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verification of the use
1 Pravna redakcija
verification of the use made of the alcohol, by frequent spot checks at least once per month,
preverjanje, za kaj je bil alkohol porabljen, in sicer s pogostimi, vsaj enkrat na mesec, naključnimi preskusi,
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
Pursuant to Article 3, the Agency, in carrying out its verification activities, shall make full use of the Community's system of safeguards.
Na podlagi člena 3, Agencija pri opravljanju dejavnosti preverjanja, v celoti uporablja sistem varovanja Skupnosti.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
(c) The use of objective and predetermined criteria for public procurement decisions, in order to facilitate the subsequent verification of the correct application of the rules or procedures;
(c) uporabo objektivnih in vnaprej določenih meril za odločitve o javnih naročilih, s čimer se omogoči poznejše preverjanje pravilne uporabe pravil ali postopkov;
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
(iii) concentration of verification procedures on those stages in the nuclear fuel cycle involving the production, processing, use of storage of nuclear material from which nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices could readily be made, and minimization of verification procedures in respect of the nuclear material, on condition that this does not hamper the implementation of this Agreement.
(iii) osredotočenje postopkov preverjanja na tiste faze jedrskega gorivnega cikla, ki vključujejo proizvodnjo, predelavo, uporabo ali skladiščenje jedrskega materiala, iz katerega bi se lahko neposredno izdelalo jedrsko orožje ali druge jedrske eksplozivne naprave, ter največje zmanjšanje postopkov preverjanja pri drugem jedrskem materialu pod pogojem, da to ne ovira Agencije pri uporabi varovanja po tem sporazumu.
5 Objavljeno
WTO: Izvajanje sedmega člena
The use of the computed value method will generally be limited to those cases where the buyer and seller are related, and the producer is prepared to supply to the authorities of the country of importation the necessary costings and to provide facilities for any subsequent verification which may be necessary.
Uporaba metode izračuna vrednosti bo na splošno omejena na tiste primere, v katerih sta kupec in prodajalec v razmerju, proizvajalec pa je pripravljen oblastem države uvoza dati potrebne podatke o stroških in možnosti za poznejša preverjanja, ki utegnejo biti potrebna.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0057
Point 1.4, Chapter V of the Common Consular Instructions on Visas (Verification of other documents depending on the application) lays down the use of a harmonised form providing proof of accommodation.
Točka 1.4 poglavja V Skupnih konzularnih navodil o vizumih (Postopek preverjanja drugih dokazil, ki jih je treba predložiti vlogi) predpisuje uporabo enotnega obrazca za dokazila o namestitvi.
7 Končna redakcija
Member States which use maximum permissible errors smaller than those set out in the Directive for initial verification may continue to use such maximum permissible errors during a period of five and a half years from the notification of this Directive.
Države članice, kjer so največji dopustni pogreški manjši od tistih, ki jih predpisuje direktiva za prvo overitev, lahko te največje dopustne pogreške uporabljajo še za obdobje petih in pol let od notifikacije te direktive.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0050
state, in each case under consideration, which procedures are to be used in order to assess the conformity or the suitability for use of the interoperability constituents, on the one hand, or the EC verification of the subsystems, on the other hand.
za vsak obravnavan primer navesti postopke za ocenjevanje skladnosti ali primernosti za uporabo komponent interoperabilnosti na eni strani ali ES-verifikacije podsistemov na drugi strani.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0765
No Member State may refuse, prohibit or restrict the placing on the market or the use of any alcoholometer or alcohol hydrometer bearing the EEC pattern approval sign or EEC verification mark on the grounds of their metrological properties.
Nobena država članica ne sme zaradi meroslovnih lastnosti zavrniti, prepovedati ali omejevati dajanje na trg ali uporabe alkoholometra oziroma alkoholnega hidrometra, ki nosi oznako homologacije EGS oziroma oznako overitve EGS.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0050
«(e) state, in each case under consideration, which procedures are to be used in order to assess the conformity or the suitability for use of the interoperability constituents, on the one hand, or the «EC» verification of the subsystems, on the other hand.
"(e) za vsak obravnavan primer navesti postopke za ocenjevanje skladnosti ali primernosti za uporabo komponent interoperabilnosti na eni strani ali ES-verifikacije podsistemov na drugi strani.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0552
The technical file accompanying the EC declaration of verification must contain all the necessary documents relating to the characteristics of the system, including conditions and limits of use, as well as the documents certifying conformity of constituents where appropriate.
Tehnični spis, priložen ES-izjavi o verifikaciji, mora vsebovati vse potrebne dokumente v zvezi z značilnostmi sistema, vključno s pogoji in omejitvami uporabe, in dokumente, ki potrjujejo skladnost sestavnih delov, kjer je ustrezno.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0552
describe the specific conformity assessment procedures involving, where appropriate, notified bodies as referred to in Article 8, based on the modules defined in Decision 93/465/EEC to be used to assess either the conformity or the suitability for use of constituents as well as the verification of systems;
opisovati specifične postopke za ugotavljanje skladnosti, ki, kjer je ustrezno, vključujejo priglašene organe iz člena 8, na podlagi modulov iz Sklepa 93/465/EGS, ki se uporabljajo za ugotavljanje skladnosti ali primernosti sestavnih delov za rabo in za verifikacijo sistemov;
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0731
With regard to the systems referred to in Annex B to the attached TSI, the conditions to be complied with for the verification of the interoperability within the meaning of Article 16(2) of Directive 96/48/EC are the applicable technical rules in use in the Member State which authorises the placing in service of the subsystem concerned by this Decision.
V zvezi s sistemi iz Priloge B k priloženi TSI, so pogoji, ki jih je treba izpolniti za preverjanje interoperabilnosti v okviru člena 16(2) Direktive 96/48/ES, veljavni tehnični predpisi v uporabi v državi članici, ki odobri začetek obratovanja zadevnega podsistema iz te odločbe.
14 Končna redakcija
states, in each case under consideration, which of the modules defined in Decision 93/465/EEC or, where appropriate, which specific procedures are to be used in order to assess either the conformity or the suitability for use of the interoperability constituents, as well as "EC" verification of the subsystems (Chapter 6).
v vsakem obravnavanem primeru posebej navaja, kateri od modulov, določenih v Sklepu 93/465/EGS, ali, če je to primerno, kateri posebni postopki naj se uporabijo za oceno skladnosti ali primernosti za uporabo komponent interoperabilnosti ter "ES" verifikacijo podsistemov (poglavje 6).
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0050
The Commission shall set up a notified bodies coordination group (hereinafter the coordination group) which shall discuss any matter relating to the application of the procedures for assessing conformity or suitability for the use referred to in Article 13 and the verification procedure referred to in Article 18, or to the application of the relevant TSIs.
Komisija ustanovi koordinacijsko skupino priglašenih organov (v nadaljevanju "koordinacijska skupina";), ki razpravlja o vseh vprašanjih, povezanih z uporabo postopkov za ocenjevanje skladnosti ali primernosti za uporabo iz člena 13 in postopkom preverjanja iz člena 18 ali z uporabo zadevnih TSI.
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0552
Member States shall notify the Commission and the other Member States of the bodies they have appointed to carry out tasks pertaining to the assessment of conformity or suitability for use referred to in Article 5, and/or the verification referred to in Article 6, indicating each body's area of responsibility and its identification number obtained from the Commission.
Države članice Komisijo in druge države članice obvestijo o organih, ki jih imenujejo za izvajanje nalog v zvezi z ugotavljanjem skladnosti ali primernosti za uporabo iz člena 5 in/ali verifikacijo iz člena 6, pri čemer navedejo področje odgovornosti vsakega organa in njegovo identifikacijsko številko, ki jo dodeli Komisija.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0050
The Commission shall set up a notified bodies coordination group (hereinafter referred to as the coordination group) which shall discuss any matter relating to the application of the procedures for assessing conformity or suitability for the use referred to in Article 13 and the verification procedure referred to in Article 18, or to application of the relevant TSIs.
Komisija ustanovi koordinacijsko skupino priglašenih organov (v nadaljevanju "koordinacijska skupina";), ki razpravlja o vseh vprašanjih, povezanih z uporabo postopkov za ocenjevanje skladnosti ali primernosti za uporabo iz člena 13 in postopkom preverjanja iz člena 18 ali z uporabo zadevnih TSI.
18 Končna redakcija
All decisions taken pursuant to the provisions adopted in implementation of this Directive and of the separate directives on the instruments in question and refusing to grant or extend EEC pattern approval, withdrawing such approval, refusing to carry out EEC initial verification or prohibiting sale or use shall state the reasons on which they are based.
V vseh odločitvah, ki so sprejete v skladu z določbami, sprejetimi ob izvajanju te direktive in posebnih direktiv v zvezi z zadevnimi merili, ter v zvezi z zavrnitvijo ali podaljšanjem odobritve tipa EGS, s preklicem take odobritve, z zavrnitvijo izvedbe prve overitve EGS ali s prepovedjo prodaje ali uporabe, morajo biti take odločitve utemeljene.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0552
Where the Commission establishes that non-compliance with the essential requirements is due to incorrect application of the implementing rules for interoperability and/or the Community specifications, the Member State concerned shall take appropriate measures against the originator of the declaration of conformity or suitability for use or the EC declaration of verification and shall inform the Commission and the other Member States thereof.
Če Komisija ugotovi, da je vzrok za neskladnost z bistvenimi zahtevami nepravilna uporaba izvedbenih pravil glede interoperabilnosti in/ali specifikacij Skupnosti, zadevna država članica sprejme ustrezne ukrepe proti izdajatelju izjave o skladnosti ali primernosti uporabe ali ES-izjave o verifikaciji ter o tem obvesti Komisijo in druge države članice.
20 Pravna redakcija
the verification of observance of the specific industrial use.
preveritev spoštovanja posebne industrijske uporabe.
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0357
- to carry out immediately, under the supervision of the competent authorities at a place determined by agreement with them, the treatments described in Annexes II or III, designed to ensure verification of the use made of the rice and the traceability of the products;
- da bodo pod nadzorom pristojnih organov na kraju, ki ga določijo v dogovoru z njimi, takoj izvedli obdelave, opisane v Prilogi II ali III, da bi zagotovili preverjanje uporabe riža in sledljivost proizvodov;
22 Pravna redakcija
In order to avoid any discrimination on the basis of the origin of the products, each Member State shall designate, for each specific measure or part of such measure, one single control body for the verification of the use and/or destination of the relevant products, irrespective of their origin (Community or national).
Da bi se izognili diskriminaciji zaradi porekla proizvodov, vsaka država članica določi za vsak poseben ukrep ali za del takšnega ukrepa en kontrolni organ za preverjanje uporabe in/ali namena zadevnih proizvodov, ne glede na njihovo poreklo (iz Skupnosti ali nacionalno).
23 Pravna redakcija
Whereas in those cases where two or more Member States are involved in the supervision, Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2823/87 of 18 September 1987 on the documents to be used for the purpose of implementing Community measures entailing verification of the use and/or destination of goods (5) should apply;
ker naj se v primerih, ko je ena ali več držav članic vključenih v kontrolo, uporablja Uredba Komisije (EGS) št. 2823/87 z dne 18. septembra 1987 o dokumentih, ki se uporabljajo za izvajanje ukrepov Skupnosti, zahtevajočih preverjanje uporabe in/ali namena blaga fn;
24 Pravna redakcija
(k) develop rules for the collection, submission, verification of, access to and use of data;
(k) oblikovati pravila za zbiranje, predložitev, preverjanje, dostop do in uporabo podatkov;
25 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Member States must be given more time to carry out any reorganization of their control agencies required for compliance with the requirement that a single control body be responsible for verification of the use and/or destination of all products, whatever their origin, covered by any specific measure or part thereof;
ker morajo imeti države članice več časa, da izvedejo reorganizacijo svojih kontrolnih agencij, ki je potrebna za skladnost z zahtevo, da mora biti en sam organ kontrole odgovoren za preverjanje uporabe in/ali namena vseh proizvodov ne glede na poreklo, zajetih v vse posebne ukrepe ali njihove dele;
26 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Member States must be given enough time to carry out any reorganization of their control agencies required for compliance with the requirement that a single control body be responsible for verification of the use and/or destination of all products, whatever their origin, covered by any specific measure or part thereof;
ker morajo imeti države članice dovolj časa, da izvedejo reorganizacijo svojih kontrolnih organov, ki je potrebna za skladnost z zahtevo, da mora biti en sam kontrolni organ odgovoren za preverjanje uporabe in/ali namena vseh proizvodov ne glede na poreklo, zajetih v vse posebne ukrepe ali njihove dele;
27 Pravna redakcija
They should also be responsible for the verification and security of those documents during their use in the premises assigned to them.
Odgovorne so tudi za preverjanje in varovanje tajnosti tistih dokumentov, ki jih uporabljajo v njim dodeljenih prostorih.
28 Pravna redakcija
use the results and conclusions of its audit and verification procedures and border checks covering countries that are not signatories to this Annex.
uporabljata rezultate in sklepe svojih revizij in preverjanj ter mejnih kontrol držav, ki niso podpisnice te Priloge.
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1786
(b) verification and establishment of entitlement to the aid, including any necessary controls, all of which may make use of certain elements of the integrated system;
(b) s preverjanjem in ugotavljanjem upravičenosti do pomoči, vključno z vsemi potrebnimi kontrolami, pri čemer se v obeh primerih lahko uporabljajo nekateri elementi integriranega sistema;
30 Pravna redakcija
Recourse to the random verification procedure specified in this Article must not constitute an obstacle to the release for home use of the products in question.
Uporaba postopka naključnega preverjanja, določenega v tem členu, ne sme pomeniti ovire za sprostitev zadevnih izdelkov v domačo uporabo.
31 Pravna redakcija
Where the standard exchange system is requested, the customs authorities shall, inter alia, make use of the verification methods listed in paragraph 1 (a), (c), (d) or (e).
Kadar se zahteva uporaba sistema standardne zamenjave, carinski organi uporabijo, med drugim, metode preverjanja, naštete v odstavku 1(a), (c), (d) ali (e).
32 Pravna redakcija
The provisions of this Section concerning the issue, use and subsequent verification of certificates of origin Form A shall apply mutatis mutandis to movement certificates EUR. l.
Določbe tega oddelka v zvezi z izdajo, uporabo in naknadnim preverjanjem potrdil o poreklu obrazec A se smiselno uporabljajo tudi za potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1.
33 Pravna redakcija
Should such verifications reveal systematic irregularities in the use of declarations of origin, the Community may subject imports of the products in question to the provisions of Article 2(1).
Če takšna preverjanja razkrijejo sistematične nepravilnosti pri uporabi izjav o poreklu, lahko Skupnost za uvoz zadevnih izdelkov uvede določbe člena 2(1).
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0008
Verification of compliance of migration into foodstuffs with the migration limits shall be carried out under the most extreme conditions of time and temperature foreseeable in actual use.
Preverjanje skladnosti migracije v živila z migracijskimi mejami se izvaja pod najbolj skrajnimi časovnimi in temperaturnimi pogoji, ki jih je mogoče predvideti v dejanski uporabi.
35 Pravna redakcija
Point 1.4, Chapter V of the Common Consular Instructions on Visas (Verification of other documents depending on the application) lays down the use of a harmonised form providing proof of accommodation.
Točka 1 poglavja V Skupnih konzularnih navodil o vizumih(preverjanje drugih dokumentov, odvisno od prošnje) predpisuje uporabo enotnega obrazca za dokazila o namestitvi.
36 Pravna redakcija
Should such verifications reveal systematic irregularities in the use of declarations of origin, the Community may subject imports of the products in question to the provisions of Article 2(1) of this Protocol.
Če takšna preverjanja razkrijejo sistematične nepravilnosti pri uporabi izjav o poreklu, lahko Skupnost za uvoz zadevnih izdelkov uporabi določbe člena 2(1) tega protokola.
37 Pravna redakcija
Should such verifications reveal systematic irregularities in the use of declarations of origin, the Community may subject imports of the products in question to the provisions of Article 2(1) of this Appendix.
Če takšna preverjanja razkrijejo sistematične nepravilnosti pri uporabi izjav o poreklu, lahko Skupnost za uvoz zadevnih izdelkov uvede določbe člena 2 (1) tega dodatka.
38 Pravna redakcija
Canadian material for end-use in France shall be submitted to IAEA verification as from the entry into force of the trilateral France/Euratom/IAEA Agreement currently under negotiation.
Kanadski material za končno uporabo v Franciji se predloži v preveritev MAAE od začetka veljavnosti tristranskega sporazuma med Francijo, Euratom in MAAE, o katerem trenutno potekajo pogajanja.
39 Pravna redakcija
The provisions of the present Section concerning the issue, use and subsequent verification of movement vertificates EUR. l shall apply mutatis mutandis to products originating in Ceuta and Melilla.
Določbe tega oddelka v zvezi z izdajo, uporabo in naknadnim preverjanjem potrdil o gibanju EUR.1 se smiselno uporabljajo za izdelke s poreklom iz Ceute in Melille.
40 Pravna redakcija
"notified bodies" means the bodies which are responsible for assessing the conformity or suitability for use of the interoperability constituents or for appraising the "EC" procedure for verification of the subsystems;
"priglašeni organi" pomenijo organe, ki so pooblaščeni za ocenjevanje skladnosti ali primernosti za uporabo komponent interoperabilnosti ali za oceno postopka ES-verifikacije podsistemov;
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2377
The use of the malt to manufacture beer aged in vats containing beechwood within no more than 150 days following the date on which the barley is processed into malt shall be subject to verification by the competent authority.
Uporabo slada za proizvodnjo piva, ki zori v sodih iz bukovega lesa največ 150 dni po dnevu, na katerega je bil ječmen predelan v slad, potrdi pristojni organ.
42 Pravna redakcija
Whereas it should be made clear, however, that use of such information sheet will be compulsory only where no other satisfactory verification arrangements have been jointly agreed by the authorities concerned prior to the issuing of the authorization;
ker bi seveda moralo biti jasno, da bo uporaba takšnega informativnega lista obvezna samo, kadar se ustrezni organi pred izdajo dovoljenja niso skupno dogovorili za drugačne zadovoljive načine preverjanja;
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verification of the use