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verification of compliance with the conditions
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0817
Initial applications to join a scheme and subsequent applications for payment shall be checked in a manner which ensures effective verification of compliance with the conditions for granting support.
Začetne vloge za pridružitev k programu in poznejši zahtevki za izplačilo se preverjajo na način, ki zagotavlja uspešno preverjanje izpolnjevanja pogojev za odobritev podpore.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0020
systematic or case-by-case verification of compliance with conditions 1 and 2 of Part A, condition 6 of Part B and condition 7 of Part C of the Annex and of compliance with obligations as referred to in Article 6(2);
sistematièno ali posamièno preverjanje izpolnjevanja pogojev 1 in 2 Dela A, pogoja 6 Dela B in pogoja 7 Dela C priloge ter izpolnjevanja obveznosti iz èlena 6(2).
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0095
The purpose of this Directive is to provide a mechanism for the verification and enforcement of compliance by ships calling at ports of Member States with Directive 1999/63/EC in order to improve maritime safety, working conditions and the health and safety of seafarers on board ships.
Namen te direktive je zagotoviti mehanizem za preverjanje in uveljavljanje skladnosti z Direktivo 1999/63/ES na ladjah, ki pristanejo v pristaniščih držav članic, da bi izboljšali varnost v pomorstvu, delovne pogoje ter zdravje in varnost pomorščakov na ladjah.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0020
case-by-case verification of compliance with conditions as set out in the Annex where a complaint has been received or where the national regulatory authority has other reasons to believe that a condition is not complied with or in case of an investigation by the national regulatory authority on its own initiative;
posamièno preverjanje izpolnjevanja pogojev iz priloge, èe je prispela pritožba ali èe nacionalni regulativni organ iz drugih razlogov predvideva, da pogoj ni izpolnjen, ali èe nacionalni regulativni organ na lastno pobudo opravi preiskavo;
5 Pravna redakcija
Initial applications to join a scheme and subsequent applications for payment shall be checked in a manner which ensures effective verification of compliance with the conditions for granting support.
Začetne vloge za pridružitev k programu in poznejši zahtevki za izplačilo se preverjajo na način, ki zagotavlja uspešno preverjanje izpolnjevanja pogojev za odobritev podpore.
6 Pravna redakcija
Member States shall carry out checks on producer organisations, with little or no prior notification and including checks on the spot, so as to ensure effective verification of compliance with the conditions for grant of assistance, and in particular on:
Države članice izvajajo preglede organizacij proizvajalcev brez posebnega predhodnega obveščanja, vključno s pregledi na kraju samem, da se zagotovi učinkovito preverjanje izpolnjevanja pogojev za dodelitev pomoči in še zlasti:
7 Pravna redakcija
These checks shall be accompanied periodically, depending on the quantities processed, by a thorough and random inspection of the records referred to in Article 9 (2) (c) and by verification of compliance with the conditions laid down for the approval of the establishment.
Glede na proizvedene količine se pregledi periodično dopolnijo s temeljitimi in naključnimi inšpekcijskimi pregledi evidenc iz člena 9(2)(c) in s preverjanjem izpolnjevanja pogojev, določenih za odobritev podjetja.
8 Pravna redakcija
Member States shall carry out documentary checks on intervention operations to ensure that the accounts are correct and that there is effective verification of compliance with the conditions for payment of the Community withdrawal compensation or of financing from the operational fund referred to in Article 15 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 2200/96.
Države članice izvedejo dokumentacijske kontrolne preglede intervencij, da zagotovijo, da so poročila pravilna ter da obstaja učinkovito preverjanje skladnosti s pogoji za plačilo nadomestila Skupnosti za umik ali za financiranje iz operativnega sklada iz člena 15(1) Uredbe (ES) št. 2200/96.
9 Pravna redakcija
The Member States shall carry out administrative and on-the-spot checks so as to ensure efficient verification of compliance with the required conditions.
Države članice izvajajo administrativni nadzor in nadzor na kraju samem, tako da zagotovijo učinkovito preverjanje skladnosti z veljavnimi pogoji.
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0008
Verification of compliance of migration into foodstuffs with the migration limits shall be carried out under the most extreme conditions of time and temperature foreseeable in actual use.
Preverjanje skladnosti migracije v živila z migracijskimi mejami se izvaja pod najbolj skrajnimi časovnimi in temperaturnimi pogoji, ki jih je mogoče predvideti v dejanski uporabi.
11 Pravna redakcija
The Commission may carry out all the verifications it considers necessary to ensure compliance with the conditions and performance of the tasks assigned by this Regulation to the European trade organisations, which shall assist the representatives appointed for this purpose by the Commission.
Komisija lahko opravi vse preveritve, ki se ji zdijo potrebne, da bi zagotovila skladnost s pogoji in izvajanje nalog, ki jih ta uredba dodeljuje evropskim trgovinskim organizacijam, ki pomagajo predstavnikom, ki jih za ta namen imenuje Komisija.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2848
Article 6(1) for effective verification of compliance with the conditions for granting aid,
člen 6(1) za učinkovito preverjanje upoštevanja pogojev za dodelitev pomoči,
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1999
Aid applications shall be checked in a manner that ensures effective verification of compliance with the conditions imposed.
Zahtevki za pomoč se preverijo tako, da se lahko zanesljivo ugotovi, ali so pogoji za pomoč izpolnjeni.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3143
The inspections shall be accompanied periodically, depending on the quantities processed, by a thorough inspection of the records and verification of compliance with the conditions laid down for the approval of the establishment.
Glede na proizvedene količine se inšpekcijski pregledi periodično dopolnijo s temeljitimi pregledi evidenc in s potrditvijo upoštevanja pogojev, določenih za odobritev obrata.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0069
In respect of intermediaries who act solely as dealers without ever holding the product in their facilities, Member States need not carry out on-the-sport verification of compliance with the conditions under point 7 of Chapters I.1 (b) or I.2 (b) of the Annex, providing that those intermediaries lodge with the competent authority a declaration to the effect that they meet the requirements laid down under point 6.2 in the Annex for the exercise of their activity.
Pri posrednikih, ki delujejo samo kot razpečevalci, ne da bi imeli proizvod v svojih prostorih, državam članicam ni treba opravljati pregledov na kraju samem, da bi z njimi ugotovile izpolnjevanje pogojev iz točke 7 poglavja I.1(b) ali I.2(b) Priloge, če ti posredniki pri pristojnem organu vložijo izjavo, da za opravljanje svoje dejavnosti izpolnjujejo zahteve iz točke 6.2 Priloge.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989L0369
In the framework of the verification required by Article 11 of Directive 84/360/EEC and also in relation to Article 4 of that Directive, Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that compliance with the conditions relating to new incineration plants pursuant to this Directive is verified by the competent authorities.
V okviru preverjanja, predpisanega v členu 11 Direktive 84/360/EGS, ter tudi v zvezi s členom 4 Direktive države članice sprejmejo ukrepe, potrebne za zagotovitev, da pristojni organi preverijo izpolnjevanje pogojev, ki se nanašajo na nove sežigalnice po tej direktivi.
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verification of compliance with the conditions