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verify right
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
Each State Party shall refrain from any abuse of the right of verification.
Nobena država pogodbenica ne sme zlorabiti pravice do preverjanja.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The Commission retains the right of verification, through the Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF).
(4) Preko urada za boj proti goljufijam (OLAF) Komisija ohrani pravico preverjanja.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
All States Parties, irrespective of their technical and financial capabilities, shall enjoy the equal right of verification and assume the equal obligation to accept verification.
Države pogodbenice uživajo ne glede na svoje tehnične in finančne možnosti enako pravico do preverjanja in prevzemajo enako obveznost sprejemanja preverjanj.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
Without prejudice to the right of States Parties to protect sensitive installations, activities or locations not related to this Treaty, States Parties shall not interfere with elements of the verification regime of this Treaty or with national technical means of verification operating in accordance with paragraph 5.
Države pogodbenice se ne smejo vmešavati v elemente sistema preverjanja po tej pogodbi ali v tehnična sredstva za preverjanje v posamezni državi, ki delujejo v skladu s 5. odstavkom, kar pa ne vpliva na pravico držav pogodbenic, da varujejo občutljive objekte in naprave, dejavnosti ali kraje, ki niso povezani s to pogodbo.
5 Objavljeno
Such declaration shall be based on a verifiable link to the underwater cultural heritage concerned, particular regard being paid to the preferential rights of States of cultural, historical or archaeological origin.
Tako sporočilo temelji na preverljivi povezanosti s to podvodno kulturno dediščino, zlasti glede na prednostne pravice držav, iz katerih ta dediščina kulturno, zgodovinsko ali arheološko izvira.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-62
3 At the request of a receiving Party, a requested Party shall verify whether a person is its national or had the right of permanent residence in its territory at the time of entry into the territory of the receiving Party.
Na zaprosilo pogodbenice sprejemnice zaprošena pogodbenica preveri, ali ima ta oseba njeno državljanstvo, ali je imela pravico do stalnega prebivanja na njenem območju ob vstopu na območje pogodbenice sprejemnice.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(a) of verifying the right to enter the United Kingdom of citizens of Member States and of their dependants exercising rights conferred by Union law, as well as citizens of other States on whom such rights have been conferred by an agreement by which the United Kingdom is bound; and
a) preverjanja pravice do vstopa v Združeno kraljestvo državljanov držav članic ter njihovih vzdrževancev, ki uresničujejo svoje pravice po pravu Unije, pa tudi državljanov drugih držav, ki jim te pravice pripadajo na podlagi sporazuma, ki zavezuje Združeno kraljestvo, in
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-48
At the request of the receiving State Party, a requested State Party shall, without undue or unreasonable delay, verify whether a person who has been the object of conduct set forth in article 6 of this Protocol is its national or has the right of permanent residence in its territory.
Na zahtevo države sprejemnice zaprošena država brez neprimernega ali nerazumnega odlašanja preveri, ali je oseba, ki je bila predmet ravnanja iz 6. člena tega protokola, njen državljan oziroma ima pravico do stalnega prebivališča na njenem ozemlju.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-48
At the request of a receiving State Party, a requested State Party shall, without undue or unreasonable delay, verify whether a person who is a victim of trafficking in persons is its national or had the right of permanent residence in its territory at the time of entry into the territory of the receiving State Party.
Na zahtevo države sprejemnice zaprošena država pogodbenica brez nepotrebnega ali nerazumnega odlašanja preveri, ali je oseba, ki je žrtev trgovine z ljudmi, njen državljan oziroma ali je imela pravico do stalnega prebivališča v njej ob vstopu v državo sprejemnico.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
NOTING that the States, which were members of the Community when they signed the Treaty, made it known on that occasion that safeguards provided for in Article III (1) of the Treaty would have to be set out in a verification agreement between the Community, the States and the Agency and defined in such a way that the rights and obligations of the States and the Community would not be affected;
UGOTAVLJAJOČ, da so države, ki so bile članice Skupnosti, ko so podpisale Pogodbo, ob tej priložnosti naznanile, da bo treba varovanje, opredeljeno v členu III(1) Pogodbe, določiti v sporazumu o preverjanju med Skupnostjo, državami in Agencijo in jih opredeliti na način, da ne bodo vplivali na pravice in obveznosti držav in Skupnosti;
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
The Agency shall have the right and the obligation to ensure that safeguards will be applied, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, on all source or special fissionable material in all peaceful nuclear activities within the territories of the States, under their jurisdiction or carried out under their control anywhere, for the exclusive purpose of verifying that such material is not diverted to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.
Agencija ima pravico in obveznost, da zagotovi uporabo varovanja v skladu s pogoji iz tega sporazuma za vse osnovne materiale ali posebne cepljive materiale pri vseh miroljubnih jedrskih dejavnostih na ozemljih držav, pod njihovo jurisdikcijo ali ki se pod njihovim nadzorom opravljajo kjerkoli, z izključnim namenom preverjanja, da se takšen material ne zlorablja za jedrsko orožje ali druge jedrske eksplozivne naprave.
12 Objavljeno
WTO: Predodpremna kontr-Uvozna dovoljenja
This information shall include a reference to the laws and regulations of user Members relating to preshipment inspection activities, and shall also include the procedures and criteria used for inspection and for price and currency exchange-rate verification purposes, the exporters' rights vis-a-vis the inspection entities, and the appeals procedures set up under paragraph 21. Additional procedural requirements or changes in existing procedures shall not be applied to a shipment unless the exporter concerned is informed of these changes at the time the inspection date is arranged.
Te informacije obsegajo tudi navedbe zakonov in predpisov članic uporabnic, ki se nanašajo na dejavnosti predodpremne kontrole in prav tako obsegajo postopke in merila, ki se uporabljajo za kontrolo in tudi za preverjanje cen in tečajev, pravice izvoznikov v razmerju do kontrolnih subjektov in prizivne postopke, ki se vzpostavijo na podlagi enaindvajsetega odstavka. Dodatne zahteve postopka ali spremembe v obstoječih postopkih se ne smejo uporabljati za določeno odpremo, razen če ni bil določen izvoznik o tem obveščen ob dogovoru o dnevu kontrole.
13 Končna redakcija
The Commission retains the right of verification, through the Anti Fraud Office (OLAF).
Preko urada za raziskave goljufij (OLAF) Komisija ohrani pravico preverjanja.
14 Končna redakcija
This coordination includes the right of the notified body responsible for the EC verification,
To usklajevanje vključuje pravico priglašenega organa, odgovornega za ES-verifikacijo:
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0730
This coordination includes the right of the notified body responsible for the EC verification:
To usklajevanje vključuje pravico priglašenega organa, odgovornega za ES-verifikacijo:
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2847
The Commission may carry out verification on the spot, in its own right, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the sampling plan.
Komisija lahko na kraju samem izvede preverjanje za vrednotenje učinkovitosti načrta vzorčenja.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0020
As part of the application procedure for granting rights to use a radio frequency, Member States may verify whether the applicant will be able to comply with the conditions attached to such rights.
Države èlanice lahko kot del postopka reševanja vloge za podelitev pravic uporabe radijske frekvence preverijo, ali bo prosilec lahko izpolnil pogoje, ki so s takimi pravicami povezani.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0874
All claims for prior rights under Article 10(1) and (2) must be verifiable by documentary evidence which demonstrates the right under the law by virtue of which it exists.
Vsi zahtevki za prednostne pravice po členu 10(1) in (2) morajo biti preverljivi z dokumentarnimi dokazili, ki izkazujejo pravico po zakonodaji, na podlagi katere ta pravica obstaja.
19 Končna redakcija
The provisions of this Directive shall not restrict the right of Member States to verify the nature and genuineness of the transactions or transfers and to take all requisite measures to prevent infringements of their laws and regulations.
Določbe te direktive ne omejujejo pravice držav članic, da preverijo naravo in avtentičnost transakcij ali prenosov in sprejmejo vse potrebne ukrepe za preprečevanje kršitev zakonov in predpisov.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0020
National regulatory authorities may require undertakings providing electronic communications networks or services covered by the general authorisation or enjoying rights of use for radio frequencies or numbers to provide information necessary to verify compliance with the conditions of the general authorisation or of rights of use or with the specific obligations referred to in Article 6(2), in accordance with Article 11.
Nacionalni regulativni organi lahko od podjetij, ki zagotavljajo elektronska komunikacijska omrežja ali storitve v okviru splošne odobritve ali imajo pravice uporabe radijskih frekvenc ali številk, zahtevajo, da v skladu s èlenom 11 posredujejo informacije, ki so potrebne za preverjanje izpolnjevanja pogojev iz splošne odobritve ali pravic uporabe ali izpolnjevanja posebnih obveznosti iz èlena 6(2).
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Regulation XI-2/9.1, Control of ships in port, implements a system for the control of ships while in the port of a foreign country where duly authorised officers of the Contracting Government ('duly authorised officers') have the right to go on board the ship to verify that the required certificates are in proper order.
Pravilo XI-2/9.1, Nadzor ladij v pristanišču, vzpostavlja sistem za nadzor ladij, kadar so v pristanišču tuje države, kjer imajo ustrezno pooblaščeni uradniki vlade pogodbenice ("ustrezno pooblaščeni uradniki") pravico, da se vkrcajo na ladjo in preverijo, ali so zahtevana spričevala v redu.
22 Končna redakcija
of verifying the right to enter the United Kingdom of citizens of States which are Contracting Parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area and of their dependants exercising rights conferred by Community law, as well as citizens of other States on whom such rights have been conferred by an agreement by which the United Kingdom is bound;
preverjanja pravice do vstopa v Združeno kraljestvo državljanov držav, ki so pogodbenice Sporazuma o ekonomskem gospodarskem prostoru ter njihovih vzdrževancev, ki uresničujejo svoje pravice po pravu Skupnosti, pa tudi državljanov drugih držav, ki jim te pravice pripadajo na podlagi sporazuma, ki zavezuje Združeno kraljestvo,
23 Pravna redakcija
Right of verification and compulsory collection of statistical information
Pravica verifikacije in obvezno zbiranje statističnih informacij
24 Pravna redakcija
The right to verify statistical information or to carry out compulsory collection thereof shall comprise the right to:
Pravica do verifikacije statističnih informacij ali do izvedbe obveznega zbiranja zato vključuje pravico do:
25 Pravna redakcija
Before holding the vote, the president shall call for verification of delegated voting rights.
Pred glasovanjem predsednik zahteva verifikacijo prenesenih glasovalnih pravic.
26 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the object of this sui generis right is to ensure protection of any investment in obtaining, verifying or presenting the contents of a database for the limited duration of the right;
ker je namen te pravice sui generis zagotoviti varstvo vseh naložb v pridobivanje, preverjanje in predstavljanje vsebine baze podatkov za omejeno trajanje pravice;
27 Pravna redakcija
The Commission reserves the right to request, at any time, any invoices or supporting documents for expenditure relating to projects for verification.
Komisija si pridržuje pravico, da kadar koli zahteva preverjanje vseh računov ali spremne dokumentacije za izdatke, ki se nanašajo na projekte.
28 Pravna redakcija
Recommendation Data security methods (e.g. access rights, source verification) and, where applicable, network management should be applied to OLDI facilities.
Priporočilo Pri zmogljivostih OLDI se uporabljajo metode zaščite podatkov (npr. pravice dostopa, preverjanje vira), in kjer je primerno, upravljanje omrežja.
29 Pravna redakcija
Organisations may not refuse the right of accreditation bodies to supervise the environmental verifier through witnessed assessments during the verification process.
Organizacije akreditacijskim organom ne smejo odreči pravice, da nadzorujejo okoljskega preveritelja z opazovanjem njegovega dela med preverjanjem organizacije.
30 Pravna redakcija
The ECB may adopt regulations specifying the conditions under which the right to verify or to carry out the compulsory collection of statistical information may be exercised.
ECB lahko sprejme uredbe, ki določajo pogoje, po katerih se lahko uveljavita pravici do verifikacije ali izvedbe obveznega zbiranja statističnih informacij.
31 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
- to specify the conditions under which the ECB and the national central banks (NCBs) may exercise the right to verify or to carry out the compulsory collection of statistical information.
- opredeli pogoje, pod katerimi lahko ECB in nacionalne centralne banke (NCB) preverjajo ali izvajajo prisilno zbiranje statističnih podatkov.
32 Pravna redakcija
Article 6(4) provides that the ECB may adopt regulations specifying the conditions under which the right to verify or to carry out the compulsory collection of statistical information may be exercised.
ECB sprejme predpise, ki določajo pogoje, po katerih se lahko uveljavi pravica do verifikacije ali izvedbe obveznega zbiranja statističnih informacij.
33 Pravna redakcija
The right to verify or to collect compulsorily the information which reporting agents shall provide in compliance with the statistical reporting requirements set out in this Regulation shall be exercised by the NCBs, without prejudice to the right of the ECB to exercise these rights itself.
Pravico do preverjanja ali obveznega zbiranja podatkov, ki jih poročevalske enote zagotavljajo v skladu z zahtevami statističnega poročanja po tej uredbi, uveljavljajo NCB, ne da bi pri tem posegale v pravico ECB do uveljavljanja omenjene pravice.
34 Pravna redakcija
The accreditation body shall not require other conditions which would prejudice the right of the environmental verifier to provide services in a Member State other than the one where accreditation was granted.
Akreditacijski organ ne sme zahtevati drugih pogojev, ki bi vplivali na pravico okoljskega preveritelja, da izvaja storitve v državi članici, ki ni država, v kateri je bila akreditacija podeljena.
35 Pravna redakcija
Until such time as a Member's credentials have been verified or a ruling has been given on any dispute, the Member shall take his seat in Parliament and on its bodies and shall enjoy all the rights attaching thereto.
Dokler Parlament ne preveri veljavnosti mandata poslanca ali ne odloči o morebitnem sporu, se poslanec polnopravno udeležuje sej Parlamenta in njegovih teles.
36 Pravna redakcija
To increase confidence in the effective implementation of the provisions of this Title, each Party shall have the right to carry out audit and verification procedures in respect of the exporting Party, which may include:
Zaradi večjega zaupanja v učinkovito izvajanje določb tega Naslova ima vsaka pogodbenica pravico do izvajanja revizij in preverjanj v zvezi z izvozno pogodbenico, ki lahko obsegajo naslednje:
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0694
Without prejudice to data protection rules, persons to whom the FTD and FRTD is issued shall have the right to verify the personal particulars contained in the FTD/FRTD and, where appropriate, to have them corrected or deleted.
Brez poseganja v pravila o varovanju podatkov imajo osebe, katerim se izda FTD in FRTD, pravico preveriti osebne podatke iz FTD/FRTD in, kjer je ustrezno, zahtevati njihov popravek ali izbris.
38 Pravna redakcija
For the purpose of verifying whether the conditions stated in paragraph 1 have been met, the customs authorities shall have the right to call for any documentary evidence or to carry out any check which they consider appropriate.
Za namen preverjanja, ali so pogoji, navedeni v odstavku 1, izpolnjeni, imajo carinski organi pravico zahtevati kakršna koli dokumentarna dokazila ali opraviti kakršen koli pregled, ki se jim zdi primeren.
39 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
The ECB and the National Central Banks have the right, within the scope of the Council Regulation (EC) concerning the application of minimum reserves by the European Central Bank, to verify the accuracy and quality of collected data.
ECB in nacionalne centralne banke imajo pravico, da znotraj okvira Uredbe Sveta (ES) glede uporabe obveznih rezerv s strani Evropske centralne banke preverijo točnost in kakovost zbranih podatkov.
40 Pravna redakcija
For the purpose of verifying whether the conditions stated in paragraph 2 have been met, the Andorran customs authorities shall have the right to call for any documentary-evidence or to carry out any check which they consider appropriate.
Za namen preverjanja ali so pogoji, navedeni v odstavku 2 izpolnjeni, imajo carinski organi Andore pravico zahtevati kakršna koli dokumentarna dokazila ali izvesti kakršno koli kontrolo, ki jo štejejo za ustrezno.
41 Pravna redakcija
For the purpose of verifying whether the conditions for issuing EUR.l certificates have been met, the customs authorities shall have the right to call for any documentary evidence or to carry out any check which they consider appropriate.
Za namene preverjanja, ali so pogoji za izdajo potrdil EUR.1 izpolnjeni, imajo carinski organi pravico zahtevati vsa dokumentarna dokazila ali opraviti kakršen koli pregled, ki je po njihovem mnenju ustrezen.
42 Pravna redakcija
For the purpose of verifying whether the condition stated in paragraph 5 has been met, the competent governmental authority shall have the right to call for any documentary evidence or to carry out any check which is considers appropriate.
Za preverjanje, ali je bil izpolnjen pogoj iz odstavka 5, ima pristojni vladni organ pravico zahtevati katero koli dodatno dokazilo ali opraviti kakršen koli drug pregled, ki se mu zdi potreben.
43 Pravna redakcija
Without prejudice to data protection rules, persons to whom the residence permit is issued shall have the right to verify the personal particulars contained in the residence permit and, where appropriate, to have them corrected or deleted.
Brez poseganja v pravila o varstvu podatkov imajo osebe, ki jim je izdano dovoljenje za prebivanje, pravico, da preverijo osebne podatke v dovoljenju za prebivanje in zahtevajo njihovo spremembo ali črtanje, če je to ustrezno.
44 Pravna redakcija
This Article shall not affect the right of the competent authorities of the host Member State to carry out, in the discharge of their responsibilities under this Directive, on-the-spot verifications of branches established within their territory.
Ta člen ne vpliva na pravico pristojnih organov države članice gostiteljice, da pri opravljanju svojih dolžnosti v skladu s to direktivo na kraju samem pregledajo podružnice, ustanovljene na njihovem ozemlju.
45 Pravna redakcija
The Customs authorities which endorse movement certificates in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 8(3) have the right to undertake verification of the goods in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in the State concerned.
Carinski organi, ki potrdijo potrdila o gibanju blaga v skladu s pogoji iz člena 8(3), imajo pravico do kontrole blaga v skladu z zakoni in drugimi predpisi, ki veljajo v zadevni državi.
46 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the annual fees for the duration of a Community plant variety right should constitute an extra source of revenue for the Office, but should, inter alia, cover costs relating to the technical verification of varieties after the grant of a Community plant variety right and, in consequence, should follow the grouping established for the examination fees;
ker so letne pristojbine za trajanje žlahtniteljske pravice v Skupnosti dodatni vir dohodka za urad, vendar naj bi morale, med drugim, pokrivati tudi stroške preverjanja sort potem, ko se podeli žlahtniteljska pravica v Skupnosti, in se posledično razvrščati po skupinah, ki so že uvedene za pristojbine za preskušanje;
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verify right