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čista višina
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0070
Čista višina delovnega prostora ne sme na nobenem mestu biti nižja od dveh metrov.
The clear headroom in the working space shall at all points be not less than two metres.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
a) znesek, ki ga določi Svet Evropske centralne banke in ki ne sme presegati 20% čistega dobička, se prenese v splošni rezervni sklad največ do višine, ki je enaka 100% kapitala;
(a) an amount to be determined by the Governing Council, which may not exceed 20% of the net profit, shall be transferred to the general reserve fund subject to a limit equal to 100% of the capital;
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 42002D0234
Postopek za določitev višine čistega prihodka, ki se dodeli Raziskovalnemu skladu za premog in jeklo
Procedures to be followed to establish the amount of net revenue to be allocated to the Research Fund for Coal and Steel
4 Končna redakcija
znesek, ki ga določi Svet ECB in ki ne sme presegati 20 % čistega dobička, se prenese v splošni rezervni sklad največ do višine, ki je enaka 100 % kapitala;
an amount to be determined by the Governing Council, which may not exceed 20% of the net profit, shall be transferred to the general reserve fund subject to a limit equal to 100% of the capital;
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
čista širina znaša najmanj 0,60 m, skupna višina dostopa in okvira pa najmanj 1,90 m, pri čemer je pri doseganju slednje dimenzije dovoljena uporaba pokrovov ali ponjav;
the clear width is at least 0 760 m and the total height of the access plus coaming is at least 1 790 m, it being permissible to obtain the latter dimension by using hoods or covers;
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0052
Razen pri varščinah, ki se tičejo primerov, ko se kratka lanena vlakna čistijo po pogodbi, znaša varščina za vsakega pooblaščenega primarnega predelovalca in vsako vrsto vlaken 35 % višine pomoči, ki ustreza količini vlaken, dobljeni z množenjem iz prvega pododstavka člena 8(3) te Uredbe.
Except as regards the relevant securities where short flax fibre is cleaned under contract, for each authorised primary processor and each type of fibre, the security shall be 35 % of the amount of the aid corresponding to the quantities of fibre resulting from the multiplication referred to in the first subparagraph of Article 8(3) of this Regulation.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Kadar so bile licence prenesene (prodane), je bila ugodnost izračunana na podlagi zneska odobrenega posojila iz licence (nominalna vrednost) ne glede na prodajno ceno licence, ker je prodaja licence čisto komercialna odločitev, ki ne spremeni višine ugodnosti (ki je enaka prenosu sredstev s strani indijske vlade), pridobljene po tej shemi.
In cases where the licences were transferred (sold), the benefit was calculated on the basis of the amount of credit granted in the licence (face value) regardless of the sales price of the licence, since the sale of a licence is a pure commercial decision which does not alter the amount of benefit (equivalent to the GOI's transfer of funds) received from the scheme.
8 Pravna redakcija
Čistilne naprave morajo biti zmožne očistiti zunanje strani eno-in dvonadstropnih vlakovnih kompozicij višine:
When washing machines are used they shall be able to clean the outer sides of single or double-deck trainsets over a height of:
9 Pravna redakcija
Svet ECB odredi NCB, da povrnejo ECB del ali celoten prihodek, ki je bil razdeljen med letom, v višini, ki zagotavlja, da skupni razdeljeni znesek v tem letu ne preseže čistega dobička ECB v istem letu.
The Governing Council shall instruct the NCBs to repay to the ECB part or all of the income already distributed during the year to the extent necessary to ensure that the total distribution for the year does not exceed the ECB's net profit for that year.
10 Pravna redakcija
Obstajati mora možnost, da se sprednja okna kabine strojevodje višine 550 mm in 760 mm očistijo s tal in s perona z uporabo ustrezne (upoštevajoč zdravstvene in varstvene vidike) čistilne opreme na vseh postajah in napravah, kjer se vlaki ustavijo ali so stacionirani.
It must be possible for the front windows of drivers' cabs to be cleaned both from the ground and from platform heights of 550 mm and 760 mm using suitable (with particular regard to health and safety aspects) cleaning equipment, in all stations and facilities at which the trains call or are stabled.
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Kadar so bile licence prenesene (prodane), je bila ugodnost izračunana na podlagi zneska odobrenega posojila iz licence (nominalna vrednost) ne glede na prodajno ceno licence, ker je prodaja licence čisto komercialna odločitev, ki ne spremeni višine ugodnosti (ki je enaka prenosu sredstev s strani indijske vlade), pridobljene po tej shemi.
In cases where the licences were transferred (sold), the benefit was calculated on the basis of the amount of credit granted in the licence (face value) regardless of the sales price of the licence, since the sale of a licence is a pure commercial decision which does not alter the amount of benefit (equivalent to the GOI's transfer of funds) received from the scheme.
12 Pravna redakcija
Skladovnica se zaplini s čistim metil bromidom v minimalni višini 240g/m 3 celotne količine pod pokrivalom 72 ur pri začetni temperaturi hlodov najmanj +5 °C in v skladu z vsemi dodatnimi zahtevami uradne organizacije za varstvo rastlin bodisi Kanade (t.j. "Agricultural Canada") bodisi Združenih držav Amerike (t.j. "Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service" - APHIS).
The pile shall undergo fumigation with pure methyl bromide which is carried out at a minimum rate of 240 g/m3 of total volume under cover for 72 hours and at an initial temperature of the logs of + 5 °C at least, and which meets any additional requirement set up by the official plant protection organization of either Canada (i.e. 'Agricultural Canada') or the United States of America (i.e. 'Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service' - APHIS).
13 Pravna redakcija
Če Svet ECB na podlagi utemeljene ocene, ki jo pripravi Izvršilni odbor, in z upoštevanjem zapadlega zneska za četrto četrtletje, pričakuje, da bo ECB imela skupno letno izgubo ali čisti letni dobiček, ki je manjši od ocenjenega zneska njenega prihodka iz naslova evro bankovcev v obtoku, potem mora Svet ECB pred koncem poslovnega leta skleniti, da ne razdeli dela ali celotnega prihodka ECB iz naslova evro bankovcev v obtoku skladno s členom 2, v višini, ki zagotavlja, da znesek razdeljenega prihodka ne presega čistega dobička ECB za tisto leto.
If, on the basis of a reasoned estimate prepared by the Executive Board, and in respect of the amount due for the fourth quarter, the Governing Council expects that the ECB will have an overall annual loss or will make an annual net profit that is less than the estimated amount of its income on euro banknotes in circulation, the Governing Council shall decide before the end of the financial year not to distribute part or all of the ECB's income on euro banknotes in circulation in accordance with Article 2 to the extent necessary to ensure that the amount of the distributed income does not exceed the ECB's net profit for that year.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0025
Prostori posebne kategorije so lahko na več kakor enem krovu, pod pogojem, da celotna čista višina za vozila ne presega 10 metrov.
Special category spaces may be accommodated on more than one deck provided that the total overall clear height for vehicles does not exceed 10 metres..
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0025
Vodoravna cona za namene tega pravila lahko po tem konceptu vključuje prostore posebne kategorije na več kakor enem krovu, pod pogojem, da celotna skupna čista višina za vozila ne presega 10 metrov.
Under this concept a horizontal zone for the purpose of this regulation may include special category spaces on more than one deck provided that the total overall clear height for vehicles does not exceed 10 metres..
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0076
Postopek za določitev višine čistega prihodka, ki se dodeli Raziskovalnemu skladu za premog in jeklo
Procedures to be followed to establish the amount of net revenue to be allocated to the Research Fund for Coal and Steel
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0025
.2 Če na takšni ladji skupno število potnikov, vključno z osebjem, ki spremlja vozila, ne presega N = 12 + A/25, če je A = skupna površina (v kvadratnih metrih) prostorov na krovu, ki so namenjeni razporeditvi tovornih vozil in kjer čista višina razporeditvenega položaja in na vhodu v takšen prostor ni manjša od 4 metrov, se za neprepustna vrata uporabljajo določbe odstavka.10 pravila 13, le da se vrata lahko namestijo na katero koli raven v neprepustnih pregradah, ki ločujejo prostore za tovor.
2 If in such a ship the total number of passengers, including persons accompanying vehicles, does not exceed N = 12 + A/25, where A = total deck area (square metres) of spaces available for the stowage of goods vehicles and where the clear height at the stowage position and at the entrance to such spaces is not less than 4 metres, the provisions of regulation 13, paragraph.10, in respect of watertight doors apply except that the doors may be fitted at any level in watertight bulkheads dividing cargo spaces.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0005
trpežne, neprepustne zidove, ki imajo gladke površine in se enostavno čistijo, s pralnim premazom v svetli barvi do višine vsaj dveh metrov ali vsaj do višine skladiščenja v hladilnicah in skladiščih;
walls which have smooth surfaces and are easy to clean, durable and impermeable, covered with a light-coloured, washable coating up to a height of at least two metres, or at least storage height in refrigeration and storage rooms;
19 Prevajalska redakcija
Če se pogodbenik ukvarja z rudarstvom, prevozom polimetalnih gomoljev in s proizvodnjo predvsem treh predelanih kovin, t. j. kobalta, bakra in niklja, višina ustreznega čistega prihodka ne sme biti manjša od 25 % pogodbenikovega čistega prihodka.
If the contractor engages in mining, transporting polymetallic nodules and production primarily of three processed metals, namely, cobalt, copper and nickel, the amount of attributable net proceeds shall not be less than 25 % of the contractor's net proceeds.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R2135
Pri sirupih s čistostjo vsaj 85 %, vendar manj od 94,5 %, se vsebnost saharoze s prišteto, kadar je to ustrezno, vsebnostjo drugih sladkorjev, izraženih kot saharoza, določi pavšalno v višini 73 masnih % v suhem stanju.
In the case of syrups of a purity of not less than 85 % but less than 94,5 %, the sucrose content plus, where applicable, the content of other sugars expressed as sucrose shall be fixed at a flat rate of 73 % by weight in the dry state.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986L0354
Države članice s predpisi določijo, da odstavek 2(a) in (b) velja tudi za surovine in nezaželene snovi oziroma proizvode, navedene v Prilogi II(B), katerih najvišja vsebnost ni omejena v Prilogi II(A), če vsebnost nezaželene snovi ali proizvoda v surovini presega višino iz stolpca 3 Priloge I za ustrezno čisto krmilo.
Member States shall prescribe that paragraph 2 (a) and (b) shall also apply to the raw materials and undesirable substances or products listed in Annex II (B) the maximum level of which is not restricted in Annex II (A), if the level of the undesirable substance or product present in the raw material exceeds that laid down in column 3 of Annex I for the corresponding straight feedingstuffs.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0467
Skladovnica se zaplini s čistim metil bromidom v minimalni višini 240g/m3 celotne količine pod pokrivalom 72 ur pri začetni temperaturi hlodov najmanj + 5 °C in v skladu z vsemi dodatnimi zahtevami uradne organizacije za varstvo rastlin bodisi Kanade (t.j. "Agricultural Canada") bodisi Združenih držav Amerike (t.j. "Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service" - APHIS).
The pile shall undergo fumigation with pure methyl bromide which is carried out at a minimum rate of 240 g/m3 of total volume under cover for 72 hours and at an initial temperature of the logs of + 5 °C at least, and which meets any additional requirement set up by the official plant protection organization of either Canada (i.e. 'Agricultural Canada') or the United States of America (i.e. 'Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service' - APHIS).
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čista višina