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year over year evaluation
1 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-108
(1) The present Agreement shall remain in force for a period of five years. It may be renewed for a further period upon agreement of the Contracting Parties. A review of the present Agreement shall be completed before the end of the third academic year after entry into force. This review shall be based on an overall evaluation of the CEEPUS II programme.
(1) Ta sporazum velja pet let. Z dogovorom pogodbenic se lahko podaljša. Pregleda se pred koncem tretjega študijskega leta po začetku veljavnosti. Pregled temelji na celostnem vrednotenju programa CEEPUS II.
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
EUR 2 million shall be allocated to studies or technical assistance measures on the initiative or on the behalf of the Commission, notably for an overall evaluation of the Decision to be made two years before it expires at the latest.
2 milijona evrov se razporedi za študije ali ukrepe tehnične pomoči na pobudo ali po naročilu Evropske komisije, predvsem za splošno ovrednotenje Sklepa, ki ga je treba opraviti najpozneje dve leti pred prenehanjem njegove veljavnosti.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2698
Every three years the Commission shall, together with the Bank, produce an overall evaluation report of the assistance already provided to the Mediterranean partners, including the effectiveness of the programmes and the review of the strategy papers.
Komisija skupaj z banko vsaka tri leta izdela celovito poročilo z oceno o pomoči, ki jo je že dodelila sredozemskim partnerjem, vključno z učinkovitostjo programov in pregledom strateških dokumentov.
4 Pravna redakcija
The parties note with satisfaction that the organizing Conference on International Fuel Cycle Evaluation (INFCE), in which Canada, the Commission of the European Communities and Member States of Euratom took part, agreed to carry out a study which is expected to extend over the next two years.
Stranki z zadovoljstvom ugotavljata, da je ob organizaciji Konference o mednarodnem vrednotenju gorivnega ciklusa (INFCE) pri kateri so sodelovale Kanada, Komisija Evropskih skupnosti in države članice Euratom, doseženo soglasje o izvedbi študije, za katero se predvideva, da bo trajala naslednji dve leti.
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2493
Four years after the entry into force of this Regulation, the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and the Council an overall evaluation of the activities financed by the Community under this Regulation, in the context of overall Community development cooperation, together with proposals concerning the future of this Regulation, including its possible modification or termination.
Štiri leta po začetku veljavnosti te uredbe Komisija predloži Evropskemu parlamentu in Svetu skupno ovrednotenje dejavnosti, ki jih je Skupnost financirala po tej uredbi, v okviru splošnega razvojnega sodelovanja Skupnosti, skupaj s predlogi za prihodnost te uredbe, vključno z njenimi možnimi spremembami ali prenehanjem veljavnosti.
6 Pravna redakcija
Four years after the entry into force of this Regulation the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and to the Council an overall evaluation of the activities financed by the Community under this Regulation, in the context of overall Community development cooperation, together with proposals concerning the future of this Regulation, including its possible modification or termination.
Štiri leta po začetku veljavnosti te uredbe predloži Komisija Evropskemu parlamentu in Svetu skupno oceno dejavnosti, ki jih je Skupnost financirala po tej uredbi, v okviru splošnega razvojnega sodelovanja Skupnosti, skupaj s predlogi glede prihodnosti te uredbe, vključno z njenimi možnimi spremembami ali prenehanjem.
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D1230
At the end of the second year of the period of application of the programme, and in any case before putting forward proposals on any subsequent programme, the Commission shall provide, and give its conclusions on, an external evaluation of the overall implementation of the Community actions carried out under this programme.
Komisija ob koncu drugega leta izvajanja programa in v vsakem primeru pred predložitvijo predlogov za kateri koli naslednji program zagotovi zunanjo oceno celotnega izvajanja akcij Skupnosti, ki so se izvedle po tem programu, ter nanjo da svoje sklepne ugotovitve.
8 Pravna redakcija
On the basis of the results of controls carried out by the Member States to check compliance with the maximum levels of nitrates laid down in section 1 of Annex I, the reports with regard to the application and improvement of codes of good agricultural practice to reduce nitrate levels and the evaluation of the data on which the Member States have based their good agricultural practice, the Commission shall proceed, every five years, and before 1 January 2002 for the first time, to a review of the maximum levels with the overall objective of reducing the said levels.
Na podlagi rezultatov nadzora, ki ga izvajajo države članice glede preverjanja skladnosti z zgornjimi mejnimi vrdenostmi nitratov, določenimi v razdelku 1 Priloge I, poročil v zvezi z uporabo in izboljšanjem dobre kmetijske prakse za znižanje vrdenosti nitratov, ter ocene podatkov, na katere države članice opirajo dobro kmetijsko prakso, Komisija vsakih pet let, in prvič pred 1. januarjem 2002, ponovno pregleda zgornje mejne vrednosti s skupnim ciljem zniževanja omenjenih vrdenosti.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
The pivotal clinical evaluation of Diacomit was in children of 3 years of age and over with SMEI.
Ključne raziskave uporabe zdravila Diacomit so bile opravljene pri otrocih starih 3 leta in več, ki so imeli SMEI.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
Children aged less than 3 years: The pivotal clinical evaluation of Diacomit was in children of 3 years of age and over with SMEI.
Otroci, mlajši od 3 let Ključne raziskave uporabe zdravila Diacomit so bile opravljene pri otrocih starih 3 leta in več, ki so imeli SMEI.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2725
Three years after Eurodac starts operations and every six years thereafter, the Commission shall produce an overall evaluation of Eurodac, examining results achieved against objectives and assessing the continuing validity of the underlying rationale and any implications for future operations.
Tri leta po začetku delovanja Eurodaca, nato pa vsakih šest let, pripravi Komisija celostno presojo Eurodaca, pri čemer preveri dosežene rezultate glede na cilje, oceni, ali še vedno veljajo temeljna načela, in ugotovi morebitne posledice za prihodnje delovanje.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R1658
Three years after this Regulation enters into force, the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and the Council an overall evaluation of the operations financed by the Community under this Regulation, together with suggestions regarding the future of this Regulation and, where necessary, proposals for amending it.
Tri leta po začetku veljavnosti te uredbe Komisija Evropskemu parlamentu in Svetu predloži celovito oceno ukrepov, ki jih je na podlagi te uredbe financirala Skupnost, skupaj s predlogi glede prihodnosti te uredbe in po potrebi predloge za spremembo le-te.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
Electrocardiogram evaluation Multiple, time-matched ECGs collected over a 12 hour period were obtained before and during administration of posaconazole (400 mg twice daily with high fat meals) from 173 healthy male and female volunteers aged 18 to 85 years. No clinically relevant changes in the mean QTc (Fridericia) interval from baseline were observed.
Ocena elektrokardiograma Od 173 zdravih prostovoljcev in prostovoljk, starih od 18 do 85 let, so pridobili večkratne, časovno usklajene EKG- je, zbrane v 12- urnem obdobju, in sicer pred in med uporabo posakonazola (400 mg dvakrat na dan, zaužitih z zelo mastno hrano) in pri tem niso opazili nobenih klinično pomembnih sprememb srednje vrednosti intervala QTc (Fridericia) glede na začetno vrednost.
14 Prevod
CELEX: 31996R1292
Three years after the entry into force of this Regulation, the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and to the Council an overall evaluation of the operations financed by the Community under this Regulation, accompanied by suggestions for the future of the Regulation and, if necessary, by proposals for amendments to it.
Tri leta po začetku veljavnosti te uredbe Komisija predloži Evropskemu parlamentu in Svetu skupno oceno dejavnosti, financiranih s strani Skupnosti v skladu s to uredbo, skupaj s predlogi glede prihodnosti Uredbe ter po potrebi predlogi za njene spremembe.
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year over year evaluation