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čisti prihodek
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 42002D0234
Čisti prihodek iz vlaganj iz točke 2 predstavlja prihodek splošnega proračuna Evropske unije.
Net revenue from the investments provided for under point 2 shall constitute revenue in the general budget of the European Union.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0034
čisti prihodek od prodaje in
the net turnover, and
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0034
Čisti prihodek od prodaje v zadnjih dveh poslovnih letih.
Net turnover during the past two financial years.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0076
Čisti prihodek iz vlaganj iz člena 2 predstavlja prihodek splošnega proračuna Evropske unije.
Net revenue from the investments provided for under Article 2 shall constitute revenue in the general budget of the European Union.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 42002D0234
Čisti prihodek iz vlaganj iz točke 2 predstavlja prihodek splošnega proračuna Evropske unije.
Net revenue from the investments provided for under point 2 shall constitute revenue in the general budget of the European Union.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0034
Čisti prihodek od prodaje, ki ga izdajatelj ustvari iz izdaje, in nameravana uporaba tega prihodka, npr. za financiranje naložbenega programa ali okrepitev izdajateljevega finančnega položaja.
Net proceeds accruing to the issuer from the issue and intended application of such proceeds, e.g. to finance the investment programme or to strengthen the issuer's financial position.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0077
Čisti prihodek se nameni splošnemu proračunu Evropske unije kot namenski prihodek in se po potrebi prenese z ESPJ v likvidaciji in po končani likvidaciji s sredstev Raziskovalnega sklada za premog in jeklo za poravnavo obveznosti iz proračunske postavke za raziskovalne programe v korist sektorjev, povezanih s premogovništvom in jeklarstvom.
The net revenue will be committed to the general budget of the European Union as dedicated revenue and will be transferred from the ECSC in liquidation and, on completion of the liquidation, the Assets of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel when necessary to meet the obligations from the budget line directed to research programmes for sectors related to the coal and steel industry.
8 Pravna redakcija
"čisti prihodek:
'net turnover:
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
Preden agencija SAPARD sklene pogodbene dogovore z možnim upravičencem za naložbe v infrastrukturne projekte, za katere je normalno pričakovati, da bodo ustvarili znaten čisti prihodek, mora oceniti, ali gre za projekt take vrste.
In respect of investments in infrastructure projects of a type that would normally be expected to generate substantial net revenue, the SAPARD Agency shall assess, prior to entering into contractual arrangements with a potential beneficiary, whether the project is of this type.
10 Pravna redakcija
v drugi alinei se besede "čisti prihodek:
in the second indent the words 'net turnover:
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 42002D0234
Čisti prihodek, ki se lahko uporablja za financiranje raziskovalnih programov, ustreza letnemu neto rezultatu ESPJ v likvidaciji, po zaključeni likvidaciji pa letnemu neto rezultatu sredstev Raziskovalnega sklada za premog in jeklo.
Net revenue which may be used to finance research projects corresponds to the annual net result of the ECSC in liquidation and subsequently, when liquidation has been completed, to the annual net result of the Assets of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 42002D0234
Čisti prihodek, ki je na voljo za financiranje raziskovalnih projektov za leto n + 2, se evidentira v bilanci stanja ESPJ v likvidaciji za leto n, po zaključeni likvidaciji pa v bilanco stanja sredstev Raziskovalnega sklada za premog in jeklo.
Net revenue available to finance research projects for year n+2 shall be recorded in the balance sheet of the ECSC in liquidation of year n and, on completion of the liquidation, in the balance sheet of the Assets of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel.
13 Pravna redakcija
3.200.000 ekujev" se nadomesti z "čisti prihodek:
ECU 3 200 000' is hereby replaced by 'net turnover:
14 Pravna redakcija
EUR 25 000 000" nadomesti z besedami "čisti prihodek:
EUR 25 000 000' shall be replaced by the words 'net turnover:
15 Pravna redakcija
ker bi bilo treba za namene te uredbe okvirno določiti, da je znatni čisti prihodek tisti, ki znaša najmanj 25 % celotnih stroškov naložbe;
whereas for the purpose of this Regulation, substantial net revenue should be tentatively defined as revenue higher than at least 25 % of the total cost of the investment concerned;
16 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
(iv) če je NCB pred časom neizpolnitvenega vrednotenja prodala finančno premoženje ali enakovredno finančno premoženje po tržni ceni, čisti prihodek od prodaje po odbitku vseh razumnih stroškov, provizij in odhodkov, ki so posledica takšne prodaje, pri čemer takšen izračun opravi in zneske določi NCB.
(iv) if the NCB has sold before the default valuation time the assets or equivalent assets at the market price, the net proceeds of sale, after deducting all reasonable costs, fees and expenses incurred in connection with such sale, such calculation being made and amounts determined by the NCB.
17 Pravna redakcija
Skladno s tem bi bilo treba spremeniti člen 29(3)(a) Uredbe (ES) št. 1260/1999, tako da bi prispevek Skladov lahko znašal največ 85 % skupnih upravičenih stroškov za vse najbolj oddaljene regije ne glede na to, ali pripadajo državi članici, ki prejema pomoč Kohezijskega sklada, ali ne, pod pogojem, da ne gre za naložbe v infrastrukturne projekte, ki ustvarjajo znaten čisti prihodek, ali za naložbe v podjetja.
Accordingly, Article 29(3)(a) of Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 should be amended so as to fix the maximum contribution of the Funds at 85 % of the total eligible cost for all the outermost regions, whether of a Member State covered by the Cohesion Fund or not, where this does not involve investments in infrastructure projects generating substantial net revenue or investments in firms.
18 Pravna redakcija
Člena 11 in 27 Direktive 78/660/EGS in s sklicevanjem na člen 6 Sedme direktive Sveta 83/349/EGS z dne 13. junija 1983 o konsolidiranih računovodskih izkazih fn in na člena 20 in 21 Osme direktive Sveta 84/253/EGS z dne 10. aprila 1984 o dovoljenjih za osebe pooblaščene za izvajanje obvezne revizije računovodskih listin, fn opredeljujejo v evrih izražene mejne vrednosti za bilančne vsote in čisti prihodek, pod katerimi lahko države članice dovolijo odstopanja od nekaterih določb navedenih direktiv.
Articles 11 and 27 of Directive 78/660/EEC and, by way of reference, Article 6 of the Seventh Council Directive 83/349/EEC of 13 June 1983 on consolidated accounts (3) and Articles 20 and 21 of the Eighth Council Directive 84/253/EEC of 10 April 1984 on the approval of persons responsible for carrying out the statutory audits of accounting documents (4) specify thresholds expressed in euro for the balance sheet total and the net turnover, at or below which Member States may grant derogations from certain provisions of those Directives.
19 Pravna redakcija
Svet ECB odredi NCB, da povrnejo ECB del ali celoten prihodek, ki je bil razdeljen med letom, v višini, ki zagotavlja, da skupni razdeljeni znesek v tem letu ne preseže čistega dobička ECB v istem letu.
The Governing Council shall instruct the NCBs to repay to the ECB part or all of the income already distributed during the year to the extent necessary to ensure that the total distribution for the year does not exceed the ECB's net profit for that year.
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2603
Če bi se proizvajalec izvoznik odločil, da svoj dobiček poravna z nakopičenimi čistimi izgubami, s tem ne bi zapolnil oddelka o neobdavčljivem prihodku, ki se nanaša samo na prihodek, ki koristi oprostitev BOI.
If the exporting producer had opted to offset its profit against the accumulated net losses, it would not have completed the section on non-taxable income which is only for income benefiting from BOI exemption.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0604
"čisti prihodek: 3 200 000 ekujev" se nadomesti z "čisti prihodek: 4 000 000 ekujev";
'net turnover: ECU 3 200 000' is hereby replaced by 'net turnover: ECU 4 000 000';
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0604
"čisti prihodek: 12 800 000 ekujev" se nadomesti z "čisti prihodek: 16 000 000 ekujev".
'net turnover: ECU 12 800 000' is hereby replaced by 'net turnover: ECU 16 000 000'.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0038
v drugi alinei se besede "čisti prihodek: EUR 6 250 000" nadomesti z besedami "čisti prihodek: EUR 7 300 000";
in the second indent the words "net turnover: EUR 6250000" shall be replaced by the words "net turnover: EUR 7300000";
24 Prevajalska redakcija
je "pogodbenikov čisti prihodek" določen v pododstavku (f);
'contractor's net proceeds` shall be as defined in subparagraph (f);
25 Prevajalska redakcija
pomeni "ustrezni čisti prihodek" celoto čistega pogodbenikovega prihodka;
'attributable net proceeds` means the whole of the contractor's net proceeds;
26 Prevajalska redakcija
"Čisti prihodek pogodbenika" je pogodbenikov bruto prihodek, zmanjšan za njegove obratovalne stroške in kompenzirane razvojne stroške, kot je navedeno v pododstavku (j).
'Contractor's net proceeds` means the contractor's gross proceeds less his operating costs and less the recovery of his development costs as set out in subparagraph (j).
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0071
povprečno število zaposlenih v poslovnem letu je manj kot 250, celotna bilanca stanja ne presega 43000000 EUR in letni čisti prihodek ne presega 50000000 EUR;
an average number of employees during the financial year of less than 250, a total balance sheet not exceeding EUR 43000000 and an annual net turnover not exceeding EUR 50000000;
28 Prevajalska redakcija
"Ustrezen čisti prihodek" je produkt čistega prihodka pogodbenika in razmerja med razvojnimi stroški v rudarskem sektorju in pogodbenikovimi razvojnim stroški.
'Attributable net proceeds` means the product of the contractor's net proceeds and the ratio of the development costs in the mining sector to the contractor's development costs.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0052
javnimi podjetji, katerih letni čisti prihodek ni dosegel vsote 40 milijonov evrov v dveh finančnih letih pred tistim, ko so bila sredstva iz člena 1(1) dana na voljo ali uporabljena.
public undertakings whose total annual net turnover over the period of the two financial years preceding that in which the funds referred to in Article 1(1) are made available or used has been less than EUR 40 million.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
Delež Oblasti v čistem prihodku se vzame iz tistega dela pogodbenikovega čistega prihodka, ki ustreza rudarskemu izkoriščanju bogastev v pogodbenem sektorju, ki pa se v nadaljnjem besedilu navaja kot ustrezen čisti prihodek.
The Authority's share of net proceeds shall be taken out of that portion of the contractor's net proceeds which is attributable to the mining of the resources of the area covered by the contract, referred to hereinafter as attributable net proceeds.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0076
Čisti prihodek, ki se lahko uporablja za financiranje raziskovalnih programov, ustreza letnemu neto rezultatu ESPJ v likvidaciji, po zaključeni likvidaciji pa letnemu neto rezultatu sredstev Raziskovalnega sklada za premog in jeklo.
Net revenue which may be used to finance research projects corresponds to the annual net result of the ECSC in liquidation and subsequently, when liquidation has been completed, to the annual net result of the Assets of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0076
Čisti prihodek, ki je na voljo za financiranje raziskovalnih projektov za leto n + 2, se evidentira v bilanci stanja ESPJ v likvidaciji za leto n, po zaključeni likvidaciji pa v bilanci stanja sredstev Raziskovalnega sklada za premog in jeklo.
Net revenue available to finance research projects for year n+2 shall be recorded in the balance sheet of the ECSC in liquidation of year n and, on completion of the liquidation, in the balance sheet of the Assets of the Research Fund for Coal and Steel.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0034
"čisti prihodek od prodaje" obsega zneske, izhajajoče iz prodaje proizvodov in opravljanja storitev, ki sodijo pod redne dejavnosti podjetja, po odbitku prodajnih popustov in davka na dodano vrednost ter drugih davkov, neposredno povezanih s prometom;
"net turnover" shall comprise the amounts derived from the sale of products and the provision of services falling within the undertaking's ordinary activities, after deduction of sales rebates and of value added tax and other taxes directly linked to the turnover;
34 Prevajalska redakcija
Med začetnim obdobjem, potrebnim za osamosvojitev Podjetja, ki pa ne sme biti daljše od desetih let od začetka njegove komercialne proizvodnje, oprosti skupščina Podjetje plačil iz prvega odstavka in mu prepusti ves čisti prihodek za njegovo rezervo.
During an initial period required for the enterprise to become self-supporting, which shall not exceed 10 years from the commencement of commercial production by it, the Assembly shall exempt the enterprise from the payments referred to in paragraph 1, and shall leave all of the net income of the enterprise in its reserves.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Čista naložba v najem je kosmata naložba v najem, zmanjšana za nezasluženi finančni prihodek.
Net investment in the lease is the gross investment in the lease less unearned finance income.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0052
za podjetja, katerih letni čisti prihodek ni dosegel vsote 40 milijonov evrov v dveh finančnih letih pred tistim, ko uživa posebno ali izključno pravico, ki jo podeli država članica skladno s členom 86(1) Pogodbe, ali ko je pooblaščeno za opravljanje storitev splošnega gospodarskega pomena skladno s členom 86(2) Pogodbe;
to undertakings whose total annual net turnover over the period of the two financial years preceding any given year in which it enjoys a special or exclusive right granted by a Member State pursuant to Article 86(1) of the Treaty, or in which it is entrusted with the operation of a service of general economic interest pursuant to Article 86(2) of the Treaty is less than EUR 40 million;
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Odmerjeni in odloženi davek se pripozna kot prihodek ali kot odhodek ter se vključi v čisti poslovni izid v obdobju, razen kolikor se davek pojavi iz:
Current and deferred tax should be recognised as income or an expense and included in the net profit or loss for the period, except to the extent that the tax arises from:
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986L0635
Države članice lahko dovolijo medsebojno izravnavo odhodkov in prihodkov, zajetih v teh postavkah, tako da se prikaže samo čista postavka (prihodek ali odhodek).
The Member States may permit the charges and income covered by these items to be set off against each other, so that only a net item (income or charge) is shown.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Odhodek za davek (prihodek od davka) je celotni znesek, ki je vključen v ugotavljanje čistega poslovnega izida v posameznem obdobju glede na odmerjeni davek in odloženi davek.
Tax expense (tax income) is the aggregate amount included in the determination of net profit or loss for the period in respect of current tax and deferred tax.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1670
Za podjetja iz oddelka 3 Priloge 7 k Uredbi (ES, Euratom) št. 58/97 se vrednost proizvodnje opredeli kakor prihodek od prodaje,minus plačljive zavarovalne premije, plus prihodek od naložb, plus drugi prihodki, plus terjatve za zavarovalne odškodnine, minus skupni izdatki za pokojnine, minus sprememba čistih zavarovalno-tehničnih rezervacij.
For the enterprises defined in section 3 of Annex 7 to Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 58/97, the production value is defined as turnover less insurance premiums payable, plus investment income, plus other income, plus insurance claims receivable, less total expenditure on pensions, less net change in technical provisions.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Tečajne razlike, ki se pojavijo pri denarni postavki, ki je po svojem bistvu del čiste finančne naložbe podjetja v tuje podjetje, je treba v računovodskih izkazih podjetja razvrstiti kot kapital do odtujitve čiste finančne naložbe, ko se morajo pripoznati kot prihodek ali odhodek, v skladu z odstavkom 37.
Exchange differences arising on a monetary item that, in substance, forms part of an enterprise's net investment in a foreign entity should be classified as equity in the enterprise's financial statements until the disposal of the net investment, at which time they should be recognised as income or as expenses in accordance with paragraph 37.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
je treba nabrane tečajne razlike, ki se nanašajo na prevedbe računovodskih izkazov podjetij v tujini, še naprej razvrščati med kapital in pripoznati kot prihodek ali odhodek šele ob odtujitvi čiste naložbe v podjetje v tujini;
cumulative exchange differences relating to the translation of financial statements of foreign entities should continue to be classified as equity and should be recognised as income or expense only on the disposal of the net investment in the foreign entity;
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Tečajne razlike, ki se pojavijo pri obveznosti v tuji valuti, obračunani kot varovanje čiste finančne naložbe podjetja v tuje podjetje pred tveganjem, se v računovodskih izkazih podjetja obravnavajo kot kapital do odtujitve čiste finančne naložbe, ko jih je treba pripoznati kot prihodek ali odhodek, v skladu z odstavkom 37.
Exchange differences arising on a foreign currency liability accounted for as a hedge of an enterprise's net investment in a foreign entity should be classified as equity in the enterprise's financial statements until the disposal of the net investment, at which time they should be recognised as income or as expenses in accordance with paragraph 37.
44 Prevajalska redakcija
Vsak morebitni čisti dobiček ali izguba ECB, denarni prihodek NCB, prihodek ECB od izdajanja bankovcev, obrestovanje terjatev NCB, ki ustrezajo sredstvom deviznih rezerv, prenesenim na ECB, in obrestovanje saldov znotraj Eurosistema iz naslova eurobankovcev v obtoku, ki se nanašajo na poslovno leto 2003, se razporedijo in razdelijo v skladu s ponderji v kapitalskem ključu, ki se uporabljajo na 31. december 2003.
Each of the ECB's net profits or losses (if any), the NCBs' monetary income, the ECB's seigniorage income, the remuneration on the NCBs' claims equivalent to the foreign reserve assets transferred to the ECB and the remuneration on the intra-Eurosystem balances on euro banknotes in circulation, in relation to the financial year 2003 shall be allocated and distributed in accordance with the capital key weightings applicable on 31 December 2003.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
Komisija je menila, da so elementi te postavke, ki so vključevali določen prihodek od dejavnosti izposoje avtomobilov, izhajali iz prodaje proizvodov in opravljanja storitev podjetja Wagon- Lits ter so bili del njihovih rednih dejavnosti. 2. "Čisti" promet 18.
The Commission considered that the components of this item which included certain income from its car-hire activities were derived from the sale of products and the provision of services by Wagons-Lits and were part of its ordinary activities.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Tako se v skupinskih računovodskih izkazih poročajočega podjetja takšna tečajna razlika še nadalje pripoznava kot prihodek ali odhodek ali - če izhaja iz okoliščin, opisanih v odstavkih 17 in 19 - razvršča kot kapital do odtujitve čiste finančne naložbe.
Accordingly, in the consolidated financial statements of the reporting enterprise, such an exchange difference continues to be recognised as income or an expense or, if it arises from the circumstances described in paragraphs 17 and 19, it is classified as equity until the disposal of the net investment.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Dobički ali izgube, ki izhajajo iz odstranitve ali odtujitve posameznega opredmetenega osnovnega sredstva, se ugotovijo kot razlika med ocenjenim čistim izkupičkom ob odtujitvi in knjigovodsko vrednostjo sredstva ter se morajo pripoznati v izkazu poslovnega izida (uspeha) kot prihodek ali odhodek.
Gains or losses arising from the retirement or disposal of an item of property, plant and equipment should be determined as the difference between the estimated net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset and should be recognised as income or expense in the income statement.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Pri merjenju svoje obveznosti za določene zaslužke po odstavku 54 podjetje v skladu z odstavkom 58A pripozna del (določen v odstavku 93) svojih aktuarskih dobičkov in izgub kot prihodek ali odhodek, če čisti nabrani nepripoznani aktuarski dobički in izgube na koncu prejšnjega poročevalnega obdobja presegajo večjo od naslednjih velikosti:
In measuring its defined benefit liability under paragraph 54, an enterprise should, subject to paragraph 58A, recognise a portion (as specified in paragraph 93) of its actuarial gains and losses as income or expense if the net cumulative unrecognised actuarial gains and losses at the end of the previous reporting period exceeded the greater of:
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Državna podpora, ki jo podjetje dobi kot nadomestilo za že nastale odhodke ali izgube ali pa kot takojšnjo pomoč, s katero niso povezani nobeni dodatni stroški, se pripozna kot prihodek v izkazu poslovnega izida (uspeha) tistega obdobja, v katerem jo podjetje dobi, in to kot izredno postavko, če je primerno (glej MRS 8 - Čisti poslovni izid v obdobju, bistvene napake in spremembe računovodskih usmeritev).
A government grant that becomes receivable as compensation for expenses or losses already incurred or for the purpose of giving immediate financial support to the enterprise with no future related costs should be recognised as income of the period in which it becomes receivable, as an extraordinary item if appropriate (see IAS 8, net profit or loss for the period, fundamental errors and changes in accounting policies).
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čisti prihodek