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wild service tree
1 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Dokument v pomoč
To ensure the conditions which will enable the providers of public services for the collection and treatment of wastewaters to undertake the tasks laid down in this programme.
Zagotovitev sistemskih in drugih pogojev za to, da bodo izvajalci javne službe zbiranja in čiščenja odpadnih voda lahko prevzeli s tem programom naložene naloge.
2 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-68
Basic medical care and emergency dental treatment by the Host Nation medical services and the evacuation by military aircraft, including helicopters, will be provided free of charge.
Osnovna zdravstvena oskrba in nujna zobozdravstvena pomoč, ki ju izvajajo zdravstvene službe države gostiteljice, ter evakuacija z vojaškimi letali in helikopterji se zagotavljajo brezplačno.
3 Končna redakcija
Whereas this position of paid employees accompanying a person providing services or acting on his behalf will be governed by the provisions laid down in pursuance of Articles 48 and 49 of the Treaty;
ker bodo položaj zaposlenih delavcev pri osebi, ki opravlja storitve, ali ki delujejo v njenem imenu, urejale določbe, sprejete na podlagi členov 48 in 49 Pogodbe;
4 Končna redakcija
Concerning antitrust rules (Articles 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty), an activity which affects the market only insignificantly - and this may be the case of a number of services of general interest of local character - will normally not affect trade between Member States and therefore will not be subject to the Community rules(15).
Kar zadeva antitrustovska pravila (člena 81 in 82 Pogodbe ES) dejavnost, ki le zanemarljivo vpliva na trg – to so lahko številne storitve splošnega interesa lokalnega pomena – praviloma ne vpliva na trgovino med državami članicami in zato za njo ne veljajo pravila Skupnosti [15].
5 Končna redakcija
The Community will ensure in the application of the Treaty rules and with the instruments at its disposal that the performance of such services, in terms of quality and prices, responds best to the needs of their users and of citizens at large.
Skupnost bo pri uporabi pravil Pogodbe in s sredstvi, ki jih ima na razpolago, zagotovila, da bo izvajanje teh storitev glede kakovosti in cen najbolj ustrezalo potrebam njihovih uporabnikov in vseh državljanov.
6 Končna redakcija
In particular, where systems are set up by legislation or guided by public authorities, the principles of freedom of establishment, freedom to provide services and free movement of capital and payments contained in the EC Treaty and in the Second Banking Directive (5) will be applicable.
Zlasti kadar sisteme ustanovi zakonodaja ali jih vodijo organi oblasti, se uporabljajo načela svobode ustanavljanja, svobode opravljanja storitev ter prostega pretoka kapitala in plačil vsebovane v Pogodbe ES in Drugi bančni direktivi [5].
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Where the client of an investment firm is an undertaking referred to above, the investment firm must inform it prior to any provision of services that, on the basis of the information available to the firm, the client is deemed to be a professional client, and will be treated as such unless the firm and the client agree otherwise.
Če je stranka investicijske družbe zgoraj navedeno podjetje, jo mora investicijska družba pred opravljanjem storitev obvestiti, da se glede na informacije s katerimi družba razpolaga stranka šteje za poklicno stranko in se bo tako obravnavala, razen če se družba in stranka dogovorita drugače.
8 Pravna redakcija
the conformity assessment body's technical knowledge of the relevant products, processes or services which it is willing to treat;
strokovno znanje organa za ugotavljanje skladnosti o ustreznih izdelkih, procesih ali storitvah, ki jih je pripravljen obravnavati;
9 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
The conditions of the other derogations from the Treaty listed in those provisions will not normally be fulfilled in relation to postal services.
Pogoji za druga odstopanja od Pogodbe, ki so našteti v navedenih določbah, navadno ne bodo izpolnjeni pri poštnih storitvah.
10 Pravna redakcija
In 1996, the Parties will meet to consider the possibilities of granting to each other most-favoured-nation treatment for mobile satellite services.
Leta 1996 se bosta pogodbenici sestali in preučili možnosti, da si medsebojno priznata obravnavo po načelu največjih ugodnosti za mobilne satelitske storitve.
11 Pravna redakcija
The cooperation will be geared mainly to the harmonisation of statistical methods and practice to enable processing, according to mutually agreed bases, of data on trade in goods and services and, more generally, on any field covered by the Agreement lending itself to statistical treatment.
Sodelovanje bo zlasti usmerjeno v usklajevanje statističnih metod in prakse, da bi omogočili obdelavo podatkov o blagovni menjavi in trgovini s storitvami v skladu z medsebojno dogovorjenimi osnovami, ter, bolj splošno, obdelavo na vseh področjih, ki jih ureja sporazum in so statistično obdelana.
12 Pravna redakcija
a) Persons not residing in the territory of a Member State to which the EC treaties apply, who are representatives of a service supplier and are seeking temporary entry for the purpose of negotiating for the sale of services or entering into agreements to sell services for that service provider, where those representatives will not be engaged in making direct sales to the general public or in supplying services themselves.
a) Osebe, ki nimajo stalnega prebivališča na ozemlju države članice, kjer se uporablja Pogodba ES, ki so predstavniki ponudnika storitev in želijo začasni vstop zaradi pogajanj o prodaji storitev ali sklenitve pogodb o prodaji storitev za tega ponudnika storitev, če ti predstavniki ne bodo opravljali neposredne prodaje splošni javnosti ali sami opravljali storitev.
13 Pravna redakcija
Statistical work in the field of industry in the broad sense of the term (including, in particular, construction, services, energy and agri-foodstuffs) will be centred on support for the policies decided on the basis of the Treaty of Amsterdam, and at various summits held subsequently (in particular, the Lisbon Summit of March 2000).
Statistična raziskovanja na področju industrije v širšem pomenu besede (vključno zlasti z gradbeništvom, storitvenimi dejavnostmi, energetiko in agroživilstvom) se bodo osredotočila na podporo politik, ki so bile dogovorjene na podlagi Amsterdamske pogodbe in na raznih poznejših srečanjih na vrhu (zlasti na srečanju v Lizboni marca 2000).
14 Pravna redakcija
In making such recommendations, the Association Council will take account of past experience of implementation of reciprocal most-favoured-nation treatment and of the respective obligations of each Party under the General Agreement on Trade in Services annexed to the Agreement establishing the WTO, hereinafter referred to as the "GATS", particularly those in Article V of the latter.
Pri oblikovanju takih priporočil Pridružitveni svet upošteva izkušnje pri izvajanju medsebojnega obravnavanja po načelu največjih ugodnosti in zadevnih obveznosti posamezne pogodbenice po Splošnem sporazumu o trgovini s storitvami, priloženem Sporazumu o ustanovitvi WTO, v nadaljnjem besedilu "GATS", zlasti iz člena V slednjega.
15 Pravna redakcija
In their procedures and practices for the award of procurement contracts below the value thresholds laid down in Article 3(4), the Parties undertake to encourage their Covered Entities to treat the suppliers and service providers of the other Party in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1. The Parties agree that, not later than five years after the entry into force of this Agreement, the conditions and implementation of this provision will be reviewed in the light of experience acquired in their mutual relations.
Pogodbenici se zavežeta, da bosta v svojih postopkih in praksah za dodelitev nabavnih naročil, katerih vrednost je pod pragom iz člena 3(4), spodbudili svoje zajete subjekte, da bodo obravnavali dobavitelje in izvajalce storitev druge pogodbenice v skladu z določbami odstavka 1. Pogodbenici se strinjata, da se bodo najkasneje v petih letih od začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma pregledali pogoji in izvajanje teh določb v luči izkušenj, pridobljenih v medsebojnih odnosih.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0025
They will help promote compliance with the obligations laid down in the Treaty abolishing obstacles to the free movement of persons and services between Member States.
Pripomogli bosta k lažjemu skladnemu ravnanju z obveznostmi, določenimi v Pogodbi, ki odpravljajo ovire za prost pretok oseb in storitev med državami članicami.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0245
whereas the production of certain heat-treated meat products for export to the Community will be supervised by an official veterinarian appointed by the Department of Veterinary Services;
ker bo proizvodnjo nekaterih toplotno obdelanih mesnih izdelkov za izvoz v Skupnost nadzoroval uradni veterinar, ki ga določi Oddelek veterinarskih služb;
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0048
Whereas a wide variety of services within the meaning of Articles 59 and 60 of the Treaty will benefit by the opportunities afforded by the Information Society of being provided at a distance, electronically and at the individual request of a recipient of services;
ker bodo možnosti ponujanja storitev na daljavo, elektronsko in na zahtevo prejemnika storitev, ki jih ponuja informacijska družba, koristile veliko različnim storitvam v skladu s členoma 59 in 60 Pogodbe;
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0022
whereas those branches will not enjoy the freedom to provide services under the second paragraph of Article 59 of the Treaty or the right of establishment in Member States other than those in which they are established;
ker te podružnice ne bodo uživale svobode opravljanja storitev po drugem odstavku člena 59 Pogodbe ali pravice do ustanavljanja v državah članicah, v katerih niso ustanovljene;
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0009
whereas such branches will not enjoy the freedom to provide services under the second paragraph of Article 59 of the Treaty, or the right of establishment in Member States other than those in which they are established;
ker takšne podružnice ne bodo uživale svobode opravljanja storitev po drugem odstavku člena 59 Pogodbe ali pravice do ustanavljanja v državah članicah, v katerih niso ustanovljene;
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0019
whereas such branches will not enjoy the freedom to provide services under the second paragraph of Article 59 of the Treaty, nor the right of establishment in Member States other than those in which they are established;
ker takšne podružnice ne uživajo pravic svobode opravljanja storitev iz drugega odstavka člena 59 Pogodbe in tudi ne pravice do ustanavljanja v drugi državi članici razen tisti, v kateri so ustanovljene;
22 Prevajalska redakcija
Concerning antitrust rules (Articles 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty), an activity which affects the market only insignificantly - and this may be the case of a number of services of general interest of local character - will normally not affect trade between Member States and therefore will not be subject to the Community rules(15).
Kar zadeva antitrustovska pravila (člena 81 in 82 Pogodbe ES) dejavnost, ki le zanemarljivo vpliva na trg - to so lahko številne storitve splošnega interesa lokalnega pomena - praviloma ne vpliva na trgovino med državami članicami in zato za njo ne veljajo pravila Skupnosti [15].
23 Prevajalska redakcija
The Community will ensure in the application of the Treaty rules and with the instruments at its disposal that the performance of such services, in terms of quality and prices, responds best to the needs of their users and of citizens at large.
Skupnost bo pri uporabi pravil Pogodbe in s sredstvi, ki jih ima na razpolago, zagotovila, da bo izvajanje teh storitev glede kakovosti in cen najbolj ustrezalo potrebam njihovih uporabnikov in vseh državljanov.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D1786
The programme will enable the Community to contribute towards fulfilling its Treaty obligations in the field of public health while fully respecting the responsibilities of the Member States for the organisation and delivery of health services and health care.
Program bo Skupnosti omogočil, da na področju javnega zdravja prispeva k izpolnjevanju svojih obveznosti iz Pogodbe, pri čemer v celoti spoštuje obveznosti držav članic pri organiziranju in zagotavljanju zdravstvenih storitev in zdravstvenega varstva.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
In particular, where systems are set up by legislation or guided by public authorities, the principles of freedom of establishment, freedom to provide services and free movement of capital and payments contained in the EC Treaty and in the Second Banking Directive (5) will be applicable.
Zlasti kadar sisteme ustanovi zakonodaja ali jih vodijo organi oblasti, se uporabljajo načela svobode ustanavljanja, svobode opravljanja storitev ter prostega pretoka kapitala in plačil vsebovane v Pogodbe ES in Drugi bančni direktivi [5].
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3912
Whereas the Community has embarked upon the adoption of measures leading to the progressive establishment of the internal market by 31 December 1992, which will comprise an area without internal frontiers in which the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital is ensured in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty;
ker je Skupnost začela sprejemati ukrepe, vodeče k progresivni vzpostavitvi notranjega trga do 31. decembra 1992, ki ga bo sestavljalo območje brez notranjih meja, v katerem je v skladu z določbami Pogodbe zagotovljen prosti pretok blaga, oseb, storitev in kapitala;
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Where the client of an investment firm is an undertaking referred to above, the investment firm must inform it prior to any provision of services that, on the basis of the information available to the firm, the client is deemed to be a professional client, and will be treated as such unless the firm and the client agree otherwise.
Če je stranka investicijske družbe zgoraj navedeno podjetje, jo mora investicijska družba pred opravljanjem storitev obvestiti, da se glede na informacije s katerimi družba razpolaga stranka šteje za poklicno stranko in se bo tako obravnavala, razen če se družba in stranka dogovorita drugače.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001E0931
The European Community, acting within the limits of the powers conferred on it by the Treaty establishing the European Community, shall ensure that funds, financial assets or economic resources or financial or other related services will not be made available, directly or indirectly, for the benefit of persons, groups and entities listed in the Annex.
Evropska skupnost glede na omejitev pooblastil, ki se na njo prenesejo s Pogodbo o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti, zagotovi, da se denarna sredstva, finančno premoženje ali gospodarski viri ali finančne ali druge storitve s tem v zvezi ne dajo na voljo, neposredno ali posredno, v korist oseb, skupin in organizacij, naštetih v Prilogi.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R1606
For the purposes of implementing the provisions of Chapter 3 of Title III of the Regulation, the years which the worker lacks to reach the pensionable or compulsory retirement age stipulated in point 4 of Article 31 of the consolidated text of the Law on State Pensioners will be taken into account as service performed only if at the time of materialisation of the risk in respect of which invalidity or death pensions are due, the beneficiary was covered by Spain's special scheme for public servants or in an activity accorded like treatment under that scheme.`
Za izvajanje določb poglavja 3 naslova III uredbe se leta, ki delavcu manjkajo za dopolnitev let za upokojitev ali za obvezno upokojitev, določenih v točki 4 člena 31 konsolidiranega besedila Zakona o državnih upokojencih, upoštevajo kot dopolnjena samo, če je bil upravičenec ob nastopu zavarovalnega primera, ki upravičuje izplačilo invalidske ali družinske pokojnine, vključen v posebni sistem za javne uslužbence ali je opravljal dejavnosti, na podlagi katerih je po tem sistemu upravičen do enake obravnave."
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0046
In assessing the measures of this Directive, the Commission, in the context of the achievement of the fundamental objectives of the Treaty referred to in Article 2 thereof, including that of strengthening the Community's economic and social cohesion as referred to in Article 130 (a), will also take into account the situation of those Member States in which the terrestrial network is not yet sufficiently developed and which could justify the deferment for these Member States, as regards satellite services and to the extent necessary, of the date of full application of the provisions of this Directive until 1 January 1996,
Pri ocenjevanju ukrepov te direktive bo Komisija v smislu doseganja temeljnih ciljev Pogodbe iz člena 2 Pogodbe, vključno s ciljem krepitve ekonomske in socialne kohezije Skupnosti iz člena 130(a), upoštevala tudi položaj tistih držav članic, v katerih prizemno omrežje še ni dovolj razvito, na podlagi katerega bi lahko za te države članice glede satelitskih storitev in v potrebnem obsegu upravičila odlog datuma popolne uporabe določb te direktive do 1. januarja 1996,
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0097
Birds Eye Walls Ltd v. Friedel M. Roberts) (8), the Court has also specified that it is not contrary to Article 119 of the Treaty, when calculating the amount of a bridging pension which is paid by an employer to male and female employees who have taken early retirement on grounds of ill health and which is intended to compensate, in particular, for loss of income resulting from the fact that they have not yet reached the age required for payment of the State pension which they will subsequently receive and to reduce the amount of the bridging pension accordingly, even though, in the case of men and women aged between 60 and 65, the result is that a female ex-employee receives a smaller bridging pension than that paid to her male counterpart, the difference being equal to the amount of the State pension to which she is entitled as from the age of 60 in respect of the periods of service completed with that employer;
Birds Eye Walls Ltd. v. Friedel M. Roberts) [8] Sodišče opredelilo tudi, da ni v nasprotju s členom 119 Pogodbe, da se pri izračunu zneska premostitvene pokojnine, ki jo zaposlenim moškim in ženskam plačuje delodajalec zaradi predčasne upokojitve iz zdravstvenih razlogov, namenjena pa je zlasti nadomestilu izgube dohodka, zato ker oseba še ni dosegla zahtevane starosti za svojo prihodnjo nacionalno pokojnino, premostitvena pokojnina ustrezno zniža, čeprav pri osebah med šestdesetim in petinšestdesetim letom bivša zaposlena delavka prejema nižjo premostitveno pokojnino kakor primerljiva oseba moškega spola, razlika pa je enaka znesku nacionalne pokojnine, do katere je upravičena od šestdesetega leta za zaposlitev pri tem delodajalcu;
32 Prevod
Persons not residing in the territory of a Member State to which the EC treaties apply, who are representatives of a service supplier and are seeking temporary entry for the purpose of negotiating for the sale of services or entering into agreements to sell services for that service provider, where those representatives will not be engaged in making direct sales to the general public or in supplying services themselves.
Osebe, ki nimajo stalnega prebivališča na ozemlju države članice, kjer se uporablja Pogodba ES, ki so predstavniki ponudnika storitev in želijo začasni vstop zaradi pogajanj o prodaji storitev ali sklenitve pogodb o prodaji storitev za tega ponudnika storitev, če ti predstavniki ne bodo opravljali neposredne prodaje splošni javnosti ali sami zagotavljali storitev.
33 Prevod
With reference to the provisions of the Agreement on the European Economic Area dealing with cooperation between supervisory authorities in the field of financial services (banking, UCITS and trade in securities), the Governments of Liechtenstein and Switzerland underline the importance they attach to the principles of secrecy and speciality and state their understanding that information provided by their competent authorities will be treated by the receiving authorities according to those principles.
V zvezi z določbami Sporazuma o Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru glede sodelovanja med nadzornimi organi na področju finančnih storitev (bančništva, KNPVP in trgovanja z vrednostnimi papirji) vladi Lihtenštajna in Švice poudarjata pomen, ki ga pripisujeta načeloma tajnosti in specialnosti, in izražata svoje razumevanje, da bodo informacije, ki jih dajo njuni pristojni organi, organi prejemniki obravnavali v skladu s temi načeli.
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wild service tree