Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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watch case
1 Objavljeno
They comprise of early removal of the attached tick, disinfection of the site of the tick bite, the policy of wait and watch for the eventual appearance of Lyme borreliosis manifestation(s) and early treatment in case of the eventual appearance of signs or symptoms of Lyme borreliosis.
Prisesanega klopa je potrebno čimprej odstraniti, kožo na mestu vboda razkužiti, prežati na pojav morebitnih simptomov in znakov lymske borelioze in, če do njih pride, začeti zgodnje zdravljenje z antibiotiki.
2 Končna redakcija
Approved seagoing service in the capacity of deck assistant on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more for not less than 6 months in the case of a graduate of a maritime college or academy, or one year in the case of a graduate of an approved course, including not less than six months in the capacity of a rating forming a part of a navigational watch.
odobreno prakso na morju v funkciji asistenta na krovu na ladjah nosilnosti 500 bruto ton ali več, ki v primeru diplomanta pomorske akademije ali višje šole traja najmanj šest mesecev in v primeru diplomanta po odobrenem izobraževalnem programu eno leto, od tega vsaj šest mesecev v funkciji sestave ladijske straže krova.
3 Končna redakcija
As a crow I would descend in a great spiral to the roof of the tallest of the castle towers and peer through the window niche; as a mouse I would silently wriggle through the bars, scurry down the wall to the wooden bedstead, and as a feather slide onto the pillow by the cheek of the sleeping princess to watch her slowly wake up...
Kot krokar bi se v veliki pentlji spustil na nadstrešek najvišjega grajskih stolpičev in poškilil skozi okensko nišo, se kot miška neslišno zmuznil skozi rešetke, spustil po steni do lesenega posteljnega okvirja in po njem kot peresce zdrsnil na vzglavnik ob lice speče princeske opazovat njeno počasno prebujanje...
4 Končna redakcija
The flaw of license fee funding is that it does not force the provider of the service to take into account the wishes of the audience - all users pay the same fee regardless of their material conditions; in other words, the license fee in this case is a tax paid by all owners of television sets whether they watch the bbc or not (Review of the Future Funding of the bbc, 1999: 140-142).
Pomanjkljivost pristojbine je, da od ponudnika storitev ne zahteva, naj upošteva želje občinstva; vsi uporabniki morajo plačati enak znesek ne glede na svoj materialni položaj; pristojbina je dejansko davek, ki ga morajo plačati vsi imetniki rtv sprejemnikov ne glede na to, ali program gledajo ali ne (Review of the Future Funding of the BBC 1999, 140.142).
5 Pravna redakcija
Watch cases and parts thereof
Ohišja za osebne ure in deli ohišij
6 Pravna redakcija
Watch cases and parts thereof:
Ohišja za osebne ure in deli ohišij:
7 Pravna redakcija
Watch movements (including stop-watch movements), assembled Clock movements, assembled Watch cases and parts of watch cases
Mehanizmi za osebne ure (vključno z mehanizmi štoparic), sestavljeni Urni mehanizmi, sestavljeni Ohišja za osebne ure in njihovi deli
8 Pravna redakcija
Wrist-watches, pocket-watches and other watches, including stop-watches, with case of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal:
Ročne, žepne in druge osebne ure, vključno štoparice, z ohišjem, ki je v celoti iz plemenite kovine ali kovine, platirane s plemenito kovino:
9 Pravna redakcija
Articles of Chapter 91 (for example, clock or watch cases);
izdelki iz Poglavja 91 (na primer: urni okrovi);
10 Pravna redakcija
Watch chains (heading No 71. 13 or 71. 17, as the case may be);
verižice za ure (tarifna številka 71.13 ali 71.17, odvisno od primera);
11 Pravna redakcija
Heading No 91. 01 covers only watches with case wholly of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal, or of the same materials combined with natural or cultured pearls, or precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed) of headings Nos 71. 01 to 71. 04. Watches with case of base metal inlaid with precious metal fall within heading No 91. 02.
Tarifna številka 91.01 pokriva samo ure, ki imajo celo ohišje iz plemenite kovine ali iz kovine, platirane s plemenito kovino, ali iz istih materialov kombiniranih z naravnimi ali gojenimi biseri, ali dragimi ali poldragimi kamni (naravnimi, umetnimi ali rekonstruiranimi) iz tarifnih številk 71.01 do 71.04. Ure, ki imajo ohišje iz navadne kovine platirano s plemenito kovino z notranje strani, se uvrščajo v tarifno številko 91.02.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
clock or watch cases);
urni okrovi);
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0027
wrist-watch cases, watch straps and tighteners,
ohišja zapestnih ur, pasovi in zaponke,
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31983R0918
braillove ure z ohišji, ki niso iz dragih kovin
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R3691
Braille watches with cases other than of precious metals
Braillove ure z ohišji, ki niso iz dragih kovin
16 Prevajalska redakcija
Watch chains (heading No 71.13 or 71.17, as the case may be);
verižice za ure (tarifna številka 71.13 ali 71.17, odvisno od primera);
17 Prevajalska redakcija
Watches with case of base metal inlaid with precious metal fall within heading No 91.02.
Ure, ki imajo ohišje iz navadne kovine platirano s plemenito kovino z notranje strani, se uvrščajo v tarifno številko 91.02.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
Heading No 91.01 covers only watches with case wholly of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal, or of the same materials combined with natural or cultured pearls, or precious or semi-precious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed) of headings Nos 71.01 to 71.04.
Tarifna številka 91.01 pokriva samo ure, ki imajo celo ohišje iz plemenite kovine ali iz kovine, platirane s plemenito kovino, ali iz istih materialov kombiniranih z naravnimi ali gojenimi biseri, ali dragimi ali poldragimi kamni (naravnimi, umetnimi ali rekonstruiranimi) iz tarifnih številk 71.01 do 71.04.
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watch case