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verify a credential
1 Pravna redakcija
If a question relating to the verification of credentials is raised when the oldest Member is in the Chair, he shall refer the matter to the committee responsible for the verification of credentials.
Če se med predsedovanjem najstarejšega poslanca pojavi vprašanje v zvezi s preverjanjem veljavnosti mandata poslancev, ta zadevo preda odboru, pristojnemu za preverjanje veljavnosti mandatov poslancev.
2 Pravna redakcija
If a Question relating to the verification of credentials is raised when the oldest Member is in the Chair, he shall refer the matter to the committee responsible for the verification of credentials.
Če se med predsedovanjem najstarejšegačlana pojavi vprašanje v zvezi s preverjanjem veljavnosti mandatov članov, ta zadevo preda odboru, ki je pristojen za preverjanjeveljavnosti mandatovčlanov.
3 Pravna redakcija
verifying the credentials of newly elected Members and ruling on any dispute concerning the validity of the appointment of a Member;
preverjanje mandatov novoizvoljenih poslancev in odločanje o sporih glede veljavnosti mandata poslanca;
4 Pravna redakcija
Until such time as a Member's credentials have been verified or a ruling has been given on any dispute, the Member shall take his seat in Parliament and on its bodies and shall enjoy all the rights attaching thereto.
Dokler Parlament ne preveri veljavnosti mandata poslanca ali ne odloči o morebitnem sporu, se poslanec polnopravno udeležuje sej Parlamenta in njegovih teles.
5 Pravna redakcija
Any dispute concerning the validity of the appointment of a Member whose credentials have already been verified shall be referred to the committee responsible, which shall report to Parliament without delay and no later than the beginning of the next part-session.
Vsi spori v zvezi z veljavnostjo imenovanja poslanca, čigar mandat je bil že preverjen, se prenesejo na pristojni odbor, ki Parlamentu poroča nemudoma in najkasneje do začetka naslednjega delnega zasedanja.
6 Pravna redakcija
Where the appointment of a Member is due to the withdrawal of candidates from the same list, the committee responsible for the verification of credentials shall ensure that such withdrawals have taken place in accordance with the spirit and the letter of the Act of 20 September 1976 and Rule 8(3).
Kadar je imenovanje poslanca posledica odstopa kandidatov na isti listi, odbor, pristojen za preverjanje veljavnosti mandatov, zagotovi, da so navedeni odstopi potekali v skladu s črko in duhom Akta z dne 20. septembra 1976 in člena 8(3).
7 Pravna redakcija
On the basis of a report by the committee responsible, Parliament shall verify the credentials without delay and rule on the validity of the mandate of each of its newly elected Members and also on any dispute referred to it pursuant to the provisions of the Act of 20 September 1976, except those based on national electoral laws.
Parlament na podlagi poročila pristojnega odbora nemudoma preveri veljavnost mandatov poslancev in odloči o veljavnosti mandatov vseh novoizvoljenih poslancev ter tudi o sporih, ki so nanj naslovljeni na podlagi določb Akta z dne 20. septembra 1976, razen tistih, ki temeljijo na nacionalni volilni zakonodaji.
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verify a credential