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whole fish
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0427
Whole fish (1)
Cele ribe (1)
2 Pravna redakcija
Whole fish refers to ungutted fish.
Cela riba se nanaša na ribo z drobovjem.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0466
Whole fish shall be wrapped in absorbent paper and shipped in a plastic bag, chilled as mentioned above.
Cele ribe zavijemo v vpojni papir in pošljemo ohlajene v plastičnih vrečkah, kot je navedeno zgoraj.
4 Pravna redakcija
Whole fish may be sent to the laboratory if the temperature requirements during transportation can be fulfilled.
V laboratorij se lahko pošljejo cele ribe, če je med prevozom mogoče izpolniti temperaturne zahteve.
5 Pravna redakcija
Whole fish may be wrapped up in paper with absorptive capacity and must finally be shipped in a plastic bag, chilled as mentioned.
Cele ribe se lahko zavijejo v papir s sposobnostjo vpijanja in se nato odpošljejo v plastični vrečki, hlajene, kakor je bilo navedeno.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0466
Whole fish may be transported to the laboratory if the temperature requirements during transportation, as described in II.3.1, can be fulfilled.
Cele ribe lahko transportiramo v laboratorij, če so med prevozom izpolnjene temperaturne zahteve, kakor je opisano v II.3.1.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The import into the Union of products having been the subject of the operations referred to in paragraph 2 shall be carried out subject to suspension, in part or in whole, of the Common Customs Tariff duties or subject to a special system of charges, under the conditions and within the limits of additionality fixed annually in relation to the volume of fishing possibilities deriving from the agreements in question and from their accompanying detailed rules.
(3) Uvoz v Unijo tistih proizvodov, ki so bili predmet delovnih postopkov iz prejšnjega odstavka, se opravlja z upoštevanjem delne ali popolne opustitve dajatev skupne carinske tarife ali na podlagi posebnega sistema dajatev, pod pogoji in v letno določenih mejah dodatnosti glede na obseg ribolovnih možnosti, ki izhajajo iz zadevnih sporazumov in iz njihovih spremljajočih podrobnosti.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31983R2807
Where no processing has taken place, WHOLE for whole fish.
Če ni bilo predelave, se označi cele za cele ribe.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0684
"Where fish are intended to be eaten whole, the maximum level shall apply to the whole fish".
"Če je riba v celoti užitna, veljajo mejne vrednosti za celo ribo";
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0044
In case the lot to be sampled contains small fish (individual fish weighing < 1 kg), the whole fish is taken as incremental sample to form the aggregate sample.
V primeru, ko lot, ki ga je treba vzorčiti, vsebuje drobne ribe (posamezne ribe, ki tehtajo < 1 kg), se kot primarni vzorci vzamejo cele ribe, da se oblikuje sestavljeni vzorec.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31983R2807
Indicate the nature of this processing if any: GUT for gutting, HEAD for heading, FILLET for filleting, etc. Where no processing has taken place, WHOLE for whole fish.
Označite naravo morebitne predelave: BREZ DRO za ribe brez drobovja, GLAVA brez glave, FILET za filetirane itd. Če ni bilo predelave, se označi cele za cele ribe.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
On the basis of these arguments they requested that frozen whole fish and fillets be excluded by the proceeding.
Na podlagi teh argumentov so zahtevali, da se zamrznjena cela postrv in fileti postrvi izvzamejo iz postopkov.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
On the basis of the above, the request that frozen whole fish and fillets should be excluded from the proceeding could not be accepted.
Zahteva na podlagi zgoraj navedenega, da se zamrznjena cela riba in fileti ribe izvzamejo iz postopkov, ni bila sprejeta.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
Regarding the whole fish and fillets, they were considered as different types of the product concerned and as such were examined in the dumping calculations and the injury assessment.
V zvezi s celo ribo in fileti pa je treba opozoriti, da so bile upoštevane kot različne vrste tega izdelka in kot take pregledane v izračunu dampinga in oceni škode.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
Furthermore, it was argued that cheap large trout, mostly of Finnish production, has been sold mainly for the consumer market as whole fish or fillets, while processors do not use much of it.
Zveze so tudi trdile, da so se poceni velike amerikanke, večinoma finske proizvodnje, prodajale večinoma na trgu potrošnikov kot cele ribe ali fileti, medtem ko jih predelovalci ne uporabljajo v velikem obsegu.
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0044
Specific provisions for the sampling of lots containing whole fishes
"4.1 Posebne določbe za vzorčenje lotov, ki vsebujejo cele ribe
17 Končna redakcija
Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals (other than fish), whole and pieces thereof
Živalska čreva, mehurji in želodci živali (razen ribjih), celi ali v kosih
18 Končna redakcija
Whereas sea fisheries form the most important part of the fishing industry as a whole;
ker je morsko ribištvo najpomembnejši del ribiške industrije kot celote;
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
In addition, in the recent investigation(3) concerning salmon where a similar argument was made, it was determined that the product concerned included whole fish, gutted fish and various types of portion fillets, whether fresh, chilled or frozen and that such presentations of salmon constituted a single product which itself was deemed to be alike in all respects to that produced by the Community producers and sold in the Community market, and thus this case does not support the submission made.
V nedavni preiskavi [3] v zvezi z lososom, v kateri je bil predstavljen podoben argument, je bilo odločeno, da zadevni izdelek zajema celo ribo, ribo brez drobovja in različne vrste porcijskih filetov, svežih, ohlajenih ali zamrznjenih, in da te predstavitve lososa predstavljajo en izdelek, ki je sam po sebi v vseh pogledih podoben izdelku proizvajalcev Skupnosti in ki se prodaja na trgu Skupnosti, zato ta primer ne podpira danega argumenta.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
In this respect it should be noted that in assessing whether the product concerned should be deemed to be alike to large rainbow trout produced in the Community, it was initially considered whether the various types of and presentations of large rainbow trout, i.e. fillets or whole fish, fresh or frozen, shared the same basic physical, technical and/or chemical characteristics.
V tej zvezi je treba opozoriti, da je ocenjevanje, ali se zadevni izdelek obravnava kot podoben izdelek veliki amerikanki s poreklom iz Skupnosti, sprva temeljilo na tem, ali imajo različne vrste in predstavitve velike amerikanke, tj. fileti ali cela riba, sveža ali zamrznjena, enake osnovne fizične, tehnične in/ali kemične značilnosti.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
A definitive anti-dumping duty is hereby imposed on imports of large rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) whether fresh, chilled or frozen, whether in the form of whole fish (with heads and gills on, gutted, weighing more than 1,2 kg each or with heads off, gilled and gutted, weighing more than 1 kg each) or in the form of fillets (weighing over 0,4 kg each), currently classifiable within CN codes 0302 11 20, 0303 21 20, 0304 10 15 and 0304 20 15, originating in Norway and the Faeroe Islands.
S tem se uvede dokončna protidampinška dajatev za uvoz velikih amerikank (Oncorhynchus mykiss), svežih, ohlajenih ali zamrznjenih, celih (z glavo in škrgami, brez drobovja, maso več kakor 1,2 kg posamezno ali brez glave, škrg in drobovja, maso več kakor 1 kg posamezno) ali v obliki filetov (mase več kakor 0,4 kg posamezno) s poreklom iz Norveške in Ferskih otokov, ki se zdaj uvrščajo pod oznake KN 03021120, 03032120, 03041015 in 03042015.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0104
These prices shall be valid for the whole Community and shall be fixed for each fishing year or for each of the periods into which that year is subdivided.
Te cene veljajo za celotno Skupnost in se določijo za vsako ribolovno leto ali za vsako od obdobij, na katera se razdeli leto.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976R0101
For the fishing industry as a whole, the committee shall be required: - to ensure that Member States and the Commission are kept mutually informed of structural policies and in particular of measures governing sea fishing;
Za ribiško industrijo kot celoto se od odbora zahteva:? da poskrbi, da so dr žave članice in Komisija medsebojno obveščene o strukturnih politikah in zlasti o ukrepih, ki urejajo morsko ribištvo;
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0044
In point 4 "Sampling plans", the following point 4.1 "Specific provisions for the sampling of lots containing whole fishes" is inserted after Table 2:
V točki 4 "Načrt vzorčenja" se za Preglednico 2 vstavi točka 4.1 "Posebne določbe za vzorčenje lotov, ki vsebujejo cele ribe"
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0104
the average of prices recorded for a significant proportion of Community output on wholesale markets or in ports during the three fishing years immediately preceding the year for which the price is fixed,
povprečju cen, evidentiranih za bistveni del proizvodnje Skupnosti na veletržnicah ali v pristaniščih za prvo prodajo v zadnjih treh ribolovnih letih pred letom, za katero se določa cena;
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
Several associations of fish processing industries argued that not enough attention was paid to the existence of different market segments (whole, fillet, roe and smoked) and different pricing on these segments.
Več zvez predelovalcev rib je dokazovalo, da ni bila posvečena zadostna pozornost obstoju različnih tržnih segmentov (cela riba, fileti, ikre in prekajena riba) in različnemu določanju cen v teh segmentih.
27 Končna redakcija
Over the next few years the authorities also intend to move the cornerstone of street trading from the centre: the wholesale fish market and the fruit and vegetable market. A similar fate also awaits the flower market, though flowers are among the most profitable and popular articles on sale.
V naslednjih nekaj letih nameravajo oblasti iz sredi��ča izselili tudi temelj ulične trgovine, ribjo veletržnico kot tudi tisto za zelenjavo in sadje, podobna usoda pa čaka tudi veletržnico cvetja, enega najbolje vnovčljivih in najbolj kupovanih artiklov.
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whole fish