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with (all) due diligence
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
Where, despite having acted with all due diligence, the exporter has been unable to obtain and forward the documents required under Article 16 within the time limit laid down in paragraph 2, he may be granted, on his application, further time in which to present them.
Če kljub temu, da je ravnal z vso potrebno skrbnostjo, izvoznik ni mogel pridobiti in posredovati zahtevane dokumente iz člena 16 v roku iz odstavka 2, se mu lahko na zahtevo odobri daljši rok za predložitev dokumentov.
2 Končna redakcija
The Hellenic Republic undertakes to process requests for assistance from the other Contracting Parties with all due diligence, including when they are made directly to the Greek judicial authorities in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 53(1) of the 1990 Convention.
Helenska republika se zavezuje, da bo obravnavala zaprosila za pomoč v kazenskih zadevah drugih pogodbenic z vso potrebno skrbnostjo, tudi če so poslana neposredno grškim sodnim organom v skladu s postopkom iz člena 53(1) Konvencije iz 1990.
3 Pravna redakcija
Where they are unable to produce proof within that time-limit despite having acted with all due diligence to obtain and forward it, they may be granted further time.
Če v tem roku ne uspejo predložiti dokazov, čeprav so se trudili, da bi jih zbrali in poslali, jim je mogoče odobriti še nekaj časa.
4 Pravna redakcija
The Hellenic Republic undertakes to process requests for assistance from the other Contracting Parties with all due diligence, including when they are made directly to the Greek judicial authorities in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 53(1) of the 1990 Convention.
Helenska republika se zavezuje, da bo obravnavala zaprosila za pomoč v kazenskih zadevah drugih pogodbenic z vso potrebno skrbnostjo, tudi če so poslana neposredno grškim sodnim organom v skladu s postopkom iz člena 53(1) Konvencije iz 1990.
5 Pravna redakcija
However, where the documents required under Article 16 of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 cannot be submitted within the prescribed period although the exporter has acted with all due diligence to obtain them within that period, he may be granted an extension of time for the submission of those documents.
Če pa dokumentov, ki jih zahteva člen 16 Uredbe (ES) št. 800/1999, ni mogoče predložiti v predpisanem roku, čeprav je izvoznik storil vse, da bi jih v tem roku pridobil, se mu lahko odobri podaljšanje roka za predložitev omenjenih dokumentov.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31981R1842
Where the proofs required cannot be submitted within the prescribed period, although the exporter has acted with all due diligence to obtain them within such period, he may be granted an extension of time.
Kadar potrebnih dokazil ni bilo možno predložiti v predpisanem roku, čeprav je izvoznik ravnal s potrebno skrbnostjo, da bi jih dobil pravočasno, se mu lahko odobri podaljšanje roka.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999E0877
The Community support to the G7 Action Plan includes a contribution to financing the short term safety improvements of Chernobyl via the Nuclear Safety Account managed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development before closure, decommissioning, addressing the social consequences of closure, contributing to the Shelter Implementation Plan and participating in the financing of substitution facilities in line with previous commitments compensating for Ukraine's energy losses, provided that all necessary due diligence procedures can be concluded satisfactorily, including the establishment of an agreed position regarding the loan conditionality and the wording of the loan and guarantee agreement and provided that Ukraine stands by its commitment to implement the 1995 Memorandum of Understanding.
Podpora, ki jo daje Skupnost Akcijskemu načrtu G7 vključuje finančni prispevek za kratkoročne varnostne izboljšave pred zaprtjem Černobila preko računa za jedrsko varnost, ki ga upravlja Evropska banka za obnovo in razvoj, za razgradnjo, za reševanje socialnih posledic zaprtja, za podporo Izvedbenega načrta za zaklonišče ("Shelter Implementation Plan") in za sodelovanje pri financiranju nadomestnih naprav v skladu s predhodnimi zavezami za nadomestitev izgubljenih energetskih zmogljivosti Ukrajine, pod pogojem, da se vsi potrebni previdnostni ukrepi lahko zadovoljivo izvedejo, vključno s sklenitvijo dogovora o skupnem stališču glede posojilnih pogojev in glede besedila sporazuma o posojilu in garanciji, in pod pogojem, da Ukrajina spoštuje svojo zavezo za izvedbo Memoranduma o soglasju iz leta 1995.
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with (all) due diligence