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vehicle compliance testing
1 Pravna redakcija
Where the additional or substitutional part(s) has (have) not received approval pursuant to this Directive, and if testing is considered necessary, the whole vehicle shall be deemed to comply if the new or revised part(s) can be shown to comply with the relevant requirements of paragraph 6 or if, in a comparative test, the new part can be shown not to be likely to adversely affect compliance of the vehicle type.
Če dodatni ali nadomestni del(-i) ni(-so) bil(-i) homologiran(-i) na podlagi te direktive in če se domneva, da je preskušanje potrebno, se šteje, da celotno vozilo ustreza, če je mogoče dokazati, da nov(-i) ali spremenjen(-i) del(-i) izpolnjuje(-jo) ustrezne zahteve točke 6, ali če se s primerjalnim preskušanjem lahko dokaže, da novi del(-i) ne bo(-do) vplival(-i) škodljivo na skladnost tega tipa vozila.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0051
In order to ensure compliance with emission limit values, conformity testing of in-service two- and three-wheel motor vehicles (in-service tests) should be introduced from 1 January 2006.
Da bi zagotovili skladnost z mejnimi vrednostmi emisij, bi bilo treba po 1. januarju 2006 uvesti preskušanje skladnosti dvo- ali trikolesnih motornih vozil med delovanjem (preskusi med delovanjem).
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vehicle compliance testing