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written observation
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Within two months from such notification, those countries may lodge at the Court of Justice statements of case or written observations.
V dveh mesecih po tem uradnem obvestilu lahko te države vložijo vloge ali pisna stališča.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 24
On the basis of the explanations, information or observations submitted under paragraphs 1 and 2 above, the Contracting Party concerned and the organisation which lodged the complaint may submit any additional written information or observations within such time limit as the Committee of Independent Experts shall prescribe.
Na podlagi pojasnil, informacij ali mnenj, predloženih v skladu s prvim in drugim odstavkom zgoraj, lahko pogodbenica in organizacija, ki je vložila pritožbo, predložita kakršne koli dodatne pisne informacije ali mnenja v roku, ki ga predpiše Odbor neodvisnih strokovnjakov.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 24
The Committee of Independent Experts may request the Contracting Party concerned and the organisation which lodged the complaint to submit written information and observations on the admissibility of the complaint within such timelimit as it shall prescribe.
Odbor neodvisnih strokovnjakov lahko zaprosi to pogodbenico in organizacijo, ki je vložila pritožbo, da v roku, ki ga sam predpiše, predloži pisne informacije in mnenja o sprejemljivosti te pritožbe.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
In accordance with those Statutes, any Member State, or the Commission, whether or not it has made a declaration pursuant to paragraph 4, shall be entitled to submit statements of case or written observations to the Court of Justice in cases which arise under paragraph 3.
V skladu s tema dvema dokumentoma ima vsaka država članica ali Komisija, ne glede na to ali je podala izjavo v skladu z odstavkom 4 ali ne, pravico, da za zadeve iz odstavka 3 Sodišču predloži obrazložitev zadeve ali pisne pripombe.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Within two months of this notification, the parties, the Member States, the Commission and, where appropriate, the institution, body, office or agency which adopted the act the validity or interpretation of which is in dispute, shall be entitled to submit statements of case or written observations to the Court of Justice.
V dveh mesecih od tega uradnega obvestila smejo stranke, države članice, Komisija in, kjer je to primerno, institucija, organ, urad ali agencija, ki je sprejela akt, katerega veljavnost ali razlaga je predmet postopka, predložiti Sodišču navedbe o zadevi ali pisna stališča.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
In accordance with the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Communities, any Member State, whether or not it has made a declaration pursuant to Article 2, shall be entitled to submit statements of case or written observations to the Court of Justice of the European Communities in cases which arise under Article 1.
V skladu s Statutom Sodišča evropskih skupnosti je vsaka država članica, ne glede na to, ali je podala izjavo v skladu s členom 2, upravičena, da Sodišču evropskih skupnosti predloži zaznamke ali pisne ugotovitve za primere na podlagi člena 1.
7 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-19
In accordance with the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Communities, any Member State, whether or not it has made a declaration pursuant to Article 2, shall be entitled to submit statements of case or written observations to the Court of Justice of the European Communities in cases which arise pursuant to Article 1.
V skladu s Statutom Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti ima vsaka država članica ne glede na to, ali je dala izjavo na podlagi člena 2 ali ne, pravico predložiti Sodišču Evropskih skupnosti vloge ali pisna stališča v zadevah iz člena 1.
8 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
Within seven days the observed Party shall provide to all States Parties, through diplomatic channels, a written explanation for this prohibition in the mission report provided pursuant to Article VI, Section I, paragraph 21. An observation flight that has been prohibited shall not be counted against the quota of either State Party.
V sedmih dneh opazovanka pošlje po diplomatski poti vsem državam pogodbenicam pisno pojasnilo o prepovedi v poročilu o nalogi, danem na podlagi enaindvajsetega odstavka I. razdelka VI. člena. Prepovedani opazovalni let se ne šteje v kvoto ene in druge države pogodbenice.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The written procedure shall consist of the communication to the parties and to the institutions, bodies, offices or agencies of the Union whose acts are in dispute, of applications, statements of case, defences and observations, and of replies, if any, as well as of all papers and documents in support or of certified copies of them.
Pisni postopek zajema posredovanje tožb, vlog, odgovorov na tožbo in pisnih stališč, pa tudi morebitnih replik kot tudi vseh dokazov in listin ali njihovih overjenih prepisov, strankam in tistim institucijam, organom, uradom ali agencijam Unije, katerih akti so predmet postopka.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
The decision of the national court or tribunal shall, moreover, be notified by the Registrar of the Court of Justice to the States, other than the Member States, which are parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area and also to the EFTA Surveillance Authority referred to in that Agreement which may, within two months of notification, where one of the fields of application of that Agreement is concerned, submit statements of case or written observations to the Court of Justice.
Sodni tajnik Sodišča o odločitvi nacionalnega sodišča obvesti tudi države podpisnice Sporazuma o Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru, ki niso države članice, ter v tem sporazumu navedeni Nadzorni organ EFTA, ki lahko v dveh mesecih od uradnega obvestila predložijo Sodišču vloge ali pisna stališča, če odločitev zadeva eno od področij uporabe tega sporazuma.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Where an agreement relating to a specific subject matter, concluded by the Council and one or more non-member countries, provides that those countries are to be entitled to submit statements of case or written observations where a court or tribunal of a Member State refers to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling on a question falling within the scope of the agreement, the decision of the national court or tribunal containing that question shall also be notified to the non-member countries concerned.
Kadar sporazum, ki ga Svet na določenem področju sklene z eno ali več tretjimi državami, določa, da imajo te države pravico na Sodišču vložiti vlogo ali predložiti pisna stališča, če sodišče države članice predloži Sodišču v predhodno odločanje vprašanje iz okvira tega sporazuma, se o odločitvi nacionalnega sodišča, ki vsebuje to vprašanje, uradno obvestijo tudi zadevne tretje države.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0027
Member States shall have 22 days to forward their written observations on the draft decision to the Commission.
države članice imajo na voljo 22 dni, da Komisiji predložijo pisne pripombe na osnutek odločbe.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
Member States shall have 22 days to forward their written observations on the draft decision to the Commission.
imajo države članice na voljo 22 dni, da pisne opazke v zvezi z osnutkom odločbe pošljejo Komisiji.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
Member States shall have 22 days to forward their written observations on the draft decision to the Commission;
imajo države članice na voljo 22 dni, da pisne opazke v zvezi z osnutkom odločbe pošljejo Komisiji;
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0028
"- Member States shall have 22 days to forward their written observations on the draft decision to the Commission.
"— države članice imajo na voljo 22 dni, da pošljejo Komisiji svoje pisne ugotovitve o osnutku odločbe.
16 Končna redakcija
zunanje zadeve
Each gate judge should keep clear written documentation of their own observation of each competitor's negotiation of the gates assigned to them.
Vsak sodnik na vratih mora voditi jasno pisno dokumentacijo svojega lastnega zapažanja vožnje vsakega tekmovalca na vratih, h katerim je dodeljen.
17 Končna redakcija
Any Member State, whether or not it has made a declaration pursuant to paragraph 2, shall be entitled to submit statements of case or written observations to the Court in cases which arise under paragraph 1.
Vsaka država članica lahko ne glede na to, ali je dala izjavo iz odstavka 2 ali ne, Sodišču predloži zaznamke ali pisne ugotovitve v primerih iz odstavka 1.
18 Končna redakcija
Within two months of this notification, the parties, the Member States, the Commission and, where appropriate, the European Parliament, the Council and the European Central Bank, shall be entitled to submit statements of case or written observations to the Court.
V dveh mesecih od tega uradnega obvestila smejo stranke, države članice, Komisija in, kjer je to primerno, Evropski parlament, Svet in Evropska centralna banka predložiti Sodišču navedbe o zadevi ali pisne izjave.
19 Končna redakcija
"Where an agreement relating to a specific subject matter, concluded by the Council and one or more non-member States, provides that those States are to be entitled to submit statements of case or written observations where a court or tribunal of a Member State refers to the Court for a preliminary ruling a question falling within the scope of the agreement, the decision of the national court or tribunal containing that question shall also be notified to the non-member States concerned. Within two months from such notification, those States may lodge at the Court statements of case or written observations."
"Če sporazum, ki ga Svet sklene z eno ali več tretjimi državami glede določenega področja, določa, da lahko te države predložijo navedbe o zadevi ali pisne izjave, kadar sodišče katere od držav članic Sodišču v predhodno odločanje preda vprašanje, ki zadeva področje uporabe tega sporazuma, se odločitev nacionalnega sodišča, ki zajema to vprašanje, uradno sporoči tudi zadevnim tretjim državam, ki lahko v dveh mesecih od tega uradnega obvestila pri Sodišču vložijo navedbe o zadevi ali pisne izjave."
20 Končna redakcija
The written procedure shall consist of the communication to the parties and to the institutions of the Communities whose decisions are in dispute, of applications, statements of case, defences and observations, and of replies, if any, as well as of all papers and documents in support or of certified copies of them.
Pisni postopek zajema posredovanje tožb, navedb o zadevi, odgovorov na tožbo in izjav, pa tudi morebitnih replik kot tudi vseh dokazil in dokumentov, ki to podpirajo, ali njihovih overjenih kopij, strankam in tistim institucijam Skupnosti, katerih odločitve so predmet spora.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
Where, in the opinion of the Commission, a Member State's written observations raise important new questions of a scientific or technical nature which the opinion delivered by the Agency has not addressed, the Chairman shall suspend the procedure and refer the application back to the Agency for further consideration.
Kadar po mnenju komisije pisne opazke države članice odpirajo pomembna nova vprašanja znanstvene ali tehnične narave, ki jih mnenje agencije ni obdelalo, predsednik začasno ustavi postopek in napoti vlogo nazaj na agencijo v nadaljnji pregled.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0027
Where, in the opinion of the Commission, the written observations of a Member State raise important new questions of a scientific or technical nature which have not been addressed in the opinion delivered by the Agency, the Chairman shall suspend the procedure and refer the application back to the Agency for further consideration.
Kadar po mnenju Komisije pisne pripombe države članice odpirajo pomembna nova vprašanja znanstvene ali tehnične narave, ki niso bila navedena v mnenju Agencije, predsednik začasno ustavi postopek in vlogo vrne Agenciji v nadaljnjo obravnavo.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
Where, in the opinion of the Commission, the written observations of a Member State raise important new questions of a scientific or technical nature which have not been addressed in the opinion delivered by the Agency, the Chairman shall suspend the procedure and refer the application back to the Agency for further consideration.
Kadar po mnenju Komisije pisne opazke države članice odpirajo pomembna nova vprašanja znanstvene ali tehnične narave, ki jih mnenje agencije ni obdelalo, predsednik začasno ustavi postopek in napoti vlogo nazaj na agencijo v nadaljnji pregled.
24 Končna redakcija
Provision should be made for participation by non-member States in preliminary-ruling proceedings before the Court of Justice in the event that an agreement relating to a specific subject matter, concluded by the Council with one or more non-member States, provides that those States are to be entitled to submit statements of case or written observations where a court or tribunal of a member State refers to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling a question falling within the scope of the agreement,
V postopku predhodnega odločanja pred Sodiščem je treba predvideti udeležbo tretjih držav za primer, ko sporazum glede določenega področja, ki ga Svet sklene z eno ali več tretjimi državami, določa, da lahko te države predložijo navedbe o zadevi ali pisne izjave, kadar sodišče države članice Sodišču v predhodno odločanje preda vprašanje, ki zadeva področje uporabe sporazuma -
25 Končna redakcija
In the cases governed by Article 234 of the EC Treaty, the decision of the national court or tribunal shall, moreover, be notified by the Registrar of the Court to the States, other than the Member States, which are parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area and also to the EFTA Surveillance Authority referred to in that Agreement which may, within two months of notification, where one of the fields of application of that Agreement is concerned, submit statements of case or written observations to the Court.
V primerih iz člena 234 Pogodbe ES, sodni tajnik Sodišča o odločitvi nacionalnega sodišča obvesti tudi države podpisnice Sporazuma o Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru, ki niso države članice, ter v tem sporazumu navedeni nadzorni organ EFTA, ki lahko v dveh mesecih od uradnega obvestila predložijo Sodišču navedbe o zadevi ali pisne izjave, če odločitev zadeva eno od področij uporabe tega sporazuma.
26 Pravna redakcija
These parties, States and institutions may, within two months from the date of such service, lodge written statements of case or written observations.
Te stranke, države in institucije lahko v dveh mesecih od dneva vročitve vložijo pisne izjave o primeru ali pisne pripombe.
27 Pravna redakcija
each Member State is allowed at least 28 days to forward written observations on the draft decision of the Commission,
vsaka država članica ima na voljo najmanj 28 dni, da v pisni obliki pošlje odboru svoje pripombe na osnutek odločbe Komisije,
28 Pravna redakcija
each Member State is allowed at least 28 days to forward written observations on the draft decision to the Commission,
vsaki državi članici se da na voljo vsaj 28 dni, da Komisiji pošlje pisne pripombe o osnutku odločbe;
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0527
Within two months from such notification, those States may lodge at the Court statements of case or written observations."
V dveh mesecih od takega uradnega obvestila navedene države lahko Sodišču predložijo zaznamke ali pisne izjave."
30 Pravna redakcija
The application shall be submitted within a period of one month from service on the party or person of the written statements of case or written observations which have been lodged.
Zahteva se predloži v roku enega meseca od vročitve vloženih pisnih izjav o primeru ali pisnih pripomb stranki ali osebi.
31 Pravna redakcija
The parties, whom the Registrar shall duly notify, may lodge written observations within a period prescribed by the President.
Stranke, ki jih sodni tajnik ustrezno obvesti, lahko v roku, ki ga predpiše predsednik, vložijo svoje pisne pripombe.
32 Pravna redakcija
The Court may issue practice directions relating in particular to the preparation and conduct of the hearings before it and to the lodging of written statements of case or written observations.'
Sodišče lahko izda postopkovna navodila predvsem v zvezi s pripravo in vodenjem obravnav na njem in v zvezi z vlaganjem pisnih izjav o primeru ali pisnih pripomb.«
33 Pravna redakcija
The President shall give the parties an opportunity to submit their written or oral observations before deciding on the application.
Preden odloči o zahtevi, predsednik omogoči strankam predložitev njihovih pisnih ali ustnih stališč.
34 Pravna redakcija
They shall then be entitled within two months of the notification to submit statements of case or written observations to the Court.
Slednji morajo imeti pravico, da v dveh mesecih po obvestilu predložijo Sodišču Evropskih skupnosti pripravljalne spise ali pisna pojasnila.
35 Pravna redakcija
they shall then be entitled within two months of the notification to submit statements of case or written observations to the Court.
ki imajo pravico v dveh mesecih od obvestila predložiti spise ali pisne pripombe Sodišču.
36 Pravna redakcija
After the application has been served, the President shall prescribe a period within which the other party may submit his written observations.
Po vročitvi zahteve predsednik predpiše rok, v katerem lahko druga stranka predloži svoje pisne pripombe.
37 Pravna redakcija
The application shall be served on the opposite party and the President shall prescribe a period within which that party may lodge written observations.
Zahteva se vroči nasprotni stranki in predsednik predpiše rok, v katerem lahko ta stranka vloži pisna stališča.
38 Pravna redakcija
The statements of case or written observations, if any, shall be notified to the parties and to the other persons referred to above prior to the hearing.
Izjave o primeru ali pisne pripombe, če obstajajo, se pred obravnavo uradno sporočijo strankam in drugim zgoraj navedenim osebam.
39 Pravna redakcija
The President shall prescribe a period within which the institutions and Member States which have been served with a request may submit their written observations.
Predsednik predpiše rok, v katerem lahko institucije in države članice, ki jim je bilo zaprosilo vročeno, predložijo svoje pisne pripombe.
40 Pravna redakcija
The President shall prescribe a period within which the Contracting Parties and the other persons on whom the request has been served may submit written observations.
Predsednik določi rok, v katerem lahko pogodbene stranke in druge osebe, ki jim je bila zahteva vročena, predložijo pisne pripombe.
41 Pravna redakcija
The application shall be served on the opposite party, and the President shall prescribe a short period within which that party may submit written or oral observations.
Zahtevek se vroči nasprotni stranki in predsednik predpiše rok, v katerem lahko ta stranka predloži pisne ali ustne pripombe.
42 Pravna redakcija
The President shall prescribe a time limit within which the institutions and the Member States on which the request has been served are to submit their written observations.
Predsednik predpiše rok, v katerem morajo institucije in države članice, ki jim je bila zahteva vročena, predložiti svoje pisne pripombe.
43 Pravna redakcija
Where a period had been prescribed for the lodging of written observations, the President shall fix the date for the opening of the oral procedure after that period has expired.
Če je bil predpisan rok za vlogo pisnih stališč, predsednik določi datum za odpiranje ustnega postopka po izteku tega roka.
44 Pravna redakcija
The President shall prescribe a time limit within which the institutions and the Member States on which the application has been served are to submit their written observations.
Predsednik določi rok, v katerem morajo institucije in države članice, ki jim je pritožba vročena, predložiti svoje pisne pripombe.
45 Pravna redakcija
In the event of a dispute involving the Swiss authorities which cannot be resolved, those authorities may deliver written observations for consideration by the EEA Joint Committee.
V primeru nerešljivega spora, v katerega so vključeni švicarski organi, lahko ti organi izdajo pisne vloge za obravnavo s strani Skupnega odbora EGP.
46 Pravna redakcija
The Council, the Commission and the Member States shall have the right to submit to the Court statements of cases or written observations in cases brought before it under Article 1.
Svet, Komisija in države članice imajo pravico, da Sodišču Evropskih skupnosti predložijo v primerih, ki jih obravnava na podlagi člena 1, pripravljalne spise ali pisna pojasnila.
47 Pravna redakcija
The official of the competent body authorised to take samples shall draw up a written report in which he shall note any observations he considers important for assessing the samples.
Uradnik pristojne službe, pooblaščene za jemanje vzorcev, sestavi pisno poročilo, v katerem zapiše svoja opazovanja, ki jih ima za pomembna pri ocenjevanju vzorcev.
48 Pravna redakcija
'The President shall, after considering the written observations of the opposite party, decide whether legal aid should be granted in full or in part, or whether it should be refused.
'Predsednik po preučitvi pisnih pripomb nasprotne stranke odloči, ali naj se pravna pomoč odobri v celoti ali delno oz. ali naj se zavrne.
Prevodi: en > sl
written observation