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čezmorske države in ozemlja Nizozemske
1 Pravna redakcija
Dovoljenja, ki jih najmanj razvite čezmorske države in ozemlja ne uporabijo, morajo biti na voljo Nizozemskim Antilom in Arubi, brez izključevanja možnosti prenosa količin v kasnejša obdobja v letu.
Licences not used by the least developed OCTs must be made available to the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba, without precluding the possibility of carrying quantities forward to subsequent periods in the year.
2 Pravna redakcija
Uvozi riža s poreklom iz čezmorskih držav in ozemelj (ČDO) v Skupnost so oproščeni carine v okviru kvote 35 000 ton riža v ekvivalentu oluščenega riža, od katere je 25 000 ton namenjenih za Nizozemske Antile in Arubo ter 10 000 za najmanj razvite čezmorske države in ozemlja, ob predložitvi uvoznega dovoljenja.
Imports into the Community of rice originating in the overseas countries and territories (OCTs) shall be exempt from customs duties under a quota of 3 5 000 tonnes of rice, in husked-rice equivalent, of which 25 000 tonnes shall be reserved for the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba and 10 000 for the least developed OCTs, on presentation of an import licence.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991D0450
ozemlje Kraljevine Nizozemske, razen čezmorskih držav in ozemelj, nad katerimi izvršuje suverenost, kot so opredeljeni v Prilogi IV k Pogodbi o ustanovitvi Evropske gospodarske skupnosti,
the territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, with the exception of the overseas countries and territories over which it exercises sovereignty, as defined in Annex IV to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0638
Uvozi riža s poreklom iz čezmorskih držav in ozemelj (ČDO) v Skupnost so oproščeni carine v okviru kvote 35000 ton riža v ekvivalentu oluščenega riža, od katere je 25000 ton namenjenih za Nizozemske Antile in Arubo ter 10000 za najmanj razvite čezmorske države in ozemlja, ob predložitvi uvoznega dovoljenja.
Imports into the Community of rice originating in the overseas countries and territories (OCTs) shall be exempt from customs duties under a quota of 35000 tonnes of rice, in husked-rice equivalent, of which 25000 tonnes shall be reserved for the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba and 10000 for the least developed OCTs, on presentation of an import licence.
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čezmorske države in ozemlja Nizozemske