of these five companies, which were among the smaller ones, were not able to submit a complete list of all transactions to unrelated customers during the investigation period and were therefore considered to be only partially cooperating.
Dve od petih družb, ki sta med manjšimi, nista mogli predložiti popolnega seznama vseh transakcij z nepovezanimi kupci v obdobju preiskave in se zato štejeta za delno sodelujoči.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
These data were considered an appropriate basis since they related to domestic sales to unrelated customers of textile products (including yarn, grey fabric, processed fabrics and apparel) and they were the only data available for domestic sales in Pakistan.
Ti podatki so se upoštevali kot primerna podlaga, ker so se nanašali na domačo prodajo tekstilnih izdelkov (vključno s prejo, nepredelano tkanino, predelanimi tkaninami in oblačili) nepovezanim kupcem in so bili edini podatki, ki so bili na voljo za domačo prodajo v Pakistanu.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
For the purposes of analysing price undercutting, the weighted average sales prices per product type of the Community industry to unrelated customers on the Community market were compared to the corresponding weighted average export prices of the imports concerned.
Za namen analize nelojalnega nižanja cen je bila narejena primerjava med ponderiranimi povprečnimi prodajnimi cenami za tip izdelka za nepovezane kupce na trgu Skupnosti in ustreznimi ponderiranimi povprečnimi izvoznimi cenami zadevnega izvoza.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
For the purposes of analysing price undercutting, the weighted average sales prices per product type of the Community industry to unrelated customers on the Community market were compared to the corresponding weighted average export prices of the imports concerned.
Za preučitev nelojalnega nižanja cen so se tehtane povprečne prodajne cene po vrstah izdelkov, ki jih je industrija Skupnosti uporabljala za neodvisne odjemalce na trgu Skupnosti, primerjale z ustreznimi tehtanimi povprečnimi izvoznimi cenami zadevnega uvoza.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0397
In order to determine an amount for SG& A expenses and for profit, the average of the amounts reported by all six companies originally selected in the sample for SG& A expenses and for profit on domestic sales to unrelated customers, after the corrections as explained in recitals 56 and 60, were used.
Za določitev zneska prodajnih, splošnih in upravnih stroškov ter dobička se je uporabilo povprečje zneskov, ki jih je vseh šest družb, najprej vključenih v vzorec, prikazalo za prodajne, splošne in upravne stroške ter dobiček pri domači prodaji nepovezanim odjemalcem, po popravkih, kakor je pojasnjeno v uvodnih izjavah 56 in 60.
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1531
The prices of the Community industry were those to the first unrelated customer at an ex-works level.
Cene industrije Skupnosti so zajemale cene prodaj prvim nepovezanim strankam na ravni franko tovarna.
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2229
For the sales made through this importer, the export price was therefore based on the price of this importer to the first unrelated customer in the Community.
Zato je bila izvozna cena za prodaje preko tega uvoznika določena na podlagi cene, ki jo ta izvoznik zaračuna prvi nepovezani stranki v Skupnosti.
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2605
The average sales prices of all ranges of REWS to unrelated customers decreased in value over the analysis period:
Povprečne prodajne cene elektronskih trgovskih tehtnic iz vseh segmentov za nepovezane kupce so se v obdobju analize znižale:
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0469
The development of weighted average prices for sales to unrelated customers during the analysis period was as follows:
Tehtane povprečne prodajne cene za neodvisne stranke so se v obdobju analize gibale takole:
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0398
(51) The Community industry's sales to unrelated customers in the Community increased by 57 % between 1998 and the IP.
(51) Prodaja industrije Skupnosti nepovezanim strankam v Skupnosti se je med letom 1998 in OP povečala za 57 %.
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0312
Sales on the Community market to unrelated customers, market share and prices of the Community industry were as follows:
Podatki o prodaji na trgu Skupnosti nepovezanim strankam, tržnem deležu in cenah industrije Skupnosti so v naslednji preglednici:
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0311
The development of prices of the Community industry for sales to unrelated customers during the analysis period is as follows.
Cene industrije Skupnosti pri prodaji nepovezanim strankam v obdobju analize so se gibale, kot sledi v tabeli.
17 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1697
This negative trend is similar to the one observed for sales by the Community industry to unrelated customers, which decreased by 17 %.
Ta negativni trend je podoben trendu prodaj industrije Skupnosti nepovezanim strankam, ki se je zmanjšal za 17 %.
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0232
According to this undertaking, the exporting producer in question has offered not to sell to his unrelated customers below certain minimum prices.
Po tej zavezi je zadevni proizvajalec izvoznik ponudil, da ne bo prodajal svojim nepovezanim kupcem po cenah, ki bi bile nižje od določenih najnižjih cen.
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0901
Normal value was therefore established as the weighted average of the actual prices of all direct sales to unrelated customers on the Slovak market.
Normalna vrednost je bila zato ugotovljena kot tehtano povprečje dejanskih cen celotne neposredne prodaje nepovezanim strankam na slovaškem trgu.
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0151
For this exporting producer, export prices were determined on the basis of the prices charged to the first independent customers, i.e. the unrelated traders.
Za tega proizvajalca izvoznika so bile izvozne cene določene na osnovi cen, ki so bile zaračunane prvim neodvisnim strankam, to je nepovezanim trgovcem.
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1334
In this analysis, sales of the Community industry and sales of the Chinese cooperating exporters to unrelated importers in the Community, as well as the resales by related importers to unrelated customers, considered to be at the same level of trade, were used.
Za to analizo so se uporabile prodaja industrije Skupnosti in prodaja kitajskih sodelujočih izvoznikov nepovezanim uvoznikom v Skupnosti, kot tudi nadaljnja prodaja, ki jo opravijo povezani uvozniki nepovezanim kupcem, ki naj bi imele enak obseg trgovine.
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0969
The Community industry's sales volume of own-produced potash to unrelated customers decreased from around 5 530000 tonnes in 1994 to around 5 260000 tonnes during the IP.
Obseg prodaje industrije Skupnosti kalijevega klorida, ki ga je proizvedla sama, nepovezanim kupcem se je znižala s približno 5,530.000 ton v letu 1994 na približno 5,260.000 ton med PO.
23 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1799
The above table shows that during the period considered the Community industry average sales prices per tonne to unrelated customers on the Community market rose on average by 10%.
Iz zgornje preglednice je razvidno, da so se povprečne prodajne cene na tono, ki jih je industrija Skupnosti v zadevnem obdobju zaračunavala nepovezanim strankam na trgu Skupnosti, v povprečju zvišale za 10 %.
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2313
In this period the average unit price of CPTs sold by the Community industry to unrelated customers decreased by 19%, production by 15 % and profitability by around 4 percentage points.
V tem obdobju se je povprečna cena na enoto CPT, ki jih je industrija Skupnosti prodala drugim strankam, zmanjšala za 19 %, proizvodnja za 15 % in dobičkonosnost za okoli 4 odstotne točke.
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1678
Any other exports than those directly to its first unrelated customers in the Community are thus not covered by the terms of the undertaking and subject to the anti-dumping duty (27,9 %).
Zato pogoji iz zaveze ne veljajo za izvoz v Skupnost, ki ni neposredno namenjen prvim nepovezanim naročnikom podjetja, in zanj velja protidampinška dajatev (27,9 %).
26 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2320
(f) The name and full address of the customer of the Company in the Community importing the goods or the name and full address of the unrelated trader outside the Community exporting the goods.
(f) Ime in polni naslov stranke družbe v Skupnosti, ki uvaža blago, ali ime in polni naslov nepovezanega trgovca zunaj Skupnosti, ki izvaža blago.
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0901
It was then established that these direct sales to unrelated customers could be considered as having been made in the ordinary course of trade, comparing domestic prices and costs of production.
Potem je bilo ugotovljeno, da bi se neposredna prodaja nepovezanim strankam lahko štela, kakor da je bila opravljena v običajnem poteku trgovine, ob primerjavi domačih cen in proizvodnih stroškov.
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1678
Silur's undertaking applies to imports into the Community of SWR which have been produced and sold directly (i.e. invoiced and shipped) by Silur to its first unrelated customers in the Community.
Zaveza podjetja Silur velja za uvoz jeklenih žičnih vrvi in kablov v Skupnost, ki jih je podjetje Silur proizvedlo in neposredno prodalo (torej izdalo račun in odpremilo) svojemu prvemu nepovezanemu naročniku v Skupnosti.
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0235
(f) The name and full address of the customer of the Company in the Community importing the goods or the name and full address of the unrelated trader outside of the Community exporting the goods
(f) Ime in polni naslov odjemalca družbe v Skupnosti, ki uvaža blago, ali ime in polni naslov nepovezanega trgovca zunaj Skupnosti, ki izvaža blago
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1531
Weighted average unit prices of the Community industry to unrelated customers went from EUR 300 in 1995 to EUR 302 in 1996, EUR 306 in 1997, EUR 320 in 1998, EUR 309 in 1999 and EUR 319 during the IP.
Tehtane povprečne cene na enoto, ki jo je industrija Skupnosti prodala nepovezanim strankam, so se gibale od 300 EUR leta 1995 do 302 EUR leta 1996, 306 evrov leta 1997, 320 EUR leta 1998, 309 EUR leta 1999 in 319 EUR med OP.
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1678
As the undertaking only applies to sales to unrelated customers in the Community and Drumet had issued undertaking invoices for sales to the importer, a breach of the undertaking appeared to have occurred.
Ker zaveza velja le za prodaje nepovezanim naročnikom v Skupnosti in je podjetje Drumet izdalo uvozniku račune na podlagi zaveze za prodajo, se je zaveza kršila.
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1531
The investigation showed that the exports of Chinese origin CTVs by the Turkish company concerned, via its related exporters in Turkey, were made both to unrelated and to related customers in the Community.
Preiskava je pokazala, da je zadevno turško podjetje prek svojih povezanih izvoznikov v Turčiji, BTV kitajskega porekla izvažalo tako nepovezanim kot povezanim strankam v Skupnosti.
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1531
The sales volume of the Community industry to unrelated customers in the Community evolved from 5,9 million in 1995 and 1996, to 5,4 million in 1997 and 1998, to 5,3 million in 1999 and 5,5 million during the IP.
Obseg prodaje industrije Skupnosti nepovezanim strankam v Skupnosti se je gibala od 5,9 milijonov leta 1995 in 1996 do 5,4 milijonov leta 1997 in 1998, do 5,3 milijonov leta 1999 in 5,5 milijonov med OP.
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1531
Therefore, for those sales made to unrelated customers in the Community, the export price was established in accordance with Article 2(8) of the basic Regulation, on the basis of export prices actually paid or payable.
Zato je bila za prodaje nepovezanim strankam v Skupnosti izvozna cena določena v skladu s členom 2(8) osnovne uredbe, na podlagi dejansko plačanih ali plačljivih cen.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
It is considered that imports should comprise all sales of DRAMs produced by Hynix in Korea and sold to its subsidiaries in the Community, plus some minor sales to unrelated customers in the Community via a third country.(174)
Šteje se, da bi uvoz moral zajeti vso prodajo DRAM-a, ki ga je proizvedel Hynix v Koreji in prodal svojim podružnicam v Skupnosti, plus nekaj manjših prodaj nepovezanim strankam v Skupnosti preko tretje države. (174)
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1601
In support of this claim the exporting producer provided a sample of its sales invoices for certain types of SWR issued to an unrelated importer in the Community and the latter's sales invoices issued to customers in the Community.
V podporo tej trditvi je proizvajalec-izvoznik predložil vzorec svojih prodajnih računov za določene tipe jeklenih žičnatih vrvi, ki so bile izdane nepovezanemu uvozniku v Skupnost, in prodajne račune slednjega, izdane strankam v Skupnosti.
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1678
Drumet's undertaking applies to imports into the Community of SWR which have been produced and sold directly (i.e. invoiced and shipped) by this company to its first unrelated customers in the Community (clause 2 of the undertaking).
Zaveza podjetja Drumet velja za uvoz jeklenih vrvi in kablov v Skupnost, ki jih je to podjetje proizvedlo in neposredno prodalo (torej izstavilo račun in odpremilo) svojim prvim nepovezanim naročnikom v Skupnosti (stavek 2 zaveze).
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1674
The undertaking accepted from Drumet only applied to imports into the Community of SWR which have been produced and sold directly (i.e. invoiced and shipped) by Drumet to its first unrelated customers in the Community (Clause 2 of the undertaking).
Sprejeta Drumetova zaveza je nanašala le na uvoz jeklenih vrvi in kablov v Skupnost, ki jih je Drumet izdelal in neposredno prodal (t.j. zaračunane in poslane) prvim nepovezanim strankam v Skupnosti (klavzula 2 zaveze).
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
(16) Two out of these five companies, which were among the smaller ones, were not able to submit a complete list of all transactions to unrelated customers during the investigation period and were therefore considered to be only partially cooperating.
(16) Dve od petih družb, ki sta med manjšimi, nista mogli predložiti popolnega seznama vseh transakcij z nepovezanimi kupci v obdobju preiskave in se zato štejeta za delno sodelujoči.
40 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2852
One exporting producer argued that its related company in the Community only had a minor role in the sales process for sales to unrelated customers in the Community and therefore, it was not justifiable to deduct profit in constructing the export price.
En proizvajalec izvoznik je ugovarjal, da je imelo njegovo povezano podjetje iz Skupnosti pri prodaji zadevnega izdelka neodvisnim strankam iz Skupnosti samo nepomembno vlogo, tako da ni utemeljeno, da se pri sestavljanju izvozne cene dobiček odbije.
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
(144) For the purposes of analysing price undercutting, the weighted average sales prices per product type of the Community industry to unrelated customers on the Community market were compared to the corresponding weighted average export prices of the imports concerned.
(144) Za namen analize nelojalnega nižanja cen je bila narejena primerjava med ponderiranimi povprečnimi prodajnimi cenami za tip izdelka za nepovezane kupce na trgu Skupnosti in ustreznimi ponderiranimi povprečnimi izvoznimi cenami zadevnega izvoza.
42 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
Hynix argued that imports and market share (see below) should be based on the total sales of its subsidiaries in the Community (resales) of the product concerned to unrelated customers in the Community during the period under consideration and not on the volume of its imports of DRAMs produced in Korea.
Hynix je izjavil, da bi moral delež uvoza in tržni delež (glej spodaj) temeljiti na skupni prodaji zadevnega izdelka njegovih podružnic v Skupnosti (nadaljnja prodaja) nepovezanim strankam v Skupnosti v obravnavanem obdobju in ne na delež njenega uvoza DRAM-a, proizvedenega v Koreji.
43 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2313
As indicated in recital 68 of the provisional Regulation, the investigation showed that prices charged by the Community industry to unrelated customers decreased by 21 % during the period considered but the main decrease occurred between 1997 and the IP (-19 %), as prices were stable in the period 1995 to 1997.
Kakor je navedeno v uvodni izjavi 68 začasne uredbe, je preiskava pokazala, da so se cene, ki jih je industrija Skupnosti zaračunala drugim strankam, znižale za 21 % v obravnavanjem obdobju, vendar je do glavnega znižanja prišlo v času med letom 1997 in obdobjem OP (-19 %), saj so bile cene v obdobju med letoma 1995 in 1997 stabilne.
44 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1601
While apparent consumption substantially increased in 1998 (9%), it hardly benefited the Community industry (2 % rise in sales to unrelated customers in the Community), though the countries concerned saw their exports to the Community rise by 42 % in the same year, at a time when there were no anti-dumping measures in force.
Medtem ko je resnična poraba bistveno narasla v letu 1998 (9 %), industrija Skupnosti zaradi tega skorajda ni imela koristi (2% povečanje prodaje nepovezanim strankam v Skupnosti), čeprav se je istega leta izvoz iz zadevnih držav v Skupnost povečal za 42 %, v obdobju, ko niso veljali nobeni protidampinški ukrepi.
45 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0960
Since exports of CD-Rs to third countries remained a relatively minor activity for the Community industry (during the IP it represented 9 % of its sales to unrelated customers in the Community of own produced CD-Rs), it is considered that the export activity is unlikely to have contributed to the injury suffered by the Community industry.
Ker je izvoz CD-ROM-ov v tretje države ostal relativno majhna dejavnost za industrijo Skupnosti (v obdobju preiskave je predstavljal 9 % njene prodaje CD-ROM-ov nepovezanim strankam v Skupnosti), se šteje, da ni verjetno, da bi izvozna dejavnost prispevala k škodi, ki jo je utrpela industrija Skupnosti.
46 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
This claim is not warranted since the market share figures provided by Hynix to justify its claim were initially based on the total sales of its subsidiaries in the Community of the product concerned to unrelated customers in the Community during the period under consideration and not on the volume of its imports of DRAMs produced in Korea.
Ta trditev ni utemeljena, ker so številke o tržnem deležu, ki jih je predložil Hynix, da bi utemeljil svojo trditev, sprva temeljile na celotni prodaji zadevnega izdelka njegovih podružnic v Skupnosti nepovezanim strankam v Skupnosti v obravnavanem obdobju in ne na obsegu njegovega uvoza v Koreji proizvedenega DRAM-a.
47 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0312
In the review request, the dumping margin was established on the basis of a comparison of constructed normal values (cost of production plus a reasonable amount for selling, general and administrative expenses, and for profit) with constructed export prices (prices delivered to the first unrelated customers less allowances reflecting costs and profits of importers).
V zahtevi za pregled se je stopnja dampinga ugotovila na podlagi primerjave med konstruiranimi normalnimi vrednostmi (proizvodni stroški plus razumen znesek za prodajne, splošne in upravne stroške ter za dobiček) in konstruiranimi izvoznimi cenami (franko cene prvim nepovezanim strankam, zmanjšano za odbitke, ki so odražali stroške in dobičke uvoznikov).
48 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1678
During the course of 2002, the Commission gathered information from various sources according to which it had reason to believe that, since September 1999, around 30 % of Drumet's sales into the Community were not made directly, i.e. not invoiced and shipped directly to first unrelated customers in the Community but made to a related company in the Community instead (the importer).
V letu 2002 je Komisija iz različnih virov zbrala informacije, na podlagi katerih je upravičeno domnevala, da se od septembra 1999 okoli 30 % prodaje podjetja Drumet v Skupnost ni izvedlo neposredno, torej se zanje niso izdali računi in blago se ni neposredno odpremilo prvemu nepovezanemu naročniku v Skupnost, temveč so se namesto tega izvršile povezanemu podjetju v Skupnosti (uvozniku).
49 Jezikovna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0362
For each of these types, the Commission compared the exporting producers' and the complaining Community producers' weighted average selling prices free of all rebates and taxes, calculated on the basis of sales to the first unrelated customer.
Za vsako od njih je Komisija primerjala ponderirane povprečne cene proizvajalcev izvoznikov, brez vseh rabatov in davkov, z ustreznimi cenami pritožnih proizvajalcev Skupnosti, izračunanih na podlagi prodaje prvemu neodvisnemu odjemalcu.
Prevodi: en > sl
unrelated customer